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Look What You Can Buy With Food Stamps.........

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posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 08:39 AM
Yes, I know. Millionaires and billionaires are not contributing enough to the growth in the food stamp industry.

Though that doesn't explain why the shopper with foodstamps in the supermarket line is so obese.

So, this is such a terrible country, America is. People have to live on food stamps. Well, take a look at how terrible it is for people who have to accept living on food stamps. No wonder they don't want to give up their food stamps. Take a look at what can be bought on food stamps.

Featured Post Of The Day: A Lesson On Food Stamps

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by fredcall

Interesting article.

Not everyone on food stamps goes to such extremes - I usually stick with milk, yogurt and veggies. My husband is a meat an potatoes guy, and we're limited to a mere $50 a month on our assistance card.

Honestly, I found it rather shocking this guy blew our entire monthly budget on a single "gourmet" meal and wasted the rest on candy. Most families in this area do their best to provide healthy, filling meals for their families.

Just because one "can" buy something on food stamps, doesn't mean they do.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by GENERAL EYES

If you read the article you saw the photo of the sign in the window stating that the establishment accepts credit cards and food stamps as payment.

Food stamps are becoming another form of credit card.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 08:57 AM
I'm on food stamps. I had to stop working to care for my mother and then grandmother full time before they died. Now there are no jobs.

That person in the article wasn't typical.

When I go shopping I buy rice, beans, potatoes, fruit/veggies chickens, roasts- I cook everything. No processed foods. Nothing 'microwavable.'

I make my own lunch meats so I don't have to eat a million strange chemicals to enjoy a sandwich, I make my own bread so I don't have to poison myself with GMO products in the bread. Aside from those reasons, it's just a lot cheaper than buying bread and lunch stuff.

I do buy organic of every thing I can find because as stated above, I'm not going to poison myself knowingly. If I can't find an organic version of something, I make it. Or go without.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by fredcall

my sister put herself through college with loans and a job at a grocery store. at many points she was eligible for food stamps, never took them. but she often tells stories of people who would come in, buy -basically- luxury items with a combination of food stamps and large bills.

not saying this is the norm. but i know through alot of my work with public interest orgs that this is more common than many would imagine.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by fredcall

in the uk....women who have children regardless of their financial situation get healthy start vouchers, each voucher is worth £3.10p, u get 12 of these a month and after your child is a year old it gets reduced to 4 tokens, these tokens are restricted to fresh cows milk, baby formula, or fruit and vegatables.

perhaps if there was a curb on these food stamps it could help towards obecity, make people live healthier thus taking the strain off the doctors and nurses and other medical staff that treat conditions brought on by obecity.

however as someone said, just because paople can but junk doesnt mean they all do, however i bet there are many people out there that do abuse the system, and use the stamps to cater for partys etc, if that curb was there it would cut out that demographic at least ...its not like your a college kid and have a party serving lettuce and tomatoes.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by snusfanatic

can i ask what ur avatar is lol...ive seen it a few times and im looks like a beheaded johnny depp....

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by fredcall

I posted a reply to him on his blog. Check it out ;D

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 09:09 AM
I've made comparative studies as to who has the most food stamps to pull out of their wallets in the supermarket lines. You can trace a person's ancestry by how many food stamps they have. The issuance of food stamps is very political. Like giving away houses to people who can't pay the mortgages. One must be creative in filling out the paperwork.

I've spoken to more than a few of these individuals. They've told me that in going to the food stamp office to apply, the better the resume of sad tales filled out on the food stamp application form, the more the food stamp issuance.

They tell me it helps to bring as many children with you to the food stamp office as possible. Even if the children aren't your own. Neighbors borrow other neighbor's children for trips to the food stamp office.

