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Florida about to have "no refusal" checkpoints

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posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

They "won't" or they "can't?" Because the law does not say that they won't search a 15 year old. She won't need a chaperone next year when she is 16. 16 year olds are often a little bit mouthy, maybe she will say something to get the cop to give her a hard time? Maybe she just happens to get that one cop that is a jerk or a pervert? ...

I learned not to trust Cops after they beat up my 64 year old father for failure to signal a lane change at 3:00 Am on a deserted highway in the middle of nowhere.

My Father never drank and he never swore. Actually he had gone to college to become a Lutherian minister and was a very easy going laid back guy. If he got the S@#$ beaten out of him think what they will do to a mouthy teen!

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by saabster5

This sounds like a decent start! Kudos to your town!

I could support 0.08 being a misdemeanor offense with a moderate fine. (Say $500) A second offense of the low BAC could be a heftier fine and possible felony.

0.15 is DEFINITELY drunk! I can see 7 days in jail and loss of a license for that offense. A second offense at that level should probably be a lifetime loss of license, because you are probably an alcoholic.

See, that kind of law makes sense. Lower hardship on those people that had a wine or two at dinner, and raise it on those dangerous drunk people!

I am all for stiff penalties, I am just not for punishing the innocent for the actions of the guilty.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Well I think in Florida, I might be mistaken, but here they either just passed or have a law that says something to the effect of the cause of the accident(meaning if they violate the speed limit or something obviously they caused the accident),& that the 4 teens would have been charged down here because they had run the light, even if the other driver was drunk. I heard this awhile ago so I don't know if it's true or not. I will try to look it up. I heard it by word of mouth so, I don't know how true it is. That is sad for your nephew and your uncle. It's a hard debate, I'll give you that. I'd like my freedom, but I'd also like to be safe (it's kind of the reason I'd like to move somewhere the neighbors are 20 miles away and there's one road to my house,lol) oh and no reason to come down the road unless they're coming to my house, in other words not a way through, lol. But I am where I am and can't change that so I'd like either people to take personal responsibility and not get behind the wheel if they know for certain they are not able to drive (which isn't going to happen, let's face that fact) or for someone who will watch my back and force them off the roads.I can't find anything on it so it may not be true. I wish I could remember where and when I heard this?
Honestly though I think we need to be fighting more so the seatbelt laws, IMO
Those are truly unconstitutional, I am not putting anybody else but my own self in danger when I choose not to wear a seatbelt, only mine. I should have the freedom to be able to take my own life risks, even if it is stupid as some would say... And I don't want to or have the need to sue anybody who hits my vehicle when I wasn't wearing a seatbelt. It's my right to die if I want to or be paralyzed or whatever, and If I got insurance which I do WTH does it matter? I can use my insurance for the medical bills, oh right that's right the insurance isn't there to actually pay for you it's there to make money to line their own pockets and find every possible way not to pay your claim, so WTH AM I PAYING FOR IT??????????

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by crimvelvet

See now those are real problems.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

By the way you're talking it sound as if you believe it to already be the case.

I saw the hand writing on the wall 20 years ago. My very optimistic spouse is now starting to believe me.

It is not just the infringing on our rights by the LEOs, it is the laws being passed that are designed to collapse the USA. 50% of our jobs are from small business but ever since the World Trade Organization was ratified by the US government small business has had a large target pinned to its back. then there is the Fed printing money like it was going out of style and functioning with a ZERO reserve requirement. (The bank gives you NOTHING and you sign over you property and wages to the banksters)

I explain it all in this post with references (It probably should be a separate post)

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by ldyserenity

lol @ does weed

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by RelentlessLurker

Well they do...I lived in philly and never seen as many potheads, crackheads and methheads as I see down here. But anyway, the roads here are a crapshoot, I sure wish there was better public transportation.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by crimvelvet

As you know, Crimvelvet, laws such as these should not be looked at in "isolation", but as part of a bigger picture. No individual that cares about their liberty should applaud this, but they do because they do not recognize the bigger objective(s), total control.
The frog is almost boiled.
People now could be told virtually anything about police abuse, and they would just shrug. So what? Spit happens, get over it.
Another thread discusses the fact that in the EU, herbal remedies are outlawed. Can you believe that crap? Now, who exactly controls the illegal drug trade now, CIA and other "security" agencies? So, does anybody really think that these herbs are going to go away? No, they will go underground, controlled by whom?
Something else for the cop to check when he pulls you over, illegal bee pollen.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by ldyserenity

See now those are real problems.

Yes it is called planned starvation.

The USA raises 25% of the world's grain AND the US strategic grain reserves are all gone as of 2008. Now Congress just passed the new Food Safety Law that adds red tape by the carload as well as a possible 10 years in jail and heavy fines to the financial burden farmers already carry.

