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Adolf Hitler and the Muslim Brotherhood

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posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Fascism Defined:

Fascists believe that a nation is an organic community that requires strong leadership, singular collective identity, and the will and ability to commit violence and wage war in order to keep the nation strong.[16] They claim that culture is created by the collective national society and its state, that cultural ideas are what give individuals identity, and thus they reject individualism.[16] Viewing the nation as an integrated collective community, they see pluralism as a dysfunctional aspect of society, and justify a totalitarian state as a means to represent the nation in its entirety.[17][18]

They advocate the creation of a single-party state.[19] Fascist governments forbid and suppress opposition to the fascist state and the fascist movement.[20] They identify violence and war as actions that create national regeneration, spirit and vitality.


Ok so by the definition fascists believe in a singular collective identity... aka in this case Islam/Muhammed. Second, They do require strong leadership and most of these "strong" leaders have been in power for quite sometime. The third is pretty damn easy to relate to the current muslim system of conquering the world.

Although I could go into this more in depth I don't have the time at the moment, but clearly Fascism is easily related with how the current Muslim parties are working. They're seeking world domination, Islam is the only way, anyone opposed must die, and in the end they will have only 1 leader which will eventually emerge from all of these muslim parties. I mean seems pretty cut and dry to me.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 01:36 PM
I see yet another divisive thread concerning the ME, Jews and Muslims has yet to hit ATS (and now somehow Hitler got thrown into the mix).
And since some folks aaaaaahhhhhheeeemmmmmmm.........
want to attack other folks (proto) in this thread and do so by bringing up one of my old threads
Then I thought I should join in the fun.
At least represent myself with truth and not lies.

I know that what i say is subject to extreme scrutiny concerning this issue but believe me, I will be on my P's and Q's and will not be baited by personal emotional attacks as I was last time.

I must say that when I first saw the thread and I was able to read what little I could stand to digest, the comparisons that I found were silly to put it nicely.

Hitler is the most red herring of all red herrings and to associate him with Islam is just as Islamophobic as any anti-Semitic statement found on the Aryan National Brotherhood webpage.

I want to read through the thread completely before I say more, but Hiltler also embraced the Catholic church heavily, he was obsessed with the Tibetan Monks of the Lama, and apparently now he was Muslim.

All the while dabbling in the occult.

I just wanted to say to hi to all of the contributors.

Give me some time to digest this "information" and I will give a reply with some substance.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by NoJoker13

Now here is what you failed to think out as you ignored the four classic cornerstones of fascism to paint this picture entirely based on religion.

That then Judaism and Israel could also be defined as fascist using the same incomplete and overly simplified measure, and that also all Christian Nations could too.

So once again what you have is a dual standard selective application argument, that equates the occuence of a similiar thing in one system that is also present in the other systems, as being only a danger in that system, and not a danger at all in other systems that employ that same element to equal effect and purpose.

So by your own definition Israel would be as fascist as Islamic States are based on your rendition which if you reread what you have said, is hastily thought out, and you lack the time to clarify it in ways that would actually make it non-applicable to the other states who employ religion and strong leaders.

Once again the hallmarks of the fascist state, are corporations and Government mergining into mutally supportive entities that primarily exist only for the other.

1. A strong military Industrial Complex (lacking in most Muslim States)
2. A strong security Industrial Complex (lacking in most Muslim States)
3. A strong Prision Industrial Complex (lacking in most Muslim States)
4. A authoritatarian "Great decider" (present in some Muslim States)

So it's a flawed argument, an over simplification, and an attempt at base deflection, to lend credence to a flawed argument by bolstering it with another flawed argument.

When ever you do though have the time, to complete the thought in a way that would actually create the selective illusion you are hoping to project do feel free to share it.


posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 01:54 PM

the day of Christ is at hand.

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

And for this cause God shall send them

strong DELUSION,

that they should believe a LIE:

Choose your poison.
edit on 023030p://bFriday2010 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

I thought that he had already been here.

2nd line.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by NoJoker13
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Although I could go into this more in depth I don't have the time at the moment, but clearly Fascism is easily related with how the current Muslim parties are working. They're seeking world domination, Islam is the only way, anyone opposed must die, and in the end they will have only 1 leader which will eventually emerge from all of these muslim parties. I mean seems pretty cut and dry to me.

Riiightttt! Name me one muslim country that has recently invaded, killed all the non-muslims,jews and applied caliphate with Sharia law to its full extent?

While i can name of a few non-islamic countries that have invaded, killed and forced secular democracy/communism in the muslim countries.

-Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

-Soviet invasion of Chechnya (genocide).

-Serb's ehtnic cleansing muslims in Bosnia.

-US invasion of Afghanistan (forced secular democracy).

