posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 02:41 AM
Originally posted by Ausar
after an earlier study of britians history after watching robin hood i will say with confidence that britain has no idea where its headed or what its
intent is; but is on a path that is irrevocable since they tried to alter their course with reinstating charles1.i dont think britain is alone in this
as i feel france has also committed acts that make chaos the only option of governance from a central figure standpoint.if america is anything to go
by; european/white "government" is only viable in a controlled chaos manner where there is chaos for all involved except for the controlling parties
that have to be european/white.since this fact is true britain may feel closer to the fires of extinguishment due to its policies stemming the earlier
history and charters enacted by its "people"; and may be reluctant to loose what it thought it had.
I would just like to start by saying I find your comments offensive, I dont understand why you have to put the word white every time you mention a
European government!! And I find it offensive that you use the word limey to describe British people. You are obviously a racist..
My second point is from you post it looks as though you are saying you studied British history by watching robin hood.. If this is the case, you are a
complete idiot.. That's like me saying I watched a cowboy movie and now I'm a expert on American history!!
You obviously know nothing about European history.. Sure I admit certain nations including Britain, caused some horrific atrocities whilst colonizing
the world, that was a long time ago and the world was very much a different place then..
But if you look on the other side of the coin, these white Europeans have saved millions of lives by bringing technology and medicine to under
developed parts of the world.. Now I'm gonna class the likes if America, Canada in Australia in this because they were formed by white Europeans, the
British to be precise.. Lers have a small look at what they have brought to the world.. Medicine, electricity, modern agriculture, communications, the
railroad, automobile, modern science, air travel.. This list goes on and on, I could write pages and pages of these examples..
Combined those technologies have revoloutionised the world and saved millions and millions of lives..
So if it wasn't for white Europeans, you wouldn't be sitting in your warm apartment, eating easily accesable hot food and writing you racist views
on the Internet...
I suggest you take you racist crap and post in on another forum, for like minded bigots like yourself..