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Almost Everything Is A Crime In America Now: 14 Of The Most Ridiculous Things That Americans Are Bei

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posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by Wolfenz

thanks for the video. Although some what amusing, they do bring the point home.
It seems the people will have to decide if they want to keep the freedom of speech.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 11:58 AM
I'll tell you what SHOULD be illegal -

It should be illegal for my co-workers to Facebook bomb my profile when I get up to use the bathroom and don't lock my computer! LOL!

Although maybe I shouldn't be Facebooking at work anywho.....
edit on 30-12-2010 by zeeon because: Shouldn't be facebooking at work

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by zeeon

well yes maby you should limit your time on face book at work, but as to bombing your face book page, not saying I think it is a good idea but you probably could bring legal action against those who were doing the bombing. Just part of what I think is wrong with society if it could actually work.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Blazer
reply to post by deviantamerican

Ouch that's terrible as well. I knew a guy that got a DUI for riding on a skateboard. He was indeed intoxicated, but he was on a skateboard, and on the sidewalk, just on his way home from a party.

WOW, my grandma told me stories of citizens who got a little too drunk and the cops would actually give them a ride home. I'm pretty sure it wasn't an epidemic like it is now, but think how simpler it was back then when everyone you knew was AMERICAN who spoke english and wasn't trying to F u over like a cheap dime store hood. I wish I lived back then, when cops actually gave an F for people and protected and served. All they do now is enforce statutes and codes and trick you into admitting things with their double talk. We live in a gestapo like state. For some people who don't agree with me, remember this: It's much harder to identify when you're surrounded by it, absorbed by it, a part of it. If you were on the outside looking in you'd be appalled!

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

I had a friend who was a cop, hated writing tickets, hated arresting people.. He would go out of his way to give you every chance to rectify your behavior..

He got in trouble with his superiors and was actually given a quota of tickets he *must* write every day.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:53 PM
I see the point of the article and can commiserate, but a couple of the examples seem a bit weak.

For starters, the mother in the "Christmas Present Caper" was the one who called the cops on her son. It's not like the police are peeking in your window to see if you've opened your presents early. I think that it is over the top for a parent to fall back on the cops for discipline. If a child opens a present early after you explicitly tell them not to, you take it back and return it or donate it. Make them understand that there are repercussions to bad actions.

Number 11 - the evangelicals outside a Muslim (or Arab as the actual cited website states) Festival - is hardly the best example of loss of freedom of speech. Free speech zones have been popping up everywhere across the country, which are ironic to say the least. However, while speech is guarded, I think that proselytizing infringes on others freedom of religion. And since religion and speech are both wrapped up in the 1st amendment, it becomes clear that the police have to decide whether the festival-goers 1st amendment rights trump those of the proselytizers or the other way around.

In my opinion, if the festival was sanctioned or permitted by the city, then their speech should be allowed inside the defined area while the proselytizers should be allowed outside of that area. But, in good faith, I would sign with the festival-goers because by assuming it is a Muslim (and not Arab) festival (because Arabs are not all Muslim), it is just provocative for them to be passing out the Christian Gospel to devote Muslims in a festival geared to that.

Would Christians enjoy Muslim proselytizers (if such sect exists) at the entrance to a Christmas or Easter festival??? Do unto others, right?

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 11:57 PM
We've been totally screwed by the legislative branch.

Then the executive branch.

Now the judicial branch.

'We the people' used to mean us citizens. Now it means 'we the government people' and 'the rest of you are nobodies that we can push around as we wish'.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 02:14 PM
Flagged. Spread the word everyone the people of America need to see this, not so much the ones on this website, but the ones that aren't. Call me naive, but I think we can still make this country reminiscent of what it once was.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by RSF77

thanks for the response

Also, I like your optimism. I like tho think the U.S. can again some day regain the values that it was founded on.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by RedGolem

It just has to, the soldiers and law enforcement agents in the United States are members of civilian families just like all of us. If the SHTF, I have faith that they would stand for the people, not the corporate/political elite. Every soldier who enters the US military is notified that he is allowed to question an order given that it is morally wrong and/or against the LOAC, all the way up the chain. The longer the government retains the intentions that it does now, more and more people will realize what is going on, Americans have had no major threat to them in a long time and generally desire a peaceful existence. Tptb are stressing the American public (and the international community) as far as they can without hassle, they learned to do this after the civil unrest in the late 60s and early 70s. The misinformation and biased media serves to lengthen the extent of their control, but in the end the power rests with us, we ARE America # it and we need to realize it. The coming generations will be much different and with different ideals than the present one, things have to change one way or another and it's not going to be fun, but this isn't the first rodeo on Earth.

