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Things For Your Consideration As We Close The Cycle...

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posted on May, 15 2011 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by Universal Light
reply to post by mysticnoon

I feel that the perspective's of Free Will are too limited and not being understood from a Cosmic perspective.

A quick history lesson.

The civilization where the tides turned was Atlantis. Humanity was at its all time peak. They had combined spirituality and technology in a perfect blend to form technospirituality. As this progressed, the interest in technology began to rise a little more and the interest in spirituality a little less. Eventually, humanity made a deal contract with "aliens" (higher density negatively oriented entities). The deal was supremely advanced technology for humanity's Free Will. It was made much more attractive and unknowing of the reprecussions. This was the beginning of the end so to speak.

So you see, you are right, your Free Will has been a decpetion. Free Will has been binding. And it is the complete fault of humanity. They have had to suffer the karma that is attached with sumbiting your Free Will for material. It is not a small price to pay. It is the reason that society has become this. It is the reason everything is controlled. This was never the design, but that is the experiment that has been Free Will. Everything goes. Like I said in the above post, most planets are not Free Will zones. That's why Earth is such a battle ground.

It is also the exact reason that there has been "interfernce" from the positive side. It is why there are millions of Wanders, Starseeds, etc. currently incarnated on the planet. It is why the cycle is closing.

It is time for Mother Earth to shed this incredibly dense negative energy and emerge as the true being she was always meant to be.

I have to say I don't at all agree with your history of Atlantis, or humanity, for that matter. I was given what really amounts to a DSL connection to the human racial unconscious after a shaman journey about 12 years ago. It took a while for things to start filtering thru but for the last 8 or so years, the picture of humanity, it's history and earth's history and well, the history of all the aliens who've died and ended up in human bodies as well has gotten pretty filled out for me.

Your history totally leaves out all the aliens that were here when Atlantis went down. In fact, it was the E-l*th (we mispronounce the name and say Elves) who first found and terra-formed this world, long before humanity was brought into sentience by the greys. The greys, however, never intended to create a species; they were just using a local (at the time) semi-sentient race to store those spirits of theirs who were refusing to reincarnate into grey bodies. They were trying to figure out how to stop their workers from avoiding reincarnating, plus the problem was escalating; it had gotten to the point where some of the workers were just laying down and not moving until they died. The grey leadership were worried that they might be headed for extinction.

So, they amped up this semi-sentient species' body type to suck spirits in so they could get those reluctant spirits back into bodies and back to work until they got it all figured out. And they didn't really think about the reprocussions of all the alien spirits that would get sucked into the human bodies either. That's been one of the biggest reasons humanity is so different from any other alien species. No other species would ever allow an alien spirit to reincarnate into their bodies. They have guards against it for the most part.

Anyway, since the greys needed to have workers who could think since they couldn't connect to the grey's hive mind, they ended up tweaking the bodies into sentience, in the process. But humanity, even then, was curious to an extreme and often would get into and mess with stuff, and the greys weren't really able to stop them. So they brought the Jue-sah here, an alien species that had a reputation for dealing with 'local' problems; kinda like the rat catchers of the galactic community, with the agreement that when they were finished with humanity, they would give the ownership of us over to the Jue-sah. The greys made them promise not to be so abusive to us.. more just babysit us so we wouldn't get into things, and the Jue-sah (probably with their fingers crossed behind their back) agreed.

Near the beginning of their time here, the overarching sentience of the human racial unconscious made a deal with the Jue-sah... seemed like a fools bet at the time, I am sure. The deal was enslave 80% of humanity by 2012 (or the equivalent time frame by their records) and there would be no karma due for anything done in the service of that goal. Fail and all the karma would come due at the end of the contract, and they would have to go back in time and do it again. I don't think the Jue-sah even asked why the over arching sentience of humanity would make what seemed such a ridiculous deal; so badly did they want a servant species of their own. And after the greys got thru manipulating our genetics in their effort to make the human bodies meet their needs for storing their little grey spirits, we were even less powerful in using energy than the pretty weak Jue-sah were, and that suited them just fine.

