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Vatican Emerges From WikiLeaks As A Key Player On Global Scene

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posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 03:45 PM
Doesn't the Vatican have trillions in real estate?

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

Originally posted by SaturnFX
I think the biggest joke is that schools keep talking of how Rome fell.

They never fell, they simply changed the names of deities and decided to run the world from behind the scenes...
They learned a valueable lesson...its easier to control everything when they play behind the scenes and let nations feel like they are independent verses a giant empire.

Welcome to the very old world order.

It is an interesting perspective however it's incomplete
All religions are based on Sumerian mythology, so how do you throw that into the mix?

And apparently the Annunaki were also controlling the masses and using them as slaves

So how does you theory work with that?

Now we are going back a bit further and into a very different style of conspiracy...I figured I would make it simple for now and perhaps tape together a different thread for where your going with it.

But, for now, we can all consider ourselves citizens of new rome..aka, earth

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by burntheships

When it comes to the USA Members at the UN, Israel always trumps everyone else, there is no exception. And secondly, when in Gods History has One Religeon listened and acted on another religeons request.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 05:12 PM
I don't see how anyone could be shocked about the Vatican's participation in world events. Isn't the Vatican the most profitable corporation in the world??

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

All religions are based on Sumerian mythology, so how do you throw that into the mix?

And apparently the Annunaki were also controlling the masses and using them as slaves

So how does you theory work with that?

I think what is safe to say is all religions are based on societal constructions.

Most of our history is Romanized, that is to say that it was either handed down directly by Rome whether it was Josephus or Tacitus from Biblical Times or through the Vatican in later times.

If we are to believe Romanized accounts the human race has been around for a little less than 10,000 years.

That even though the human race according to science and DNA came out of Africa that the Mesopotamian Delta region became the actual cradle of civilization and that despite the fact that science pegs humans in this modern form to be perhaps a hundred thousand years old or older, that we spent 90,000 years wondering around as primitive hunter gatherers before civilization sprang up around Ur and the Sumerians who we are told were the first to write, do math, and keep records.

This is likely all a fallacy meant to support the Bible.

When one examines what happened when the Ecumenical Councils of Rome were held to codify the Holy Roman Bible, in fact religious scholars of every known faith in the Roman world were called to Rome to partake, because basically what they were doing was creating a religion, a monotheistic religion that had to on a certain level have the potential to satisfy everyone in the Empire that stretched from Persia to Africa, to England to the Russian Steppes.

The Romans could not have pulled this off with one of their ‘classic’ Gods, so they basically had to do two things in order to pull this off; they first had to steal a God from a foreign people, and to enlist those foreign people as accomplices in the deception.

History shows us that they stole this God from the Israelites (though the Jews in fact have never named their God(s) and still haven’t) and that the Jews (Likely the Pharisees Elders were enlisted in this deception).

My personal belief is that Rome had borrowed heavily from the Pharisees in their plan to conquer the entire world, and that to guarantee repayment it required collapsing the very expensive state sponsored system of Bread and Circuses and replacing it with Augustine’s of Hippo City of God concepts of heavenly rewards for loyalty to the State and obedience instead of earthly ones that were costing Rome a fortune.

The Habiru/Hapiri better known today as the Hebrews had for thousands of years basically been a nomadic people of mercenaries, pirates, slave traders, artisans, stone masons and political advisors who had wandered in and out of every major society in the Middle East and parts of Africa as “separate but equal” peoples and were not historically attached to one place, or settled in Jerusalem for very long, before being sent into Diaspora to begin spreading out throughout the Roman world.
While the New God Rome was promoting was not visible the Jews who it was said worshiped him, were.

If not for the Jews willingness to retain a unique look and their own customs it might have been impossible to sell this God to the Pagans who worshiped in some cases dozens and dozens of deities.

So much of what was codified into the Holy Roman Bible was to guarantee the Habiru/Hapiri (Hebrew) certain things in exchange for them playing their role, principally the return of Jerusalem once the Roman Conquest was complete, and repayment on the loans plus interest.

Payment was rendered in 1824 when the Vatican gave the bulk of it’s treasury to the Rothschild family, and then in 1918 when England bequeathed land in Palestine (it didn’t even yet control) to once again the Rothschild family to found a Jewish/Zionist settlement.

Much of the Ur and Babylon myths were written into the Bible to satisfy the Habiru/Hapiri as they at various points ruled all these kingdoms before the people rebelled against them.

They were never slaves, but were slave traders, circumcision is actually the mark of being a Hapiri/Habiru slave, so once you understand the actual reality of the Stock Market (Human Beings) and Bonds (Loans to ensure they labor on specific things for the Rulers and Masters) you begin to understand how the Pharisees have huge investment in both Stock (humans) and Bonds (loans).

