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There will be no Disclosure

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posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by zorgon

Thank you very much.

And I am waiting eagerly on your threads you mentioned you have in mind.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by franspeakfree

Originally posted by zorgon
1) Which insider, whistle blower or 'ufologist' do YOU believe is telling the truth.

For me it is Colonel Phillip Corso

I have also been keeping tabs on the Colonel Corso case. To date no one has been able to attack his impeccable credentials, or disprove any of what he said (and many have tried). Sure there have been a few attempts at character assassination, but they were as weak as swamp gas.

edit on 14-1-2011 by A51Watcher because: sp

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 01:26 AM
Corso also includes a small portion in his addendum of a document I find crucial to out Moon Base theory. "Project Horizon" After years of digging I now have three of the four volumes of that work and know where the last one is.

The process of the search started with a clue that NASA had a copy of some, so I wrote the NASA historian and got a reply. He said they had a poor copy of Vol 1 and 4, then told me of a RUSSIAN website that had a better copy

Well unknown to me that fellow forwarded my request 'up the line' because a few days later I had five more emails from various government agencies including the National Archives and all were trying to help me find them... The last of the five was from the US ARMY SMDC in Huntsville Alabama, the same ones that run the Redstone Aresenal, was the place the Nazi scientists first went, and they run the Launch facility at Kwajalien Atoll since 1952. That letter came with an FOIA form.

So I now have all but one document. The last one is over 300 pages and requires me to go down there personally to copy them ( or hire an agent)

Point is disclosure will only come to you if you do the footwork... and listen to those who really are 'in the know' Most people have it drop in their lap and just blow it off

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 10:07 AM
Hmmm,...Redstone. Very interesting place past and present. I'm close by, you wouldn't have to hire me to get that copied but you'd probably have to hip me on how to do it thoroughly. Better yet, c'mon down Zorgon--I.m fairly certain you would enjoy the visit.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Point is disclosure will only come to you if you do the footwork... and listen to those who really are 'in the know' Most people have it drop in their lap and just blow it off

I think that might be a subconscious defense mechanism.

It is fun to talk about this stuff online and speculate about it and the like - but things do take on a different appeal once they become real. There are even some topics which I like to keep at arms length.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by zorgon
There will be no Disclosure

Hi zorgon , I do not expect Disclosure either, and to be honest, I have no problem with that anymore.

Originally posted by zorgon
Why do I say that? Because even if it came we won't believe it, so we will be no further ahead than we are now. Short of someone dragging an Alien body out of a Top Secret facility or hi-jacking a reverse engineered saucer and taking the CNN crew out for a joyride... NOTHING any says will be believed. And even those to scenarios would be questioned.

I think that when there was a Disclosure, even a so called NON full Disclosure, it would start a snowball falling of the hill effect, which would be impossible to be stopped.

But I do not believe, that even if it came, or when someone dragging an Alien body out of a Top Secret facility or hi-jacking a reverse engineered saucer and taking the CNN crew out for a joyride, the people won't believe it.
That they will be shocked thru their bones doesn’t need further explanation.

It doesn’t mean that we will get to know the details about the in the mean time vested very advanced technological knowledge, because that is as Ben Rich said way too deep hidden.

"We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity.... Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do."
Ben Rich, former Head of the Lockheed Skunk Works

But here are my answers to your questions zorgon, I hope it will not stir this pot too much.

Originally posted by zorgon

Point is disclosure will only come to you if you do the footwork... and listen to those who really are 'in the know'

Good point and I think also that that is the way it in fact works.
I am very interested in the people you think that are 'in the know' and telling the truth.
It would be great if you are willing to name a few here, and which people in my list you believe are not telling the truth.

Originally posted by zorgon
1) Which insider, whistle blower or 'ufologist' do YOU believe is telling the truth.

First I want to say that I strongly believe that the real goal of these people is to provide us with as true as possible information.
But the degree of truthfulness from that information depends in my opinion totally on the honesty and intentions of their sources.
They all are all the time vulnerable for lies and disinformation.
So it could be very well possible that despite they think they are providing us as true as possible information, that information can nevertheless been contaminated with disinformation.