But our racial unconscious knew that we would need to be ready to make the shift into our spirit/light bodies around the same time the contract ended (which is why it's set to end then) and if we didn't have something to fight against and struggle with, we would have simply sat around doing nothing, and missed the opportunity the higher frequencies in this section of space presented for making full enlightenment. It is a goal of the universal consciousness that we humans do. We will be a species unlike any other but with all the abilities of all the others once we make that shift. WE will be the species who can push thru to birth a new universe with it's big bang. A multi-billion year reproductive cycle, it seems, for universes. *lol*

So the root of all 'evil' really is the Jue-sah and their efforts to prevent us from making enlightenment and escaping their grasp along with their horrid genocidal plans for the majority of humanity. They are by now quite anti-human, which puts them at direct odds with the universal consciousness who wants us to carry out it's reproductive imperative. The Jue-sah don't stand a chance. They will fail to meet the contract's specifications and the E-l*th are more than happy to return to assist humanity in getting them off the planet and back in time to do it again. So what you are feeling is the combination of the elves returning and bringing a lot of powerful 'light' (but really pro-human) energy with them, as well as the rising energy field as we move into this area of space.

Once the Jue-sah are exposed for the vicious, murdering and greedy abusers they are and then sent back in time, you will see humanity do an about face. Since the Jue-sah and their flunkies have gotten filthy rich over the millenia, too many humans think that stomping on your enemy's face and grinding your heel in, is the way to get ahead, and so they are emulating that behavior although without the attendant success. Once humanity realizes that the Jue-sah have their karma held in abeyance, things will start to make a lot more sense to people who would otherwise have chosen a darker path, thinking it was the only way to 'succeed'. Even success will be redefined with the Jue-sah gone. They've been spinning and manipulating us since the beginning so it seems as if all of humanity is 'bad'. But actually we would have been much better without the Jue-sah influence, albeit still likely to argue about what is 'true' and 'right' since there are so many alien species spirits here in human bodies, and each species has it's own ideas about those values.

So there was never any inherent evil in humanity, and when we break free of this box over our heads, it will all seem so clear. I think many might even wonder how they could have let themselves be so fooled. But with the box over your head, it isn't so hard to understand at all, and most people will probably be able to not be too hard on themselves for missing what in retrospect is so obvious.

And Atlantis wasn't a human city btw. It was an Elven city, but it actually was very large and cosmopolitan, with many different peoples and species passing thru since this was the jumping off point for the next galaxy on the energy pathways of which the 'star gates' are a part. The technology was pretty much pure 'magic' aka energy working, with the city being powered by a number of very large crystals attached to the center of the planet. That's why it's been so hard to 'find'. There really wasn't much actual building; it was composed of pure formed energy, for the most part. My dragon and I came here once, before it went down. I remember flying over it. It was mind numbingly beautiful.

edit on 15-5-2011 by DragonriderGal because: Spelling

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 06:55 PM
So, no reply??

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Some parts I would agree with you, such as the advanced technology and crystal use. Others I wouldn't.

Exactly 0% of humanity (by soul that is) are true humans. Everyone is an alien.

The greys are a soulless creation by a higher specie of being. They are the minions so to speak.

No worries though, the truth will be known soon enough. The Veil is lifting.

BTW I was more in reference to Atlantis as a time period as opposed to a geographical location.

The history of the planet is no matter in this moment. What does matter is the history we are going to make, the new chapter we are going to write. So my question is, where do you fit into all of this? Why did you come back?

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Sorry I don't frequent my computer as much as I used to. There are bigger things at hand as we close the cycle.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by Universal Light
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Some parts I would agree with you, such as the advanced technology and crystal use. Others I wouldn't.

Exactly 0% of humanity (by soul that is) are true humans. Everyone is an alien.

The greys are a soulless creation by a higher specie of being. They are the minions so to speak.

No worries though, the truth will be known soon enough. The Veil is lifting.

BTW I was more in reference to Atlantis as a time period as opposed to a geographical location.

The history of the planet is no matter in this moment. What does matter is the history we are going to make, the new chapter we are going to write. So my question is, where do you fit into all of this? Why did you come back?

Thanks for the apology for your delay to answer.. much appreciated!

After a bonafied shaman's journey, I got hooked up to the racial unconscious where I'm seeing all this stuff. Where are you getting your information? If it's from the spirit realm, (just sort of coming to you, or whispered into your mind) there's a good chance you're getting some 'altered' information, especially since it sets you up to see the greys as enemies. That's a dead giveaway.

It's very clear in the racial unconscious (where there are a LOT of ex-grey spirits now in human bodies) that the greys aren't soulless, nor are they mindless minions. The greys were the ones who hired the Jue-sah, so originally these yahoos worked for them. The greys are a pretty timid race though, and the Jue-sah have been able to bullying them around and get them to do things for them that they'd prefer not to do.