They can't just flip a switch, declare martial law and have everything their way. The day that we allow widespread usage of autonomous vehicles for police purposes is the day that we sign away our rights in the name of saving lives, robots don't have morals. The present is worrisome, but the future is what we have to change.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by RSF77

I like what your saying, however in your last paragraph you said you can't just flip a switch and have martial law. I don't think that is necessarily the case. In the U.S. congress can declare martial law. If you have read any of the other threads on that, many are saying if it ever happens we won't be able to get rid of it.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 04:45 PM
I'm going to try and vent my feelings about this as calmly as possible: $%#@ f*** piece of **** stupid little *&^$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Ahem, so anyway, now that I got that out of my system, I'm honestly speechless.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 10:55 PM
Stuff like this has always been happening, even before the internet. We are just in a better position to gather information and put it all together like pieces of a puzzle. If we were living just as we are today without the internet, we obviously wouldn't be able to know a lot of things that are happening across the country and even the world. The internet has made us more aware of how doomed we really are. Sadly, even with the internet, there's a lot we still don't know. There are a lot of things happening behind closed doors that are well beyond our reach. Let's not be surprised by anything that happens in 2011 and beyond.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 01:16 AM
Wanted to share a few I always got a kick out of, did you know in Ca it's illegal to... with your arm hanging out the window? or to waive out the window? that's right freedom lovers... waiving out the window to a friend is an improper hand signal, violation 22111VC

Guess what else can get you pulled over?.. wearing sunglasses. Under 23120VC no person shall drive wearing glasses "...having a temple width of one-half inch or more..".. "Sir I pulled you over because your Ray-Bans "temple width".. it appears kinda big.. please step out of the vehicle for temple width measurement,.. now spread your legs.. WIDER!!"

22111. All required signals given by hand and arm shall be given
from the left side of a vehicle in the following manner:
(a) Left turn--hand and arm extended horizontally beyond the side
of the vehicle.
(b) Right turn--hand and arm extended upward beyond the side of
the vehicle, except that a bicyclist may extend the right hand and
arm horizontally to the right side of the bicycle.
(c) Stop or sudden decrease of speed signal--hand and arm extended
downward beyond the side of the vehicle.

23120. No person shall operate a motor vehicle while wearing
glasses having a temple width of one-half inch or more if any part of
such temple extends below the horizontal center of the lens so as to
interfere with lateral vision

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 01:35 AM
That's quite a shock, laws have mutated into something else altogether... not to mention the authorities who enforce them.

Here in Australia, you get a slap on the wrist for stabbing someone in the face. Oh, and if a burglar breaks into your house and injures himself in the process, he can sue you.... successfully.

Awesome world we live in today...
edit on 1-1-2011 by aRogue because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by RedGolem
reply to post by RSF77

I like what your saying, however in your last paragraph you said you can't just flip a switch and have martial law. I don't think that is necessarily the case. In the U.S. congress can declare martial law. If you have read any of the other threads on that, many are saying if it ever happens we won't be able to get rid of it.

