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Black Nobility Exposed Video With Names

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posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by King Seesar

And you know one way Zionist Illuminati who are "Hell Bent" on imposing their Orwellian plans on the rest of humanity are going about this....through technology such as direct energy weapons/non-lethal weapons for all sorts of things mainly mind control of the masses and if need be a remote manchurian candidate to carry out assassinations and black mail and the like...

This type of technology needs to be exposed over and over again until the masses wake up because this is there end game to there Orwellian plan....

Hi King Seesar,

Thanks for sharing the concern for the very serious Depopulation Agenda 21 sponsored by the Elite Cabal's Orwellian madmen. You are quite correct. They are working at striking the FINAL BLOW or, as Hitler would have said THE FINAL SOLUTION by killing off the majority of the lowly "Meat Containers" and replacing us with genetically selected and/or enhanced Host Humans for "Perfect Possession" by their Demonic Cult.

If this reply puzzles you, click on my link below which illustrated in another ATS thread how they are operating and what role a small but powerful minority of Freemasons - among others - are playing in this Agenda.

Simplified History and Agenda of the Elite Illuminati Cabal


posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 05:37 PM

You take a little trip out of the country, and look what happens!!

I just read through 5 pages of the most paranoid, fact-stretching, totally UNBALANCED load of crap that I think I have EVER read on ATS.

Since it is quite obvious that many on this thread have no desire to use real critical thinking skills and separate the fact from the fiction, I see no reason to continue with this thread. Good luck with your frenzied storytelling.

Oh...and to Cesearesque....if you want to know the truth about the Illuminati, I'm afraid you won't find it on ATS. Too many people have agendas and use this forum to stir up others with false "facts."

Lastly, I could tell you about me but what would be the point? Others on this board would simply twist the truth to say it is evidence of something that isn't even real. Let me give you a case in point:

My day job. I work directly for the CEO of a small investment and banking firm which is tightly controlled and run by a very wealthy family. That family has very close personal ties to another family who is regularly bastardized and condemned as "Satanists" or "Elite Cabal" on this board, despite the fact that this particular family has donated BILLIONS of dollars to charities and humanitarian efforts all over the world for decades and these ridiculous claims people make against them are completely unfounded. My job within this firm is to convince CEOs of other corporations, who are not directly within our control, to invest money and take particular actions that will meet a particular agenda, of which we are only one small part.

Now, there are some on this board who will say that is evidence of some nefarious plot to subjugate the human race. In reality, what we are doing is for a HUMANITARIAN cause similar to bringing electricity or indoor plumbing to the modern world or trying to make a dent in ending world hunger.

If you want to research "conspiracies" with an open mind, feel free to PM me. Otherwise, I'm over and out in this thread.

Let chaos reign.

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 07:23 PM
Well, I guess that we all imagined that anyone had ever been "offered" in sacrifice to the gods. We had better warn all the theologians, ethnographers, anthropologists, archeologists, historians and journalists that this has always been an urban legend, one presumably started in Babylon, Tlaxcala, Chichen Itza, Tenochtitlan, Chiclayo, Huanbei, Luoyang, in Rome during the Regal era, in the burnt city of Sistan-Baluchistan, Cahokia on the Mississippi, Chittagong, Belize - that makes for a lot of urban sacrifice sites which were only urban legends. Maybe this gives us a clue to the origins of the Zionists composing our Illuminati Elite? While it seems clear that they are not practicing Jews, it also appears that they must not, as they claim, descend from King David but maybe from the Canaanites who lived in Jerusalem for a century prior and practiced human sacrifice.

Jerusalem: From Canaanite City to Israelite Capital

By the way CIAGypsy, what did you mean by your uninvited PM stating "Hope you and your littles find peace someday. " Given the subject matter of child sacrifice I don't exactly take kindly to somebody with CIA (child traffickers) in their user name talking about my "littles" finding peace.

