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Mysterious magnetic vortex’ currently centered in the Gulf of Aden

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posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by solids0be

True. But we're not sure he is really a nut-job. Look at how Copernicus and Galileo were received back in the day. And even Tesla. And now John Hutchinson is getting a bad wrap.

It's just that this whole paradigm of 'aliens, UFOs, dimensionality, anti-gravity technology, stargate/vortexes etc' are still overall, perceived as far fetched unrealistic ideas. And that's primarily because we weren't taught it. So it's not even close to something we can embrace.

We're all pre-programmed. That cannot be argued. We know what we know because we are taught by people who were taught to teach it. That doesn't mean there isn't room for a whole other reality. And quantum mechanics are at the cutting edge of 'teaching' us there is a lot more than meets the eye.

Just keep an opened mind and don't pay too much attention at 'whose' saying it. Just consider the idea. Besides, many people believe in Jesus and look how many fanatical weirdo nut-jobs preaching that ideology.

Truth is stranger than fiction. That I think we all agree on.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by lightandfight

Again, I am not defending this Aaron dude because I know nothing about him.
But what I do know is, once you have an incredible, unexplainable, out of the ordinary experience, the last thing we care about is, who believes us.
The experience is put out there and being shared and those who are to garner something from it, will.

That's not to say there aren't a bunch of bullchitters out there too. But the Gulf of Aden is a place with much activity and many people are coming forward telling their experience and/or opinion about the area.

If Aaron alone was saying this then perhaps I wouldn't pay too much attention to it although I totally believe these places exist on this and all planets.

And because he's one of scores of people making this claim's something not to be ignored. And if this isn't doing it for you then, I respectfully say, move on. Don't give it anymore thought. The seed has been planted and if and when you're ready, then it'll make sense.
We're all at different intervals of climbing outside our comfort zones and accepting the unaccepted.

So the only thing I can tell you and people like you is, keep an open mind. Really, that's all that's important.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 10:21 AM
Perhaps this explains the Military build-up in the Gulf of Aden?

Wikileaks files reveal secret US-Yemen bomb deal

US cables released by the Wikileaks website suggest that Yemen allowed secret US air strikes against suspected al-Qaeda militants. President Ali Abdullah Saleh claimed raids were conducted by Yemen's military when they were in fact carried out by the US, according to the cables.

BBC News

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by Human_Alien

So your comparing Aarron Cullom to Copirnicus Gallileo and Tesla...How does that make any sense? Tesla may not have been given the credit he was due but for gods sake man he invented Alternating Current and the generators that produced it. Aaron Collum is just making wild accusations on youtube.How the hell are you still defending this guy? and don't get me started on John Hutchinson. That guy and his posse are just as crazy if not more then Collum. Hutchingsons antigravity machine is a hoax, most of his videos were just taken upside down in a home made diorama he made.His claims are so far out there that I don't even want to go there in this thread
edit on 4-12-2010 by solids0be because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by Human_Alien

Well im convinced that your just as delusional if you believe all this nonsense. Stating that I haven't opened my mind and havent Acended to the level of consiousness these guys are on is a weak ass way of saying that im too dumb to get what they are talking about. I know exactly what they are trying to say and its obvious its straight nonsense. Any rational thinker could see right through the crap they are spewing. Again just because they have a speck of truth in what they are saying, in NO WAY justifies the outrageous claims they are making.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 10:46 AM
There are a number of Angels that are bound.

There are a few decent videos on you tube regarding the gulf of aden star gate?

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by Human_Alien

I think we have learned some things from the thread. I'll restate:

I listened to one hour of the 31 year old Coast Guard guy. He kept using the word "absolutely", but I learned absolutely nothing that would be useful to anyone.
My guess is:
There have been lots of earthquakes in the Gulf of Aden recently -- strange.
There is a strange magnetic vortex -- strange.
There are lots of ships from lots of Countries -- strange.

