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BP Oil Discovered Covering Gulf Floor.

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posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
Can anyone actually prove the Gulf Currents stopped?

Or is this just rumor?

It should be really easy to prove yes?
It's a rumour.
As you can see, for example, in this page, it hasn't stopped, and if you look into their archive you can see that it hasn't changed that much when compared with previous months or years.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Nasa,right now. Has a sattelite in space,so it can link the gulf coast,the water way to the whole worlds weather.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Nasa,right now. Has a sattelite in space,so it can link the gulf coast,the water way to the whole worlds weather.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Nasa,right now. Has a sattelite in space,so it can link the gulf coast,the water way to the whole worlds weather.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 08:21 AM
correct me if I'm wrong, but if the oil is on the bottom of the ocean floor couldn't we send something to get it? I mean I don't know how deep the gulf is exactly, but theoretically speaking since we know its there couldn't we go out and get it?

Also about the whole Gulf stream quitting, you think that would be HUGE HUGE news, and something would be done very very quickly about that.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by ArMaP

I beg to differ...

I've been trying to follow this for the past few months and have had a VERY hard time getting any info on the state of the North Atlantic Gyre, the Gulf Loop Current and Thermohaline Circulation. It seems that the MSM is working overtime to bury any and all information.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by windwaker

How do we know if we're eating fish and shrimp from the gulf? Is the gulf seafood only marketed in and around the gulf?

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by saltheart foamfollower
Alright, the corexit could be poisonous to the animal and plant life there.

Tell me mr know it all, what happens to all the oil that seeps NATURALLY from the ocean floor?

Does it destroy everything?

How bout doing an investigation into that? Since removing the oil, which COMES NATURALLY from the earth itself, maybe we are helping the planet if it is sooooooo poisonous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

poor human being, I beg you pardon but you also have some little brains no ?? so maybe you can make difference between NATURAL oil from earth itself and oil mixed with COREXIT which is a POISON and breaks down the natural oil into little poisonous kind of ketchup which can not been eaten up by microbs ???!!!!!
come on, show me your intelligence, show me you are clever ! could this all be the same for you ?
peace and poison anyway for you !
poor human person, if even this you do not understand ......
edit on 27-12-2010 by Sunlionspirit because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-12-2010 by Sunlionspirit because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by Sunlionspirit

I really hope there is a possibility to pump it up, that amount of poisonous sh**t down there !!
what do you think ?? should be possible to pump it up ?????
BP CEO's should be hanged on public places like in Middle Ages !!! crazy greedy bast..... !!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by snowspirit

Who do you think owns the US Government?

Read, "Full Spectrum Dominance" by F. William Engdahl.

I quote the review because I have read the book and agree with this awsome review.

Full Spectrum Dominance is a rare and essential book -- one that orients readers quickly and deeply to the world we live in, and how we arrived here. William Engdahl presents the historical background of policy making and decision analysis that explains how the United States arrived at its present "mission" in the world. The value of Engdahl's brilliant book is not only that it familiarizes American readers with a history that is not usually revealed to us, but it also guides us through the many overt and covert tactics employed by the US for regime change-- primarily via the Pentagon and its nefarious weapons contractors, but also through various think tanks and foundations with innocuous names disingenuously referring to "democracy" and "freedom." The "full spectrum" of tactics and deceptions and tricks -- both violent and non-violent -- is revealed here. Needless to say, this book falls within the honorable tradition of political histories that blow the cover off America's much vaunted pretense and propaganda about serving the cause of "freedom" and "democracy" around the world! It is the only book available today that covers ALL of this, with ample quotations and documents from the architects of US policies, in just 250 well written pages. FULL SPECTRUM DOMINANCE is unique in presenting the evolution of CIA tactics, ranging from its crude "coups" of yesteryear (as in Iran and Guatemala) to its current -- and perhaps more insidious -- use of "non-violent" electronically manipulated technological "crowd control" via cell phones and (as is currently evident on the streets of Tehran) Twitter. If Americans are woefully ignorant of the full range and dangerous extremes of American violence around the world, of American interventions into and manipulations of other countries' elections and environments and economics, then there is no longer any excuse for such ignorance. FULL SPECTRUM DOMINANCE is a "must read." To understand pipeline politics, the critical importance of Eurasia to US defense contractors, read this book. To understand how and why America has become such a rapacious and violent empire with bases all over the world and tens of thousands of agents provocateurs doing its dirty work from Tibet to Tehran, manipulating elections, staging phony "revolutions" to surround Russia with hostile Made-in-USA regimes, propping up American-trained puppets or fomenting chaos from Myanmar to Congo and from Ukraine to Iran -- read this book!

