posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 04:03 PM
This isn't a thread about patriotism (I'm Canadian) or conspiracy. It's simply an explanation of why anyone found releasing information to
Wikileaks should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
The information contained in those reports had to come from somewhere, didn't it? Well, since any attempt at cleaning the released documents
would be torn apart by sites like this one, the information is completely uncensored. Therefore, the names of the informants from who this data
originated have been released, along with sensitive documents on upcoming events. This has directly put hundreds or thousands of people at risk of
retribution from hostiles. Anybody who released this information is directly responsible for anything that happens to anybody named in the reports.
They should all be charged with high treason and locked up. No other nation would put up with that sort of behaviour from its military.