There is talk of Aliens and Stargates -- no useful evidence. This is the typical situation with millions of UFO/ET encounters/sightings -- no useful evidence.

edit on 4-12-2010 by etcorngods because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by Human_Alien

I have no problem at all with people having extraordinary, unexplainable experiences. Actually, I am one of those people myself. I don´t think people are so eager to share their experiences as you say. Probably the best way to prevent real insiders from telling the truth is the nutty-factor; you might loose your job, social standing etc because you are seen as "one of those idiots". And all the Aarons of the world are doing their best to keep it that way. Unwillingly, I hope.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by lightandfight

I think Aaron is trying to make a few bucks off some gullible/desperate people looking for answers. Pretty sad

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Sentinel412
It's not exactly a stargate and if I must guess, there will be ten similar ones throughout the planet, twelve in overall. The other one was the fake oil spill in the Mexican Gulf. The oil spill was the cover up for that one. So ten remains. This is just confirms my theory a long time ago, so to me, nothing new here.

The remaining ten will be throughout the planet, four in Europe, one in China, one in Middle America, one in South America, two in North America and one in Greenland.

Have a nice day.
edit on 3-12-2010 by Sentinel412 because: (no reason given)

Can I ask where you got your information from, I have never heard of stargates and vortexes in or on the Earth. How do you us find this stuff? What do you mean the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was fake? What the hell is going on here?? Thanks!

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by lightandfight

Nope. I don't have source for this. That's my private research in this matter.

Can I ask where you got your information from, I have never heard of stargates and vortexes in or on the Earth. How do you us find this stuff? What do you mean the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was fake? What the hell is going on here?? Thanks!

As I said it's my private research. Regardless my theory was correct in this matter, two out of two, that doesn't mean I'm right. So I can't and I won't confirm any of my claimings. So take everything what I said as my own theory, as a hypothesis.

But according to my research these are not the so called "stargates". They're on different places as I already mentioned (In my research they also has a different name.). These are something else.
edit on 4-12-2010 by Sentinel412 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by solids0be
reply to post by Human_Alien

So your comparing Aarron Cullom to Copirnicus Gallileo and Tesla...How does that make any sense? Tesla may not have been given the credit he was due but for gods sake man he invented Alternating Current and the generators that produced it. Aaron Collum is just making wild accusations on youtube.How the hell are you still defending this guy? and don't get me started on John Hutchinson. That guy and his posse are just as crazy if not more then Collum. Hutchingsons antigravity machine is a hoax, most of his videos were just taken upside down in a home made diorama he made.His claims are so far out there that I don't even want to go there in this thread
edit on 4-12-2010 by solids0be because: (no reason given)

Only because the 'majority' of people thought they were nuts and their ideas were crazy.
C'mon. If people talked about electricity 500 years ago they would've been deemed a lunatic.

It's the same thing.

Just because we've now made these outrageous ideas tangible (and have been taught them) doesn't mean they weren't looked down upon.
Same with tv or going to the Moon. Do you think our great great great grandparents could ever imagine such a thing?
And now we're exploring multiple dimensions (String Theory) and sub-particles of the Atom (CERN) do you realize the implications once we see the findings?

In another 100 years our 'hard to believe' notions (alien, vortexes, lay lines) will also become an every day knowledge. After all, they are not THAT far-fetched especially in light of millions who are having experiences.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 01:05 PM
You know what really bugs me?When people try to destroy your credibility rather then providing proof that it isn't true.It's weak and makes you look bad.It's a common government tactic.

They have excuses for everything...

"People think JFK was killed by someone other than Oswald and even have proof..."- an elite

" them crazy"-second elite

(tear rolls down cheek)"We're so smart"-first elite

"I know"-second elite

"What about the Alien thing"?-first elite

"...........crazy"-second elite

"2012"?-first elite

"Crazy"-second elite

"Possession"?-first elite

"hmm...schizophrenia...stress...psychotic"-second elite

"Satan"?-first elite

"What about him?"-second elite

My point is all they do is label it whatever they want and people accept it without really knowing what really is causing it.

It's like a tornado.Oh sure the hot air mixes with the cold air yada yada and you have a tornado.But what if there is some mysterious force we don't know about that causes this to happen?

How do we know all earthquakes are just caused by normal circumstances or Mother nature or whatever you believe.

Unless it's proven to be a hoax people should really shut their mouths unless they have proof.This is what being open minded is all about.Those people that assume it's a hoax without really knowing and insulting people in the process are ignorant.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by etcorngods

Evidence? Like what? A headline in the Wall Street journal.

Come on man (especially with a name such as yours) evidence is nothing anymore.

Even when they produce evidence, it's still questionable.

Why must we live in this herd mentality society?
Process these claims on your own, in your own head, in your own imagination, in your own silence and THEN ask yourself, 'is this possible'?

