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Profile of an Illuminatus

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posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by CIAGypsy

People get scared too easy.
Let's say they (illuminati) are the elite ,then they control populations long before internet. Nothing to be done to avoid it.

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by MightyWizard

People get scared too easy.

Interesting comment. Are you scared of the Illuminati? Do you think people should be scared of the Illuminati?

Originally posted by MightyWizard
Let's say they (illuminati) are the elite ,then they control populations long before internet. Nothing to be done to avoid it.

How was this "control" done prior to the internet?

If nothing can be done to avoid them, do you propose that all the sheeple simply comply with their fate?

Very curious response....

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by CIAGypsy

So, in your esteemed opinion, the "illuminati" as a group of elite satanists/shadow government/aliens/etc... does not exist, correct? But that this "group" is merely a bit of fiction driven by class envy and fantasy?

fantasy mostly. People hate to think they are to blame for any problems in life and must find a scapegoat. Why not a fictional group? Much better then accepting responsibility and fixing things yourself.

However you believe that Illuminati did exist at one time (i.e. Adam Weishaupt's group) but died out....likely due to persecution by government and church leaders. Have I summed up your interpretation correctly?

exactly. There is a very slim chance that some faction exists still, but they have done a very good job at keeping secret and not doing anything that draws attention to themselves, which should serve as proof that they are defunct. They were not patient in the past.

Do you believe that there is any group - secret society or otherwise - who carries on the ideals of the original Bavarian Illuminati? If so, what and why?

I don't think so. The power of the church is paramount. It has not had as much impact on life in the last 10 years or so, at least not in the open. But the Vatican and Vatican City are still extremely wealthy and have a strong following. Looking at history, who has been the tyrant in most cases?

Great idea for a thread. I hope to see some intelligent responses.

edit on 25-12-2010 by network dude because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 08:23 PM
There was a group in the central east a few hundred years ago called the Roshaniya (translates as Illuminated), they had a number of secret signs of recognition and swore obedience to the brotherhood with their lives.

They had a saying that anyone outside of the brotherhood was their prey, worth nothing as they were not enlightened. Even in death a member was still chained to the brotherhood.

When a member died they continued servitude with the group spiritually, or so goes the belief. Kill them and only make them stronger as the ghosts of the dead brotherhood aided them.

Their leader called himself 'Pir Roshan' which translates as apostle of light, he made a grab for power when he made his brotherhood basically appear out of nowhere overnight as an army with ambition to take over the area they were active in. Heaps of sleepers everywhere.

For these acts he was given the name, by his enemies of course, the apostle of darkness. An army was raised against him and ended up defeating and killing him and destroying the Roshaniya brotherhood.

So there you go, a secret society called the illuminated, with an apostle of light/darkness, with a secret army, taking over the world and hating on normal peoples. In the history books, you can research it pretty easily too

I am pretty proud of the fact I traced family history back and found my forefathers battled against this group and were commended for their bravery in battle, essentially being the tip of the spear which brought these guys down

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 08:34 PM
Illuminati are myth. ppl are too paranoid.
In our mind we make them real because it's an interesting subject. like bigfoot.

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 08:35 PM
Here is a link to heaps of stuff on them

Happy profiling

As for their agenda

Good luck
edit on 25-12-2010 by kwakakev because: added agenda

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 08:42 PM

The Shining Ones

According to adherents of Kabbalah, the origin of Kabbalah begins with the Tanakh (the Hebrew Bible). According to Midrash, God created the universe with "Ten utterances" or "Ten qualities." When read by later generations of Kabbalists, the Torah's description of the creation in the Book of Genesis reveals mysteries about the godhead itself, the true nature of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life, as well as the interaction of these supernal entities with the Serpent which leads to disaster when they eat the forbidden fruit, as recorded in Genesis 2.

The Bible provides ample additional material for mythic and mystical speculation. The prophet Ezekiel's visions in particular attracted much speculation, as did Isaiah's Temple vision (Chapter 6). Jacob's vision of the ladder to heaven is another text providing an example of a mystical experience. Moses' experience with the Burning bush and his encounters with God on Mount Sinai, are all evidence of mystical events in the Tanakh, and form the origin of Jewish mystical beliefs.

