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This is why Julian Assange needs to be silenced...the moron

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posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by GeisterFahrer

Originally posted by MrXYZ

Originally posted by GeisterFahrer
Assange now thinks he can dictate who runs our country.

Gitmo is too good for him.

Yeah, let's send him to the shining beacon of fairness and justice that is Gitmo. Where people sit for months and years without proper legal representation, outside of international law just like other balcksites. The place where we show what we believe to be freedom and justice...he shouldn't worry either, we're just using "extended interrogation techniques", we don't tortue like those evil terrorists. We're better

Ok, lets reflect on how I should feel sorry for people who kill innocent men women and children.

And you know who's innocent and who isn't right away of course. No innocent people suffering unjustly without the slightest chance to get out on their own. Right? LINK

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by Odessy
dont all these new anti wikileaks threads seem like a disinfo campaign?
Come on people, upset that secrets are getting out??? wtf ever. These govts did it to themselves with not being honest and upfront with themselves or there citizens.
They deserve everything that wikileaks and anyone else does to them.
Maybe then, the citizens will rule the world, as it should be, and most citizens want nothing more than to carry out their lives in peace... so, lets do it.

absolutely !!!
some common sense interjected
into the thread.
star 4 u

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by whoocares

I guess you also mean, no matter what the consequenses. If not please elaborate.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by Chevalerous
reply to post by mobiusmale

This is why Julian Assange needs to be silenced...the moron

Wikileaks is more than just their figurehead front man and spokesperson!

Wikileaks is the amalgamation of several multinational constituents, and not a one man's show!

So what exactly will you gain by silencing their Prolocutor?

Have your not heard Julian Assange describe himself as wikilinks lightening rod?

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:46 PM
Let's hope for a thunderstorm

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by GeisterFahrer
Moscow's bid to blow up wikilinks

now that is pure ignorance
of how wiki operates

blowing up wiki will have no effect on future
releases. See my previous statement on
how wikileaks operate with multiple mirrors.


posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by Ronin22

Originally posted by allthegoodusernamestaken
The people have every right to know, read about and understand exactly how much the US has been screwing the world around. I hope this leads to total diplomatic isolation and ridicule for the US, but I know it wont. Because of these revelations, I have cancelled my planned trip to the US, and rebooked for a nice long weekend in Switzerland. Knowing what I do, I would never prop your economy with my hard earned money, something I hope many will do.

The people have every right to know?

Lets be honest,
This is 2010.....Wars are no longer a "line your troops up on the battlefield and we fight to the last side stands" type of game. Wars are and have always been dirty, some information the general public should not be privy to. I agree with what the OP has said, this Wikileaks situation is a problem waiting to snowball into more conflict. I use to believe that EVERYTHING the American government does should be known by the people, but after my military service I see exactly why some information needs to NOT be allowed in the general public hands.

Majority of the free world are not free, We are all "ball-and-chained" to one thing or another, and most of the time it's irrelevant bull....
*What celebrity is caught cheating today?
*What female star has a nip-slip
*What deals are going on for black friday
*Etc. etc.

In my humble opinion, ANY man or woman who supports wikileaks is only asking for world war to be pushed forward faster. I could go on for days about this but I'll keep it simple for right now.

Right on brother!

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

You're like 12 right?

(I'm can't do the ha ha crap)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by MrXYZ

Originally posted by GeisterFahrer

Originally posted by MrXYZ
reply to post by ZELDAR

Yes it does concern them...if those bad things negatively affect their countries. Ultimately, other countries are funded by their citizens. So if Saudi Arabia or the US for example play the Germans for stupid, German citizens deserve to know. You might not like it, but that's the ethical thing to do...

Don't pretend to know anything about ethics if you cannot grasp the unethical and illegal distribution of classified documents.

It doesn't matter if they're classified or not if the action described in the documents is deplorable.

To give you an extreme example:

If someone had stolen all of Bin Ladens private mail of the last 10 years, you wouldn't call that unethical, would you? Of course his actions are a lot worse than most things in the WL documents...but they're mostly bad.

So yeah, ethically I think this is justified given the content of the documents. You're free to disagree, it's a free country

Yes, and its a free country because of the secrets we hold.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by GeisterFahrer

yes by making up lies to create wars, to profit from the sales of war and the gains from war.

Your country is very good at that, actually I would say tat they are professional Lords of War.

Vietnam, Gulf War, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Serbia, Kosovo, the list goes on and on.

Be All you can be right?
edit on 30-11-2010 by misfitofscience because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by StlSteve

ohh you mean like...the war on "terrorism"?

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by ZELDAR

Very well put

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by StlSteve
You're like 12 right?
(I'm can't do the ha ha crap)


No, I'm 47
and have children
older than 12

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by fonenyc

Well well friend, and it is safe to call you friend since you are on ATS. Why would you come on ATS unless you were open minded enough to test the very things you "believe"? ATS is what "transparent" government should be like. Where everyone's opinion counts and is respected.