-US invasion of Iraq (over 1 million dead iraqis) (forced secular democracy).

-Israel perpetuating palestinian genocide and stealing their rightly owned lands.

-Israel attacking Lebanon.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 06:00 PM
Was the goal of this thread to seriously try and put out as much anti-Muslim propaganda as possible?

I mean for real...

I try to stay as level headed as possible, but if someone treated the Jews as you have presented the Muslims you would be getting hammered right now, and no one would stop it.

Hitler and the Muslims.... Really.

I guess you know that the Pope was in the Hitler Youth. Does that make him Catholic, Nazi, or Muslim?

And that cute little map that you made.
Israel is a country. Muslim is a religion.
That was a really bad map.

Did you know that the middle east was peaceful under the rule of the Ottoman Turks?

Christians, Jews, and Muslims lived by one another in peace.

Just ask these JEWS.

I post a very educational piece and ask quality questions, but yet this blatant PR stunt against Muslims is considered valid.
Now do you see why even rational people with not one drop of anti-semitic blood in them get incensed at anti-Islamic propaganda like this.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 01:03 AM
Just for the record for those people who are so miss informed. the Israeli state existed after WWII, In fact Muslim and Jews lived peacefully for a long time before WWII in countries like Egypt and Syria and there was no Beef between them sort of speak. so the ridiculous notion of Muslims and Nazi were sort of allies is just silly , for the simple reason THERE WAS NO ISRAEL BEFORE WWII. The powers of the world like England and USA, decided to give the Jews a home land or a state, and it is Palestine , you can imagine the Israeli/Arab conflict now a days because of whats mentioned above.

This thread is lacking so much any historical facts, and the author either try to sell anti Muslim propaganda, or he is just so naive and need a history lesson. Not going into much explanation why, because it will take so many pages, and it will be much better if you do some history search about the nature and the reasons for the conflict in the middle east.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 12:46 PM

Update & Apology

In the Spirit of Fairness and because ATS is not a war-battleground but a place where we seek to Deny Ignorance together, I have edited the opening post and removed some of the inaccuracies that were discovered by the poster I AM LEGION here. In other cases I have added the "in my opinion" to soften the tone.

I also apologize for the harshness of some of my posts. Again, ATS is not a battleground and you folks are only communicating the truth as you see it. Thank you for your contributions and special thanks to those who pointed out some the errors in the original OP.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 12:51 PM

ATS is not a war-battleground but a place where we seek to Deny Ignorance together.

Star for you my friend.


posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

As SkepticOverlord has often said, ATS is as much about debating your views with passion as it is anything.

So it's great you bring passion to the table in your debates as many of us do. I for one don't take some of the comments people make in displaying their passion and beliefs personally.

I think you know that I for one admire some of your works and strenously question some others such as this one.

I don't tie anyone's credibility to a poorly thought out or politically motivated theory in a way that makes me think any less of them or not fairly consider the next piece they come out with.

You certainly devote a lot to ATS for which I am highly appreciative and it takes a pretty big person to rethink their contentions and strategies in a public forum, and all these things stand to your good credit.

So for what it's worth no matter how much I take exception to some of your works, I still have nothing but respect for you Skyfloating, and I generally feel we are all trying to help make the world a better place, just to different ends and means.

So thanks for all you do here on the boards, this thread in no way diminishes that.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

100% agreement Proto.

It takes a real man/woman to admit when they have erred and I would like to also give skyfloating mad props for honesty.

I would like to point out that criticism of a message is very different than criticism of a person and it is difficult for some people to see where one ends and one begins.

When posts are made here at ATS, the idea rests in the posts only and any criticism of the individual person has no business on the boards.

If I came across as harsh regarding your message skyfloating, then I apologize, but in my defense, I felt as if an egregious double standard was being applied to some information while not being applied to others.

I offer you a sincere extension of my gratitude for your quasi-mea culpas resulting from communication problems skyfloating.


posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Skyfloating escuses are worthy of respect but how could he have edited the opening post, isn't a limited 120 minutes allowed period to edit posts. If the OP of a thread is based on false allegations, isn't it supposed to be removed and transfered to the HOAX Forum. Why ATS T&C can be unrespected by moderators..

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by Isaacland

As I stated in my own opening post in this thread, no it's not a hoax because he made no absolute claims of proof in his title or in the opening piece.

Had the title said "Proof that...." then it would be a hoax.

Saying within the opening piece something is a fact, versus saying I have proof, or proved it's a fact are two different things.

It was skirting the line in some areas but as some one who authors some very speculative threads, I truly appreciate that especially in the General Conspiracy forums, you have to provide a venue for people to put forth theories and to then have them assessed, and then debunked or bolstered by fellow members own research and knowledge.