Also, I think you are confusing the bot things that both the Blues and the Jue-sah have made which resemble (vaguely) the greys, which are out and about doing bad things for them. Now those bots are, indeed, soulless and full-on minions. And It is an intentional deception. Both species want us humans to blame and go after the greys for the abuse and misuse that both groups are perpetrating on us, while they make a clean getaway. So please, don't blame the greys for any of this, other than, yah, they did bring the Jue-sah here originally.

And the Blues followed the Jue-sah here to try to finish their 'revenge' war. Since the Jue-sah tend to reincarnate as jews, and the blues as arabs, you can see why that area of the world is so troubled. From the blue's side of it, it is a hatred that will not stop until every single last Jue-sah is dead. And the Jue-sah aren't far behind in their hatred of the Blues. That is why the Jue-sah via the NWO bunch has dragged America into their stupid middle eastern war. That is the deepest reason for us fighting for them in the middle east, even beyond the oil thing. Our help gives the Jue-sah a serious power up position. But the Blues helped the arabs discover oil, and nowadays, the balance of power there is pretty unpredictable, as you know.

And yes, there are 'true' humans. They were the spirits that were growing in the semi-sentient species who's bodies the greys used to create a temporary holding 'body' that they could use to put their unwilling grey spirits into (to get some work out of them) until they could figure out some way to get them to reincarnate into grey bodies again. They are now those who tend to reincarnate as black people. So actually there are quite a few of them. Of course, no group of humans is purely one spirit origin. Sometimes ex-elves (correctly pronounced E-l*th) reincarnate as native Americans who tend to be from the Star-people, or maybe an ex-grey who tends to reincarnate as an Asian will reincarnate in the Caucasian genotype although typically that is the elven preference, that sort of thing.

And what am I doing here? I'm here, obviously, to set the record straight. The overarching sentience of humanity knows humans need to know the real history, which you will NEVER get from any source on this planet that isn't as well protected as the racial unconscious (the Jue-sah, being alien can't get in there to screw with the information via the various memories), and that includes any written documents or stone writings or even information from the spirit/psychic realm. ALL of those sources have been compromised and have been and still are being manipulated by the Jue-sah and their flunkies who have a LOT to lose if they fail to enslave us by 2012. Of course the blues and indigos are doing their best to influence us from that level too.

The msg I've gotten from the overarching sentience??? I'm here to tell you "Don't hate on the Greys. Don't hate on the E-l*th when they start digging the Jue-sah out of their hidy holes" ala revelations style (Jue-sah/Jew's tribulation, not ours), but most importantly, to tell people that it is ONLY self healing that is important right now. Let the world deal with itself, while you heal yourself from all the damage caused by being raised in a world manipulated and controlled by the heavy and heartless hand of the Jue-sah and their human flunkies who's current face is the NWO bunch.

And it is quite true.. heal yourself and you heal the world. It is the ONLY way. All the rest of the things are being fed us to distract and keep us from it. Sure it sounds noble to save the starving children in where ever they're starving this month, or stop evil dictators from running slipshod over their people, but none of it is our business. The only thing anyone really needs to do (and actually really can do) is heal themselves so they can love and accept themselves fully and unreservedly and know who they truly are. Those things are critical for making the shift into our spirit/light body which is the major event humanity is heading for. If you have dark spots (emotional wounds, self-hatred, fear of not being good enough, all that kind of stuff), making the shift is going to be a lot more difficult, and from what I can see, also much more painful.

And I'm also here to remind people to manifest. manifest, manifest a bright and powerful future for humanity. It IS coming, but we can help it get here a lot sooner, if we don't let the NWO bunch manipulate us into fearing and focusing on what they want manifested (the doom and destruction of earth and mankind) instead.

I'm also here to share with people what I see about any 'religion' being a control tool created and used by those yahoos to manipulate us out of our anger, so we wouldn't keep rebelling and killing them. It mostly works, but ultimately, denying one's full range of emotions (anger included) can cause those emotions to come out all sideways and it ends up being far worse than if they had been allowed expression in normal healthy ways, and the Jue-sah have been on the receiving end of that more than once.

So they're the ones fobbing 'love and only love is the only way to god' type tripe. And they always have been; again because what dictator wouldn't love a population full of people who won't lift a finger to save themselves? That is the only reason all the religions have that focus... in fact that's one way to tell the NWO/Jue-sah wrote it. It is their primary control tool.