Anyone who has been present during such rites, or at least realize they are a reality based upon sincere testimony from many sources including law enforcement investigators - and then later sees the posters and endless lists of missing children - ought to turn their tongue twice in their mouth before calling accusations fantastic or fraudulent or clamoring that these "upstanding citizens" are not only entirely innocent but wonderful philanthropists. They are unconscionable power brokers who occupy themselves toying with others' destiny. They are in a position to know these sacrifices do occur, yet they indulge themselves with relish at ceremonies such as the one at Bohemian Grove.

As regards the Illuminati Elite who indulge in Child Sacrifice, some belong to the well named ORDER OF DEATH better known by the name Skull & Bones which in addition to officiating in alleged sacrificial rites also runs the Russell Trust. Others are members of the Bohemian Club which meets yearly at the Bohemian Grove.

Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford were members among other US Presidents

Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon at the Grove in 1967

During a State visit Queen Elizabeth II made a short speech to them at the Grove when in California, her husband goes there occasionally. There are many other members too some of whom can be seen on the list of attendees in 2008.

Bohemian Grove Guest List 2008

We can expect a fair share of Congressmen, given that the House of Representatives is itself designed to sit in the midst of a Giant Owl Molech.

1966 Satellite photo of Washington DC Molech

Recent Satellite photo of Molech on Capitol Hill

Did Molech slide his way into our Dollars?

They are aided and abetted by Freemasons who, fortunately for them in their defense, for the most part do not know who or what they are really assisting. By those at the top of the Masonic hierarchy they are not considered "brothers" but mere Gentiles to be duped, manipulated and despised. In this context Gentile does not mean "non Jews". It means anyone who is not part of their inbred Zionist Sect running the world from behind the scenes as well as officially. Note that they proceeded to exterminate Jews during WWII, who were thus to them considered as Gentiles since they were not genetic heirs to the Molech worshiping Canaanites or even earlier bloodlines dating back to Sumer.

Who and what is in a position to overthrow an invisible force? And this is precisely what our force is. Gentile masonry blindly serves as a screen for us and our objects, but the plan of action of our force, even its very abiding-place, remains for the whole people an unknown mystery.

Protocol 4.2 of the Learned Elders of Zion

Her Prince Consort, Edward Duke of Kent besides attending the Grove is Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England and First Grand Principal of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England. We now know what he thinks of those Gentiles in his Masonic orders.

Con sort Prince Edward the Duke who Dupes the Masons

To get some perspective of how the Vatican and Freemasonry are related in the Illuminati power structure here is a chart with a graphic rendering of the various POWER SPHERES and how they work. Let us remember that the All-seeing-Eye of the Pyramid at the top is that of The Watchers who apparently are not exactly human.

Power Spheres of the Illuminati - scroll picture to see entire graphic

It can be assumed that the higher up on the graphic and the higher the authority exercised. At approximately the same lever, the top which is BENEATH The Watchers shows the Jesuits, the top degrees of Freemasonry, Yale's Order of Skull and Bones and Harvard's Scroll and Keys, and the Bohemian Club. These are SECRET orders and their respective organizational influence is NOT charted in this graphic.

Bilderberg Founder Nazi Prince Bernhard von Lippe-Biesterfeld with wife Queen Juliana

Among the VISIBLE organizations we note that the main centralizing power is the Bilderberg Group and that there are three major power spheres as well as a number of satellite organizations, the main hubs being the Military and Scientific Power Sphere, the Military and Police Power Sphere and the Financial and Economic Power Sphere.

The Bilderberg Group directs, advises and coordinates those around it, some through the CFR and the Trilateral Commission and others directly. There are a number of Think Tanks and Policy Groups which happen to be order givers for a number of other institutions, although this is done informally. The Jason Group is in charge of the Control of Scientific Research and Military Applications, explaining why much of MIT works for the US Military, similarly for the UK and a number of other countries. We note that in this sphere there are also the WISE MEN as well as MAJI which some know better as the occult magick UFO and Alien supervisors of Alien interactions and technology.