Jewish mystical traditions always appeal to an argument of authority based on antiquity. As a result, virtually all works pseudepigraphically claim or are ascribed ancient authorship. For example, Sefer Raziel HaMalach, an astro-magical text partly based on a magical manual of late antiquity, Sefer ha-Razim, was, according to the kabbalists, transmitted to Adam (after being evicted) by the angel Raziel. Another famous work, the Sefer Yetzirah, supposedly dates back to the patriarch Abraham. According to Apocalyptic literature, esoteric knowledge, such as magic, divination, and astrology, was transmitted to humans in the mythic past by the two angels, Aza and Azaz'el (in other places, Azaz'el and Uzaz'el) who 'fell' from heaven (see Genesis 6:4).

Moses was "enlightened" by the presence of God, his countenance was too bright to behold. The illuminati is not the NWO nor any self proclaimed group. Their control is an ability to cause some things to start and to cause others to stop. Just my opinion.

The antiquity of the site is amazing considering the complexity of the advanced culture shown by the site. How do you explain such an advanced culture 11,000 years ago?

There is no obvious explanation for a high culture existing in Upper Mesopotamia at the end of the last Ice Age, when the rest of the world was still populated by hunter-gathering communities concerned with day-to-day survival, and little more. However, these faceless individuals, known to archaeologists as the Pre-Pottery Neolithic (PPN) peoples, created some of the most mesmeric art in the ancient world, which would not be bettered for thousands of years.

I suspect that the proposed priestly or shamanic-based ruling elite entered the region and came across a basic hunter-gathering society ripe for change at the end of the last Ice Age, and so they simply engineered their transition into settled farming communities. Elevated sites such as Göbekli Tepe and Nevali Çori became their civil and ceremonial nerve centers, all as part of the so-called Neolithic revolution or explosion which eventually began here, before spreading out across the Eurasian continent.

It is my belief that the trafficking between the suspected ruling elite and the peoples of Upper Mesopotamia is the story found in the Book of Enoch, where beings called Watchers are said to have gone amongst mortal kind giving them the forbidden arts and sciences of heaven. These were said to have included the use of herbs and plants, metallurgy, the fashioning of weapons, female beautification, and astronomy, many of the firsts accredited to the Early Neolithic world in Upper Mesopotamia.

edit on 093131p://pm3159 by debris765nju because: (no reason given)

edit on 093131p://pm3121 by debris765nju because: to add

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by CIAGypsy
reply to post by phatpackage

So I shall chalk you down for the "it's all a bunch of hogwash" category.

A little off-topic, but it's my we'll deal. Are there any conspiracies that you do believe in?

Everything is as it seems. People in high places do not lie. The official storyline is always the correct one! There is not a single legit conspiracy in the history of the world ever!

Well it was what you wanted to hear is it not?

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 10:21 PM
Ooo... the illuminated ones.

Eh, they aren't so special really, though they do exist. Call them the bankers, corporate owners, the church, the ________ (fill in the blank.) If you wanted to profile them, you could say they are all members of secret, elite, occult groups hellbent on control and profiteering. Well, with all the hearsay going around they aren't so secretive.

Yet, these 'illuminated' individuals are only small potatoes. Their studies on mind control and metaphysics makes managing society relatively easy. However, they all preform rituals and bow to an outside source. Yes, authority exists above the Illuminati. Something that is teaching them these tricks of the trade, something that has a godly presence.

How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go?...
edit on 25-12-2010 by Mayura because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by ItsTheQuestion

Originally posted by CIAGypsy
...what do YOU think their "agenda" is?

Fine. I will answer this question, with song:

edit on 12.25.2010 by ItsTheQuestion because: I have control issues.

OMG! Thank you for posting this vid. I love this song by Janet.

And to the OP. I think there is an Illuminating force called the Illuminati. They are on my naughty list.
I think they're control freaks and they need to stop it right now. I don't know where they are but I can feel them.

