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The Secret To Surviving A Black Hole Is The Secret Of Gravity!

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posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by RSF77

yeah for all we know multiple universes create a double helix that makes the dna of a much larger human!

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by metalholic

Yes, people that seek the kind of knowledge that we speak of have discovered wonderful things and have been seen as geniuses and heros, yet they still walked away with their heads hanging because they could not discover all the knowledge that they desired.

Do you have a bit torrent program? There is a large collection of physics books that I am seeding, I will pm you the link for the torrent if you want it, its about 5GB of pdf files though.
edit on 17-12-2010 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by RSF77

i believe that is my destiny b/c the more i find out the more i want to know and i know i could never know it all but it's like a drug!

i'll be like nikola tesla get so full of information i start losing my own mind before i die

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 03:17 AM
reply to post by metalholic

Yes definitely go for it, especially if you are young. I am getting older and I spent too much time during my younger years screwing around when I should have been concentrating on more important things. Now it just feels like I don't have enough time left to go to school and get involved in the things that I like to read about, nobody would take me seriously either.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by RSF77

send me the link in a u2u if u dont mind...

yeah man i'm deff thinking about going into archeaology or h/e u spell it but really though my heart is in space i love it i would prolly be better off in astrology or something!

all i know is my brain loves to think and all that so it deff needs to be something that makes me think!

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 03:25 AM
reply to post by metalholic

hey man do me a favor and go back and read the last post from me where i'm explaining my theory more in detail!

I did, after I realized you posted that (work on my last post was interrupted by several other things, and took a while).

I'm not quite sure where you get the idea that you could use magnetic fields to become light.

The only other issue I see is that light is not really weightless, as the proverbial black-hole would demonstrate. Antigravity would tell that black hole where to stick it... light is at the mercy of the black hole.

Back onto the issue of light - while light is an electromagnetic wave, no known magnetic field can switch at that frequency. We can get into the tens and hundreds of gigahertz - but that's nothing approaching visible light. Even then - that doesn't cause you to resonate at that frequency... and radiating light would generally be an indicator you were being exposed to very damaging levels of energy... I know people glow pretty bright when they get hit by a nuclear flash... and it doesn't turn out too well for them.

anyways what i'm saying is this! i think we could bend time and space ourselves!

I'm not of the opinion time exists. Subatomic activity - what we often attribute to time - is an entropic property, like temperature. Sticking your corn in the freezer for a month doesn't send it traveling through time - only slows its relative molecular activity. This is a conclusion Einstein and others rushed to make. Had they realized the importance of entanglement (or "spooky action at a distance") - then it would have been easy to see that time and space were not at all the same thing, and that time travel is impossible regardless of how you manipulate a worm-hole.

The problem is, more or less, how to entangle space. IE - create a worm-hole. Traveling at speeds faster than the speed of light is going to be pretty much impossible. Even concepts of "hyperspace" leave me dubious. The only real practical way I see of superluminous relocation is to entangle two regions of space (perhaps with a buffer-region to prevent shearing or other bad things) and pass through those regions of space - going in one sends you through to the other.

If you want "inertial dampening" we would need a way of directly manipulating the entropic state of mater. Everything possesses this entropic state - it is why two particles colliding in an accelerator at relative superluminous velocities do not, at least according to all we can tell, produce an over-unity reaction. This would be a form of "anti-gravity" - in the sense that you could directly manipulate velocity - ideally in a uniform space.

The problem, now, however, is going from operating theory to operating device. The theory is good - but relies on magic to work. The magic needs to be replaced with something in the real world that does what the magic in this example does. That's a little more difficult. And, perhaps more importantly - the theory may not have convenient operation.... A "jump drive" jumping into another region of space may find itself in a space with a completely different entropic state (like throwing a hot plate into a tub of ice-water, or a cold plate into hot water, depending upon which way we're going).

time and space work off magnetism right? well thats a start in the right direction!