If you are not getting enough food stamps, you need to speak to someone more experienced about how to procur a bigger food stamp payload.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 09:10 AM
What's the gov't going to do, tell someone their to poor or worthless to eat something because their on food stamps? I don't see what the big surprise is here. Of course you can buy anything on food stamps. Remember, the gov't makes EVERY decision with economic matter's in mind. Rather something is bought with cash, food stamps, credit, whatever, it's still money being spent. Business's are still making money when people are purchasing their products.

The gov't figures, "hey, we're giving people a set amount, if it's spent, it's spent". So if they give you $500 to last for the whole month, and you blow it all on expensive food or junk food in the first two weeks, what do they care? $500's is still $500's. If you have nothing to eat the last two weeks of the month thats your little red wagon. But to the gov't, what's spent is spent rather it's $40 a month or a $1000. Doesn't matter what it's spent on. But either way the money is spent to help the economy so to speak, so it doesn't matter to them either way.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 09:15 AM
I know for a fact that you cannot buy Red Bull!!!
Seriously though, I make sure my monthly allotment goes as far as it can and it doesn't always last the whole month. I buy milk, eggs, oatmeal, cereal, bread, pasta, lots of fresh veggies and fruits, frozen waffles, peanut butter, chicken, hamburger meat, and sometimes I do buy a steak. So what? One steak might cost $5, but it also feeds me AND my two sons (8 and 14 mos.). I have a full time job, and I get some help from my ex, but times are tough and food is EXPENSIVE!! I think, or hope, for the majority of Americans that do receive food stamps - they are using them sensibly. Heck we have to if we want to eat every day!!
Do I think that the food we can buy should be regulated? No. What are you going to have a totally different section just for food stamp card holders? That's ridiculous.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by J.Son79

There's just no happiness. Either corporations don't pay enough taxes. Or corporations go overseas and there's not enough jobs and there's no payroll tax.

Meanwhile, Americans on food stamps manage to gain weight while third world starving babies are surrounded by swarms of flies.

But welfare case workers will usually attest the anomaly that the more food stamps a person gets, the quicker they will spend their food stamps. Of course, it's not uncommon that food stamp recipients will use their food stamps to barter for drugs and black market cigarettes and the like. I've witnessed poker games where food stamps were used in place of poker chips.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by christine76
I know for a fact that you cannot buy Red Bull!!!

Whoa. You must be doing something wrong. Let's take a look at the list of items this blogger purchased on food stamps. You will notice he purchased Red Bull for Jager-bombs. What are you doing wrong in the world of food stamp trading:

• Limes for Coronas or other Mexican beers
• Soda water or tonic water for mixed drinks
• Coke for Jack and Cokes
• Drink mixers, as long they have an FDA nutrition label on them and don’t have alcohol in them
• Appetizers from the frozen food section
• Chips, salsa, cheese, and crackers
• Red Bull for Jager-bombs
• Jell-O to make Jell-O shots
• Any other snack product
• Gatorade for nursing the next day’s hangover
• Egg Nog (for Egg Nog and Brandy mixed drinks during the holidays)

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by fredcall

You can't buy energy drinks with food stamps in MOST stores.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by fredcall

Oh I agree, people definitely don't always do what their suppose to with what they're given. Some do use it for unintended reasons. If they get caught, they lose their support. But the gov't looks at like this: "hey, we've done our part, we've helped you, what more do you want from us?" Then see that gets the monkey off their back. Believe me, the last thing Washington wants is 20 million starving American's marching on the capitol. Has Washington made decision's for the most powerful country in the world to succumb to this? Of course. It's all part of the plan.

What it all boils down to is the politician's greed. They'll take away billion's from the wealth of this nation to help line their pockets and help their corporate friends, and yet make the people it hurt's the most somewhat docile by giving them a few bucks to tide them over. But at the same time, those few buck's they give them (food stamps, etc), they have to make sure they (the people) are free to do whatever with. After all, this is the land of the free right? You have to keep that illusion going. But at the same time, this help's the corporation's income as well.