You say Julian Assange is an idiot. They, the infamous ptb, say that Assange is a threat. A threat to national security. A threat to peace. A threat to the world even. Julian Assange, one man who is backed by what might I ask? A standing army? A conglomerate corporate entity? hmmn.

Julian Assange is backed by truth, in my opinion and as the saying goes " the truth hurts". So why all of this backlash directed at a movement of truth? Is it because the USA has a foreign policy of deceit? Because the USA encourages deceit and international gossip? hmmn

Julian Assange is nothing more than an identity caught up in an ideal called truth; and WHO has bigger BALLS than Julian Assange? Julian Assange is to be revered not demonized. Why you might ask, should Julian Assange be revered, rather than ostracized from the debate of truth? Well because he is on TV dummy. A player, albeit a shadowy mysterious one, Julian Assange is a player in this world drama promoting TRUE diplomacy. "Transparency".

Our leaders should not be allowed to make decisions based on our ignorance. Force us to be what I hate to admit we are , "sheeple". We are human beings for life's sake, our lives have value. We should be included in the architects of our futures; respectively. Glory no longer belongs to kings and rogue conquerors. Isnt that considered progress?

Widespread war? Who but the people, respectively, can allow our leaders to lead us into war? Why would we allow such a cataclysmic event? Because of one man? A man whose intent is clear? Julian Assange who has provided the world with a service sorely needed? TRUTH! All we ever ask is to understand the decisions made; so we can fight with a whole heart and support our governments. So we can have some form of understanding to impart to our children and families. MEN , who are responsible at the end of the day for all bloodshed.Women who increasingly support their husbands and at the same time play the role of provider so well? I AM PROUD OF OUR PROGRESS, thus far.

So who is anyone to suggest Julian Assange is a villain? Oh, that is right, anyone with an agenda that is exposed due to Julian Assange's providing a utility of truth. A utility that rivals CON EDISON! A utility with a natural resource as golden as energy; truth! Please do not knock on Assange for taking the steps necessary to bring "understanding" to the arena wherewith a "level playing field" can be had.

We are but pawns in this power game played by people of true power. The decisions makers or as Bush Jr, said "deciders". Let Julian Assange help to empower US and give us the chance to create "balance", that which life has given us purpose for. Julian Assange, a name that will echo throughout history.

What wars can be started off of truth? What standing army can deny the truth? Do you think our soldiers, their soldiers, are dumb animatronics to be given orders and fed deceit in the wake of awareness? What war can be won with morons? Give a little credit to our heroes and "champions" who serve to protect us. No MAN or WOMAN can be led against the sovereign rights of the people, only the useless eaters and lumpen elements can operate this way; of which mentality we cannot endure as a species. HUMANITY. ( The Father Is theTruth, the mother is the nourishment and the child makes it all worth it.)

You say " stolen property", as if the votes of the people and the confidence of the people in the individuals chosen to govern said people is not a form of "intellectual property"; if not in popular opinion then at least in understanding. Julian Assange is only, and co., giving to the people truth, which was gained at much expense. Have you ever thought of the sacrifice Mr. Manning made? Why would a man risk death to bring the people truth? MISCHIEF> As if Bradley Manning were LOKI. LOL No sir, understand why Mr. Manning thought it best to expose the "cables" which were deemed top secret for the people to disseminate. Let you take it from there lol.

In my opinion Julian Assange is a distraction from th distraction. the distraction being the programming we are induced to believe is our lives. The "entertainment factor". Assange, if you have been paying attention forces us to think, if nothing else;saldy if nothing else. Wikileaks is the beginning not the end. Wikileaks has begun the pardim shift of power to the people of the world who care. Wikileaks is the "beacon of light" we yearn for.

WAR will not be fought until there is something worth fighting for.; The world is a stage and the actors are in play. Do you have cable TV? then watch TV. But for those to "liberated" in the mind "politics" offers a new form of entertainment. Let us all be comforte d knowing our leaders can tuck us in and while we sleep guarantee us another day to wake up to. YEAH RIGHT, WATCH THE WATCHERS!!!!!!

-Im done- excuse me this

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by ZELDAR

flawed logic is flawed

now you are trying too hard

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by whoocares

I sense that the war on terrorism means something different to you, please elaborate

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by ZELDAR

perhaps you should look at this in a different manner, wether you agree with the leaks is not the issue, the issue to youseems to be the damage it's done to this country...................................................

maybe if you look at the leaks as an inditement of our leaders, and not our country????????????

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by mobiusmale

Julian Assange is a Master Wizard of cyberspace. He was framed and now he can't even return to his home country. He is a prince of Truth and a gatekeeper of humanity's prime interests. He has my full support. I can't wait for the BANK DOCUMENTS....

A few hundred down, several thousand to go. Our corrupt leaders will know chaos, as they have afflicted it upon the world carelessly. Hail Julian Assange, or should I say, Hermes, Mercury!!!

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by ZELDAR
Yes, and its a free country because of the secrets we hold.

absolutely not.

this country is free because Patriots shed
blood to keep it.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

You're 47 and end your statements with 'hahahaha'

Yea, right. Are you getting tired little guy? Kind of late, you better knock off for the night.

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