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NEW Graphic Analysis on the Videos of UFO's over KUMBURGAZ, TURKEY w/ ET Pics

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posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by Blue Shift

Originally posted by ziggyproductions05
Yes or no? Because reading is a big part of an investigative study. My point is there is more than just pictures in that study and if you're not reading those words you arent fully understanding the pictures.

Don't lecture me, and don't tell me I don't understand the pictures. I understand what's going on here perfectly. Somebody seems to think that a lot of aliens (four or five maybe) are for some reason poking their heads out of the sun roof of their saucer and working on a body, conveniently facing the camera operator. I guess because they like working by moonlight.

You tell me the bottom line. You tell me what this proves beyond all doubt. No, I'll tell you. Nothing.

So you didnt read it.
The OP is about a study and you didnt read it, just looked at pictures. If the pictures explained everything already as you say, then why would the person even waste their time writing? All im asking is dont be lazy and read the full OP so there can be better conversations and you may answer some of your own questions. The bottom line is we have a pretty in depth, unbiased study written about these incidents that can be expanded upon or investigated further.

I believe it adds some more leverage this wasnt a yacht or some other boat. Believe me, I dont expect this study to change the mind of every skeptic. That wouldnt happen if i introduced every skeptic in the world to an alien. Also, did you watch all three videos? Because if you did you would know that the 'ET's' aren't "poking their heads out of the sun roof of their saucer and working on a body, conveniently facing the camera operator" the entire duration of these videos, those pictures from the study are individual frames of upon THOUSANDS OF THOUSANDS of more frames in each video. I really think you should watch all three of the Istanbul UFO videos from '07-'09 and then read the study to get a better understanding. Its the only fair thing to do if you are going to speak on the subject. There, now I lectured you.
edit on 13/12/10 by ziggyproductions05 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 07:57 PM
well I disagree completely with the artists rendition of the ET. Where does he get off thinking they look like giant mantis's? Totally just imagination on his part, all that is visible is a head, and it looks like the time honored classic "grey" to me. Other than that, its a good take, but without having been there it is just hard to spend to much time getting excited about "UFO" sightings as we are let down time and time again.

As for motion of the head, interesting, but just looks like motion blur to me. You cant really "zoom in" on anything in a video of low resolution and expect to be able to make claims or statements. The information just isnt there to see in the first place.

Plus where are the hundreds of witnesses? You dont just "miss" things like this, dnt care who you are. Once saw a russian rocket stage reentering atmosphere as a green glow. EVERYONE, I MEAN HUNDREDS, of people stopped on the highway and pulled over to watch, lots of phones out taking pics and vids and early speculation. If something that large and unnatural appeared, people would notice. Mind you I have seen weird things in the night sky, Im not a mad debunker, just dnt like when people line up like sheep.

Besides, despite the quality of this review, was this footage not proven to be a yacht or some kind of boat that is simply out of focus YEARS AGO? Its obvious. Ever looked at a large ship waaaay out at sea? I hope this video helps

Particularly the last 1/4th of the video, where the filmer ZOOMS ALL THE WAY OUT AND IT IS CLEARLY A BOAT ON THE HORIZON

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 08:05 PM

those pictures from the study are individual frames of upon THOUSANDS OF THOUSANDS of more frames in each video. I really think you should watch all three of the Istanbul UFO videos from '07-'09 and then read the study to get a better understanding. Its the only fair thing to do if you are going to speak on the subject. There, now I lectured you.
edit on 13/12/10 by ziggyproductions05 because: (no reason given)

And I can take four blurry black and gray frames from anything and make you think its anything. Maybe you should even listen to the voices, and the sheer lack of emotion. Seriously, have you people never really seen anything?

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 08:19 PM

Basically take any large boat, put it miles out to sea WHERE BIG BOATS GENERALLY ARE. And have it coming right at you but from such a distance the entire boat is not visible.

Hey I wana meet ET just as much as the next guy. But consider this, people always consider it to "convenient" or to "random" to have been what a "skeptic" says it is.

YET all the believers want to believe that in our nearly infinite universe where everything is LIGHTYEARS apart, some random space travelers stumbled upon earth, one out of INUMERABLE planets around one out of INUMERABLE stars and just happened to stumble right in front of this guy with the camera pointed out to see when NO ONE else was looking? Seriously........................

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 08:25 PM
you all want to talk UFO, why not the Apollo 11 UFO that Buzz Neil and Mike all hushed up about in orbit because they didnt want to start a panic? How about the dozens of recorded accounts from seasoned pilots familiar with the sky, or the brief but garbled radio signals detected not so long ago from a very nearby star? Thats where we need to look and to pry because there is tangible information there and in all cases a body capable of researching it further.

