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Are Atheist Arrogant

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posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 11:45 AM
As far as your post title goes, I think anyone who believes in anything without leaving room for the possibility that they MAY be right or wrong could be considered arrogant. That's just what I think though. I'm agnostic, but I still leave the possibility open for a higher power or higher order or a creator. These videos are kind of funny though, a friend emailed them to me and they reminded me of your many posts.

Want me to check your thetans?

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact
common now, are you calling me a Zealot sir after I just starred you ? I do not believe I ever pinned any designation on your sleeve

You start thread after thread attacking atheists for their intelligence, personalities, thoughts, maturity, etc and then you play the innocent - as if you're just exploring the different aspects of people's minds - and you expect people to just go along with you out of the kindness of their hearts?

Here's one back at ya: I didn't call you a religious zealot. I'm just asking questions. (wide-eyed innocent emoticon here)

Sorry, I'm not buying your shtick.

You hate atheists. We get it. I really don't care if you hate us or not. But I do want to let you know that we're not buying.

I'm thinking he is mockingly copying the theme, style and titles of threads in the O&C Forum attacking those who reject Evolution.

My .02.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact
prove it then...

Prove what?

since you now openly state your disposition, walk the walk and show others of the Atheists enlightenment.

I have no desire to convince other people that atheism is the way they should go. I have no need to "show others" any kind of enlightenment. When I say I don't care, I mean I don't care. I don't care what other people believe or don't believe. To each his own. I respect other people and their freedom to have, practice and celebrate their religion and beliefs. Why would I insist that they think the same way I do?

we all set examples indirectly or not you know....

I think I just did.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 12:01 PM
The only difference between you and an atheist is that they believe in one less god then you.

Do you believe in Thor? If not why not? does your disbelief in him make you arrongant and over opinionated.

How about Shiva? Vishnu? no?
When is the last time you made an offering to Apollo?
I'm sure you must believe in Ahura Mazda as he is almost the same as the god that you worship.

Your Christianity is purely a product of the time and place you were born in and there is no more or less validity in it them offering casks of wine to appease the ancient Gods of the Sea or Sacrificing a Chicken to Baron Samedi. So why do you not feel the need to do these things but you expect others to feel the need to worship your particular god of choice

edit on 17-12-2010 by davespanners because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by Cosmic.Artifact

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact
no it could be perceived as a statement, I guess it is all how one looks at it... there is a question mark at the end of the question though. Sometimes the best answer is a simple yes or no.

Well, with you it's already obvious by your post history.

the question was very relevant, you can keep Darwin but Einstein is a man of respect and humility.

And non-theism. No matter how many quotes you shove down his throat, Einstein didn't believe in a deity. The closest thing he had to a religion was his wonder for the universe.

of course you mean the World right ? there is not much reference, if I am not mistaken in most religious dialogue about the actual Universe.

Most religious people claim that the all-powerful being of the universe intervened in affairs on this planet, out of all the planets in the universe. In one religion, the deity chose to come and live on this planet by impregnating a random woman in the Palestinian region with himself....
That's an overemphasis of the import of humanity.

Most atheists are just as nice as most people in any other group of people. We're also statistically less likely to commit crimes and more likely to maintain stable marriages.

mkay, maybe that is off line or in some fantasy world which does not exist except in the mind of the true atheist.

Yay, random dismissal of my statement! Can you provide any evidence that atheists are more arrogant, mean, nasty, etc than any other group of people? And this is the internet, everyone is a bit more arrogant, mean, nasty, etc in general.

Don't stereotype a group of people.

just making a general observation of what I have seen over my years on the internet. you're judging a whole group of people based on a small sample size...
That is the definition of a stereotype. It's even worse because it's not something found in the sample. The atheist community on here isn't particularly arrogant about it.

In my opinion and the overwhelming observations made by others,

Sure, but that's your baseless opinion. Now, if you can provide supporting evidence I'll actually take your claim a bit seriously.

Atheist are quite the fundamentalist and usually exhibit more of these tendencies than a person or peoples who have chosen a God and decide to dedicate their life to... well... life and love instead of hate and belittlement.

Ah, so theists devote their lives to life and love while atheists devote their lives to hate and belittlement. Thanks for clearing that up. I thought I had devoted my life to truth, beauty, love, and discovery, guess I was wrong.

