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On the Prophecy of Daniel 12:1: I'm Not Talking To You

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posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:47 AM
Let me make myself clear from the very outset.

I am not talking to you.


(Especially if you have not received any memories of your previous lives.)

In other words, contrary to what it is reasonable for you to assume, these words are not being written for either your eyes or your ‘edification’ in the first place; nor are these words even written for your ears.

Neither has anything I have said or written over the past 34 years—nor anything I have said or written in any of my previous lives—ever been said for your ears or written for your eyes in either this or any of your previous lives.

And why not?

Because these words cannot even so much as register either on the consciousness or in the memory of the “self” or the ‘thinker’ (which means that you will most likely forget what you have read the instant that you have read it; ‘thinking’, therefore, that it is of no importance). (And, if you cannot even remember what you have just read, then how would it even be possible for you to remember any memories of your previous lives?)

Because the consciousness of the ‘thinker’ is desperately incapable of understanding these words.

Because the consciousness of the “self” emphatically does not want to understand these words.

And because the consciousness of the “self” and the ‘thinker’ prefers death itself—and the annihilation of human civilization itself—to being required to acknowledge that anything I have ever said or written (even in my previous lives) is the Truth.

(And if, by ‘chance’, you do understand what I have written, then the only ‘reasonable’ conclusion to be drawn is that you have been “raised from the dead” either years, or decades—or, more likely, centuries—too soon to live any other life than a life of sorrow and suffering.)

But neither am I writing these words for those who have not yet been born; those who, in terms of consciousness, merely follow unquestioningly, witlessly and catatonically in the footsteps of the thousands of pre-conscious generations which have gone before them; the thousands of not-yet-even-conscious generations, the thousands of not-yet-even-human generations, the thousands of still-reptilian generations which have infested this planet for thousands of years with all manner of lies, ignorance, evil, violence, torture and genocide.

On the contrary, these words are, instead, addressed to a consciousness and a civilization which is utterly alien to the demonic and perverted consciousness and the demonic and perverted civilization which currently infests this planet; an alien consciousness of an alien civilization which may very well not even exist at all on this planet until several hundreds of years after the “time of trouble” Prophesied by Daniel; an alien consciousness of an alien civilization which the “dragon”-mainstream media (including, of course, WikiLeaks), the “dragon”- Internet media, the “beast” (“of the sea”)-political establishment, and the “beast of the earth”/“false prophet”-religious ‘authorities’ (Chapter 16, vs. 13 of the Revelation of John) are expending every possible effort to abort as it is being born (Chapter 12, vs. 4 of the Revelation of John).

In other words, all indications are that many, many billions of people must yet be slaughtered on this planet (Chapter 6, vs. 9-11of the Revelation of John)—over a period of who knows how many dozens or hundreds of years—before the large-scale manifestation of the non-dualistic consciousness beyond the consciousness of the “self” and the ‘thinker’; that dimension of consciousness which, unlike the dualistic, ‘fallen’ consciousness of the “self” and the ‘thinker’, is not self-created (through, respectively, the ‘movement’ of self-reflection and the postulation of the thought of the ‘thinker’); but is, instead, a non-spatial, non-temporal “observing consciousness” Created ‘by and in the image of God’ (Genesis 1:27)

Thus, with regards to the Prophecy in Chapter 12, vs. 1 of the Book of Daniel, the following words are being written only for the historical record. There is really no need for you to read them at all (which, of course, really means that they are not all that ‘entertaining’):

The Prophecy of Chapter 12, vs. 1 of the Book of Daniel is unambiguous and quite clear: “Michael will stand up” prior to the emergence of a “time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation.”



End of story.

In other words, there is no clear or specific evidence in the Prophecy of Daniel that the Michael whose arrival is Prophesied does anything other than “stand up”. And any assumption that there is any connection at all between that Michael and any of the other Prophecies which are said to be fulfilled by a ‘messianic’ figure of one kind or another—that is, either the Jewish or the Christian ‘messiah’, or the Muslim ‘mahdi’ (or some ‘Maitreya’, for that matter)—is an assumption utterly unsupported by any of the available evidence from either the Book of Daniel, the Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light, the Revelation of John, or the Quran.