To the very left of the chart it is interesting to note the manifest presence of the Nazi networks which are tied to Skull & Bones notably through the Bushes, to the Illuminati, to the CIA, Sects and the Mafia as well as to the Bilderberg Group founded by Nazi SS Officer Prince Bernhard von Lippe-Biesterfeld. In 1946 the highest level Nazis did not die the fake deaths which were publicized but were brought to the USA by their Illuminati friends and put in charge of CIA Black Operations as well as of NASA. Their continuum still runs very strong today with some notable connections with the Neo-Cons.

In the Sphere of Repression using Military and Police power we note that the NSA is directly connected to the MAJI of the Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex and to the Nazi infiltrated CIA which itself ties into the Mafia, Sects such as Scientology, Skull & Bones, the Bohemian Club, the CFR and the FBI. The FBI hooks up with Interpol and the Mafia. In this function of Repressing society we also find the United Nations which is piloted by the Bilderbergers and run by the CFR while working with the World Bank and coordinating the World Health Organization. It is noteworthy that the UN and WHO are organized as Repressive enforcement institutions, clarifying the role of UN troops wherever the ruling Elite wish to intervene.

The third large sphere of power is that of the Financial and Economic institutions, banks and corporations. This group is more intermeshed and most of the components are in active relation with one another, their rapports being different according to their respective influence in a given jurisdiction or field of action. We will only note that the Bilderberg Group has direct connections to each and every one of them. These are the supposed humanists which thread participant CIAGypsy prides herself in working for, towards a small part of a greater Agenda dressed up as the Great Architect's plan for an ideal society but technically called the Final Solution drumming in a Zionist NWO.

These are the motors of today's Globalization and it comes as no surprise that it is not a natural evolution but a move to increase the control of these organizations and reduce the influence of sovereign nations and groups defending the interests of local populations. Similarly, when we consider how these power centers are centrally coordinated it would be foolhardy to imagine that the current International Financial Crisis is anything but purposely provoked for strategic reasons by the ruling Elite.

A number of satellite policy organizations are connected to the Bilderberg Group and include the Club of Rome, the Aspen Institute, Le Siecle (the Century), IFRI the French Institute of Foreign Relations and the Saint Simon Foundation connecting political clubs with academic institutions. Some appears to be missing from the chart and would be the RIIA Chatham House, the Tavistock Institute with its annual $6 billion network of Foundations and its American offshoots such as the Stanford Research Institute, the Rand Corporation and Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, policy groups of which the 25 leading ones are coordinated by the Club of the Hague.

This chart is partial and has numerous missing components. Also, it is only the visible tip of the Iceberg of the Illuminati organizations, the Secret Society articulations of which penetrate our national and local governments, legislative and judicial systems, grassroots organizations, religions, media and many other domains in various ways through any number of controlled secret organizations.

edit on 22-1-2011 by Getsmart because: you need to look into the power relations in the world to figure out what's up - much is visible, the rest is occulted.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 05:03 AM
I came across this video on youtube it does a great job of explaining MK-Ultra and the Monarch program from it's roots and so on a good cliff note version on the subject...

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 04:00 PM
Sorry folks, my posts have been getting too many views for Photobucket's bandwidth limits and to retain anonymity I cannot upgrade to pro. I shall link all my future photos to another service so that this won't occur in the future. All my linked pictures will become active again on the 4th or 5th of the month.


posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by CIAGypsy

I dont know what the end game of the elites are. I have read, and am compelled to believe, that they are much more nefarious than you make them out to be.
edit on 28-1-2011 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

I'm rather afraid that Ms. CIAgypsy's alleged PM is in even poorer taste given an alternative interpretation. "Littles" is said by many who testify to having been subjected to the process of trauma-based programming to be the term for core alters created during the initial stages of developing the alter-system.