I even find it quite ironic that you're saying that in a hateful thread.

most Atheist are extremely arrogant and imo also they need humility and respect if that group ever wants other normal people to take them seriously.

Well, you can shout your opinion to the hills till the cows come home, but you're going ot have to provide evidence that they don't have any humility or respect.

They just are not doing a very good job of convincing people and in fact are doing the exact opposite and pushing people away from their group of self worship.

Hey look, more stereotyping of atheists! Since when is not believing in a deity equivalent to self worship?

Oh, and we're doing a pretty damn good job in the Western world where atheism is the fastest growing religious group.

I have to give it to them though... since they think they can usher in a new humanity where people inherently have respect for eachother ect, ect, but of course this said 'group' can not take it back far enough to figure out where they got these morals from they so covet in the first place.

...philosophers? I mean, most atheists take morality as a philosophical thing.

I also have a tendency to believe Atheist have a lower IQ

Well, there's the proof of your bigotry and proof that you've not actually looked at any data.
Recently they found that three factors are linked to higher IQs in males: Atheism, Liberalism, and sexual exclusivity. Source< br />
Hey, I'm a liberal, atheist, sexually exclusive male!

There have also been many studies that show that there is an inverse relationship between the average IQ of a nation and its religiosity

Here's an article from Psychology Today that basically just takes it as fact that atheists score better on IQ tests.

and lack vision and are unwilling to communicate or accept anyone who does not conform to their system of belief.

Like all of the claims you've made so far: [citation needed]

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
You hate atheists

I do not hate anyone Ben, this is all simply a response to the way I have seen others treated and the way I have been treated here by others... If they cant take a dose of their own medicine and then act like they don't know whats going (where is this coming from Cosmic?) they know exactly where I am coming from...

I and my brothers and sisters are not going to be called silly/insane/ignorant/ect while I am around to stand up for what we believe in. My fellow mature posters may be over it by now and they are alot more humble than me, but you guys chose the wrong person to troll, I am not a troll and frankly do not think that is relevant here because everyone can be perceived as being a troll in one way or another. I will throw anything back at anyone who throws something at me first... remember that please! my intentions are 'Just'

I am Metal Head and I slam dance for my Lord !

fight fire with fire
(in a fair and just way)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Prove what?

that you are not an arrogant atheist, (since you openly stated your proud disposition)
Lead by example...

I have no desire to convince other people that atheism is the way they should go. I have no need to "show others" any kind of enlightenment. When I say I don't care, I mean I don't care. I don't care what other people believe or don't believe. To each his own. I respect other people and their freedom to have, practice and celebrate their religion and beliefs. Why would I insist that they think the same way I do?

no one ever said you should insist... only requesting you not to flip/flop.

I think I just did.

I don't think so, you logic is loopy-loop, though I have read some of your posts and think you are pretty cool, until your sarcasm shows its face.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by davespanners
the same as the god that you worship.

oh thats a good one Dave, where did you learn that
yes I worship and make burnt offerings and and all that stuff... weak my friend, weak !

Your Christianity is purely a product of the time and place you were born

I know you would love to believe that but it is not just Christianity sir spanners... you happen to be in minority though you would love to believe otherwise, the rest of the planet (excluding your world) has a religious following of some sorts. I totally understand why the Islams call the Brits 'Kafir' now, and even if it is coming from them I am sorry to say they just might be correct on that one.

So why do you not feel the need to do these things but you expect others to feel the need to worship your particular god of choice

am I pushing a religion ?

weak man weak...

hey why the Christmas hats fellas ?

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
Well, with you it's already obvious by your post history.

oh here we go again, is this some attempt to discredit me ?

Others may need to take a look at your topic history and also your post history... then they will know the truth and understand the reasoning behind my thread titles.

can't take a dose of your own medicine Madness ? cry foul ? it's not fair ?

tough !

(the rest of madnessinmysoul's post goes here...)

is not worth a response because it was shot down and considered irrelevant because of the opening remark about my post history, weak...


edit on 12/17/2010 by Cosmic.Artifact because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by Cosmic.Artifact

And what has being in a minority got to do with your original post as to weather Atheists are arrogant or not? Do you even have a point anymore or have you just moved onto to pure troll

So you've switched your point to Atheists are in a minority now have you?