Yes there is a 120 minute time limit on editing posts, but if you were to contact a moderator asking for help with a critical opening post edit for a thread, I believe most moderators would be willing to help with that.

The long and short of it, is it's a conspiracy site, and some of the members posting to this thread, have been highly critical of some of my own theories, but because it's a conspiracy site, I absolutely believe in my right to post them, even when others might find them offensive in some way.

I can't ask, hope or insist for that leeway, and not be prepared to give it to others.

Skyfloating's thread prompted a heated and sometimes contentious discussion on a highly speculative theory he appears to have put some thought and effort into. I don’t agree with the theory, but I agree with his right to put it forward here in the conspiracy forums on a conspiracy site.

While I might have belittled the theory, in no way shape or form do I want to belittle Skyfloating himself as a human being or a moderator or member especially considering he has shown a propensity to reconsider those elements many people had serious exceptions too.

In fact this is kind of a milestone as Skyfloating generally does not put forth conspiracy theories of his own, and tends to like to distance himself from the tinfoil hat crowd.

So it is with great pleasure and pride that I award this month’s ProtoplasmicTraveler Tinfoil Hat Award to Skyfloating. Considering he had to beat out the Nuclear False Flag Attack in Three Days thread to win it, is really saying a lot.

Welcome aboard Skyfloating, you are now one of us, coffee machine is over there, the coffee is in a locked container of course, bathroom is down the hall on the right, swept for bugs hourly of course, hermetically sealed hand towels are on the basin, guaranteed to be poison free, and digitally reedited movies to remove all subliminal messages are available in the tinfoil hat lounge.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 04:51 PM
The principal aim of the Nazis was not to kill Jews, but to create an Aryan super-race. That is why they killed EVERYONE except those with blond hair, blue eyes, a square jaw, and certain "Aryan" facial proportions. The Jews like to make it about them, which only calls suspicion to other claims that they've made.

As for Muslims not subjugating other nations and religions, their reign of terror across the Middle East and northern Africa was not a natural one. It was allowed, and probably sponsored, by the Vatican, which previously controlled Mediterranean trade routes during the Roman Empire. By the 1700's, the British royal family and its diaspora of inbred monarchs had taken control of it.

But, of course, this thread is not about Islam but about the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the name for a radical international political group. One need not look far to see its connection with the socialists and the Shriners.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by vcwxvwligen

As for Muslims not subjugating other nations and religions, their reign of terror across the Middle East and northern Africa was not a natural one. It was allowed, and probably sponsored, by the Vatican, which previously controlled Mediterranean trade routes during the Roman Empire. By the 1700's, the British royal family and its diaspora of inbred monarchs had taken control of it.

And there you have it. I think it’s pretty telling when the head of the Taliban called on the Pope to stop the proselytizing of American Troops in Afghanistan.

Rome in fact still seems to be running this three ring circus, which is why I for one, take exception to the Muslims are taking over the world, and the Jews are taking over the world conspiracies.

Both end up leaving out the strong connections to Rome.

I don’t think it serves us any better than it did Don Quixote to go tilting at windmills.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 06:47 PM
The "Barbary Corsairs" were a "Muslim" group of pirates that may have been "Vatican/England" sponsored.

Wikipedia states:

The main purpose of their attacks was to capture Christian slaves for the Islamic market in North Africa and the Middle East.[2]

the article also refers to English sailors involved with the group::

Possible associations with "Jewish" trade groups in the areas of attacks ???

the Ottomans may have been "Semitic".

Europe. The Ottomans welcomed the Jews because they improved the economy. Jews occupied administrative posts and played an important role in intellectual and commercial life throughout the empire."

there is NO mention of "Jewish" slaves at all !!

the trade groups had all the money and power for many centuries and may have infiltrated the Ottoman Empire!
Possible prelude to economic infiltrations happened !!

Pirates captured thousands of ships, and long stretches of coast in Spain and Italy were almost completely abandoned by their inhabitants, discouraging settlement until the 19th century. From the 16th to 19th century, pirates captured an estimated 800,000 to 1.25 million people as slaves.

Anybody have more details ??

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Once again agreed Proto....

Most people who have read my many posts, probably read me through wrongly tinted glasses.

I am not a proponent of the"Jewish World Conspiracy".

I honestly feel sympathy for them, as a religious people, but it is the same type of sympathy that I feel for the average American citizen to be honest with you.

Unless one lives on a kibbutz, then life in Tel-Aviv is as safe as any life can be inside of any other prison camp. The majority of MIddle Eastern Muslims, Christians, and Jews are all so adamantly faithful to their belief, that they actually assist Rome in the implementing the blue print for a one world government (in my opinion) without realizing it , and certain manipulative teachings, which are laced throughout the writings of the bible, are a gift to the TPTB these eschatological beliefs found within each of the Abrahamic faith, are the teachings that lead the followers of the faith willingly into a one world government.