She may be snarkily implying that you are an oblivious product of this process, or alternatively that you are a steamy slice of crazy pie who believes yourself to have undergone MK programming. Either way, a bit below the belt.
edit on 10-4-2011 by mistermonculous because: Snip snip here, snip snip there.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by CIAGypsy

Re: Interesting.

My apologies madam, if I misconstrued your motive, though evidently not your meaning. Given the skeptical, even borderline derisive tone of the content directed by you toward the OP, your PM seemed unlikely to be a altruistic gesture.

I assure you I began at page one of the thread, and with a bit of skimming over referential material with which I am already acquainted, read it through in its entirety.

Thank you for the welcome, what a delightful site!

P.S. Pardon the reply to your msg in a public forum, but I still require 12 posts under my belt before I get mail rights.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by mistermonculous
reply to post by CIAGypsy

Re: Interesting.

My apologies madam, if I misconstrued your motive, though evidently not your meaning. Given the skeptical, even borderline derisive tone of the content directed by you toward the OP, your PM seemed unlikely to be a altruistic gesture.

I assure you I began at page one of the thread, and with a bit of skimming over referential material with which I am already acquainted, read it through in its entirety.

Thank you for the welcome, what a delightful site!

P.S. Pardon the reply to your msg in a public forum, but I still require 12 posts under my belt before I get mail rights.


Greetings again, our new friend.

If you did, indeed, read through the entire thread then you'd have seen that Getsmart spoke of trauma she endured as a child and her personal experience with the Pink Ballet. These personal past experiences are what seemed to lead her to the conclusions in this thread that the OP's videos are all based upon truth and do not require critical or objective analysis.

My PM to her was nothing more than a sincere gesture that she, along with any internal network she may claim to have, find peace some day from the trauma that she, herself, shared on the thread. Wow...suspicion, suspicion!! Tsk tsk... If she chooses not to accept my sincere concern for her peace, so be it. I don't feel I should have to beg or fall to her feet.....or yours for that matter.

As I iterated many times over in this thread, false allegations or claims lead us nowhere. They do not help victims but they can destroy lives and reputations. I don't believe in making false claims or believe claims without supportive evidence. Throughout the entire thread, I repeatedly asked others to step in and help research the specific individuals in the video who are alleged to have done these terrible things. Truth of the matter is that no one wants to actually objectively look at the allegations, outside of one or two individuals who did attempt objective research. In specific regards to this thread, I found the majority of posters find it's so much "cooler" to simply believe they are true and, subsequently, bastardize and malign a whole group of individuals against whom we find the basis of class envy. I've seen this kind of hateful behavior since I was a little girl. I keep expecting it to change, but I suppose it never does. It is the nature of the "have nots" to demonize the "haves." reasons for leaving this thread.

On a separate note, I did follow a few of your other posts and...other than this one seem to have a decidedly open mind and ability to articulate well. I hope you find what you the engagement you seek here at ATS. We are glad to have you!!

Cheers, mate.

edit on 10-4-2011 by CIAGypsy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

There are a lot of assumptions made in your post. I will only address a few of them. First, HRH the Duke of Kent is the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the UGLE. The Grand Lodge that dominates Freemasonry in UK and the USA. You imply that Freemasonry is in league with the Catholic Church in the graphic below his photo, yet the Protestant faith is the official church of The UK. Besides this, the "Franc-Macons" are considered "irregular" by the UGLE and regular Freemasons are forbidden to sit in Lodge with them. Believe me, as a Continental Freemason, there is not a lot of back-slapping or hand-shaking between the two distinct Jurisdictions. For evidence, observe how few stars my posts receive on this forum!