Not Jo Blo in his backyard with a few beers and a VHS going "Hey Jim check this out its a UFO" "Oh hahaha Bill, pass me a beer" "Hey be quiet and make like it is I bet we can really get ol' Bessie with this one" "Oh garsh Jim thats a swell Idea, do you think it'll work as good as the gorilla costume filled with opossum guts we sold that retard for $50,000"

chew on that

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by Wademus

those pictures from the study are individual frames of upon THOUSANDS OF THOUSANDS of more frames in each video. I really think you should watch all three of the Istanbul UFO videos from '07-'09 and then read the study to get a better understanding. Its the only fair thing to do if you are going to speak on the subject. There, now I lectured you.
edit on 13/12/10 by ziggyproductions05 because: (no reason given)

And I can take four blurry black and gray frames from anything and make you think its anything. Maybe you should even listen to the voices, and the sheer lack of emotion. Seriously, have you people never really seen anything?

what? voices? Seen what? Lack of emotion? HUH?
Ok, you said it. I want you to take four black and gray frames and recreate the frames in question. Better yet add some more frames and recreate the video! There ya go!

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by ziggyproductions05

If you look at the figure of what is supposed to be the entity lying on its back, it appears that the left side of the face has been chewed off.....I don't see how the artist ends up with the rendition he did.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by DCPatriot
reply to post by ziggyproductions05

If you look at the figure of what is supposed to be the entity lying on its back, it appears that the left side of the face has been chewed off.....I don't see how the artist ends up with the rendition he did.

I think his rendition is simply his idea of the shapes and look. Of course they may not be spot on or something familiar to us, but its how he saw it and how several other abductees have described this type of being. And no, i didnt see the figure with its face chewed off...

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 08:53 PM
The aliens look humanoid. Clearly this is a scientific improbability and likely makes the video fake, or they are humans from the future.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by antibren

It is a interesting video,i do remember there were explanations about the angle and lack of relative references within the imagery to determine authenticity.I am not panning UFOs,I have seen loads but there was a explanation and it was quite simple ...reflection of moon on the roof of a catamaran floating on the surface of the sea.basically a rich saudi having a laugh at UFO forums expense.
I am not a sceptic but refute certain claims on the bases of criteria that authenticates imagery.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by antibren

Oh dear...more blurry video/photographs of aliens.

When will someone learn to use a tripod or at least lean against something when using a camera?

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Wademus

Just finished watching the video you posted. I think its a large ship too. The lights match perfect, as do the three decks.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 09:01 PM
goddamn I should have read previous posts..sorry it was already quoted brilliant at least were not all suckers

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 09:12 PM

what? voices? Seen what? Lack of emotion? HUH?
Ok, you said it. I want you to take four black and gray frames and recreate the frames in question. Better yet add some more frames and recreate the video! There ya go!

The people filming dude. Its booooooooogus. Oh wait, you probably didnt even watch it, just saw UFO on a headline and jumped on the sheep bandwagon.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by Wademus

what? voices? Seen what? Lack of emotion? HUH?
Ok, you said it. I want you to take four black and gray frames and recreate the frames in question. Better yet add some more frames and recreate the video! There ya go!

The people filming dude. Its booooooooogus. Oh wait, you probably didnt even watch it, just saw UFO on a headline and jumped on the sheep bandwagon.

Oooowwww...burn!! So is that a no on recreating the video for us Wademus? Can you atleast make the four frames as you suggested?
edit on 13/12/10 by ziggyproductions05 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by antibren

After looking at the set of clips the sites provided, I took out a drawing board and started to sketch. I stopped the film at specific locations, so I can understand the finer details. At the current moment, the sketches I have are in pieces. Front, center, and back. While catching certain significant elements, I did recognize specific features on this object. I will be putting pulling the pieces together tonight.

It does look like a boat out at sea; however, I will have to wait and see my final product. I used the original footage as a reference.

Once I reviewed the clip over and over, I can make one important assessment. No alien can be seen in the original clip. I will bring back my final analysis, and make a list of the object's features and anomalies. Maybe we can find a more rational answer.

If I were to come to a conclusion right away, I would say its some type of freighter or boat out at sea. Or, a street lamp.

edit on 13-12-2010 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 09:21 PM
Well, for once I am truely lost for words. Having read the whole of the analysis of the film and the declaration of it being a real piece of film, I can honestly say that I have been knocked sideways by what I have seen. There have been many filmed UFO sightings, but I have never seen anything as graphic in detail as this, and quite scary to say the least.

