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Dire end times prophecy that you probably haven't seen

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posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by kalisdad

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
reply to post by kalisdad

If there was a magnetic shift, it would all depend, but scientists believe it would be a N-S shift, meaning comasses would now read south as north and north as south.

yeah, that is my belief also, it only makes sense.

if the magnetic field swaps polarity, north becomes south, and suddenly the sun does in fact rise in the west

there is no need for a physical pole shift to see this come true

So i've done a tiny bit of research based on the different types of shifts you decribed. I had never heard of them before interesting. But anyway, I ran across something that kind of correlates to what you were saying before. Some people believe that everything in space is somewhat connected by electromagnetic fields. (not a scientist and its still debated in scientific circles not stating it as fact) Anyhow, as you mentioned earlier we are supposed to pass through the galatic equator which would change the electromagnetic field of the solar system etc etc.

Now that I threw that out there, there is something called polar wander. Which is basically just the way in which the true magnetic pole moves around over time. Which is determined by the core of the Earth someone mentioned earlier. However, when there are big changes on the Earth, such as a large amount of valcanic activity or sea ice melting or appearing elsewhere, and the list goes on. The Earth has to adjust its axis a tiny bit to maintain balance. (Similar to what happend with the earthquake this past year in Chile)

Given all the above information, it is very possible for the systems to become unstable and react to reestablish balance. So if for some reason the Earth's mass changes too much for any reason it will move things around until it reaches balance. Its called True Polar wander. And given the evens in the past couple of years along with the projected changes to the electromagnetic fields of both the solar system and in turn the earth I dont think its far fetched. Although, the dots I connected could be incorrect I need to look into this more. But anyways I said all that to say, its not impossible for everything to move around, slide around on the surface while the core stays where it is. But like I said im still learning about this process. Here are a couple of links.

True Polar Wander

Different views on pole shifting

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by Ghost374
Oh yeah, it doesn't say christians are infidels. It says non-believers are infidels. BIG difference. Muslims think that christians are believers. Of course theyre are some psycho muslims who do think christians are non-believers, more so now especially after we've invaded two of their countries while calling ourselves christians.

Dont ridicule someone's religion and make false statements concerning it. Not only "non believers" it is not that simple but you dont listen. Muhammad mentions the christians and the jews several times specifically in the Koran. Christians and jews, christians being people of the book. Those Christians who cast aside Jesus and his father God and who worship Allah as a Muslim and are no longer Idolaters worshipping the god "of the book".. They are still set apart but not slaughtered or sent to torment,They are also not allowed into "heaven" though. Have you ever heard the term "kuffar" in the Koran, Hadith and Sira? The Koran is NOT the only holy book as you obviously believe. ANYONE who rejects Muhammad and chooses Jesus or his father as god is a Kuffar, an infidel, a non believer. To worship Jesus or to claim that Jesus is the prophet is to reject Muhammad and in turn defy Allah.Infidels are those christians and jews mentioned specifically who have not cast away Jesus and God who's son is jesus . They have not worshipped Allah whos prophet is Muhammed. It is NOT the same god and you can not understand these prophecies if you cant grasp the very basics. If you believe in Jesus or God who's son is Jesus over Allah and Muhammed, you are Kuffar. CHristians refused to pay Jizya... and Muhammed set himself against them. Its all much more simple if you stop this haughtiness and offensiveness.... and if you read and at least attempt to understand.

I really cant be ANY more clear because you dont listen and it wouldnt matter how much time I spent on it. If you wish to argue, argue with a Mullah and see what you are told.The same thing I am telling you.. and not a radical.. a run of the mill Mullah. You will continue to be haughty and ignorant if I try to tell you what is believed about the prophecy according to those who wrote it and believe it because you cant even grasp the very basics of the religion. Deny ignorance.. remember? Even when someone tries to be helpful in an honest way some of you people here are too wrapped up in what you think with no basis being the only truth that you miss so much real truth. I was a christian in Iran as I am here. I was approached by "family" there and was asked to cast away the idolatry and worship of a false god. It was a sincere discussion between myself and someone who actually cared about what they felt would become of me if I were to be judged by their god. These were very westernized Muslims in Tehran who had been educated in the US. Not psychos as you claim... truly incredible!