Furthermore, neither is there any evidence that the Michael who fulfills the Prophecy of Daniel is an angel, or that he has any responsibility to say anything at all. Nor is there any evidence which suggests that, when he arrives, he will even be recognized for who he is; that he will be a teacher with any followers; or that anything that he says will be believed by even so much as one other person on the face of the planet.

To repeat: the full extent of the Prophecy concerning Michael is only that he will “stand up” prior to the “time of trouble”. There are no Prophecies that he will say anything; and there are no Prophecies that he will do anything other than “stand up”. In other words, as written, the only real significance of the arrival of Michael is that it occurs prior to the eruption of the “time of trouble”. Period.

Thus, the Prophesied arrival of Michael is, fundamentally, a trivial—even irrelevant—occurrence except insofar as it is a specific indication of the approaching “time of trouble”.

Now, what this means, of course, is that there is also no clear or incontrovertible evidence that the fulfillment of this Prophecy will be understood as a fulfillment of the Prophecy as it is being fulfilled; which means, of course, that, if this Prophecy is, in fact, in the very process of being fulfilled, it is well nigh an absolute certainty that no one would even be aware of it in the first place; since anyone who might possibly be informed of the purported fulfillment of that Prophecy—especially, the religious ‘authorities’—would then claim that they were required, oh-so-conveniently, to take a “wait and see” (rather than an aggressively questioning) attitude (for decades if not hundreds of years) in order to determine, of course, whether such information was the Truth or not.

On the contrary, any argument based upon either history or logic would seem to suggest precisely the opposite: that, if this Prophecy is ever acknowledged as being fulfilled—something which, by the way, is not at all certain—it will only be after the fact; that is, perhaps several years, or decades, or hundreds of years after the death of that Michael, and for the “dust to settle” from the horrific fulfillment of the Prophecy of the coming “time of trouble” itself.

In fact, merely the very mention of the Prophecy of the coming “time of trouble” itself would seem to suggest a civilization so thoroughly, utterly, and irredeemably WICKED that its media officials and religious ‘authorities’ would have, obviously, already done everything that they could possibly do to preserve their pride, their power, and their own economic self-interests by preventing even any widespread consideration—much less, awareness—that the Prophecy of Daniel was actually in the process of being fulfilled.

In other words, if this civilization is merely evil, it will be widely, if not universally warned of the arrival of that Michael prior to the eruption of the coming “time of trouble”. But, if this civilization is so wicked that it does not even deserve to be warned, then the media officials and the religious ‘authorities’ will, of course, ignore any information in that regard in the first place. That is, the very definition and assessment as to whether or not this civilization is too wicked even to be specifically warned of the coming “time of trouble” is a definition and an assessment which will be made not by the Michael whose arrival is Prophesied; but, instead, by the religious ‘authorities’ and the media officials themselves.

In other words, if the religious ‘authorities’ and the media officials decide among themselves—through their relentless censorship and suppression of such warnings—that this civilization should not be warned of, specifically, the arrival of Michael; then what that signifies is that it is because of its wickedness that this civilization will not be so warned. (Thus, although the Quran specifically states that ‘Allah does not destroy a nation before sending a prophet as a warning’; that does not necessarily signify that such a prophet will find even so much as one person from either the media or the religious establishment who will pass on that warning to even one other person.)

And, although Sura 2:98 of the Quran clearly states that “Allah is the enemy of the unbelievers”—the number of which is, clearly, not less than the number of “squiddies” in the movie Matrix Revolutions—there is also no specific evidence in Chapter 12, vs. 1 of the Book of Daniel that He unleashes His vengeance against the unbelievers—or that the Prophecy of the coming “time of trouble” itself will actually be fulfilled—during the actual lifetime of the Michael whose arrival is Prophesied.

