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Police State - Illegal to Record On-Duty Police Officers

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posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by BigTimeCheater

Originally posted by ararisq
reply to post by MisterMiyagi

I'd like to know what compelling reason was given from these legislatures when passing these horrific bills in to law. It is as if the camera really is the new gun.


A gun can only really kill an individual officer, whereas the camera can screw an entire department.

Given the corruption and criminal acts perpetrated by police departments, that is what they are really afraid of.

I agree.

With the advent of popular recording devices that are small enough to fit in your pocket, and still record in HD, coupled with the ever increasing police brutality videos that are made public, its no surprise this is happening. Ive spent hundreds and hundreds of hard earned dollars on tickets from stupid traffic cameras when I was driving at 4am and there was not ONE SINGLE GOD DAMNED CAR anywhere in sight. The fact that they want it illegal to record them, but they spend tax payers money to record us, then use the footage to extort more money is sickening!

I have had many encounters with law enforcement, some very pleasant and positive, some not so much. Luckily, I have never been a victim of police corruption. I know there are still plenty of good cops out there, its sad that the a-holes are going around giving them a bad name.

I blame the politicians. When was the last time any of you remember thinking to yourself, "wow, I'm so glad we voted this guy in! He really has the public's interest at heart."

Dont worry, I'll wait
edit on 4-1-2011 by WhiteDevil013 because: grammar

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by DaWhiz

Originally posted by ararisq
reply to post by MisterMiyagi

I'd like to know what compelling reason was given from these legislatures when passing these horrific bills in to law. It is as if the camera really is the new gun.


its so they can do whatever they want to you and all you have is your criminal word against they who would be gods.
Welcome to your new world people. You hated the Constitution so much you lost it.
So now your only defense will be lack of witnesses.

Not one american I can think of hates our constitution. how did you percieve such an obscene idea?

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 06:49 PM
I've said it before on similar threads, there has to be technology that empowers the public against Police.

Mission critical bullet points for empowerment:

- Live wireless upload of data from camera for immediate exposure
- small enough capturing equipment to obscure the fact that you're filming
- quality capturing - HD and 60 frames per second.

pipe dream atm, especially the Live wireless upload aspect for HD material. Although if the hidden filming aspect can be satisfied the Live upload can be moved down in priority.

Imagine a "fake" mobile/cell phone on your person. Which is in fact a storage device. This storage device collects wireless streaming data from a button hole camera somewhere on your person and stores it onto it's in flash memory card say 30Gb. So even if you are arrested the police may not see that your cell phone is also storage device collecting data from the hidden cam.

- You then post the video on youtube
- ??
- Profit

For the hidden cam I would suggest a wide angle, maybe even fish eye lens. This means if it is not directly looking at the target your filming directly you have a goood idea of the general direction and the bigger chance of capturing the relevant footage.


For the UK laws the Police can stop anyone filming on the pretense that it might be used by terrorists.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 06:55 PM
so what your saying is that information is a weapon that must be controlled - lol duh

every law, tax and rule strips away the things you were born with naturally and every initiative measure and rule just takes you that much farther away from everything you had before.

there's no such thing as freedom not even in what we think anymore.
edit on 4-1-2011 by circuitsports because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 06:59 PM
yet we're on camera at almost all times. I know it's been getting pretty ridiculous over in the UK, but it's getting worse and worse here in the states. Even in the just past few years I've noticed more and more cameras at our major intersections. Not to mention what Google is doing with their street view campaign, which cane be all depends on their intention though.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 07:02 PM
googles intention is quite clear - revenue. by making detailed maps and images you begin to heavily rely on them and when in the future you notice virtual bill boards start to show up onscreen they will control that space. When all cars are automated and you have extra time for shopping - bling.

what our tax dollars turn that information into like detailed road maps for the t1000 mobile unit that might be a problem.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by ararisq

I know, it's getting crazy. They don't want you filming because it will show the illegality of the criminal system done by cops and/or politicians. The politicians who help pass these laws think they are on the inside and would never be on the bad end of a police state action, they are so wrong. You see the useful idiots who help the ones wanting a police state will be the first ones to be gotten rid off when it's in full swing. Because in essence YOUR A USEFUL IDIOT, and they don't want you in your position to be used against the police state power that is in charge at the time. If it could be used once it can be used again. The Fascists want to keep their power and they promise those positions to friends to help keep the system the way it is. Just think of it as Hilters night of a thousand knifes, when he got rid of the arm breakers and knuckle draggers who helped him get into power, once in he didn't want them to be a thorn in his side and/or be used against him as he used them against the state. And it won't protect the cops either, because as a tool they are just that a tool that can be disposed of anytime they want or need too.

