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You believe but,...........does your better half?

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posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 07:24 AM
For my my entire life I have been a believer that we aren't alone starting from the time that I started watching classic movies such as "ET" and "Star Wars" at a very ripe young age. I didn't start my deeply vetted research until my teens, which at that time I was limited to books and magazines and the Internet was only an idea deep within Vice President Gores' mind.

I can't recall ever dating a girl that found an interest in the belief that we aren't alone and now that I am married I have had a very difficult time engaging in supportive or even attentive conversation towards this subject. The frustrating part of all this is that getting her to believe in EBE or UFO's has become easier than getting support for my belief that we are in deep trouble as a nation and as family units I.E. survival, depopulation, environmental hazards so on and so fourth.

The problem is that if its not televised on mainstream media then it doesn't exist in her mind. Sitting down and watching "Conspiracy Theory" or "Ancient Aliens" is a dirty look and a days worth of harassment. So in turn when its in my and our best interest as a family that I take care of them for better or worse, when the SHTF or whatever environmental catastrophes are to come I receive very little support for my urgency, my need to protect, my deep concern for their well being. Instead I get "your overreacting", and my cup is half full. And recently when I have read about warnings pertaining to dates and times and I force us to prep with food and water; nothing happens. Cry wolf, shoot myself in the foot, place foot in mouth. What now I ask?

How is a man or woman suppose to get support from their better half when he or she listens to warnings, prepares or reacts and continually lately nothing has turned up. Nothing has happened like our warnings tell us. If I had the support I would buy a years worth of food storage for my entire family; but $6,000 spent for an event that could very well never happen and I haven't scored any "I told you so" points in a very long time.

Whats a husband/father to do?

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by minigunner

Dear Minigunner,
I can totally relate and sympathise. My Mrs. thinks i'm insane and laughs at my whole research and anything I comment about. She thinks the Sumerians were taking the piss and nothing is out there.

She did however buy me a telescope for Christmas, but I think that's just to get me out of her hair.

I don't think there is anything you can do buddy... just keep at it, or keep at it while buying her shoes and handbags.. bribery might work *wink*.


posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by minigunner

I feel for ya. My advice to you would be the following.
Prepare for whatever may be coming with as much secrecy as possible. Food stores, water, 1st aid supplies, guns and ammo etc. You don't need to buy everything at once, Little by little will do just fine. (It's easier to keep smaller amounts a secret from everyone, neighbors included.) I suggest you invest in small amounts of gold and or silver. When the dollar is worthless this will be the currency you need to get more supplies. When the SHTF and you are stocked up, your wife may change her attitude.

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 07:49 AM
I wouldn't put any emphasis on a specific date, I'd just be as prepared as possible for anything, at anytime. That way you're not screwed when whatever event does happen, and you won't look like a loon when the poles don't flip on the eclipse. I feel your pain man.

I am not a husband but I do have this same problem with my family. Now with all these birds and fish dying I know somethings got to be going down, but unfortunately these people don't #ing care or believe it until a missile is heading towards their roof or the sky is falling. Good for you for attempting to protect your family, but stay away from the dates. A lot of them from this website are from some girls dreams that then get posted with some urgent headline.

Every date that comes and goes without anything happening is just another time she'll look at you weirdly and doubt your judgement. If there's one thing I've learned trying to wake up my family, its that this stuff can't just be accepted at first. Lay out the FACTS, [ not predictions ] and the past events that lead you to believe why these things may happen in the future, and be as polite as possible and patient. At first they will laugh, then they will deny, then they will question it, then its up to them. As the saying goes, the truth is not disclosed, but realized. You can tell her all you want what you think might happen, but the second that she understands it, and realizes it is the second that she will take action.

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 07:52 AM
Completely agree! I have leveled off of taking drastic steps and have developed a more streamline, not so aggressive which has been more effective. I know the day will come that I will say I told you so, my only fear is that it may be too late if I can't get enough done before that happens.

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by iversusvsversusi

Well put!

I agree with you all the way. A friend once told me, "Don't Sweat the Small $h!t"

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 08:10 AM
I am in exactly the same situation, my wife is not to keen on me even being here on ATS. I am also convinced that very soon there will be a time where all of us will have lots of problems feeding our family's and protecting them. But when I talk to my wife about simple preparations she just laughs it off as me being paranoid.