Hope that helps.


posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by Mayura

How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go?...
edit on 25-12-2010 by Mayura because: (no reason given)

All the way. Because I think that's where they live. Maybe the bankers and the rest of the entourage are only their choir boys? The Bavarian Illuminati? Makes me think of pie.


But them Illuminated Illuminati make me wanna

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 05:10 AM
It's pretty simple, power, they pretty much want power, wether the illumanti exist, existed or are just plain fiction, it all comes down to greed and will to rule all.

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by CIAGypsy

That will reveal Illuminati to you, especially the 2nd verse

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 07:19 AM
Its yet another odd western thing .. Never been able to figure out half the things western people go on about...

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 08:49 AM
i just wrote a 14 page paper on the illuminati for my english final. i didnt find any evidence for an illuminati in existence today. if there is an illuminati you wont ever find out about it. anyway tracing through history it would seem the bavarian illuminati was active at the same time as the freemasons and was preceeded by freemasonry, which sprang out of roscicrucianism, which itself sprang from the ancient greeks and pythagorean systems, which in turn was preceeded by many mystery schools of the ancient world, egyptians babylonians, etc. the end result is freemasons and roscicrucians and martinists, etc. people teaching that there is another way to look at the spiritual world other than what is taught in the churches. i didnt find anything leading me to believe they were/are about devil worship and aliens or witchcraft. witchcraft even though it gets a bad name because of the history behind witches, it can actually be lumped into the esoteric along with the other groups i mentioned. they all just want everyone to live peacefully and be at one with nature aka the unseen world. unseen doesnt mean you cant see it, just means no one pays attention. how many of you actually take time to look at the grass as you step on it and think about whats causing it to grow, whats behind life itself and causes it to grow? no one hardly right? thats all esotericism is, acknowledging that there is more to life than just what we see and trying to get in tune with that power and use it to make a better world. nothing i read was self fulfilling, it was all about releasing people from the tyranny of the church and kings and being free and united. if you look up the bavarian illuminati you will see it was against the teachings of the church from the beginning which is why they had to be stopped. cant have anyone going against the authority of the church and teaching that there is another way to talk to god directly without having to go through a priest who needs your money to send a prayer through to god for you. thats most likely who jesus was and why he was killed. a guy telling you you dont need the church/govt (its one in the same, always has been still is now) to go to god. what kind of dictator wants someone in the streets telling the people they dont need him to rules their lives, of course he's gonna be assassinated like anyone else who would challenge a dictatorship.

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by CIAGypsy

i dont believe they have an agenda i reckon its bloodlines in the big families that do the controlling and these guys are just some of the pawns

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by CIAGypsy

You forgot interdimensional beings possessing humans. They can jump around alot and go undetected.. Every once and awhile you take a picture of a humanbeing with one of these entities on board that you can visibly capture it. Its in their eyes and demeanors.

They are somewhat hard to witness without the camera because the camera deals with spectrums of LIGHT-illumined-illuminati etc. Reason you cant see it when they are animated say in an interview or press conference. The camera has filters yes...but the human mind filters are rather off because of many factors...emotions for one. The camera doesnt have morals, values, emotions.

...of course its too hard to believe...why do you think it works and they continue with the plans. Ever wonder why no one can really seem to identify the ILLUMINATI besides being vague about it assigning it to bankers, 13 bloodlines, the wealthy, the jews, the vatican, the masons etc?

I could show you more physical examples but I'm considered nuts so I will play along with that. Doesnt make me any difference what happens or what ya think. I simply call it as it is. You do with it what you want. Its the beauty of freewill.

edit on 26-12-2010 by superluminal11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by abcddcba

such a shame that a post like this is a rarity on this site. Where the motto is deny ignorance and one would assume that people here would try to learn about which they speak, before typing, but no, only a select few will actually do the research. I would love to read your paper on the subject. Thanks for a very good post.

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by superluminal11

Wow...I'm speechless.


Very astute post. I, too, would love to see your paper....

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by pixiekaram

So, in your opinion, what is their demographic? White? Black? Asian? Are they European nobles? American corporate heirs? Who? Do they all go to Harvard?

What makes someone "illuminati"?

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