I can see it happening and being supported in the name of cracking down on street gangs, I would hope that people wouldn't allow it to continue for other sinister purposes. IMHO, Americans are very easily flustered by small issues and changes in their lives, currently, I don't think the government could forcefully handle large scale dissatisfaction of them. As soon as people everywhere get upset, the government loses a lot of its foundation and military support, they wouldn't be able to move freely because the same citizens they seek to oppress are the ones that allow them to do it. Already, with individuals being arrested for bogus crimes and even if it is not widely reported by common media, people are getting pissed and voicing their opinions, a few are listening here and there. This makes certain individuals lives hard for no good reason, the more we start caring about each other as fellow Americans, the more we will be resistant to government oppression, and in turn the better our government will have to treat the international community. There is just a set of protocols and principles our government has absorbed through various wars that they haven't abolished, wars like WW2 taught them to get involved in the affairs of the world and others like Vietnam taught them to distrust their own citizens.

Really I just want us all to be peaceful and free. Though lack of conflict seems to create problems of its own, as long as they keep us fat and happy we worry about senseless things other than what is really important. People get too wrapped up in what they 'believe', which is a word I hate.

Originally posted by Mr Knowledge
Stuff like this has always been happening, even before the internet. We are just in a better position to gather information and put it all together like pieces of a puzzle. If we were living just as we are today without the internet, we obviously wouldn't be able to know a lot of things that are happening across the country and even the world. The internet has made us more aware of how doomed we really are. Sadly, even with the internet, there's a lot we still don't know. There are a lot of things happening behind closed doors that are well beyond our reach. Let's not be surprised by anything that happens in 2011 and beyond.

I agree, the internet and 'free' global communication are tools that we can't afford to loose, monitored or not.
edit on 1-1-2011 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by RSF77

again I like what you are saying. Wanting people to live free and in peace. To me with the way the world works I just see it as more of a pipe dream then a reality.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 12:08 PM
i agree... thanks OP!

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by RedGolem

Yes, its a pipe dream, but as a species we tend to make some of our dreams a reality, some good and some bad.

Good intentions and a code of honor is what needs to be instilled in us and admired. First and foremost I will never turn my back on the people of my country, previously as a soldier (yea yea I already know what you are going to say) and now as a citizen. I just think that if we set an example for each other as moral people and take into consideration what is for the basic welfare of everyone, all other issues will fall into place.

For the record, I am an atheist. I know, its hard to understand how I can say these things about morals and a code of honor being the person I am, but people need social backing. It needs to be looked upon more favorably to be a 'good person' and not a good businessman or a good christian or any other type that a person might identify themselves as. I'm just saying, we need to keep compassion at the forefront of our minds, our nature is very selfish and leans heavily towards self promotion.
edit on 1-1-2011 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 01:19 PM
This has likely already been mentioned, but number 1 should be making cannabis illegal, the only reason it was made illegal in the first place was because rumors were spread that Mexicans would smoke it, go crazy, and rape and kill everyone, it's why it's called Marijuana. Even though I absolutely do not support coc aine, it was also made illegal for the same reason, but with blacks instead of Mexicans. The big reason it's illegal is because it allows us to be self-sufficient and it makes us rebel against unjust authority.

“Thomas Jefferson wrote and acted on behalf of hemp many times, smuggling rare seeds into America, redesigning the hemp brake, and keeping his farm and garden journals in which, on March 16, 1791, he wrote: The culture [of tobacco] is pernicious. This plant greatly exhausts the soil. Of course, it requires much manure, therefore other productions are deprived of manure, yielding no nourishment for cattle, there is no return for the manure expended... It is impolitic. The fact well established in the system of agriculture is that the best hemp and the best tobacco grow on the same kind of soil. The former article is of first necessity to the commerce and marine, in other words to the wealth and protection of the country. The latter, never useful and sometimes pernicious, derives its estimation from caprice, and its value from the taxes to which it was formerly exposed. The preference to be given will result from a comparison of them: Hemp employs in its rudest state more labor than tobacco, but being a material for manufactures of various sorts, becomes afterwards the means of support to numbers of people, hence it is to be preferred in a populous country. America imports hemp and will continue to do so, and also sundry articles made of hemp, such as cordage, sail cloth, drilling linen and stockings...”