Also, it is very unlikely that the French Freemasons are hand in hand with the Catholics when you consider that they have been openly hostile to the political goals Catholic Church in France, because they are wary of the return of a Theocratic rulership which is one of the criticisms leveled against them by the UGLE.
edit on 10-4-2011 by no1smootha because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-4-2011 by no1smootha because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by mistermonculous

I'm rather afraid that Ms. CIAgypsy's alleged PM is in even poorer taste given an alternative interpretation. "Littles" is said by many who testify to having been subjected to the process of trauma-based programming to be the term for core alters created during the initial stages of developing the alter-system.

Hi Mister Monculous,

Thanks for sharing that insight. While I happen to remember the trauma, fortunately it no longer hurts. Yet I have no memory of the use of the word "Littles" by anyone. As a youngster I did change from left to right-handed and also changed my name to become someone new in a new life in another country. Maybe that's why they did a number of "factory recalls" to check up on my programming? There happens to be a form of psychological mediation which can be undertaken to converge identities, in hopes of finally ending in their approximate merging - in my case, only two, have now become almost one.

These were probably at least partially programmed if not fully scripted "Identities" given that a few years later a popular television series in the BBC projected my brother and my identities into full fledged scenario on the small screen, with adventures showcasing our respective personalities while coinciding with our names...

Originally posted by mistermonculous

She may be snarkily implying that you are an oblivious product of this process, or alternatively that you are a steamy slice of crazy pie who believes yourself to have undergone MK programming. Either way, a bit below the belt.

Maybe she was being catty thinking I'm a gypsy girl ? Wrong on both counts ! Regarding that PM, which I've all but forgotten, maybe our cozy forum friend knows more than she lets on. My mother used to scold my younger brother and me that we oughtn't gripe about all the clinical visits, given that our eldest brother had been subjected to far worse - something she stated with much hysteria in her voice - thus we were in no position to complain. Among her duties was administering electroshocks, that is until she was herself subjected to like treatment, which spelled her retirement from clinical activity and later transfer to field work. I suspect this may have happened due to her reluctance to further expose us.

So, in all likelihood, we got our fair share of the historically traditional abuse perpetuated by Sabbatean Frankist Canaanites, but were only in an "experimental series" of behavioral engineering rather than the usual run of the mill MK Ultra programming, in our case Project Talent corresponds more closely with what we experienced. We do discuss this at times, and remember only too well the kittens we had to kill, the German doctors, other kids suffering, etc. In these 'clinics they also had us figuratively jumping through the hoops with an inordinate amount of testing and gave us a mental build-up through occasional praise from doctors', lavish compliments from the nurses, lauding our qualities and acting almost subservient with awe - quite strange at so young an age and the reverse of our family's total absence of respect or concern for our wellbeing.

So CIA Gypsy shouldn't feel personally offended by my characteristic lack of enthusiasm for her positions and my less than gregarious liking for her name, having fallen victim to her colleagues in unforgivable ways. Those were some wicked pricks who were no less than offshoots of the Nazis pushing their experiments further each test subject.



posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by no1smootha

There are a lot of assumptions made in your post. I will only address a few of them. First, HRH the Duke of Kent is the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the UGLE. The Grand Lodge that dominates Freemasonry in UK and the USA. You imply that Freemasonry is in league with the Catholic Church in the graphic below his photo, yet the Protestant faith is the official church of The UK. Besides this, the "Franc-Macons" are considered "irregular" by the UGLE and regular Freemasons are forbidden to sit in Lodge with them. Believe me, as a Continental Freemason, there is not a lot of back-slapping or hand-shaking between the two distinct Jurisdictions. For evidence, observe how few stars my posts receive on this forum!

Also, it is very unlikely that the French Freemasons are hand in hand with the Catholics when you consider that they have been openly hostile to the political goals Catholic Church in France, because they are wary of the return of a Theocratic rulership which is one of the criticisms leveled against them by the UGLE.

