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If this isn't damning evidence of Pharmaceutical corruption, I don't know what is

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posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 04:35 AM

Originally posted by jameshawkings

Originally posted by VneZonyDostupa

Originally posted by jameshawkings

Using our common sense is enough, we don't need sources.

THIS is the reason the anti-vaccine, anti-pharm, anti-whatever groups are NEVER taken seriously. You have effectively said, "I don't need science to make a scientific point."

If you're so certain something is true...RESEARCH IT. Raise funds, get a private lab to research it. Get the training yourself and research it. LEARN THE SCIENCE AND THEN PROVE YOUR POINT.

Making baseless, non-scientific claims WILL NEVER CHANGE A DAMN THING.

If you can't speak the language of the scientific community, you will never, never, never, never, never be taken seriously.

The anti-vaccine crowd do know the science and are educated (like myself) to a very high level in science, but we are also aware of the bigger picture. If you really do believe what you are saying I would strongly recommend getting onto a business module at a local college. Unless your half-truths are intentional; if so remember that half-truths are a full lie

Yes, many people in the anti-vaccine crowd are educated. Many people in the anti-pharmaceutical crowd are educated. This includes real doctors. Even doctors who had commonly used drugs in their profession. Dr Mercola is one of those doctors who used to prescribe a lot more medications than he does now, but the guy woke up, and he is now mostly a natural doctor. He is strongly against much of the medication. In certain situations he may prescribe a drug, as needed.

Dr Wakefield was crucified for telling the truth about vaccines and autism. He knew what he saw, when his patients were coming back to him with concerns.

I consider myself fairly educated, in terms of health. I'm reading articles, and listening to shows on a daily basis. I soak it up like a sponge, and I of course try some of the stuff I read with my own health. Supplements do work.


edit on 10-3-2011 by cybertroy because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-3-2011 by cybertroy because: more to add

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by cybertroy

Dr Wakefield was crucified for telling the truth about vaccines and autism. He knew what he saw, when his patients were coming back to him with concerns.

Did he "know" these truths before or after he was given money by attorneys attempting to sue vaccine makers?

And was it before or after he filed a patent for a new vaccine?


posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 06:51 PM
Interview with Dr. Wakefield.

On the Gary Null show. "A complete deconstruction of the BMJ Brian Deer fraud against Dr Wakefield"

Moving on.

Let's move on with an SNRI, Pristiq.

My god, what is going to happen to these people who continue on drugs like this? I just spoke with a client today who was getting fed up with drugs, anti-depressant and other. She spoke of having problems walking, vertigo, and a visit to the hospital because of a drug. She also spoke of losing two years of her life because of a pharmaceutical drug. She couldn't function, had problems with perception of days coming and going. This came right from her own mouth. She knows something is wrong with drugs and side effects. People are waking up.

edit on 11-3-2011 by cybertroy because: added a link

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 10:20 PM
Nexium, let's have a look at it. Drugs like this really don't make sense. Number 1, they surely will disrupt the proper digestion of food. Food is where you get the materials to heal. Better ways than this to handle digestive problems.

An article talking about Proton Pump Inhibitors.

edit on 12-3-2011 by cybertroy because: Added a sentence

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by cybertroy

Your articles about PPIs are ignoring the fact that reflux is often due to overproduction of acid, so reducing it to some degree brings you back into the physiologic range (hence, it would not harm digestion). Additionally, the drugs do not block ALL acid production. In fact, they block very little, which is why there is still a great deal of research in this area - PPIs just aren't that effective for a lot of people.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by cybertroy
And this is the thing. People like my dad want answers to their problems, but they are so suckered into the lies that have filtered down through the health care system from Big Pharma, that they are getting poison instead of answers. That's part of the ugliness of it. They believe the lies, and think what they are getting is some sort of cure. It's sad. It hurts me to see it happening. It's not simple enough to say, "supply and demand," and "it's business." Good people are being hurt because of dishonest corporations. They will continue to run over us until we fight back. And, we are. We just need to continue to grow the awareness.


whoa, whoa, whoa,...dishonest corporations? you mean more regulation? and more money for that? you are going against the entire right-wing's the free market, it's about getting "the government off of our backs" and "taking our country back"....just wait, with the supreme court recognizing that corporations are people too, you won't have to worry about any more of those silly "regulations" ..because in a few years only republicans will hold elected offices, paid for by the massive campaign money that will flood into the system from those "citizen corporations"

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 01:58 AM
Another good example of how things get corrupted.

Can we say huge price hike for something that used to be affordable? Good friends we have in the FDA.


posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 10:39 PM
This drug is a bit of a shocker. Innocent little Claritin. This is one of the lowest rated drugs I've seen on the site. There are higher rated drugs for sure. You wouldn't expect it, but apparently this drug affects a lot of people badly.