I really am done with this. You go about believing untruths about a religion you have no clue about. I will no longer stand in your way. I hope you at the very least look into it with clean eyes and dont swallow everything you read on the internet hook line and sinker. Have a nice Thanksgiving and holiday season.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by Advantage

You respond to my comment about my question but not the question itself. Cite yourself. Where in the Quran does it say this? Verse, number? I want to look it up, not read your interpretation of it. See in my original post how I quoted word for word the quran, cited my source, then gave my interpretation? You skipped the first two steps.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by Advantage

And you're missing my whole point, I'm getting angry because I asked for people to ignore the semantics of what I wrote and instead focus on the prophecies themselves and how 10/11 have already happened. In case you missed my other posts, I have deep respect for muslims, and even expressed how most are justified in being angry at americans. You said the Quran says Christians are infidels, where does the Quran say this. I've never read the Quran, but I've taken multiple religion classes and two good friends of mine are muslims, one born in Syria, one in Albania(and yes, they were born there.) I went to a small high school and knew several other Muslims as well. They all said the same thing, that the Quran does not say Christians are infidels. so unless you can say where in the Quran it says this, please leave like you say you will.

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 01:38 AM
Actually I really believe it could really be the sun rising from the West. As you said, these prophecies don't look really metaphorical...So why should the thing about the sun be? The Sun could really be rising from the West is the globe somehow tilt. Keep in mind that Moon's orbit is dephased right now and Earth's revolution has slowed down this year. The sun is strange...


We are observing a planetary system climate change. I think something is coming...

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 03:02 AM
I give you my two cents here from the perspective of the eastern self-cultivation method of Falun Dafa:

- Mahdi is the prophet awaited by Islam. The prophet´s first name should have two letters. Li Hongzhi - founder of Falun Dafa - fits that description.

- Falun Dafa is the first eastern spiritual practice in modern times to have a global impact and an extremely rapid spread across the world. 100 million people started practicing in 7 years, never seen in the history of mankind.

- Master Li Hongzhi(founder of Falun Dafa) was 41 years when he came to the public.

- Falun Dafa has a foundation of THREE WORDS - ZHEN-SHAN-REN(Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance)

- Falun Dafa is persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party. Speaking of the battle between good and evil.

Islam sources about Mahdi the 12th prophet:

The name of the Mahdi's representative will begin with the first-letter of a prophet's name and a verse of the Qur'an: ی (English: Y).

As far as I understand the above "Lot" is a prophet and "L" is therefore a possibility of the first letter. That would make Mahdi´s name pronounced "Ly" if the above stated information is correct.

7) He will appear from the east. Thawban (R.A) reported that the Prophet said, "Three men will be killed at the place where your treasure is. Each of them will be the son of a Khalifah but none of them will get hold of the treasure. Then the black banners will come out of the east, and they will slaughter you in a way that has never been seen before. If you see him give him your allegiance, even if you have to crawl over ice, because he is the Khalifah of Allah, the Mahdi." (Ibne Majah)

• His age at the time of his emergence will be forty years

- And HE WILL HAVE THREE GREAT DUTIES. (Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, Emirdag Addendum, p. 259)
Bediuzzaman refers to Hazrat Mahdi’s (as) who will appear in the End Times having three tasks, and to how he will perform these together with the community he represents. These duties are to be a means of restoring people to faith in such a way as to silence materialist and atheistic philosophies, to establish an Islamic Union, and to be a means whereby Qur’anic moral values come to rule the world. (Emirdag Addendum, p. 259)
He has revealed that it is these three tasks that will distinguish him from other Mahdis and that are one of the major portents showing that he is the Great Mahdi.

The Twelfth Imam will return as the Mahdi with "a company of his chosen ones," and his enemies will be led by the one-eyed Antichrist and the Sufyani. The two armies will fight "one final apocalyptic battle" where the Mahdi and his forces will prevail over evil. After the Mahdi has ruled Earth for a number of years, Jesus will return.[9]


Pretty amazing how right they got it in all these end times prophecies..

Christianity(about the Falun law wheel, Elias the prophet etc etc):


From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do.

But I tell you, Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but have done to him everything they wished. In the same way the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands." Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them about John the Baptist. (Matthew 17:12,13)

"See, I will send you the prophet Elias before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse." Malachi 4:5-6, NIV

Ezekiel 10:9 I looked, and I saw beside the cherubim four wheels, one beside each of the cherubim; the wheels sparkled like chrysolite.

All four wheels looked alike and were made the same; each wheel had a second wheel turning crosswise within it.

Ezekiel 10:11 As they moved, they would go in any one of the four directions the cherubim faced; the wheels did not turn about as the cherubim went. The cherubim went in whatever direction the head faced, without turning as they went.