And history always matters. Don't they say those who forget history are doomed to repeat it?? History is the information we use to understand who we are now, as well as how we understand what is happening in the world around us and it very much colors how we'll see the possible futures. If the version we know is screwy and manipulated, full of lies and misdirection, we're going to have a heck of a hard time steering our course thru this coming experience of enlightenment, eh??
edit on 19-5-2011 by DragonriderGal because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 12:14 AM
Hello, Universal Light! I can feel you through this screen; I can feel your strong spirituality.

I'm an older lady and not very good with computers; I can operate them, but have some difficulty with anything above just the basics. I did not even realize until a few months ago, that ATS had more than one page! That explains how I missed this lovely, lovely thread...back when you started it. But that's okay, I found it now.

I've been told many times in my life that I am a very spiritual person. I have never felt that I belonged here; I have had many dark nights of the soul, wondering just why I was here and what was the point? I have "argued" with God, asking for clarification, asking for answers as to why I was here. I have "argued" with God that I thought I could be much more useful elsewhere, that I didn't feel useful here, so why was I still here, etc. I began a spiritual search in my twenties, but it was a hit and miss thing, since one must work, raise their family, follow through with the responsibilities of life. The spiritual search was begun because I just could not buy into what "my Church" taught. I had questions: If God is love, imo, how could there be a Hell? What Father would condemn his children to such a thing? And we only get one lifetime to get it right, or we're condemned? And since male/female is found throughout all of nature, and we were created in HIS image, whose image were we females created in? (many other questions, too). I eventually came to the belief that there is no Hell, I do believe in reincarnation, and I believe God is either a mixed female/male or there is also a Mother Goddess.

A year or so ago, I came across information concerning 2012, ascension, harvest, Mayan prophecy, Native American prophecy, etc. I'm not sure that I buy into it 100%, but a lot of it makes sense. If nothing else, I now do make special efforts to send out light and love. Whether I buy into it or not, it certainly cannot hurt anything sending out light and love.

I, too, cannot read too much doom and gloom stuff--it just takes me to a very negative place. I seem to be able to handle small doses of it, however.

The hardest thing for me, and I'm still working on it, is forgiving myself. Forgiving others has never been difficult for me. I seem to have a lot of compassion for others, but expect more of myself, have a higher standard for myself. Slowly, but surely, though I do think I am making progress--trying to practice the same compassion and kindness I feel for others onto myself. My other area of weakness is anger. I do not stay angry for any length of time, as long as I express it. While I don't lose my temper as frequently as I did in my younger days, I still am not where I want to be in that respect.

I noticed you said you're not online as much anymore. I will check back on this thread from time-to-time, hoping you or others share more.

This is such an uplifting thread!! Thank you for making my day.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 12:47 AM
Well, seems I missed this wonderful post somehow for quite a few months...

Just wanted to say thanks for sharing, and I look forward to what comes next

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 03:16 AM
Thanks for the last couple posts!

I have a busy couple days upcoming but I will reply to all of this!

Just taking a quick look around, things sure are wild eh?

It won't be long now until the light show....

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by Universal Light
Thanks for the last couple posts!

I have a busy couple days upcoming but I will reply to all of this!

Just taking a quick look around, things sure are wild eh?

It won't be long now until the light show....


posted on May, 28 2011 @ 07:51 PM
I thoroughly enjoyed your post, thanks for the words of insight. I was wondering if you could perhaps PM some meditation techniques, and other things I can do to better prepare spiritually. The only type of meditation I've done thus far is Vipasanna meditation (which is focused more on your breathing I believe) and have virtually no spiritual teachings that haven't come from the internet

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by DragonriderGal

Originally posted by Universal Light
Thanks for the last couple posts!

I have a busy couple days upcoming but I will reply to all of this!

Just taking a quick look around, things sure are wild eh?

It won't be long now until the light show....


STILL waiting for your response, Universal Light.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

I know that U.L. is out on a journey, and knowing him I am sure
he will be back and answer your questions as lovingly as always.

So just have a little patience my dear friend

Best hopes and wishes

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by laffoe
reply to post by DragonriderGal

I know that U.L. is out on a journey, and knowing him I am sure
he will be back and answer your questions as lovingly as always.

So just have a little patience my dear friend

Best hopes and wishes

Thanks for the update, laffoe. A brief note from him would have been nice too, eh?