Care to actually answer the questions rather the cover up your ignorance with hyperbole, goal post moving and insults?

Are you arrogant for not believing in a god that someone else believes in?
edit on 17-12-2010 by davespanners because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-12-2010 by davespanners because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact
are Atheist over-opinionated and not entirely as intelligent as they wish to appear ? Arrogance is the first wall of defense for a very insecure person... I believe Einstein once said he disliked talking to Atheist because all they ever talk about is God.

are Atheists trapped in the same arrogant behavior that fundamentalist wackos perform ?

The truth is, most atheists are not nice, especially those that are active on the Internet...

Do you have the slightest insight at all into yourself at all.

Lets see what qualities you have demonstrated in your posts up till now shall we

Over opinionated Check
Arrogant Check
All you ever talk about is god Check
Arrogance as a defence instead of actually answering anyones points Check

OMG you must be an atheist

edit on 17-12-2010 by davespanners because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 09:06 PM
...Can I resume my topic now please

In my opinion, today... Atheist are still arrogant. There is no reasoning with an Atheist, they only want you to see things their way, they have never heard of 'live and let live' either.

I have been able to ascertain the level of IQ most atheist must have just by the way they look when you do an image search on Google... Yes folks these are the people walking around with a bone in their nose like cavemen, though they call it a nose ring and the one down below is a Prince Albert...

IMO most of them look like they have been run over by a truck and I almost get sick when see the tracks on their arms. But these kids (mostly) are very smart for the most part and are oh so kind to others, as we have all seen.

Atheism in my opinion is a scourge, one could even consider it a disease...

When Atheist learn to play well with others and not be so dictatorial on the playground (the Internet) then others may begin to take them seriously... Atheist do not care about anyone but themselves as I have seen.

I would like to meet one that could change my outlook about Atheism in general.

Could this be you ?

please oblige me so I do not begin to think everyone with a bone in their nose is arrogant/ignorant and self-centered. Then I may actually believe some of them may have an IQ over 85.

edit on 12/17/2010 by Cosmic.Artifact because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by davespanners
reply to post by Cosmic.Artifact

And what has being in a minority got to do with your original post as to weather Atheists are arrogant or not?

all my original post are actually not original at all, they have everything to do with Christians being Ignorant/Insane/Silly (insert you poison here)

Do you even have a point anymore or have you just moved onto to pure troll

yes, my point is in exact opposition to the mentioned threads I am posting this as a response to, I am not trolling (I really do not even know what that means) I am making observations and sharing with the community.

So you've switched your point to Atheists are in a minority now have you?

no... I have just added it to my (and others) observations, I will be posting new observations as I discover them for the benefit of the community.

Care to actually answer the questions rather the cover up your ignorance with hyperbole, goal post moving and insults?

your questions are being answered, please be patient... I do not live online and actually have responsibilities to tend to in my world (the real world)

edit on 12/17/2010 by Cosmic.Artifact because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by davespanners
Do you have the slightest insight at all into yourself at all.

I know myself pretty well by now.

you can make any observation of me as you wish, as long as they stay within the T&C right ?

well lets get back on topic Dave

edit on 12/17/2010 by Cosmic.Artifact because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by SpaceJ

sorry J I do not think I need to see those 'tailored to fit' videos... if that's what they are ?

I am sure I can find exact opposites on youtube also but I really do not feel like going there, it is just usually not my style.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by Cosmic.Artifact

Certainly some atheists are arrogant just as some religious folks are. Arrogance isn't a trait that is dependent upon holding a certain belief. In many ways the current stereotypical angry arrogant atheist is just an equal and opposite reaction to the resurgent and supremely vocal wave of Fundamentalism in religion.

The truth is, most atheists are not nice, especially those that are active on the Internet...

The truth is you should not generalize an entire group of people. In general most atheists I've talked to are nice and the only time they show their mean side is when people make erroneous absurd claims without presenting evidence.

The fact remains that there are jerks and nice people on either side of the religious coin.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
Certainly some atheists are arrogant just as some religious folks are. Arrogance isn't a trait that is dependent upon holding a certain belief. In many ways the current stereotypical angry arrogant atheist is just an equal and opposite reaction to the resurgent and supremely vocal wave of Fundamentalism in religion.

atheism is a religion that is steeped in fundamentalism, In fact it would appear it is pure fundamentalist mindset.