The New World Order was in fact established just prior to World War I with the Federal Reserve Act here in the United States.

At this point in time all “First Nations Peoples” pre-Roman/Christian pagan peoples had been subjugated and brought into the Romanized system of banking, international laws of the Sea and War and Commerce.

The World Wide Shadow Government had gained complete control of all the earths vital resources, and the wars fought since then have basically been about culling the herd and forcing migrations and working the people towards accepting a One World Government that ultimately will be devoid of a lot of these vagaries but at a very high price to personal freedom.

This is all part of a Romanized process known as Bellum omnium contra omnes which literally translated means the war of all against all, which was a theory since Roman times that the world would only know chaos as long as people were free to retain their free will and exert their dominance over others through force of arms, graft or deception.

That eventually only ‘One’ person had to be at the top, and that everyone else must obey that One person so as to end the conflict of Bellum omnium contra omnes the war of all against all.

One person would decide and dictate thing and every other human being by penalty of law would have to obey, and this would order our world.

So naturally if you are going to try to implement this system of one person ruling over the entire planet, you first need to get people to grasp this ideal through the notion of One God!

A societal construct to train people to not just consider, but desire one supreme authority.

In reality Rome’s Gods do not trace back to Sumer and Ur but to Troy with Apollo the God of Light and Muses, probably being the most important of Rome’s Gods next to Saturn.

The Pharisees likely worshipped/worship Saturn because their Sabbath is on Saturday, while the Christians worship the Sun/Apollo whose holy day is naturally Sunday!

Like just about everything you have been told, the importance of Sumer, Babylon, and Ur are all base deceptions to point you in the wrong direction.

However having said all that what is truly important is not the precise origins of the Roman Power Structure which has in fact conquered the whole world through a series of Contracts that emanate from the Vatican but recognizing it is a Roman Power Structure and deciding whether to submit to it as it will likely declare itself openly and fully in our lifetimes or whether you wish to reject it and attempt to bring down Rome once and for all.

Religion(s) cloud the picture and muddy the water, and that is why Rome has long used religion as a front and a guise to continue its conquest.

People hunger for answers to the unknown and the promises of all powerful all knowing God(s) satisfy that hunger, and Rome plays off of that with all the larceny and villainy they can muster it.

As many members know I have been fixated on Rome for quite some time now, it is Rome itself I suggest we all consider dealing with and leave the Gods and other Races out of it, until they want to weigh in themselves if they exist or even care to.

All Roads Lead to Rome, they always have and they always will unless we come to that realization.

Our buildings and monuments to Power the world over are Roman in design. Latin is written on our money even though it is a dead language; it comprises the bulk of our laws, and science. Rome is literally all around us in everything we are just failing to be honest about it.

It has lied sweetly to us, and we have lied to ourselves even more sweetly about it.

Yet one need look no further to the Satellites in the Sky, the X-Ray Machines at the Airports, the Traffic Cameras at intersections, the World Wide Web, HARRP in Alaska to know that a very powerful electronic control grid is being rapidly completed around us.

If we do not fight Rome now, chances are we will never ever have another chance, and our race will be consigned to slavery and being ruled over by one all powerful central authority.

This is what I know, this is what I believe.

This and so much more is in All Roads Lead to Rome my seminal work on the subject which currently is a 165 pages of research, debates, and theories that touch on every aspect of the Roman conspiracy and then some.

This is the mother of all conspiracies that has driven our world for 2,000 years.

We are fast running out of time to stop it.


posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Rome didn't create monotheism. It came from Egypt with Pharaoh Akhenaton.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

As many members know I have been fixated on Rome for quite some time now, it is Rome itself I suggest we all consider dealing with and leave the Gods and other Races out of it, until they want to weigh in themselves if they exist or even care to.

I do agree, we will get much farther down the road if we dont muddy the waters.
Proto your work is well recognized, and thank you much for your efforts.

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Our buildings and monuments to Power the world over are Roman in design. Latin is written on our money even though it is a dead language; it comprises the bulk of our laws, and science. Rome is literally all around us in everything we are just failing to be honest about it.

It has lied sweetly to us, and we have lied to ourselves even more sweetly about it.

Yet one need look no further to the Satellites in the Sky, the X-Ray Machines at the Airports, the Traffic Cameras at intersections, the World Wide Web, HARRP in Alaska to know that a very powerful electronic control grid is being rapidly completed around us.

If we do not fight Rome now, chances are we will never ever have another chance, and our race will be consigned to slavery and being ruled over by one all powerful central authority.

Very rapididly as of late. Which leads me to ask this question.

Do you see "Alien" Disclosure as a key to the next mile on the Road To Rome?

We have all been atuned to the Vaticans keen interest in the subject. I think they know far more than they have ever let on. In fact, they may be in on the plan.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by topdog30
I don't see how anyone could be shocked about the Vatican's participation in world events. Isn't the Vatican the most profitable corporation in the world??