Thus, although that Michael clearly has no specific responsibility to say anything at all, or to do anything other than “stand up”; it might reasonably be concluded that he does, however, have one other responsibility: to document and explain for the historical record, to the best of his ability, both that the Prophecy of his arrival has, in fact, been fulfilled; and, also, any Revelations, Visions, and/or Prophecies that he may have received throughout his life; even if that Knowledge is universally, viciously and mercilessly ridiculed, caricatured, repudiated, contradicted and ignored; and not widely acknowledged, much less believed and comprehended, until many years, decades, or centuries after his death and the fulfillment of the Prophecy of the coming “time of trouble”.

Writing for the historical record, then, has been the ultimate goal of my writings on the Above Top Secret website over the past five months; and of my writings on my website over the past four months. And, in the same vein as chapter 30, vs.8-18 of the Book of Isaiah:

“Now go an inscribe this on a tablet, write it in a book, that it may serve in the time to come as a witness for ever…”;

this will also be the ultimate goal of any future writings, Insh’allah, on my website.

Now, obviously, whether any of these past, present, or future writings even survive the coming “time of trouble” at all (it should be remembered, of course, that the Nag Hammadi Codices and the Dead Sea Scrolls were revealed only after having been hidden for some two thousand years)—or whether, if they survive, they will even be sufficient to that task in the first place—is something that is completely out of my hands and beyond my control.

That is a matter for the historical record itself...

Something which is in the hands of only the Creator.

And, maybe, decades or hundreds of years from now someone will not only understand the Revelations that I have spent most of my life trying to explain, if only to a very small extent and if only imperfectly; but will, also, feel the unrelenting, heart-crushing sorrow to the annihilation of all love, all hope, and all faith out of which these words emerged.

Or not.

Michael Cecil

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by Michael Cecil
Let me make myself clear from the very outset.

I am not talking to you.

In other words, contrary to what it is reasonable for you to assume, these words are not being written for either your eyes or your ‘edification’ in the first place; nor are these words even written for your ears.

Why did you bother typing out that bunch of crap then?

Talk about thread fail

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by Michael Cecil

Putting your thoughts onto papyrus, and hiding them in a desert: Great way to get them through the ages.

Posting them to a private website which may or may not be extant in 20 years - and which certainly wouldn't be around after an apocalypse.... not so much.


posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Another desparate cry for attention from an unenlightened narcissist.

Must be now that Assange is bailed, Mr. Cecil is back on his game,

trying to get the "prophecy of 1979" to be released, that he wouldn't "talk"

about, either.

Thank God.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:56 AM
We haven't been on a biblical timeline since 2001,it would seem the good Lord is not the only one that can bend time and space out there and he doesn't seem to be getting it all his own way Id say there will be a considerable delay before he lines his ducks up again.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

I agree, I thought it was quite well written, except for that part. Like, why bother writing it if it's not meant for anyone to read?

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 03:59 AM
Narcissism indeed - do you think after these prophesies are fulfilled and these higher beings happen across your writings they will be astounded by your insight and resurrect you?

You are aware that every generation since it was written thought the 'end times' prophesies referred only to them. uuuurgh.

The illogic of this post hurts. I was never a fan of pontificating.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 04:08 AM
If you are not writing to anyone but yourself, why dont you just sit on your couch grab a notepad and just go to tow writing whatever you damn well please? Your title is silly but your opening sentence is borderline bizarre.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 04:15 AM

Originally posted by Michael Cecil
In other words, there is no clear or specific evidence in the Prophecy of Daniel that the Michael whose arrival is Prophesied does anything other than “stand up”...

Thus, although that Michael clearly has no specific responsibility to say anything at all, or to do anything other than “stand up”; it might reasonably be concluded that he does, however, have one other responsibility: to document and explain for the historical record, to the best of his ability, both that the Prophecy of his arrival has, in fact, been fulfilled; and, also, any Revelations, Visions, and/or Prophecies that he may have received throughout his life..