Author of this review:Margot L. White "M. Lachlan White and source:

People keep making the mistake that there is the US Government and then there are Corporations.

Read my location.

America has not been run by and for the people for a long time now.

And, corporations and the people that own and run them are now going global.

Another good book to read to understand why things are the way they are is Corporatism The Secret Government of The New World Order by Jeffrey Grupp.

Most people do not realize the huge conspiracy, our governments (many globally) have now been taken over by Corporations.

When you allow a corporation (say BP) to contribute (bribe) huge sums of money into any politician's campaign where the sam heck do you think that politician, judge, president's loyalities are going to lie.

Our "governments" were bought out a long time ago.

For the people and by the people is an illusion.

Another good book that explains The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order by Michel Chossudovsky.

Our government has been bought out by the large corporations.

Read my location....................And this is well on it's way to going global.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by snowspirit

Who do you think owns the US Government?

Read, "Full Spectrum Dominance" by F. William Engdahl.

I quote the review because I have read the book and agree with this awsome review.

Full Spectrum Dominance is a rare and essential book -- one that orients readers quickly and deeply to the world we live in, and how we arrived here. William Engdahl presents the historical background of policy making and decision analysis that explains how the United States arrived at its present "mission" in the world. The value of Engdahl's brilliant book is not only that it familiarizes American readers with a history that is not usually revealed to us, but it also guides us through the many overt and covert tactics employed by the US for regime change-- primarily via the Pentagon and its nefarious weapons contractors, but also through various think tanks and foundations with innocuous names disingenuously referring to "democracy" and "freedom." The "full spectrum" of tactics and deceptions and tricks -- both violent and non-violent -- is revealed here. Needless to say, this book falls within the honorable tradition of political histories that blow the cover off America's much vaunted pretense and propaganda about serving the cause of "freedom" and "democracy" around the world! It is the only book available today that covers ALL of this, with ample quotations and documents from the architects of US policies, in just 250 well written pages. FULL SPECTRUM DOMINANCE is unique in presenting the evolution of CIA tactics, ranging from its crude "coups" of yesteryear (as in Iran and Guatemala) to its current -- and perhaps more insidious -- use of "non-violent" electronically manipulated technological "crowd control" via cell phones and (as is currently evident on the streets of Tehran) Twitter. If Americans are woefully ignorant of the full range and dangerous extremes of American violence around the world, of American interventions into and manipulations of other countries' elections and environments and economics, then there is no longer any excuse for such ignorance. FULL SPECTRUM DOMINANCE is a "must read." To understand pipeline politics, the critical importance of Eurasia to US defense contractors, read this book. To understand how and why America has become such a rapacious and violent empire with bases all over the world and tens of thousands of agents provocateurs doing its dirty work from Tibet to Tehran, manipulating elections, staging phony "revolutions" to surround Russia with hostile Made-in-USA regimes, propping up American-trained puppets or fomenting chaos from Myanmar to Congo and from Ukraine to Iran -- read this book!

Author of this review:Margot L. White "M. Lachlan White and source:

People keep making the mistake that there is the US Government and then there are Corporations.

Read my location.

America has not been run by and for the people for a long time now.

And, corporations and the people that own and run them are now going global.

Another good book to read to understand why things are the way they are is Corporatism The Secret Government of The New World Order by Jeffrey Grupp.

Most people do not realize the huge conspiracy, our governments (many globally) have now been taken over by Corporations.

When you allow a corporation (say BP) to contribute (bribe) huge sums of money into any politician's campaign where the sam heck do you think that politician, judge, president's loyalities are going to lie.

Our "governments" were bought out a long time ago.

For the people and by the people is an illusion.