.... while I'm sure placing a large, 1 Mega-Gauss magnet next to my head would have some adverse effects, it would not alter space or time.

You can levitate many living things inside of a 30-40 Gauss field, if I remember correctly. Water is diamagnetic, and allows that to work. Researchers have levitated a frog, spider, and probably half a dozen other things they tactically acquired from the Biology department.

if we can negate gravity we should be able to bend it b/c i know damn well we can create it

Well, going fast enough generates many of the same effects as being in proximity to a dense mass - including "time" dilation (slowing of subatomic activity relative to other frames of reference).

all gravity really inertia!

I wouldn't quite say that - it's the new fad to consider it an entropic function. Entropy is the tendency for things to seek a lower energy state. Water flows down hill - that sort of thing. To separate two objects is to give them a relative amount of energy - as is to give them relative vectors. Gravity is merely the entropic function of mass.

We can already manipulate it - rockets do this. Though if you want a more uniform way of doing this (so as to remove inertial effects - or the resistance to a change in velocity - or a change in entropic state), things get a little more complicated, and we don't really have much of a way to make that happen.

think about it why does the earth have gravity? because its rotation and the friction between it and the moon! causes the core to create a pull! our mass pushes us down along with the atomosphere and everything

... The rotation of the Earth actually happens to counter-act the force of gravity. This is because it applies angular momentum -away- from the surface of the planet. The same can be said for Earth's orbit, as you approach night-time, Earth's orbit is 'throwing' you away from the planet.

Not to mention, this begs the question as to how the Earth keeps the moon in orbit, or the Sun keeps the planets in orbit.

well syntrifical force is based off inertia and does the same thing it creates gravity!

so if we can do all that surely we can bend it?

Centrifugal force is the only force we can replicate (the tendency of an object to migrate away from a center of rotation). You see this in roller coasters, carnival rides, and "simulated gravity" through spinning a 'wheel' that people live on.

Centripetal force is only known to exist as gravity. While many will say that we use centripetal force to simulate gravity - this is really done through use of centrifugal force and walking on the interior of the surface being rotated.

I know - it's frustrating. I always used to be appalled at the idea that we could place a man on the moon, make planes fly faster than the speed of sound, and still had to move the couch out in order to retrieve something that falls between it and the wall.

Something so simple - and yet all of our technology is almost powerless to solve such simple problems. Like what gravity is... a concept we've recognized for over 300 years.... and still don't have much of an answer to - even though I've stated with confidence above - it's all but the ramblings of a mortal critter.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 03:38 AM
reply to post by Aim64C

gravity is this in my mind and i say it with confidence!

it is the magnetic pull between 2 componets we are stuck to the earth b/c our magnetic polar structure attracts to the earth and various other objects like the sun and what not..

yes we all know gravity is weak..SO is a magnet!

if we took a saucer and changed its polar magnetism then we have made it impossible for the earth or the sun to pull on it! why b/c the we changed the way objects that create magnetism or gravity react to the saucer!

now if we have magnets inside the saucer spinning in 2 different directions or h/e it is u can create ur own gravity idk all the details but u do this inside the saucer now u have ur own artificial gravity INSIDE the saucer!

while the earth does not pull on u the saucer does! so u have jus created ur own mobile space vehicle thats u r safe in for extended periods of time!

now that earth or sun cannot pull on the saucer it is possible for it travel at the speed of light!

it's all simple! jus need men with the will power...i will say this though the gov. already have these saucers!

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 03:41 AM
Yes, and some of the more interesting aspects of the universe such as quantum field theory, entanglement, anti-matter and other exotic states and substances have the potential to eliminate some of our problems concerning technological advancement, they are just so costly in time and energy that it is currently not practical to try and use them for anything. It's not like we can't understand it and experiment on it, it's just a pain to do anything with them that would make any real sense to do. All the while we have to concentrate on real problems of the world, but that is another topic.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 03:43 AM
reply to post by RSF77

i wonder if we could take dark matter or what have u and turn it into fuel or energy.

if we could do this we would have an infinite amount of fuel!

aswell as power!