This next link, well, it's a bit of an advertisement, sorry (not trying to sell anything), but it does go a little bit into the side effects of allergy medications. Not unlike what was written on the askapatient web site.


posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 10:56 PM
And the FDA approved this drug? This is a WTF moment. It's a new asthma drug. (Xolair)


posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 10:17 PM
Zyrtec, I looked this up today, after a discussion about allergy medications. Cute little Zyrtec, with commercials with cute puppies and animals in it. The shock comes when you see how poorly it is rated. I didn't quite expect this low of a rating. But here it is, and with a large number of reviews. easonType=&SideEffect=&SideEffectType=&SearchComments=&Satisfaction1=&Satisfaction2=&Satisfaction3=&Satisfaction4=&Satisfaction5=&YearStart=&YearEnd=& page=4&PerPage=10

Wow, that link ended up weird. Oh well, it works.

edit on 23-3-2011 by cybertroy because: Added a comment

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 12:29 AM
Wow, I have to post this one now. This is the drug Boniva, the drug for treatment and prevention of osteoporosis. This one takes the cake as far as low ratings.

And, why is the FDA still not locked up in jail for approving this? They will raid a raw milk producer, and then let something like Boniva through their radar. How is that possible, without corruption?


posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 10:22 PM
If you haven't started to question the mainstream health care system, I think it's time to start. Question the FDA, question Big Pharma, question your drug pushing doctor, question surgery pushing hospitals. I have presented plenty to argue my case. This obviously doesn't negate the proper use of drugs and surgery when they are truly needed. I'm talking about corruption and greed.

This is another bone drug that you should avoid like the plague.

Fosamax, another horribly rated drug.


posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 11:35 PM
Singulair, if I haven't covered it already. Allergy medication.

Mood swings, aggressiveness, etc., oh my!


posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 12:01 AM
Nice videos, shared at The horrible drugs that are Psychiatric drugs. omments=true


posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 01:08 AM
And now you have no choice but to take them and use them on your kids too -- if we let them get away with it!

I don't go to doctors anymore. My son just had a nasty case of mono and a secondary throat infection which was not strep. My son insisted on going to the doctor, such was his pain, thinking that some sort of help would be had. I warned him, but he's 22 and defiant so off he went. Got meds for the throat infection, nothing for pain, and a nice skin rash from the Cefalexin she prescribed. It's known to cause exactly that in mono, but who cares? Not her. He got some additional discomfort to boot though.

We have to learn about doctors some day. Sooner, rather than later, people.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 01:42 AM
I don't want to comment too much on the Big Pharma demon debate, because I am not in the US. Commercials for medicine are not legal in this country (nor are reps allowed to give gifts, offer the doctors free trips, etc.).

But in medical/pharmaceutical school, one fo the first things you learn is that "the only line separating poison from medicine is in dosage."

Any molecule which is active will have effects, and what those are will vary according to dosage, the individual, the other medicine it is being taken with- and after three medicines being mixed, the side effects are unpredictable.

I agree that the attitude of medicine being the easy way of taking care of everything is probably a dangerous attitude.

There is a big controversy going on right now in France, about a medicine that my own husband used to promote.
It is for specific cardiological and diabetic problems. The problem was that people began to hear that it had the side effect of helping one loose weight, so they began demanding it of their doctors. My husband would come home at night ranting and angry because he had doctors that were prescriing this to people who it was not right for, along with things like dieuretics, which was a terrible cocktail in this case.

He was under a lot of pressure to get the doctors to stop this dangerous practice, and they weren't listening, they wanted money. It got to where the lab was offering reps a bonus if they were able to bring down the sales of that drug in their sector. Eventually they gave up on trying to get this drug used appropriately and stopped making it.

Years later, we see botoxed, puffed lipped skinny women proclaiming they have heart problems now due to taking this drug years ago (along with a bunch of other ones to help them lose three pounds).
The people who love a great conspiracy focused on this and did some calculations that end up being meaningless and claim this medicine has killed many (though without evidence of this).

Anyway, my point to telling this story is that the patients were taking medicine as some sort of harmless magical way to change themselves, the doctors were being irresponsible, and when the chit hit the fan, they point at the pharma company.

Medicine isn't something to take lightly, we should all know this, and our doctors should take it to heart.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:18 AM
No doubt that some doctors are using some medications incorrectly. And, I would never tell someone to not take something that they actually need.

As far as here in the US, the drug companies are responsible for a great deal of pain and suffering. Drug reps do frequent doctors offices with samples, and whatever else advertising. I've seen and known enough harm within my own family, from pharmaceutical drugs. That tells me really all I need to know, not to mention other people who are having problems with pharmaceutical drugs. I won't let them off that easy to say it's not their fault. Drug companies are a large part of the problem. And, of course doctors who misuse drugs.


posted on May, 3 2011 @ 09:00 PM
Coumadin, "blood thinner," AKA rat poison.

It does disturb me a bit that some people will rate the drug as high as they do with the side effects they mention. It's odd.


posted on May, 3 2011 @ 09:17 PM
*Possible Side effects*
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You are so right!
These petroleum-based drugs are as bad as or worse than any help they might provide.
It's amazing that they're not classified as 'toxins'. On the subject of vaccines: One of my Pre-K students was rendered mentally disabled from a vaccine and the government paid them LOTS!!!$$$ of money as a sort of settlement. Where is the FDA on these fast-tracked drugs and vaccines???

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 02:05 AM
Indeed, where is the FDA? They don't seem to have a problem raiding health food stores. They will surely find you if you make a health claim on a vitamin or mineral. But, with the toxic medications and vaccines, all you hear are crickets from the FDA. That is until people get pissed off enough from being hurt from the stuff. Then, the FDA comes to save the day, only after enough damage has been done. We live in a twisted world my friend. The awareness is coming up though. No doubt about that.


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