Another good book that explains The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order by Michel Chossudovsky.

Our government has been bought out by the large corporations.

Read my location....................And this is well on it's way to going global.

"Our government has been bought out by the large corporations".
this is not Obama's fault !!! this started with the neo-cons and Reagan/Thatcher boys .....
your system up there in USA is BUYING elected ones to vote in favour of the corporations !!!
your system is $$$$ greed !!! money buys democracy, money kills democracy, money makes it possible that security is lost in favour of greed $$$$$ !!!!!!!!!!!!! shame on all of us to accept this system !!!!

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by snowspirit
The US government should also be held accountable for damage

Good luck with that.

The Bikini Island folk are still mad their home is too radiated to live upon and they didn't get compensated much.

Or how about the Indian's getting hosed out of Billions by the Federal Government over royalties from oil, gas, minerals....

You ain't going to get the Federal Government held accountable for anything. It would be a great start if we ended Affirmative Action and started putting smart people in charge of things again instead of Affirmative Action placements and political dimwits getting control...or Corporate Interests....

God needs to punish the United States.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by WeRpeons

makes sense since iss been alot coulder evrywhere that the ouil is
even in europe
it stopped alright
want proof
did u se the storms along the east coast of usa wright now>
lets just hope nature finds a way

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 10:50 AM
A few fish die so what?

It's not going to change a thing about what you think.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by stirling

...The discovery of this crap covering many square miles of the ocean floor, leaves us to wonder if the very worst of repercussions may be yet to come from the gigantic oil spill.

I'm not wondering. I'm confident the worst is yet to come - right up the food chain.

We thought our fish stocks were already contaminated and depleted? ...just watch.

S7F btw

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by saltheart foamfollower
Alright, the corexit could be poisonous to the animal and plant life there.

Tell me mr know it all, what happens to all the oil that seeps NATURALLY from the ocean floor?

Does it destroy everything?

How bout doing an investigation into that? Since removing the oil, which COMES NATURALLY from the earth itself, maybe we are helping the planet if it is sooooooo poisonous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Uranium and Plutonium are natural... should we go rolling around in that too?

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 11:38 AM
first off let me state I dont know what topics are taboo anymore here at cia/nsa/ats so if i get censored so be it but my thoughts are still oil and water do not mix. cleanup should be easy and why is the msm not reporting about the clean up at all ?

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 12:35 PM
I'm just wondering if the same people who accept the concept of "NATURAL OIL SEEPS" are the same people who accept that websites that speculate that Global Warming is a manufactured conspiracy of climatologists are telling the truth.

>> I mean, what proof is there that NATURAL seeps are anything approaching what we've seen in the oceans -- isn't it MORE likely that there are a lot of uncapped and abandoned wells that just got called "natural' in order to save Billions of dollars?

Pay a few Government regulators a couple million, spend money on advertising on TV -- INSTANT GREEN! Way cheaper than actually doing anything about your pollution-based profit.

>> More people are killed in the USA by clean coal each year than were killed on 9/11 -- yet we spend more on cat food on the one, and about $2 Trillion on the other.

Originally posted by saltheart foamfollower
Alright, the corexit could be poisonous to the animal and plant life there.

Tell me mr know it all, what happens to all the oil that seeps NATURALLY from the ocean floor?

Does it destroy everything?

How bout doing an investigation into that? Since removing the oil, which COMES NATURALLY from the earth itself, maybe we are helping the planet if it is sooooooo poisonous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by WeRpeons

I eat a lot of seafood now, and I've taken it upon myself to check where all of my seafood comes from. Luckily I live in the Northeastern US, and most of our seafood comes from Maine, The Atlantic or Asia.

I only go to stores that I trust. I sometimes even ask the clerk where their fresh fish comes from.

I would imagine that people near Louisiana are eating Gulf Coast fish. When I lived in Louisiana, local fishers would sell their catch right on the roads sometimes.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 01:39 PM
What i wonder is did they know it would sink to the bottom and is this a blatant attempt to disturb the animal life, in a sort of population reduction attempt which they've been talking about for years.

i think it was purposely, just like the flouridation of tap water, uranium to make alot of people sterile.
chemtrails too rapidly cool the planet, etc.

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