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by metalholic

I think from what I have read on here Germany had experimented on something like that during WW2, the Die Glocke Bell if I'm not mistaken. Is this the same thing that you are talking about?

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by RSF77

i mean if it ties in..i didnt know that they were using dark matter for the bell though!

i thought dark matter was jus recently accepted or discovered?

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by metalholic

Supposedly, dark matter has negative mass and therefore negative gravity, but it exists far away from any mass and is hard to get to even if you could travel at near the speed of light. It is just a theory as well, its not proven to exist.

The theory of dark matter is not to be confused with anti-matter though, they are two separate things. Anti-matter can actually be produced in a particle accelerator, but in very very small quantities (several atoms). It then has to be captured in a penning trap, which is basically an electromagnetic container.

Here is a picture of the levitating frog that aim was talking about:

edit on 17-12-2010 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 04:10 AM
reply to post by metalholic

I've enjoyed reading your posts metalholic, and I believe you are thinking out of the box.

The question is, have you really created gravity other than what any of us has? If so, describe what happened during your gravitational experiment that made you believe that you created a gravity that none of us has not created; if you would please.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by metalholic

A well known theorem about black holes (due to Hawking?) states that their boundary must be a sphere, rather than a higher genus surface. For genus greater than 1 the proof seems fine, but the proof for genus 1 (a torus) seems incomplete :it rules them out physically as being unstable, but this seems to allow the possibility that they exist as unstable mathematical objects.

It would be possible to safely Go through/Allow yourself to be pulled through a black hole considering either you or something you are flying (in) is rotating to a relative and exactly unbalanced equation to that of the black whole, But also traveling at a forward speed also relative to the black whole its self! (Which i suppose could all be put in simple terms as Relative gravity/force)
At the moment the human race can neither control nor accelarate nor "Spin" at such speeds which would allow this to be possible,)
You see the thoery is simple, ( You may understand it but you certain as hell didnt think of it first)
But at the moment its impossible to acheive

edit on 17/12/10 by TedHodgson because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by RSF77

Dark matter has not been proven, it is purely a thoery that exists in the absence of anything, Going along the same theory That there can never be nothing. Therefore there must be something i.e Dark matter.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by metalholic

Yea we already know this.


Beam light together until it generates a gravity field in front of a ship, then do it again behind the ship, but spin it until it generates And ergosphere. Bam, warp drive. Your speed is only limited by your energy available. I've been told the Russians tried some stuff like that, and then NASA took it from them to who knows what.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by RSF77

Nope. Dark matter/energy is glue. Its not negative gravity. It's a multiplication sign for gravity.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 09:45 AM
I've been watching this thread, and I gotta say it has some interesting ideas...

my biggest problem is the way Metal is presenting it all

rather than seeing that his ideas are just a theory, he's coming off like its a definitive truth and that we are all idiots for not seeing things exactly as he does.

Metal, perhaps you should have started by presenting your theories with full transparency without all the guesswork being required by others...

in my opinion, you would have gotten alot more constructive posts from others, and you would have come off less as an arrogant quack

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by metalholic

With this post, it went from "secrets" to plain nonsensical quasi-scientific gibberish.

I feel for what you're trying to accomplish here, but you're saying things aren't proven or are impossible (as we know it) or are based on your own thinking without foundation.

It's like starting a thread saying "I know the secret to curing cancer! First, we need to round up the unicorns. Second we milk them and combine the milk with pixie blood. That UniPixie Potion can be synthesized by magical supercomputers..."

If you're basing the "secrets" on things that don't exist, where does that lead you?

Also as a note to any poster.

If your post includes the phrase "Think about it", you're more than likely a stoner.

Not trying to be mean, but you really put yourself out there on this one.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by metalholic
reply to post by RSF77

yeah for all we know multiple universes create a double helix that makes the dna of a much larger human!


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