Here is just a fraction of all the people I followed thru the years regarding this subject, but these I followed closely.
It’s also not so that I agree with ALL they bring at the Alien table.

Linda Moulton Howe; John Mack; Budd Hopkins; Col. Philip J. Corso; Sgt. Maj. Robert O Dean; John Lear; Sgt. Clifford Stone; Timothy Good; Nicholas Redfern; Stanton Friedman.

I followed Bob Lazar also not that much but I think that what he said was true.

But here is another thing.

I consider Lou Baldin as a man who knows more about it all then all those people there together.
I cannot explain why, but it is a combination of a very strong feeling and due his extremely interesting views and thoughts about all the things regarding the phenomenon, which when I put them altogether finish at least a part of the whole immensely big Alien puzzle.

2) is that person telling you all truth, or has a good story mixed with added 'stuff' to make them look good

I do not think they all telling all truth, because no one knows all truth, but I do not believe they added 'stuff' to make them look good.

3) WHY do you believe his story over someone else?

I cannot explain why, it is a combination of a feeling and the similarity in much of their information.

4) Short of an Alien spacecraft landing in Times Square or other such place, what would it take for you to be convinced that someone is telling the truth?

Personally I do not need such a happening to become convinced that they are telling the truth, because I know already that besides they all have their differences here and there most of what they say cannot be other then the truth.

But it would be no doubt an earthshaking event.

My two Euro cents.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 04:07 AM
reply to post by zorgon

I require first hand encounter or mass acceptance of the people around me. If I see aliens then I will believe in them. If all the people around me say they seen them, I might believe. If all the news was showing aliens I think that would be good enough proof. I don't mean blurry short clips I mean live action alien or close to it. That would be good.

There is already enough evidence to support alien encounters with earth.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 11:14 AM
The secretes of the Tesla ships will never be disclosed.
Much less ever going into production for any one to use.
I doubt even knowing the secretes and building your own FooMobile
would be allowed as it would be confiscated.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 03:17 PM
And the reason is that aliens infest our local space ,,farm us and outr planet and really want to control
our genepath because human DNA is magic stufff they cannot create or even fully figure out watch my latest video
and see the extent of the farming and infestation

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Exuberant1
There are even some topics which I like to keep at arms length.

Yes as do I (but you know that
) and yet are we not working for disclosure?

But in reality, we only reach those that are truly seeking... the rest merely look at what we show and are more confused. In the end each must decide for himself.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by AboveTheTrees
1) "Which insider, whistle blower or 'ufologist' do YOU believe is telling the truth" Gary McKinnon, the UK hacker

Not strictly a whistle-blower but I very much doubt the guy is lying. He was also aware that UK government and Pentagon IT security was vastly superior - which I have been told off the record is completely true (about 45m45s of the second video). That doesn't rule out the idea that the US deliberately let foreign governments hack fake material for intelligence mind games and Gary saw it. Alternatively: NASA censor what you all see and there really is an interesting 'alien' (or black project) space station up there.

edit on 24/1/11 by Pimander because: add time in vid where Gary states Pentagon and UK IT more secure

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by NightVision
What if....just what if by chance a few pieces of corroborated info. came out that was so damning, so undeniable, that our govts had no choice but to disclose?

I think part of the point of the thread is though - what is undeniable evidence?

We have credible insiders testifying. We have pictures. We have videos. We have witnesses in the thousands. They are all deniable on some level. It's questionable how plausible the denials sometimes are but...

What would be undeniable?
edit on 24/1/11 by Pimander because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by zorgon

you have some of the most thought inspiring (or conspiring?) ideas of anyone i've read here on ATS... thank you for bringing to attention the fact that apparently only WHO we believe will ever be good enough for us, and those that believe someone else, well, that someone else may just not be good enough for them... or something like that...
i guess some believe in scientific method, although scientific method is ultimately flawed due to the human error... sometimes seeing isn't always believing, and vice versa... absolutely wonderful thread nonetheless S&F

edit on 26-1-2011 by schitzoandro because: add

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 11:37 PM
If there ever is discosure, im fairly certain the Governments will already have a plan to use it to their own advantage, and our disadvantage anyway.

It would take a miracle for disclosure to happen and for the ordinary people to benefit from it in any way......I guess we can dream....