In 2012 when the new 1099 reg hits small businesses and the food law hits ALL farmers, I expect to see a major mess hit the USA.

This sums up the situation really well:

I am amazed that the US government, in the midst of the worst financial crises ever, is content for short-selling to drive down the asset prices that the government is trying to support....

The bald fact is that the combination of ignorance, negligence, and ideology that permitted the crisis to happen still prevails and is blocking any remedy. Either the people in power in Washington and the financial community are total dimwits or they are manipulating an opportunity to redistribute wealth from taxpayers, equity owners and pension funds to the financial sector. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury

This is why we are seeing a move towards Nazi like law enforcement. TPTB KNOW thing are going to get really really bad when the Bankers finish siphoning off that very last bit of wealth from the American people. - Our land
edit on 30-12-2010 by crimvelvet because: added last sentence

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 11:55 AM
I didn't see you all speak out when they passed the ridiculous seatbelt laws? WHERE were you all then?
Whos life did I put in danger when not wearing a seatbelt, OH that would be MINE and nobody else's.
You guys drunk drivers kill other people, it's cold hard fact ok.
But who am I risking by not wearing a seatbelt? The insurance company that's it, I am injuring their pocket cause I might actually use them, after all I DID pay them WTH are they here for if not to cover my butt when I don't wear a seatbelt. That law was passed for one reason, and one reason only, for the insurance co's to have another loophole to NOT pay out to AMERICANS who PAID their outrageously disgusting premiums!!!! WHO WILL I KILL BY NOT WEARING A SEATBELT? ONLY ME MYSELF AND I, THAT'S WHO!!!!!!
Common sense would tell you that drunk driving causes more deaths than not wearing a seatbelt yet that law WAS PASSED THROUGH CONGRESS FIRST!
And you're outraged at this? CRAZY WORLD!!!!

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
Oh no our liberties have been taken from us for a few days over the Christmas break when everyone is travelling everywhere...The 4th amendment will save my drunk arse...Makes for a mighty fine scapegoat!

Your illogical rationalizations never cease to amaze me Chadwickus. By this same logic a checkpoint at malls to search everyone for whatever the crime de jour is completely justified. Perhaps checkpoints at businesses, along the side walks - I feel safe just thinking about it. Your logic is basically "you have nothing to fear unless you have something to hide" and thats pretty much how every totalitarian regime responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths in the last century started.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Like I said, it's a start in the "right" direction. Infringing rights is not. But to clarify, these laws were added in addition to the minimum standards. 0.08 will still get you a night in jail, loss of license, fines, etc.

Now, let's say, all car manufacturer's decided to install a safety interlock device on all vehicles, would this be as intrusive onto our freedoms? It is basically the same as a key that fits into the ignition. The technology is there. The argument that someone else could blow into the device is antiquated. Laws can be put into place much like there is for someone breaking into a vehicle and hot-wiring it.

To be narrow-minded on solutions is folly. We need to be pro-active about this situation, instead of being reactionary, and violating basic human rights to try to deter a small population that doesn't think their actions have any consequence on the whole.

ETA: Just thought about this as I reread my post. 5 years ago, Wyoming's legal limit was 0.12, and an open-container in the vehicle was also legal. Things have changed mighty quick.
edit on 12/30/2010 by saabster5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by saabster5
reply to post by getreadyalready

Like I said, it's a start in the "right" direction. Infringing rights is not. But to clarify, these laws were added in addition to the minimum standards. 0.08 will still get you a night in jail, loss of license, fines, etc.

Now, let's say, all car manufacturer's decided to install a safety interlock device on all vehicles, would this be as intrusive onto our freedoms? It is basically the same as a key that fits into the ignition. The technology is there. The argument that someone else could blow into the device is antiquated. Laws can be put into place much like there is for someone breaking into a vehicle and hot-wiring it.

To be narrow-minded on solutions is folly. We need to be pro-active about this situation, instead of being reactionary, and violating basic human rights to try to deter a small population that doesn't think their actions have any consequence on the whole.

ETA: Just thought about this as I reread my post. 5 years ago, Wyoming's legal limit was 0.12, and an open-container in the vehicle was also legal. Things have changed mighty quick.
edit on 12/30/2010 by saabster5 because: (no reason given)

I like your ideas, however who would pay to put these in all the vehicles on the road today? I think we make insurance companies cover the cost. HA! That would really tick them off, but hey in the long run they would profit, because no more D&D accidents Please don't put the burden on the consumer, that would so suck as I cannot afford such a charge at this time, I have no luxury spending moneys.
But I do like your idea!