It's only the most profitable because they don't pay any Tax. Zip, Nada, Zilch

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 05:40 PM
here's a little tid-bit....the line of the ceasars is still's the queen.....she is the new est ....ceasar.
she'll n tell ya, i bet
so, london is the bank, washington is the military and,,(spittle spat out, he he )
the got-tam-church. that city will go down quickly, if i read this scripture stuff correctly....
am i right?

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by skeptic_al

Actually thats not the only reason...however it is true.
They have been amassing wealth for over two thousand years.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 05:48 PM
And ? Take a look at history.. The vatican is worse than the u.s when it comes to arrogance and meddling in the affairs of governments around the world.. Instigating wars and toppling governments..

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by GBP/JPY

I am not quite fully informed on the relationship that the Queen may have with The Pope.
It seems on the surface to be one of distance, and interspersed with tolerance,
yet I do think there is some rivalry.

Rumor has it that one Pope wanted The Queen to be "taken out".

As to the city....which one are you referring to?
edit on 27-12-2010 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by skeptic_al

Originally posted by topdog30
I don't see how anyone could be shocked about the Vatican's participation in world events. Isn't the Vatican the most profitable corporation in the world??

It's only the most profitable because they don't pay any Tax. Zip, Nada, Zilch

Actually it's worse than that. Governments actually give them (Cathaholic Chuch) money. And Pay all their travelling expenses when anyone from the Vatican travels Abroad. How the F does that work.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

"Early modern humans" like Cro Magon man are not anatomically perfect humans. I'm still trying to find the place true humans first emerged.

The Romans could not have pulled this off with one of their ‘classic’ Gods, so they basically had to do two things in order to pull this off; they first had to steal a God from a foreign people, and to enlist those foreign people as accomplices in the deception.

No little people in Rome had that kind of foresight or comprehension. Humans today can barely project what the future will hold. They would have to be either not human, psychic humans or immortal humans.

History shows us that they stole this God from the Israelites (though the Jews in fact have never named their God(s) and still haven’t) and that the Jews (Likely the Pharisees Elders were enlisted in this deception).

Havn't named G-d? The Israelite deity was named before Rome ever existed.

My personal belief is that Rome had borrowed heavily from the Pharisees in their plan to conquer the entire world, and that to guarantee repayment it required collapsing the very expensive state sponsored system of Bread and Circuses and replacing it with Augustine’s of Hippo City of God concepts of heavenly rewards for loyalty to the State and obedience instead of earthly ones that were costing Rome a fortune.

There you go with the little pissant humans with grand schemes again. Humans can barely maintain stable governments for a few generations. Anything trying to conspire on that level would have to be superhuman. Humans by nature are factionalist and egotistically selfish creatures. They do not like to carry out long term plans, especially ones laid out by people who died 2000 years ago. They simply don't give a crap. The people involved in such a longterm plan would require superhuman clairvoyance.

In reality Rome’s Gods do not trace back to Sumer and Ur but to Troy with Apollo the God of Light and Muses, probably being the most important of Rome’s Gods next to Saturn.

The 12 gods trace back to the Hittites, which trace back to Indo European gods.

If we do not fight Rome now, chances are we will never ever have another chance, and our race will be consigned to slavery and being ruled over by one all powerful central authority.

Humans do not have that kind of capacity. They can barely maintain their own households, much less millenia long conspiracies to hold people in bondage.

edit on 27/12/10 by MikeboydUS because: .

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 06:03 PM
There are so many layers to the onion, and strands in the web that was created, to confound the wise.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by burntheships

There's an interesting diagram of the power structure, pretty much as you describe it. It can be found on the link below:

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 06:09 PM
excellent thread BTS !!!
star and flag

still trying to sort through
all the info.

one thing caught my eye was
this phrase from the article in the
OP link.

The Vatican will continue to oppose U.S. efforts to isolate Saddam Hussein.

Hussein has been dead a few yrs
and this story has a print date of
Dec. 2010. When was this article
originally written ???

If it was originally written before Hussein
died then wikileaks was in the works
long before and had an intentional purpose
for existence.

great thread

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

And I wonder why the Vatican opposed, it seems to me the wiki leaks on the subject of the Vatican were positive.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by burntheships

rome was the city to be rumpled quickly or actually-not -to-paraphrase.....the city talked about when babylon goes down....whatever that city might be interpreted to be in modern times

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

That He does.

For instance, we are told to eat the seeds of fruit and herbs. Genesis 1:29.
Vitamin B 17. Yet, over time seeds are removed from our diet, and what is still available
they wish to make illegal. If there is anything left, they will fumigate it and radiate it.

Just one example of many.

edit on 27-12-2010 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

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