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 12:35 AM
Disclosure will never come from an actual government official or the President. Its gonna come from a whistleblower or someone on their death bed with high authority.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 04:08 AM
you are toying in another post, (cloud UFO)

lets keep on with the good info topic here
edit on 28-1-2011 by mysteryskeptic because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by The GUT
Hmmm,...Redstone. Very interesting place past and present. I'm close by, you wouldn't have to hire me to get that copied but you'd probably have to hip me on how to do it thoroughly. Better yet, c'mon down Zorgon--I.m fairly certain you would enjoy the visit.

Sorry missed this one...

Good Idea
It looks like my situation has changed and I just might be able to do some traveling this summer. I will let you know. If not I will get you the details on getting those copies

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 01:11 PM
A couple points to drive the topic into focus

The Missing UFO Evidence Thread by Karl12

As discussed on another thread, it seems there's been quite a number of instances over the years where 'UFO evidence' (ie: reports, photographs, log books, radar information) has gone conveniently 'missing'.

There are several threads here at ATS and other forums about Youtube/Google messing with UFO videos... deleting some, saturating with hoaxes and crap

Possible Youtube UFO Cover-Up Going On

information on youtube ufo coverup channels

The youtube spamming of ATS has already seen some long time posters get fed up and leave... Phage, Maybe..Maybe Not come to mind and even Springer was upset...

ENOUGH! YouTube Videos in the A/UFO Forum and those who hate them ...

Not to long ago we had the MSM tell us there was a missile launched of California, right close to San Nicholas Island, the secret NAVY launch site. It was in reality a contrail from an airplane.. but the media pushed 'Missile"

This kept us busy for WEEKS and still many out there are undecided. Then came the Turkey UFO and now the Jerusalem hoax.

With all this noise... how will we ever decide when the real thing comes along? Simple.. we won't. Unless there is an obvious fleet of Alien battle cruisers over each city... and even then we will hear "Project Blue Beam" (at least until they start blasting us

The Old Timers...

I mean those that have been directly involved with early UFO stuff like Roswell, Area 51 etc... They are getting old... and dying off. Bill Uhouse just passed recently and several others.

The Whistleblowers... Most on the UFO circuit came and told us their story... but as years go on, a fickle audience wants more. They have heard the old story (the real one) and now want new stuff. So these whistle blowers grab on to the latest topic making the rounds on the internet and support them. Problem is that many of those cases turn out to be frauds or hoaxes. So now they have just shot their own credibility in the foot

Many others, Steven Greer comes to mind, started out with great intent... but in the end went for the money. I doubt few still trust him which means all those that spoke under the Disclosure Project get dragged down with.him

The Internet Rumor factor...

As the old guys pass, the stories they tell get mixed with internet gossip to the point that the gossip becomes the truth... A perfect example is the Laser signal from Toucanis \. This was reported by an Australian news service along with a story about discovering Gliese 581D. If you read it it is clear enough..

But the internet didn't read it carefully and all over the news and the internet it became "We received signals from Gliese581!!!" Despite my writing the source (at least ATS has the correct version
) it is still the error that over rides the truth

The New Breed...

Now you get the new UFO circuit guys... the ones just picking up stories and finding their own followers

This one comes to mind... Nassim Haramein

And this one... Colleen Thomas and SHE makes the MSM News

And the Jerusalem Hoax... they gave international MSM coverage to the video #3 that was the obvious still photo hoax

So I repeat..


Now for some real UFO entertainment to clear the depression

Pink Lady: "UFO": circa 1977

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Zorgon, had you ever considered with such high quality fakes, that it is the disclosure?

Wouldn't the Government figure our minds want to see the "Hollywood" version before the real thing; to soften us.

I do think disclosure will happen, just no telling how or when. So to say No disclosure is, I think, a little narrow

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by 9Cib27
I do think disclosure will happen, just no telling how or when. So to say No disclosure is, I think, a little narrow

Well Disclosure comes at a personal level... but what people mean when they say 'Disclosure' they really mean only one thing... the government revealing ET is here

Another piece to show that we are heading away from disclosure

MUFON Director's being replaced...Why?

MUFON used to have a really great info only no crap website

Seen it lately?

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