Hi No One Smoother,

True to name, you pulled that critique off so smoothly that I starred your post. But that isn't evidence that I'm a Continental Mason, only that I sympathize with your plight of joining a brotherhood only to find out that all brothers don't love one another. I take note that Masons are thus regular or irregular, similarly as numbers are even or odd, so I guess that on ATS you are the odd man out given the vast masonic membership rising to the highest levels of this board. Since you are feeling disfavored by your attachment to the wrong end of the stick in this Transatlantic Masonic Pissing Match, may I offer you a membership in UGLE ? Sign in here:

Join UGLE here !

My beef with Freemasonry is multifold. First I have no tolerance for any Secret Society because when you set out to achieve honorable undertakings you needn't hide from view or plot in the dark. Secondly there is the issue of the externalization of one's own free will and moral compass to the hierarchy of the group. This leads to the most abusive breaches of ethics that can be imagined, but dressed up in false pretenses as humanitarian aims or to help brothers in distress.. Finally it interpenetrates many separate areas of society, interfering with and manipulating their affairs with no legitimacy for so doing, making its members treacherous if not treasonous given their higher oaths and obligations to the brotherhood rather than to their professional duties or the public trust.

Add to this that at the higher levels a considerable proportion of Masons are also members of other occult organizations or covens and we get a strong Luciferian undercurrent, given that he happens to be the Deity of this "Secular Religion". In summary I find that Freemasonry is fundamentally dishonest with its own members, fascistic in its hierarchical obedience, deeply unethical by using death threats in its initiation oaths, ridiculous in its ritualistic decorum and kabbalistic mumbo jumbo, all the while harboring in the cellars of certain of its Temples offshoots which practice satanism, pedophilia and child sacrifice. While a minority of the group, one is too many.

Nonetheless, thanks for contributing your interesting analysis of the relations between the main Masonic movements and their respective churches, which was most instructive.



posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by CIAGypsy

You are too kind in regard to my other posts. However, as to my having an open mind, I must demur; stating that I have many biases and kinks in my cognitive framework. However, I can assure you that, on my part at least, class bias is not operative in this conversation. As for my fluency in the mother tongue, well, any old ape can be taught human language.

I note that Getsmart made no implicit or explicit reference to the MK Program in this thread. Human sacrifice, yes. Illuminati, yes. MK Ultra, no (if I am mistaken here, please repost the reference). The only reference made to MK techniques was by you in a private msg. Implying a. that you believe such phenomena exists or at the very least believe that Getsmart has prior exposure to the concept, and will understand your reference. If you believe the program to be a myth, then your gesture makes very little sense, as in that scenario you would be encouraging a belief system in another which you yourself believe to be untrue. If this unlikely possibility is indeed the case, I would say that comfort by way of disinfo isn't. Comforting, that is.

Please account for this, if you're inclined.

I feel it incumbent upon me at this juncture to state that my bias on this topic is toward a very large dose of skepticism. All of the information posted by "insiders" on these forums tend to be found easily via the internet, usually collected and presented by other "insiders".

Nevertheless I find your rhetorical position contradictory and odd.
edit on 10-4-2011 by mistermonculous because: Slight semantic tweaking.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by mistermonculous
I note that Getsmart made no implicit or explicit reference to the MK Program in this thread. Human sacrifice, yes. Illuminati, yes. MK Ultra, no (if I am mistaken here, please repost the reference). The only reference made to MK techniques was by you in a private msg. Implying a. that YOU believe such phenomena exists or believe that Getsmart has prior exposure to the concept. If you believe the program to be a myth, then your gesture makes very little sense, as in that scenario you would be encouraging a belief system in another which you believe to be untrue. Comfort by way of disinfo isn't. Comforting, that is.

Please account for this, if you're inclined.

Most graciously, I shall respond.

You are correct that Getsmart made no explicit commentary on MK Ultra in this thread. However, she has made claims to know the inside operations of the "intelligence community" as well as understanding the under pinnings of the alleged "Black Nobility." She also made references to Svali and other "mind control" subjects. Would you prefer I go back and identify verbatim so you can connect the dots that went through my mind during my rather innocent PM that was made many months ago and all but forgotten, outside of your rather curious need to now dredge it up?