We are learning we can not trust what's put out there. We have realized we have to find our own truths. Our world is one of many diversions, divisions, opinions, adversaries, debunkers, dis informants etc. So how do you ever expect to find the truth with so much noise?

Find your OWN truth. Stop waiting for it to be handed and validated to you via someone else.

Good gawd. That's the least we can do as an intelligent (soon to be evolved) species.

'Proof' you ask? Prove to me there's air! Just prove it. With tangible evidence. Go ahead. I want to see it! Now....go. Get on that detail please.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 01:37 PM
The crude oil we've pumped out of the middle east from the depths was several hundred degrees F*.

Now imagine that crude oil helped keep the core of the Earth molten as well as was the lubricant for the molten core to spin around underneath the crust we stand on.

The lubricant was removed. It's properties kept a temperature range beneath the crust we stand on for stability.

Since it's gone the molten core can "grab onto" the crust releasing massive electromagnetic forces....and carnage soon on the crust.

Man was a fool for pumping the life blood from the Earth. Not only did we kill ourselves but we killed the planet. There is no way to repair what we have done nor survive what is about to happen. Having Navy ships monitoring that magnetic anomaly is laughable at best. There's nothing they can do to stop it.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

For decades, the ET/UFO movement has been stalled for "no evidence". In this case, I haven't even seen the usual "eye witness" testimony and some questionable pictures/video. This guy hasn't even been to the Gulf or Aden. I didn't hear him say that he has seen alien beings or been inside of a stargate. He has what a court of law would call, "Hearsay" evidence.

UFO/ET/Alien exist. Why? Because of all the eye witness accounts. People's hearts and minds are under the control of (call it) God, and nothing happens. Does the US Government have contact with ET's -- probably not. Where is the proof -- point to Steven Greer. He's a plant. His name decodes to be "Maven ET".

Miracles are happening in the Gulf of Aden. That seems factual to me.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

Again your comparing Scientists who based their work on tangible FACTS and experiments to a Guy whos claims he has special powers like lowering his body tempeture/Blood pressure while he goes on about how he was indoctrinated into a child soilder program and time traveled to the past. Afterwards all he has to base these statements on is hearsay and the fact that he had his memory wiped through chemical injections....Tell me, what part of his story makes you think this guy is any way credible.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by solids0be

Oh for christ sake. It isn't any particular part of HIS story that makes this credible. It's the fact that he's corroborating what others have said. Let's forget Aaron (because you seem to want to latch on to him with his lack of proof and new-age diatribe). This is not about HIM rather the Gulf of Aden.

That's the problem, people hear something and instantly want to discredit it because of the messenger or because others are doing it for you.

Do your own research (barring Aaron) then, take it or leave it. It matters nothing to me.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

Well next time do some research on your sources before you post them as supporting evidence to something. Maybe next time you won't get as much flack.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 10:10 PM
lol @ "prove it".

Well the fact a lot of people are talking about it should be proof that there is something there right?Prove there are pirates!We only know what we are told.Only the people involved know what really is going on.But we can speculate.

Would you want to panic billions of people?It's not that easy to just tell people these things.Hillary Clinton mentioned something that could effect the whole world but she did it in a way that it went unnoticed,or at least people aren't taking it serious.But how often do people really pay attention to a Hillary Clinton speech?

The fact that all these countries are there must mean something important is going on.I didn't see them act this way when New Orleans was hit..or Haiti..........or 9/11.But a few pirates show up and the whole world get's together like it's the end of the world.No pun intended...i hope.

Honestly the only thing I can think of that would draw all these countries together is if there was a threat to the planet or......aliens.

What if it is a star gate?What if they got all those countries together to let them know what's really going on so they can unite in case they are attacked?What if this is what starts the "end of the world"?

"Oh that's crazy talk".

Is it?

Don't believe in aliens?Over a million different type of species living in a million different types of climates right here on earth and that's just one planet.There are tons of aliens right here on earth.Who knows..what if some of animals,insects or whatever species on earth came from another planet?Ever look at a praying mantis?Their head looks like an alien.So do ants.They only reason you don't consider them aliens is because you are familiar with them.

When people first encountered a bear what do you think they thought it was?Some sort of monster I bet.But now it's a bear.

Anyway someone said there's "no evidence of UFOs" but yet there are thousands of videos on the net that haven't been proven a hoax,so they could be real...that would be evidence.

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