The Falun law wheel: - four identical wheels revolving around the center wheel.... It is all in the bible - for those people willing to open their eyes.

The last true prophet of Jesus, Emmanuel Swedenborg, who originated from the city of "Falun" in Sweden, foretold us everything about the true teachings of Falun Dafa. The city of Falun has a river called the Falu river, this river will split the city in two parts, one divine part and one grueling part(the part where the mine is situated) - so the legend goes....

In 1992 the mine closed down and Falun Dafa was introduced to the world... Part one(the mine signifying hell) finished, part two(heaven signified by the teachings of Falun Dafa) introduced.

Needless to say, the family farm of Emmanuel Swedenborg still stands on the divine side of the city of Falun....

Note the name "Elijah" or "Elias", it contains "Li" in its name. In ancient Nordic "Elias" can be understood as "E-Li-As" equalling "E-Li-God" since "Ass" is the ancient word for "God"....

In the old Nordic end times prophecy the river from the east rectifying the world is called "Slidr"....

Again, "Li" is included in the word...

The Korean End times prophecy by Ge An leaves no room for misunderstanding:

PS: The book Zhuan Falun:

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by RizeorDie

i for one have noticed that time has speeded up, the day and night pass so quickly when i go to bed i am not feeling refreshed when i wake up even tho i get a full 8 hours, i feel when i wake up that ive just closed my eyes.

i thing the planet has speeded up, days and nights feel shorter and im not just talking about seasonal change it felt the same in the summer as well.

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 05:39 AM

Originally posted by Ghost374

Originally posted by noahproductions
reply to post by Ghost374

11) The sun coming up from the west refers to the upcoming Polar Shift..!

Finally a constructive comment! That's entirely possible. However, the reason I think "the sun rises from the west" refers to a nuclear bomb going off, is because the other predictions are all quite literal.

If the rest is literal, then shouldnt the right interpetation indeed be the polar shift?

Why not mention the loss of death because of the nuke, only that the sun rises in the west?

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by Ghost374

Wealth may not be in abundance for the MOST of us.. but what do you want if one family alone owns more then 50% of the world's wealth in both raw cash and assets including the very land you live on? With another 40% going to the rest of the socalled elite. For them, wealth is definately in abundance.

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by Vio1ion
reply to post by Ghost374

About time passing more quickly, I'd say days are more stressful than ever before. More technology means less effort but more tasks.

Not only does time go by faster relatively each day because of technology, i can clearly remember reading somewhere that the earth spins slightly faster on it's axis, making days shorter by about 3 seconds per day. I really can't remember where i read this though, it had something to do with the Haiti earthquake and that the earth shrunk very slightly because of it. I'll try to find it, i'm pretty sure it was somewhere here on ATS.
edit on 25/11/10 by Romekje because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by Ghost374

Awesome post! Sorry that some members turned it into a religious argument.

Off topic: The Moslem religion accepts Christianity and Judaism. Anyone who calls those who are Christians infidels has a fanatical vein in them. The only thing that the Moslems don't accept is that Christ was the physical son of God on Earth. They accept Christ as an important prophet.

On Topic: Time has sped up since the Indonesia quake. Here is the link:

Thanks for the post!

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by impostah
reply to post by Ghost374

Perhaps the sun rising in the west would be in reference to a certain "polar shift" that we're supposedly to have? if the earth were to "shift it's poles" yet rotate in the same direction, would the sun not rise in the west? But in that case I'm sure we'd all cease to exist on that dark day anyway! Party on wayne!
just saw those posts, oops
edit on 24-11-2010 by impostah because: (no reason given)

Or could it mean that the Son-of-Man resides in the west and when judgment comes he will rise up from the west where he resides on earth? That is what Nostradamus says and it makes sense too, the Son-of-Man will travel to the west and reside there.

From my standpoint that coincides with Master Li Hongzhi being born and raised in China and then travelling to the US to reside there.

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by Ghost374

dont forget though nukes have already been dropped

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

nice call!!

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
reply to post by Ghost374

I find it interesting that you post a Quran verse, which speaks of Allah over and over, and then follow it up with "just believe in God".

Well, considering that the 'beings' you speak of (being GOD & ALLAH), are the same generic character, from Judaism, Christianity and finally Islam, I think he made a lot of sense. For once, somebody decided to call a spade a spade, and stop splitting the hairs we've been fighting over for nearly the last two millennium.