Writing for the historical record, then, has been the ultimate goal of my writings on the Above Top Secret website over the past five months; and of my writings on my website over the past four months...

To summarise your message very briefly for those who find it difficult to get past the verbiage;
You yourself are that "Michael" who is mentioned in the Daniel verse being quoted.
Amd the fact that you are writing on this website and in other places constitutes the "standing up" of Michael before the time of tribulation, and therefore, in itself, fulfils the prophecy of Daniel ch12 v1.
This being based on the fact that your name is Michael.

This reminds me of an episode in mediaeval history relating to a Breton peasant called Eon or Eun;

He was convinced that it was his name that was indicated in the phrase at the end of prayers; "per eundem Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum" really meant not "through the same Jesus Christ our Lord" but "through Eun Jesus Christ our Lord". So he had no hesitation in calling himself the Son of God.
[Norman Cohn, "The Pursuit of the Millennium", ch2]

edit on 18-12-2010 by DISRAELI because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 04:41 AM
Michael is Michael....chief war guy....
edit on 18-12-2010 by Logarock because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by Michael CecilThus, the Prophesied arrival of Michael is, fundamentally, a trivial—even irrelevant—occurrence except insofar as it is a specific indication of the approaching “time of trouble”.

Given that Michael was the most popular name for baby boomer boys, anyone born in the last 65 years would need a bit more credibility than their given name being "Michael". It is ludicrous to say that this passage states that if any old Michael should stand up, do and say nothing, this is an indication that the end times are near. The description of Michael in Daniel 12:1 is either of the archangel, or of a significant leader or protector of the Jews, not an insignificant person whose parents just happened to give him that name.

Interesting, though, that the verse that follows this is one of the very clear indications that your reincarnation claims are wrong.

And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
-Daniel 12:2 (KJV)

I'm sure that you can twist that around, as your Sadducees buddies did, to claim that it doesn't refer to the resurrection of the dead at the final judgement, but that would just be another example of your eisegesis approach to scripture and other writings.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 05:37 PM
That was all very depressing, especially the end. It seems as though things haven't worked out the way you planned in life. I do, as the others have, detect a bit of percieved prophetic entitlement. To 'stand' means to either take action or lead by example should you 'die on your feet'. You haven't done much of either. Also, Michael is a very popular name, infact it is my middle name. It's a great name because of who it refers to, but the name is also a wonderful reminder not to exalt one's self. Mi cha el means: "who is like Elohim?". You will notice that this is a question and not a statement. It is also a rhetorical question because the answer is obvious: no one. It is a question posed to all who would exalt themselves, such as the Beast and the King of Babylon. The best Prophets were meak when they were called, remember Moses at the burning bush. He had no confidence to represent YHWH and his people the Israelites. The meek shall be elevated and the proud shall be cast down.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 06:15 PM
My name is Michael, and I stood up after reading what you wrote...The end times are near!!
Just kidding, my name isn't michael, and I kept sitting like a lazy bum after I read it...But I do think the end times are near. Well, I hope they are near, because humans are just terrible and this world would be a better place for animals and life without us here.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by Michael Cecil
Michail Cecil

You are definitely a historicist. Many are, you are not alone, no I am not one of them. It's OK by me that you are, we each see what we see and others don't have to agree. There is one thing you state I'd like a little clarification on.

"(Especially if you have not received any memories of your previous lives.)"

That would mean they would have to die twice and some mybe 3 times. Have some more than one previous life?

I've heard of reincarnation but see no grounds for any belief that it even is a possiblility.

Are there others that hold your views? Not that any have to as long as we are right we would be in the majority.

No ire from me as I see many disagree with me also, but I have developed a ducks back for flying hot words.


posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 12:11 PM
Your mixing the koran with the bible....

Those two don't mix...

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 05:02 PM
This just in...Michael Ruppert stood up against the CIA. The end times are nigh!
Seriously though, who else thinks Ruppert is a CIA plant?

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 12:16 AM
It's strange, I feel you wrote this for my ears and eyes.

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