Thats the nature of a police state, to keep power and to stay in power by all means possible. We have always wondered how could German citizens allow Hitler to come into power. It's really easy to see how it happened, it's a warped version of Mashatma Gandhi quote of “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”. At first the German citizens ignored them, Then they laughed at them because of their silly ideas and funny uniforms, Then they liked how they fixed the problems with "those people", then they feared them. And thats because eventually everyone becomes those people. And it's happening in America, we are at the cusp of the fear stage because we fear that we will be next.

What I truly fear is that sometime in the future America will be a four letter word to many and people will be ashamed to even be known to be an American. I see 30 years from now a young girl smuggling herself with others to Brazil for a better life than the one she had in the US of A.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 07:07 PM
ummmm...yeah, record them ANYWAY, tear up the summons, then physically remove those who serve the warrant from you're property. Plain and simple. No more baloney, really. Step it up America or lay down and take it all the way already. This slow death is agonizing...

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by iversusvsversusi
I'm not hating on this site, but instead of us all wildin' out on here, why doesn't someone write a strongly worded letter and we all sign it? I don't know, we just need to actually ACT if we want the slightest chance of protecting our rights. It is atrocious.

This site has been a 'strongly worded letter' since I've been a member, and I'm sure before then.

Nothing will happen until everyone loses it at the same time and things get violent. One or two people "acting" on anything will get put down and called domestic terrorists or nutters.

The best thing we can do is vote for Ron Paul when he runs for President, and see if he can do things peacefully.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 07:15 PM
Good question "Are camera's the new guns?"
Nope, once the proud and more numerous patriots of the great US of A finally get fed up to the frieken gills with this type of freedom robbing BS they will gladly put up their camera's, cause while useful, they tend to get in the way when aiming a gun. I've said it before, it will probably be way too late but at some point a few thousand or so rednecks will get enough and show up on capital hill and tell our "leaders" they are fired and we are re-establishing the constitution as written. 'nuff said.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 07:25 PM
Yeah bro, i agree with you. S&F for your post. It's really a BAD SITUATION, not the choice words I'd prefer, but you get my drift. I was at a pharmacy drive thru a few months ago, and the police pulled up next to the guy in front of me, they got out of their cars and stormed the truck with their guns out, they threatened to shoot the driver, and ripped him out of the car and threw him on the pavement. I had my cell phone on me and tried to record what happened, but it was very difficult because I had to hide my phone and focus it at the same time. I couldn't afford to get caught recording and get in trouble for interfering with a police investigation.

Anyway the dude they pulled out was a kid, most likely between the ages of 17-21.

My conclusion...He could have been trying to get a fake prescription filled and got caught by the pharmacist, who in turn called the police on him. But it could have been anything.
My point being..It's understandable that cops didn't know who he was, and he could have been armed, you just never know, and need to proceed with caution.

But I wasn't able to record the situation because it's illegal and i could have been charged and throw in jail.

I think we should organize a group, online for example, or in your local town. Then get information and talk to people who know the law. The more we make people aware of it, and greater our numbers will grow. From there you can get an official petition, and present it to your states representative.
Too bad more people aren't willing to do the work, we could start an online petition fairly simply.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:16 PM
OP, good luck with your initiative.
But I think the american people are too deep in the #, do do something about it.
Its game over boys.
You lost the game.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 09:04 PM
Don't forget Connecticut. We here in Connecticut are already having walk around petitions because the cop's are allowed to video tape us, but we can't video tape them. Where is the logic here??. No public announcements about it either.. They just pass it underground and pay off who will push for it? FTW. Anyway's if the State's and Government feels it's necessary to walk all over our right's then that leads me to believe one thing.TPTB want a civil uprising in America. From the War in Iraq and Afganistan too the Gulf oil spill and TSA. These were obviously not enough to cause the American voice to be heard, so TPTB are slowly introducing lock's on our freedoms until such happens.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 09:05 PM
Simple answers depending on whether you feel you choose your own fate or must follow the law.