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

You are welcome my friend.
Interesting posts you've made... will look into them

Don't think he has access to internet.
But I know him real good and know he's a man of love and honor,
so he'll surely reply.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by laffoe
reply to post by DragonriderGal

You are welcome my friend.
Interesting posts you've made... will look into them

Don't think he has access to internet.
But I know him real good and know he's a man of love and honor,
so he'll surely reply.

Ok.. I'll take your word for it then, since you seem to know him better than I.

I'm always glad to have someone consider what I've said. The history I see in the racial unconscious makes so much more sense than the slap-dash version the NWO bunch has been tossing around. So if you have a question, feel free to ask.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by Universal Light

There are not many posts on ATS I copy and paste and place in my articles folder, but this is one of them.

Thank you for sharing a very enlightening post.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by Universal Light
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Out? Yeah unquestionably.

I came here for the mission as did so many others. To use the term Servant of the Divine Plan would be appropriate but I did not coin that. I am here for my love of the Creator and the individuation of its parts. This event is happening on such a Cosmic level. It is being watched, heard, and loved by many outside of the planet.

Personally, I am old, and I do have a home. It is certainly not here. This place feels so foreign to me. The fact that I cannot fathom how people treat others like they do here reminds me of how I do actually know life to function at home.

So there is an out point for certain. What happens after that is to be determined. What I can say is that if I need to perform similar missions a hundred times over before returning home, it would not only be a duty but an honor to serve the whole. My love goes beyond unconditional.

Jesus vanishing up in a cloud.......well, you are not as far off as one may think.

First, your OP was beautiful and very much appreciated. Second, thank you for your service. I know you will cherish your journey home!

I AM told I will be sticking around on some clean-up duty.

Regards and Nameste,


posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by Habit4ming

Hi there!

It's amazing that you opened with that sentence. I too can feel everyone's energy through the computer screen. It's always been as if I can look through my computer and come out looking through their computer and into their eyes. And I will say there is quite the soft and love based energy emanating from you.

I too went through many difficult questions growing up. Once my awakening process began, I was quick to learn that the more you know, the less you really know. But my thirst for knowledge has always been insatiable. So I began to research as much as I meditated and crossed the two to the best of my abilities to come up with the closest possible represenstation of the truth. Nothing holds 100% accuracy here. The idea is not to own the truth but to merge into part of it. As time passes concepts no longer seem to resonate, new ones do, and one changes their paradigm. That is the beautiful part of this training ground.

I am very much like you in the sense of forgiveness of self. I have always expected perfection of the things that I do, even as a small child, and would not let things go that I failed upon. But there is no failure, only lessons, and eventually, to become as light as possible one has to release all dense energy. It takes work but anyone can get there.

Glad you enjoyed the read and all my best!

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Hi there. I am going to leave it as we both have different opinions of what has happened and that is perfectly fine. I think if you truly want to get your information out there, your own thread for it may serve better as to garner a full discussion on it. If there already is a thread about it, would you mind linking it up? I would love to read the discussion on it. The truth is what is ahead of us is far more important that what is behind us. It is merging our future selves with our present selves that will yield amazing results.

Where I am getting my knowledge from is wide spread. It is not just from one source but from many, many sources. I have spent a great deal of time putting together my knowledge. I will merely say that I am from a place that is very far away and that I have been given small windows through the Veil that have given me opportunities to see things others have not. Words are not whispered to me and I do not channel in any sort. That is certainly an area where mass distortion can come into place.

A couple of points to make about the rest of your post:

Don't hate the grey's. I totally agree. Don't hate on anything. Everything is made of consciousness so if we are all made of the same thing, are you going to hate yourself too?

Heal yourself and you will heal the world. I also agree whole heartedly with this. As far as I am concerned, a big reason why so many of my kind of come here is to heal from the inside out. This is a Free Will zone and thus everything goes. A Creator can't change things from the outside in because it doesn't like what is happening, it must come from within. The number one rule of teamwork is help yourself before you begin to help others. Putting yourself in a legitimate position allows one to service the whole better.

Not everyone is in a spriitual position to manifest properly. If some humans manifested their every thought, things would be even more messed up than they already are. One must be practiced in manifestation before going at it freely. Of course that just my two pennies.


No matter what ends up being the truth, it is not long before we are all to find out. Personally, I cannot wait. It will be historic.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by inval

Thanks for your kind words.

I'm glad you got to see the post at some point, better than not at all. I also share your exuberance for the future.

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