posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 03:19 PM
Hi guys,
About a year ago, i had a strange experience over a few occasions relating to a floating bubble/orb like object. I've always been interested in
paranormal stories since i was younger and always try to see the logical explanations of things before jumping the gun and shouting "ORB!" or
The first one i witnessed was outside my back garden as i just sat in a deckchair sunbathing. The object about 3 inches in diameter and perfectly
round floated about 3ft infront of me. It's speed was constant and so was the direction, it didn't bobble on the breeze or divert in any specific
direction, it was as if it was on a track. It was perfectly see through as if it was pure glass, not like a bubble from a childs toy where you see the
oily swirls inside it and the smallest of breezes makes it very unstable, it was strange to say the least.....anyhooo, didn't think much of it other
than, it was a bit strange and possibly a kids bubble from a toy or something.
A few days laters, i was attending a concert in the cardiff millenium stadium watching oasis perform, and what do i see floating right to left about
7ft infront, another bubble, exactly the same as the one i saw previous days later? This is where i started to think it could be something other than
a kids bubble. It stayed on the same course, not bobbling up and down as you would expect from a big hot and sweaty crowd.
I researched some stuff when i had the time and found a few people on here with the same sort of experiences but nothing much came of it, but then a
few months after the 2nd sighting, my wife and i was sat watching tv when she pointed at the wall and said "i just saw a bubble floating up the wall
and vanish into the ceiling oh my god". I questioned about the size etc and sounded like the same sort of object.
I started wondering about the possible ghosts about 6 years previous i lost my father to cancer and 4 years later lost my mother also, so
the way my mind is working (maybe to stop me freaking out
) is that possible my parents visiting keeping an eye on me
Has anyone any ideas what this could be or anyone had any other experiences like this?