But, you probably didn't even bother to stop and realize that, now did you?

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 01:02 AM
Let's not go and misinterpret religions now. When Muslims say there is no there other god but Allah, they are saying the same exact thing Jews and Christians say. There is only one. Had you guys actually read the religions for yourselves you would understand it's as simple as different languages, after all Muslims believe in all of the prophets. They are refering to the same God as other religions are, so when they say there is no other god but "Allah", what they are doing is taking away arguments from people like you guys who will argue that Muslims think their god is better. No, they are not saying their god is better, they are saying we are all reffering to the same god regardless of our approach to that god. How can you can you possibly twist that and say because they called it "Allah", rather than "God", its not the same thing? That's like saying Christians pray to a different God than Judaism, because Judaism calls theirs "Yahweh".

Edit to add: Muslims believe in Jesus. I have no idea why some of you completely disregard that.
edit on 26-11-2010 by Good Intentions because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-11-2010 by Good Intentions because: spelling

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 03:07 AM
If it is the same God, then why:

1) Is there a Quran - which is not connected to passages in the Christian Bible?
2) Why are Hadiths needed to explain the life and teachings of Muhammad?
3) Why is the Final prophet of Islam Muhammad, when Christianity or Judaism do not recognise him as one?

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by Dark Ghost
If it is the same God, then why:

1) Is there a Quran - which is not connected to passages in the Christian Bible?
2) Why are Hadiths needed to explain the life and teachings of Muhammad?
3) Why is the Final prophet of Islam Muhammad, when Christianity or Judaism do not recognise him as one?

1) Not exactly sure what your asking here, but regardless of whether or the teachings are identical, it is irrelevant to the fact that it is it is merely a different spiritual path toward God. If I say to you, "God values compassion", and you argued "God values selflessness", are we still not talkin about the same God?

2.) Why was Christianity needed? It was founded off of a different interpretation of the God in Judaism. To argue otherwise would be to go against fact. Using your logic, Christ did not believe in the same god as the Jews. Oh wait, was he not a Jew?

3.) Okay - Judaism came before Christianity, and Islam came after Christianity. So, chronilogically,, it was Moses and etc. in Judaism, Jesus and etc. in Christianity, Muhammed and etc. in Islam. Tell me, which one was the final prophet? Christianity and Judaism do not recognize him as one because he came AFTER. Why didn't Abraham Lincoln recognize Barack Obama?

However, Islam coming after the two, DOES recognize Jesus, as well as the other prophets (prophet=speaking for someone else, in this case God). They merely valued Muhammeds prophecies more than the others. Christianity values Jesus more then the other prophets of the Bible, however that doesn't mean Christians don't believe in those other prophets also. Either way, the prophecies are all about the same identical God, which is why Islam believes in all of the prophets. Judaism calls it "Yahweh", Christianity calls it "God", Islam calls it "Allah", yet they are all the same one, grounded by the same Abrahamic patriarchs.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by Ghost374

Originally posted by noahproductions
reply to post by Ghost374

11) The sun coming up from the west refers to the upcoming Polar Shift..!

Finally a constructive comment! That's entirely possible. However, the reason I think "the sun rises from the west" refers to a nuclear bomb going off, is because the other predictions are all quite literal.


when the N & S poles reverse, then the E & W also switch sides, because the West is always left of North,
now that is more literal than interpeting the message as hydrogen bombs.

with a pole reversal, the rotation of the planet would remain the counterclockwise spin we have now, but our compass direction would tell us that the Sun rises in the West & sets in the East..
Only to those alive at the time, nothing will have changed in their worldview... the Sun would rise from the Atlantic Ocean and set over the Pacific Ocean as it always has in recorded history


posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by Ghost374

...(5) time will pass quickly...


i don't think that the earths' rotation will speed up, thus making the 'day' shorter.
what the author seems to mean is that it will be obvious to every man that events are
happening faster...
it used to be that battles were long drawn out affairs, sometimes a seige was months or a year battles are concluded in hours and even whole wars take just days to move 1/2 million men & arms
to the other side of the world... so indeed.... the time needed to do a task has been shortened
by technology. And a great variety of tasks can be completed in less time...

so to the observer, 'time' is faster, or does indeed pass quickly...but in the physics of duration,
an hour will remain 60 minutes long all over the world... but, we will think that we are witnessing
3 lifetimes of events compared to the events that happened in our parents lifetimes.

that's my take on "(5) time will pass quickly"

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