We have never seen a grocerystore running empty where I live, so she reasons that there is no need to keep food for more then 2 days in the house and I cant get her to change her policy's on that. Whenever I go out for groceries I spend about 20% of my budget on longlasting foods... Even though she happily uses it whenever she doesn't want to go out for food, she'l always ridicule me for this...

In the end I have given up on stocking up on foods and instead I have picked up where I left off when I was young, polishing my survivalskills... I am happy to say that when the SHTF, I'll at least be able to go out in a random forest and, with nothing more then a knife, gather a nutritional meal for my family... Learning to use naturally occuring materials to build shelter, traps and fishing-nets might someday come in handy... I also study up on plants, being able to recognize eatible plants from poisonous plants sounds like a helpfull skill in the most dire of circumstance. The final thing I REALLY want to learn is natural medicine, as in being able to use plants for fighting off infections and such.

I believe the only change ATS has realized for me is that I am aware of the need to be self-reliant, and I mean that literally... our spouses wont help us, they'll be needing OUR help though when the time comes. And I REALLY want to be able to provide in a SHTF scenario
edit on 5/1/2011 by faceoff85 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by minigunner

I can empathise with you as I have had this from past partners. I have for as long as I can remember been a "be prepared guy" unlike others that I dated. My 'life partner' of 13 years supports my theories and listens well. We now have threee kids and our families survival is paramount. My approach was tactful though. I started small, building up a line of high quality military backpacks and filling them slowely with water purifying gear, cooking stuff and lighting which I used on outings at night to get all familiar with the gear and see how useful it was. Then I advanced to quality low weight shelter and sleeping gear and took the kids camping to use it (which they loved). Then I started stocking up the food resources and water slowely. I used the reasoning that it was for cyclones/wet season reserves. Now when we go shopping she expects me to throw some extra can stuff into the trolley for my collection. In fact when we run out she comes to me first now -"you got any of....." - Love it and happily provide but ask that she replaces it when she shops next (which she does). We don't discuss the scenarios much that could happen as it is in both our eyes a bit negative but we discuss that it is good to be prepared for the worst. As an Australian we get a lot of bad weather issues so the worst could be anything....

It's important to intro slowly and keep positive...

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 09:00 AM
Well Minigunner, I'm there with ya. I get the same looks and harassment when watching Ancient Aliens, or End of the World shows. Or whenever I bring up conversation about things that might happen. Mine has horse blinders on to anything non mainstream. It's tough to deal with thats for sure. I dont ever prepare for a set date, in fact, I dont even tell my other half about the dates or stuff like that. I just buy a few small things, and store them each pay period. She doesnt even know that I am buying all this stuff most of the time. She doesnt even know that Im a member on ATS. Point is, this is a battle that you probably wont win in short of some disaster happening right in her face. My woman knows that I have a grab and go, and guns and ammo. Easy cover since I am prior military, and an avid shooter. I told her that its always good to have a back up plan in case things go bad, but she hasnt seen the major cache yet. And the only way she ever will is when something really bad happens, so actually, in reality, I hope she, or the kids never have to see that stuff, or have to live with it. I almost envy her bliss with everything. I would rather not have her head filled with the stuff that keeps us up at night, so she can enjoy her life with out having the constant dread of something major happening. I say, leave that stuff for me to worry about. I have her in training and she doesnt even know it. Every time we go camping or hiking I always purposely forget something, and see if she can come up with an alternative to what we are missing. Little things like this can help for later dates. Remember, some things arent meant to be, and sometimes its not so bad when you take a step back and look at it. Besides when we watch those shows on TV we come right to ATS to talk about it with like minded people anyway.

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 11:37 AM
I feel really lucky. My husband believes as I do, that we don't know what's coming, but something is. It could be anything, he's a truck driver on the road all the time, so he tells me to keep collecting non perishable food and toilet paper (you'll miss it if it isn't there). He collects hand tools, in case of no electricity, we stay away from the big cities, unless we're shopping for extras. The way the US government is spending like there's no tomorrow, maybe they know they'll be no tomorrow

Collect for what might or might not happen. Collect hand tools, tell your wives (or husbands) they're just something you like. A collector's item. Get bulk amounts of lentils, dried beans, oats, that type of stuff, say it was such a sale you're saving money. Garden, to save money. You can get away with a lot, if it's in the guise of saving money. Getting out of the city might be harder, be imaginative.