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by ldyserenity

This is why we are seeing a move towards Nazi like law enforcement. TPTB KNOW thing are going to get really really bad when the Bankers finish siphoning off that very last bit of wealth from the American people. - Our land
edit on 30-12-2010 by crimvelvet because: added last sentence

TPTB as you say know what's going to's fair to say that TPTB scripted the coming scenario, Crimvelvet, TO happen.

They chop away with small infringments on The People's freedoms, a little at a time so it isn't noticed by the masses, only a few on the outside fringes....and life is taken for normal, with little attention paid.

Those of us that SEE what is happening are called lunitics, or worse by those we attempt to wake up. But we will keep trying, because TPTB DO NOT CARE, they are the ones that started the whole mess we are headed for....and all the while this was happening....

When all the chess pieces are gone and "end game" has been called....will it be The People or TPTB who will make the sacrifice???

edit on 30-12-2010 by Holly N.R.A. because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by BigTimeCheater

Originally posted by ldyserenity
Listen, I know where all you guys are coming from about your liberties, yadda yadda yadda

That casual dismissal of people concerned about their Constitutional rights is indicative of what kind of person you are.

You have no regard for the rights of the people as long as you and your little snowflake perceive some form of "safety" net provided to you by government agents.

Why yes yes I do, but nobody has the right to drive drunk, and yes my rights trump theirs cause I am not AN A$$ HAT, and I don't put others' in danger and those to me that would are lowlife scumbags that I don't mind if they off themselves, but just as long as they leave innocent people alone. I also drive so I will be going by checkpoints and gladly will do what is asked of me, because I am not an A$$ HAT,lol....
and the snowflake comment, well, just a bit of racism, and white hating much?

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by ldyserenity


Uh not quite. I'm as white as white can possibly be.

Have you had a mental health evaluation recently? Your child isnt precious, nor are they special. You support violating everyone elses 4th Amendment rights just in case your kid might get hit. Think your kid wont be texting while driving when you arent there? Think they wont be dicking around with the stereo while they are driving and not watching the road? Perhaps we should keep your kid off the road just in case they do something that hurts someone else. The problem with mental midgets like you is that you support screwing everyone over in order to feel safer. You are part of the problem. You will do what the cops tell you to do, not because you claim you are not an "a$$ hat", but because you are a sheep. You seem incapable of thinking for yourself, and delegate that authority to the government. Hitler would have loved you.

If florida is such a dangerous place to drive in, why are you still living there? If according to your previous statements, you think most people there are drunk or on meth, why not move?

edit on 30-12-2010 by BigTimeCheater because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by BigTimeCheater
reply to post by ldyserenity


Uh not quite. I'm as white as white can possibly be.

Have you had a mental health evaluation recently? Your child isnt precious, nor are they special. You support violating everyone elses 4th Amendment rights just in case your kid might get hit. Think your kid wont be texting while driving when you arent there? Think they wont be dicking around with the stereo while they are driving and not watching the road? Perhaps we should keep your kid off the road just in case they do something that hurts someone else. The problem with mental midgets like you is that you support screwing everyone over in order to feel safer. You are part of the problem. You will do what the cops tell you to do, not because you claim you are not an "a$$ hat", but because you are a sheep. You seem incapable of thinking for yourself, and delegate that authority to the government. Hitler would have loved you.

If florida is such a dangerous place to drive in, why are you still living there? If according to your previous statements, you think most people there are drunk or on meth, why not move?

edit on 30-12-2010 by BigTimeCheater because: (no reason given)

See this is where you're all jumping to conclusions, no one is going to be breathalized unless the officer smells alcohol, and yes my child is precious as precious as every living thing on Earth we all are precious from the lowly beetle to the highest monk...oh but you can't tell that to someone who cares only for themselves and the rest of the world be damned.
I will be moving
Soon as TSHTF I will find my desolate land out in the boonies, when it won't cost me a dime to move, lol. Can't wait, I love hearing the sound of that bell at the end of the day and hearing the CRASH that will follow, HURRAY!!!!!

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 12:48 PM
Actually only about 40% of car accident deaths are attributable to alcohol. That leaves the majority being caused by tired, distracted, or just plain bad drivers, and not wearing seatbelts. What it comes down to is the safe operation of a motor vehicle; can you or can't you? Some people shouldn't be driving sober but there are no "rules" outlawing bad drivers. And there is a better chance you'll be killed by one of these drivers rather than a drunk one.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by ldyserenity

Your comments suggesting the OP is a racist, solidified you are unable to conjure up a constructive thought. Furthermore, those types of comments made by individuals much like yourself only show how little you know about the ways of things.

You have " painted " the picture for yourself as being a complete a## clown~

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 12:58 PM
this is the best and most efficient way of raising revenue...little time and effort to the police, coupled with maximum amount of financial return. don't forget the impounding of the cars and trucks....goldmine baby, goldmine

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