I simply made a sincere gesture of concern for her alleged trauma...and it is true that I HOPE she finds peace someday.
My belief system regarding MK Ultra or the "Black Nobility" has nothing to do with this action as it is based upon her beliefs, not mine. The psychology behind it is relative, my friend.

Originally posted by mistermonculous
I feel it incumbent upon me at this juncture to state that my bias on this topic is toward a very large dose of skepticism. All of the information posted by "insiders" on these forums tend to be found easily via the internet, usually collected and presented by other "insiders".

Who said anything about being an "insider"? "Not I, said the cat...." I'm just an anonymous nobody with an opinion, computer, and internet connection.
I've never once claimed to be anything more.

edit on 10-4-2011 by CIAGypsy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by CPYKOmega

wow... if true, those people are completely horrible and should be taken out of existance. it completely shakes my soul to hear such stories of children being forced into the sex or ritual-sacrifice trade.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 11:24 AM

Most graciously, I shall respond.

A reply is both polite, and appreciated, but I find your use of the word "gracious" curious. It would seem that your own class bias might slip into the discourse more often than you may be aware of.

You are correct that Getsmart made no explicit commentary on MK Ultra in this thread. However, she has made claims to know the inside operations of the "intelligence community" as well as understanding the under pinnings of the alleged "Black Nobility." She also made references to Svali and other "mind control" subjects. Would you prefer I go back and identify verbatim so you can connect the dots that went through my mind during my rather innocent PM that was made many months ago and all but forgotten, outside of your rather curious need to now dredge it up?

I concede the point, but would add that this in no way resolves the discrepancy between the skeptical tone and content of your posts on this thread, and the tacit admission of belief in the content of the PM. I realize you address this below, and will save my thoughts until then.

I simply made a sincere gesture of concern for her alleged trauma...and it is true that I HOPE she finds peace someday.
My belief system regarding MK Ultra or the "Black Nobility" has nothing to do with this action as it is based upon her beliefs, not mine.

Funny you should mention beliefs, as you have yet to clarify your views on the subject of the MK Ultra Program, which was, if I may reiterate, introduced by you.

The psychology behind it is relative, my friend.

Forgive me for saying so, but I'm rather afraid you've shown a feeble understanding of the subject (psychology) if you believed that a private message to a person showing marked indications of paranoia and mental delicacy would be likely to be accepted in the spirit it was apparently meant to be taken. Particularly coming from a party bearing your moniker and employing a reference to MK Ultra.

As for meeting someone on their own mental ground, I would posit that the following may have gone over better by way of a comforting gesture: "Hello, I don't subscribe to your point of view, as has been made evident in my postings. However, you certainly seem to be having a rough time, and I hope things improve for you."

Pandering to beliefs you do not share isn't compassion.
edit on 11-4-2011 by mistermonculous because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-4-2011 by mistermonculous because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by mistermonculous
A reply is both polite, and appreciated, but I find your use of the word "gracious" curious. It would seem that your own class bias might slip into the discourse more often than you may be aware of.

Au Contraire, mon ami... I choose my words very carefully.

Originally posted by mistermonculous
Funny you should mention beliefs, as you have yet to clarify your views on the subject of the MK Ultra Program, which was, if I may reiterate, introduced by you.

Personally, I do not feel my beliefs on MK Ultra are relevant to a thread devoted to the alleged "Black Nobility." However, because I clearly ascertain your certain skepticism of my motivations, I will be more than happy to address your veiled, but probing question.

I will tell you what I "believe" about MK Ultra. I believe that 99% of what is freely available on the internet about it is pure BS. I believe it existed. I even believe they tested on children. However, I don't believe it is on-going to this day or that it is everything people claim about it. Why do I feel this way? Oh, maybe because I have spent the better part of 10 years doing research in neurology and biophysics. I know what the human brain is capable of and what it isn't. People often misconstrue the capabilities of the mind because it seems plausible to their untrained intellect and because it makes for good & exciting fiction.