The cannabis plant is the single greatest living thing on this planet, and that's including humans. Hemp is the best and generally strongest material for everything, including paper, clothing, and rope. It can be used for fuel and can even be turned into plastic. You can live off of nothing but Hemp oil because it's very well rounded nutritionally, in the exact proportions our bodies need (and it's packed with good fats, fats are the most important thing to people's survival in poor countries too). Someone in a college class of mine had a cousin who was allergic to basically everything, if it weren't for Hemp she'd be dead. It has been smoked for religious reasons since it was first found (Sufis seriously supported it), there is now even a church dedicated to it, known as the First Universal Church of Kantheism, here is a quote from its founder, “I truly believe cannabis/hemp keeps me having a healthy mind in a healthy body. It has not only helped me to get better in touch with my inner self but has made me a more balanced person in the whole. In my opinion, the only crime involved with cannabis is the crime against humanity of it being illegal.” Cannabis is used by shamans, world class athletes, American presidents, famous entertainment stars, artists and authors, not just California liberals. There's also a good bit of evidence that this wonderful plant evolved with us while we evolved with it.

It is extremely effective against certain pains, nausea, anxiety, sleep problems, fights cancer, helps fend off Alzheimers and isn't physically addictive, though anything can be mentally addicting. In the video a guy has a message for people against medicinal use, “They're liars...flat out liars.” The medical establishment is extremely corrupt, they are nothing but pill pushers and exploiters, they want you sick and they want you to stay sick, they also want you addicted to their opiates. I should also point out that many of the American elite got rich because they smuggled opium from China to America. The Taliban's control caused Afghanistan's opium output to be very low, but since our invasion they are setting record highs thanks to our soldiers guarding their fields. And oh yeah, most of the intelligence agencies, especially the CIA, routinely smuggle drugs for Black Budget money, they're also very interconnected with the mafia. That is the real reason that we do nothing to cure people's problems, instead we cover up the symptoms by getting them addicted to opiates, which guarantees a steady revenue for the elite. This is also the reason for the War on Drugs because the elite were tired of having their profits being cut. As the saying on Ron Paul's desk goes, “Don't steal, the government hates competition.” These are the same medical geniuses who promoted blood letting for a long time and oh yeah, the same people who prescribe poison to get rid of cancer.

This is the greatest medicine in the world and it's the greatest material in the world: that is exactly why it's illegal. People are constantly prescribed highly addictive pain killers, they usually stay addicted afterwords too, these people usually have to also take nausea and sleep medicine to combat the side effects. I had a college teacher in this predicament, he was addicted to Oxycontin, I asked him what he felt about legalizing it in front of the class, his immediate response was, “Do it, now.” If you have pain throughout your body and they don't know exactly what it is, they call it fibromyalgia, you know what they prescribe: anxiety medicine. My mom suffers from this, she has general pain throughout her body and this gives her sleeping problems, yet she has to use completely ineffective medicine, while I have to try not to say anything about a better treatment. People with anxiety problems are forced to take brain chemistry altering drugs that often make their problems worse while also turning them into a zombie. When I was in high school I went through the typical period of depression, had the usual suicidal thoughts and all that, you know what fixed that just in time: cannabis, it literally saved my life.

Another reason it is illegal is because it makes people hard to control, “The sadistic Ottoman Empire conquered Egypt and, in the 16th Century A.D., tried to outlaw cannabis - because Egyptian hemp growers along the Nile were leading tax revolts. The Turks complained that cannabis use caused Egyptians to laugh and be disrespectful to their Sultan and his representatives.” This is also shown in Pineapple Express with Item 9, the soldier smokes, then he starts making jokes (a bit inappropriately), then his superiors start telling him what to do and he refuses to listen, so it's made illegal. Also note that these growers were able to be self-sufficient and even led tax revolts, that is above all the biggest reason it is illegal. Many conquerors would make it illegal so that they could persecute people, usually minority religious and cultural sects.

So the greatest substance on Earth is illegal because it is the greatest substance on earth, yet we have the deadly substances tobacco and alcohol legalized and alcohol prohibition was even overturned, yet cannabis is illegal because...well...because it's...hmmm...well I'll just put what I saw on a website, “Because billionaires want to remain billionaires.” The number of people who die from simple things like aspirin each year is staggering, you know how many people have directly died from smoking cannabis: zero.

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