posted on Mar, 18 2003 @ 09:44 PM
i heard through news the incubation period was 7-9 days .. what are your figures ? Posted by Karl Malarious
To my understanding, if you were to make a highly contagious and easily transmissible bioweapon, you dont want it to be too effective or fast
acting, otherwise your victims would die before they had a chance to pass it on to the rest of the enemy population. An asymtomatic incubation period
of about 5-7 days, while still being contageous, would be about optimum for a bioweapon.
This appears to be borne out by reports. This disease appears to have been transmitted by the carrier during the incubation period, before symptoms
While we are talking about it, I am noticing that the vast majority of these cases seem to revolve around airports... it has long been my worst fear
that a truly effective bioweapon release would likely be released at a major international airport. If a highly contageous, airborn disease were to be
released in the air vents at say Dulles or HartsField or DFW (the busiest airports in the world) with a 5-7 incubation period, by the time first
symptoms show up, it would easily have spread world wide, and might well be unstoppable...