I see a lot of pro-conspiracy people use references to MK Ultra as some sort of unilateral proof of a lot of particular conspiracy theories - assassins, illuminati, and prostituting children, for example. What they lack is irrefutable proof that these things are connected to a government program that was specious at best. (Note - same can be said about the alleged "Black Nobility" and the purpose of this thread.) Sure, I think there are some incidents that can be connected to MK Ultra, especially in the 50's and 60's. But I don't see anything that we can tie to it today or even in the last 2 decades. MK Ultra died a quiet death in the early '80's due to a changed direction of strategy, lack of continued supportive results, and no funding.

Originally posted by mistermonculous
Forgive me for saying so, but I'm rather afraid you've shown a feeble understanding of the subject (psychology) if you believed that a private message to a person showing marked indications of paranoia and mental delicacy would be likely to be accepted in the spirit it was apparently meant to be taken. Particularly coming from a party bearing your moniker and employing a reference to MK Ultra.

Naturally I will have to disagree...

I see no incongruence. I do not have to believe in a falsity or truth behind Getsmart's experiences to see that she has been affected by them and feel sorry for her discomposure. As for accepting a gesture of compassion from someone with my moniker or reference....again, that would be her decision if she chose to accept or refuse it. I am operating under the impression that Getsmart and I are articulated adults. Who is to say that two individuals can disagree, sometimes vehemently, but not hold any animosity towards each other outside of our lively debate? My gesture and the sincerity behind it was not conditional on what she chooses to do with it and I hold no disregard for her as an individual, even if I believe her to be absolutely wrong on a variety of subjects. I'm sure she likely holds the same opinion towards me, as well, which is her right.

Originally posted by mistermonculous
As for meeting someone on their own mental ground, I would posit that the following may have gone over better by way of a comforting gesture: "Hello, I don't subscribe to your point of view, as has been made evident in my postings. However, you certainly seem to be having a rough time, and I hope things improve for you."

You say "potatoe" and I say "potato," dear fellow.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by CIAGypsy

Well, all right then.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by mistermonculous

Hi Mister Monculous,

Actually I haven't lost my sense of humor as you gave me a good laugh when you made what seemed to be a reference to me as a person with a delicate mind and prone to paranoia. While the first is quite true of my childhood, and understandably so, and the latter became a logical response to very threatening circumstances, I have become "rather solid" psychologically speaking, possibly due to having to overcome many difficulties.

What I know of MK Ultra is only from reading, and piecing together what I experience, without any presumption of providing anything other than a candid account of what I recall, and not of course comprehensively analyzing or explaining what exactly was the procedure. Furthermore, I see that CIA Gypsy is persevering in her erroneous gender attributions, either as a willful stab or simply because that might be part of the abuse of young boys to deeply disorient them at an early age.

Regardless, your sifting through the discrepancies in this thread is quite attentive to details as possibly being more relevant than more salient points. At ATS this is not customary, and is at least for me a welcome renewal of the discussion. May I, in turn, ask you a question or two?

Is your background in the esoteric and the occult, leading to a certain distance towards mundane preoccupations which are subliminal if not downright holographic ?

Are you experienced in structuring influence on others' minds and if so was this on your own or within a group with such a vocation ?

Thanks for considering a reply.


posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 06:12 PM
I think CIAGypsy has brought up some good points but i disagree that MK-Ultra died out, if you want to look at it in terms of pure black and white notions then sure it did but later experiments came to pass in part because there was a MK-Ultra, people took the knowledge they learned from MK-Ultra and implemented it into other areas such as the testing of direct energy weapons on unwilling participants known as TI's(targeted individuals) so to say MK-Ultra died out is true but yet it is not...

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