Looks too good in detail to be true....

Wow, wow, wow, he says as a chill runs up his back bone...........

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by The Ghost Who Walks
reply to post by antibren

Oh dear...more blurry video/photographs of aliens.

When will someone learn to use a tripod or at least lean against something when using a camera?

Exactly, you can film anything blurry as heck shake it around a bit and blammo UFO

Folks just youtube this stuff, all kinds of people having a good laugh.

Im all about the aliens, but Im not a sucker for cheap parlor tricks.

And I say again. What has better odds: Seeing a large ship one of the thousands on this planet in the ocean at night on the horizon near a harbor/bay where large ships often travel, far enough away where some of the ship is obscured (as is due to the curvature of the earth) as millions of people do every day.
An advanced civilization treks LIGHTYEARS away through the void of space without any damage to the ship or damage to the crew. Stumbles upon a tiny insignificant planet, orbitting an average insignificant star, happens to appear in this area at the right time of day where this dude is standing filming, then sits there four a few very long minutes, No one else in the entire area sees it, no one else thinks to take a picture or video, the people on camera are not shocked or excited, and its conveniently blurry and waaaaaaay zoomed in.

If you watch the complete vid I posted (and not just a few select blurry frames) he does zoom out, and it is clearly a ship on the horizon on a foggy day. Even the Navigation lights match up.

Seriously. There are intelligent UFO followers, and well the rest of them. The sheep. I bet you think Roswell was legit as well. Even though the "classic" roswell story is built from several events spanning a few decades. And can ALL be explained verified and documented. Plus try listening to a "witness" my god, I know children under 5 that can tell more consistent and believable lies. AND the CHILDREN dont just want to sell me a book and refuse to say much more unless I pay the admission to their spooky alien museum, or buy the damn stupid book. On top of that a 5 year old wont start his story with My great uncle phil knew this guy named bill who said tom's wifes third cousin was their. Even though that person never lived in the area and if they even existed never said a word about it. It aggravates me the stigma the idiots have pinned on the rest of the community that is genuinely interested in science and facts.

Their is a word for people who tell such a lie repeatedly that they convince themselves it is the truth. And also people who can be told something over and over that is false and then somehow think it was true. Mind games and conditioning the mind to believe what they/you want to believe.

Now seriously think about it, even if reaching the speed of light was possible, which its not. You are looking at YEARS in deep space. Any organism that moves around whether similar to us or not is going to have to have some way of using up one form of matter and converting it to energy to power the biological being/creature. Now if you could assemble a craft in 0g where takeoff weight is not an issue you could maybe meet the needs for a food/fuel source to sustain a population. Next you would have to conquer the "artificial gravity" conundrum to prevent bodily decay. As any 'biological being would have had to develop under the presence of gravity, therefore removing that element would have consequences. Even if you could do that you still face the daunting challenge of years in a confined space under rationing of provisions. Assuming you get past that, what happens if they did find earth? As is pretty much law in physics, by the time you got back to your planet 100's of years would have passed. If they were at all like us, they went exploring to conquer, or because they burned up their own planet and need ours. Because they only achieve through necessity. If they weren't like us, would they even care to go through the hassle of all that to meet some cavemen by their standards?

Possible?? Yes, no question. Their is infinite possibility, but play the odds folks. It was a damn boat
edit on 13-12-2010 by Wademus because: content

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 09:31 PM
Really?.......Come on guys, are you all really that gulible. Do you guys really want to know what it is you`re looking at here? It`s a wristwatch partially exposed behind a large piece of black cloth filmed under low light. I`ve duplicated the almost the exact same shot. Try it for yourself, you`ll feel pretty stupid afterward.

Look at the film again. Why is the "ship" in the exact same position every time? Why is the bottom of the "ship" just cut off with a sharp black line? Yet the top and sides fade out. Mix in some random footage of blurry lights in the sky and there you go. As for the aliens...Do you really see any aliens "moving" around in the original footage? Can you say CGI?

I`m not normally such a skeptic, but come on! This is an obvious HOAX.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by Darkmask

Any chance you have one of those clips online? (it would help keep you safe from some possible bashing)

I played around with the pic labeled as the original (not enhanced) still from the movie. I got the same results. However I enhanced it, I somehow kept coming up with what appeared to be Donald Rumsfield in the background!

edit on 13-12-2010 by Earthscum because: added info

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