Like Christine76 said, you can't have whole sections in grocery stores that's for food stamp customers. It would be very bad for business, which would hurt economic means. But as long as the people requesting this service is getting what their after, the gov't keeps them off their back. Sure, a lot of people abuse the system, but a lot of people do use it correctly.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 09:41 AM
It would concern me more if the government did start putting more restrictions on the types of foods that could be acquired with food stamps, i.e., do you want the Obama Adminstration telling you that you can't buy soy milk because it's not "real" milk? What would be next? Medicare recipients are told that they can't have that much-needed kidney surgery because it's not on the "Med-Fly List?" Oh wait, that's in the works.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 09:46 AM
In NY, it's not the more pitiful your story the more you get. It's already pre-determined by family size. Family with 2 children around 350, 3 children 420, etc.

There's "bodegas" here and there that not only let you buy beers and cigs and such, some will also let you cash it in for a fee.

Families out here that dont abuse the system, and really need it, it's usually not enough anyway, You would still have to come out of pocket. It's not to feed you and your family the entire month.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by J.Son79
reply to post by fredcall

Believe me, the last thing Washington wants is 20 million starving American's marching on the capitol.

Let me sound like the optimist here: It would be real damn hard to starve to death in America.

I mean, someone would have to be the most abject junkie with a perpetual heroin needle in their arm before they starve in America.

We're growing so much food we're giving it away in the form of food stamps. We're growing so much food that millions of illegal aliens are crossing the border to pick the fruit off the trees for us.

Hell, California has so much fertile land that the state grows more marijuana than it grows food.

Okay, where does this perfect sounding scheme have a tendency to go wrong? Well, giving away things is a Ponzi Scheme. Ponzi Schemes eventually collapse. Giving away houses through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac collapsed the real estate market, leading to a domino effect in the economy.

Before too long, so many citizens are getting food stamps that nobody's growing food anymore. If everything is free, why work? Just collect more taxes to keep the free system moving. If nobody's working and able to pay taxes, just print money. Eexcept nobody's logging so there won't be any more paper. And hyper-inflation has taken up the use of all the wheelbarrows needed to cart the paper currency into the convenient store to buy a loaf of bread.

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Food stamps have become another form of credit cards.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by fredcall

The junkie you refer to would be put in the hospital with an IV and three squares.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 10:21 AM
Having been a single mom for 10 years and sometimes getting my child support I managed to stay off food stamps for 9 of those 10 years. I finally broke down and got them, and let me tell you it wasn't easy to get them. They put you through a belittling process and require you to do things someone like me normally wouldn't do because I know better. The only reason I got them is because I was soaked dry by lawyers during a custody battle that was never ending. So I think it's the system that ultimately gets you on food stamps in the first place in one way or another. Usually someone gets on food stamps in the first place because they don't have a job or money. Well someone who doesn't have a job or money can't buy many things with the food stamps like toilet paper, detergent, dish soap, shampoo, conditioner and the list is very long. I think that the system is set up for us to police one another and that's what I see happening on this thread. Not only does the system belittle you but so does the general public in general. Who are you to judge what a person may be going through. Have you walked in those peoples shoes. If they buys lots of stuff like candy that isn't healthy, that just shows their intellect level and 10 times out of 10 those people were probably educated by the very system they rely on for their food stamps and food supply. When people suffer they reach for things that bring them comfort and that can come in many forms of self abuse. Instead of judging one another maybe we should be compassionate and understanding. Why is that so much harder to do than to just throw stones and think that we are better than the "other" guy? Would it be so hard to go up to that person and just give them a hug or offer a kind word? Really, love is what we all need deep down. I bet you can't buy seeds with your food stamps; especially now. Aren't seeds a form of food, more so than candy? Maybe the finger is being pointed in the wrong direction. I was told by a lawyer once that it's not what is that matters, it's only what it can be made to look like. Unfortunately, I think that applies even out of the court room. We are cruel to other people simply by our own deception.

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