It's sad to lie to your family to try to prepare, but that could mean the difference in life or death, depending on if something happens. Plus if your family thinks your crazy, and they're busy being mad at you, it's harder to prepare for whatever, be it a natural or unnatural disaster.

Some people use anger against something, thinking if they're mad at the idea, it just won't happen. It's a large part of denial. Human nature is very weird that way. A lot of people are control freaks, and if it's out of their control, they use anger. Something I hate about people in general.

I'm so glad I'm in sync with my hubby. We think the same. We get to work together.

Above poster

I have her in training and she doesnt even know it. Every time we go camping or hiking I always purposely forget something, and see if she can come up with an alternative to what we are missing. Little things like this can help for later dates.

Great idea

edit on 5-1-2011 by snowspirit because: above poster had a great idea that I had missed.

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by minigunner

I do not have another half, and never will. So do not care.

Let the majority think what they want, i do not care.

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by andy1033
reply to post by minigunner

I do not have another half, and never will. So do not care.

Let the majority think what they want, i do not care. [/quote


rather interesting perspective, but your not adding anything constructive on here so why waste your time?

Thanks for your 2 cents

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by minigunner
The problem is that if its not televised on mainstream media then it doesn't exist in her mind. Sitting down and watching "Conspiracy Theory" or "Ancient Aliens" is a dirty look and a days worth of harassment.

...she harasses you for watching what you want on tv?...

...if thats accurate, you've got bigger problems than the one you posted in your op and, possibly, marriage counseling is order if you two cant sit down and agree to accept each other as you are...

Originally posted by minigunner
$6,000 spent for an event that could very well never happen and I haven't scored any "I told you so" points in a very long time.

Whats a husband/father to do?

...create a fair and equitable system... heres an example...

...set a minimum standard for your bank balance (enough to pay next months bills)... once you have the minimum balance established, then once a month (after the bills are paid, the savings account fed, grocery money and kid cash set aside), equally divide whats left that is above your minimum balance... you can do anything you want with your share (no criticism allowed) - but - you have to use it within a month or it goes into the savings account and you cant touch that...

...that way, you can buy what you want and so can she and neither of you can gripe at the other or try to control them by telling them whats an acceptable purchase and what is not...

edit on 1/5/11 by Wyn Hawks because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 09:43 AM
My wife believes mostly from the statistics...that we simply can't be the ONLY ones in the Universe, and that there are likely older civilizations, with more advanced tech, that can reach us and have.

But, doesn't keep her from rolling her eyes at an of my "crazy conspiracy stuff".....

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 10:15 PM
Well, here i am, years later and still completly alone. Not one person wants to hear anything is wrong.

Totally alone in my conspiracies. My own little world.

I have tried for years, but i dont try any more. I do prepare, quietly, and at least i know i tried.

Its sad when i bring up something that is breaking on the MSM ( they are the only ones with information), and my husband and kids dont want to hear THAT either. :shk:

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 02:06 PM
I feel all of you here.

My worse issue us the MSM.

My other, won't accept anything unless its MSM.

It really "grinds my gears" Its like nothing i can do will woe her away from it. I can bring up an article from lets say, the guardian, or the huffington post, and she thinks its just made up bs. For Some reason she won't accept its real unless she sees in on CNN or something, which just enrages me, its like she's just a sheepie.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by doom27
My other, won't accept anything unless its MSM.

Its amazing isn't it how powerful the msm are, like putin said, the russians have alot to learn about how they manipulate people.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by andy1033
reply to post by minigunner

I do not have another half, and never will. So do not care.

Let the majority think what they want, i do not care.

Andy... you come into every single thread about love and relationships and proclaim how you are happy and glad you have no love and how you pity others who seek love or have relationships....

How about "thou doth protest too much"?


If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.

Relationships are clearly alien to you and you seem to have a dislike for women too...

So how about not putting everyone down who feels love or is in a relationship?

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by blupblup

Ok, i will pass on some of the threads.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by andy1033
reply to post by blupblup

Ok, i will pass on some of the threads.

OK cool.


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