The truth is you should not generalize an entire group of people. In general most atheists I've talked to are nice and the only time they

yes I can somehow see exactly what you are saying here, this does apply to all groups correct? I see religious groups being generalized around here tons... this is how medicine tastes, it's good, tastes like cherries.

The fact remains that there are jerks and nice people on either side of the religious coin.

the overwhelming majority would be the minority... Atheists.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 01:29 AM

On my god.....

And the saga continues..........

So athiests are arrogant now are they? I would ask you why you think that but you have proven in your previous threads that you show no interest in actually engaging in debate, rather you would prefer to run the topic around in circles and then play Mr Innocent when you are called out for it.

Apparently I am one of this posters so-called 'stalkers' because I chose to call him/her out for the troll that they are. Oh and apparently that shows that I have been defeated.

I have never seen such weak, arrogant, ignorant and trollish threads in my entire life.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by Cosmic.Artifact

So the post where I showed that you were actively wrong about things was weak because I pointed out your post history?

I demonstrated that you made a bigoted and ill-informed statement about atheist IQ (which tends to be higher than theistic IQ) with actual facts instead of my assumptions. I also shot down pretty much your entire post.

But since I called into question your motives my entire post must be a sham.
reply to post by Cosmic.Artifact

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact
...Can I resume my topic now please

Well, you're outright dismissing on-topic posts, so it's up to you?

In my opinion, today... Atheist are still arrogant.

Which is a simply bigoted opinion that you've yet to show any evidence to support. It is a baseless stereotype.

There is no reasoning with an Atheist, they only want you to see things their way, they have never heard of 'live and let live' either.

Again a claim with absolutely no evidence. The epitome of stereotyping and bigotry towards atheists as well.

Um...last time I checked atheists don't tend to approach people randomly to 'witness' to them and ask them to deconvert. We're quite 'live and let live' outside the internet. On the internet we have a place where we can openly discuss our ideas without having bigoted members of our community make our lives a living hell.

I have been able to ascertain the level of IQ most atheist must have just by the way they look when you do an image search on Google...

Wow, that is some research you must be doing. A GOOGLE IMAGE SEARCH is known the world round for its level fo scholarship.
Oh wait, no it isn't. I've already shown you, with actual evidence that atheists tend to have higher IQs.

Yes folks these are the people walking around with a bone in their nose like cavemen, though they call it a nose ring and the one down below is a Prince Albert...

Um...I'm an atheist and have no a single piercing on any part of my body. And you're judging someone's intellect by their outside appearance...the ignorance in this post is starting to get to me.

IMO most of them look like they have been run over by a truck and I almost get sick when see the tracks on their arms.

Wow, now we're heroin addicts! I'll admit that I drink, but I don't even touch anything illegal. And run over by a truck? Yeah, I'm being contacted to model because of that...

But these kids (mostly) are very smart for the most part and are oh so kind to others, as we have all seen.'m turning 22 next week and I'm a kid. My father's a kid too I know, the old college professor.

Atheism in my opinion is a scourge, one could even consider it a disease...

Well, at least you're open with your baseless bigotry.

When Atheist learn to play well with others and not be so dictatorial on the playground (the Internet) then others may begin to take them seriously... Atheist do not care about anyone but themselves as I have seen.

Again, another baseless claim, where's your evidence for it?
Or is this thread just here for you to spew hate speech?

I would like to meet one that could change my outlook about Atheism in general.

Well, closed-minded bigotry doesn't tend to change unless you're forced into a situation in your real life.

please oblige me so I do not begin to think everyone with a bone in their nose is arrogant/ignorant and self-centered. Then I may actually believe some of them may have an IQ over 85.

Oh, I forgot to point out that this is also mildly racist. Bone in their nose? Seriously? More and more this is just baseless bigotry. You're not making any actual claims that can be supported by reality. You're not making any reasoned critiques. If you said: "Hey atheists, please try a lighter tone" I might take you seriously.

I've already shown you that atheists have a higher average IQ than theists.

(Bigoted, baseless image snipped)

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by Kryties

We're also ugly heroin addicts with IQs below 85 as well.

You know, I'm surprised this entire thread hasn't been scrapped by the mods due to flagrant, baseless hate speech against a group of individuals.

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