So, if you believe you choose your own fate and you are conscientious about your liberty and preservation of life, videotape anyway. If they charge you with anything, do the same. If they come for you, refuse them. If they attack you, self-defend. All the aforementioned is likely illegal.

If you feel you must follow the law, then make sure your own legislator knows that you will not tolerate such a law in your own State. Remind government that the citizen is the person in charge of government. Go into government positions yourself to make change. AND make sure you get on a jury every time. A trial jury/Grand Jury can stopper any law the government chooses to enact. Vote based entirely on your own conscience.

As for me, my liberty is not a public policy. My liberty requires no indulgence from others, no writ or charter or constitution; it is vigorously defended by me. Yet, I've never had to defend it. No official or police person or agent or unruly customer has ever tried to deny me the right to my life, my liberty, my personal safety or property.

That is all.
edit on 4-1-2011 by ETSubmariner because: No need.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by ETSubmariner
Simple answers depending on whether you feel you choose your own fate or must follow the law.

So, if you believe you choose your own fate and you are conscientious about your liberty and preservation of life, videotape anyway. If they charge you with anything, do the same. If they come for you, refuse them. If they attack you, self-defend. All the aforementioned is likely illegal.

If you feel you must follow the law, then make sure your own legislator knows that you will not tolerate such a law in your own State. Remind government that the citizen is the person in charge of government. Go into government positions yourself to make change. AND make sure you get on a jury every time. A trial jury/Grand Jury can stopper any law the government chooses to enact. Vote based entirely on your own conscience.

As for me, my liberty is not a public policy. My liberty requires no indulgence from others, no writ or charter or constitution; it is vigorously defended by me. Yet, I've never had to defend it. No official or police person or agent or unruly customer has ever tried to deny me the right to my life, my liberty, my personal safety or property.

That is all.
edit on 4-1-2011 by ETSubmariner because: No need.

I wish I could star and flag your post.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 09:14 PM
This kind of crap will end when people replace their camera with a gun. TPTB are not just going to give up, they have way to much invested at this point. They will not hesitate to kill thousands of people if they need to, just to make a point. Lots of people will die, even more will go to prison. It will have to be brutal to make any change at all.
edit on 4-1-2011 by Freedom_Machine because: cohesive thought

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 09:26 PM
I just don't think that someone has been charged and convicted then appealed it all the way to the supreme court. When in public no law is constutitional that prohibits the filming of anyone "in the public arena". I would see this as a type of free speech in public issue ...

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 09:37 PM
Around 1994 I was attempting to photograph a body whichhad been chained to and dragged by a van. The police had put up a tape around the area and when i approached the area I was told if stayed and photographed the area I would be arrested for interfering with police business. This was Southern California
in the desert 100 miles south of Palm Springs.


edit on 4-1-2011 by RRokkyy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 09:45 PM
The guy in Illinois who is still fighting the 1st degree felony eaves-dropping charge has his own blog where you can keep up to date on his case:

In summary, the State’s Attorney’s plan to prosecute me appears as follows. The arresting officer is on a terrorist watch walk. He encounters a possible suspect breaking the law. The suspect is seeking to be arrested with the intent of spying on the officer who is the head of the Homeland Security detail and of spying on the Chicago Police Department by secreting a bug in his leather bag to smuggle the bug in his bag into the tactical office of the Chicago Police Department to undermine their efforts to protect the public from terrorists. This crime deserves the 1st class felony charge, one step below attempted murder, to deter terrorists from attacking the security apparatus of the United States of America in this manner. Mr. Allen is saving your lives by prosecuting this dangerous artist!

As I said, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office has no shame. They are cynical and calculating. They do not believe the people of Illinois are watching them. Innocence or justice do not figure into their power calculations. Can they get away with this without political damage is the only question they ask. That part is up to you. Do you care about your rights? If so, you must fight.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by ararisq

I wanna try to answer your question in my opinion at least of when you asked how did this happen? I don;t think that all our public officials and the legislature are new world order controlled. I think federal officials just want to protect their own in a way of saying it. And then there is the other obvious answer is that we the people deserve a police state, because we won;t do anything about it!!

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