The enemy is not the Jews, or the Muslims, or the Christians, but they are the priesthood of 8 with the One that has been running world events through loose monetary control for the past 2500 years.

If one was to look at television and media through hermeneutic interpretation, then the representations of the sun, the double cross, the cross of the zodiac, and the sigil of the number three is so blatant as to be impossibly coincidental.

The truth is in black and white if can release the immense fear that one encounters when learning the truth.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

The English and Dutch always had good relations with the Ottoman Turks. They banded together to fight the French and Spanish, who later committed piracy against the Turks near what is now Palestine. That's why you have Dutch people with names like "Moore" and "Moorman."

edit on 27-11-2010 by vcwxvwligen because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by Josephus23
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Once again agreed Proto....

Most people who have read my many posts, probably read me through wrongly tinted glasses.

I am not a proponent of the"Jewish World Conspiracy".

I honestly feel sympathy for them, as a religious people, but it is the same type of sympathy that I feel for the average American citizen to be honest with you.

Unless one lives on a kibbutz, then life in Tel-Aviv is as safe as any life can be inside of any other prison camp. The majority of MIddle Eastern Muslims, Christians, and Jews are all so adamantly faithful to their belief, that they actually assist Rome in the implementing the blue print for a one world government (in my opinion) without realizing it , and certain manipulative teachings, which are laced throughout the writings of the bible, are a gift to the TPTB these eschatological beliefs found within each of the Abrahamic faith, are the teachings that lead the followers of the faith willingly into a one world government.

The enemy is not the Jews, or the Muslims, or the Christians, but they are the priesthood of 8 with the One that has been running world events through loose monetary control for the past 2500 years.

If one was to look at television and media through hermeneutic interpretation, then the representations of the sun, the double cross, the cross of the zodiac, and the sigil of the number three is so blatant as to be impossibly coincidental.

The truth is in black and white if can release the immense fear that one encounters when learning the truth.

I agree with much of what you said, aside from the Jews. Religion will always dominate life as long as man continues to experience a metaphysical experience of reality. So, we cant escape this spiritual side, and thus we have to understand that a religion, is natural, and a expression of a communal belief in G-d.

The religions of the "nations" as theyre called in rabbinic thought, possess a very different, and infact ubiqitous spiritual philosophy that extends from Japan, Indonesia, Australia, through Asia, India, Persia the Middle East, Africa, The mediterranean, Europe, British Isles, And the the Americas, both north and south. This philosophy is ubiquiotus because spiritual powers are at work that influence the mind and consciousness of man to appreciate the cosmos in a certain manner. Aldous Huxley referred to this as the "perennial" philosophy. The ancient religions of Sumer, Indo-Europeans, and the Egypt were based on this spirituality, and indeed, due to their primal and immiediate connection to it, those ancient civilizations had a greater appreciation than we do, in these generations. (in other words weve become increasingly stuck in a dualistic mentality. We look at the world as too much of a 'separate' without understanding the symbolic connection between the outer and the inner, the circle with the line, the macro with the microcosm.) so we live in a igonrant society, and this is so because the elites, those Noble houses of Western Europe, who are the only TRUE elites, led by certain key families, have always withheld this information. Sorcery is brainwashing, they are two different terms for the same thing. You experience reality in the way the controller dictates. The most powerful of these families is most probably the Massimo of Rome; once known as the maximi family of ancient Rome, who claimed descent from the fabians and ultimately hercules - the great hero. This family has been working from Rome for close to 3000 YEARS!! . This aristocratic family accepts princesses from some of the biggest noble houses in Europe - Savoy, Saxony, Hesse, Bourbon...In a symbolic sense, the masculine is the active, influencing, whereas the feminine is the effect, the expressive passive part. So, the active 'princes' of the house of Massimo (which actually means "great") impart influence ot the passive, more well known houses of European nobility. The above 4, plus the others, lorraine, orange, windsor, etc. With the Order of the golden fleece, the highest ranking monarach, and grandmaster, is King Juan Carlos of Spain, with the Queen of England, Netherlands etc being subordinate. Also apart of this incredibly influental order, is the emperor of Japan (explaining the close connection Japan has with the west), King of Thailand, and the King of Saudia Arabia, Abdullah, who has a curious title "custodian of the two holy mosques".

Sorry for getting so off topic. My point in the above is that the elites are much more sophisticated and philosophically oriented in a mystical and metaphysical way than whats commonly thought. The historical "pagan nations" from Sumer onwards, have governed their people according to the 'pyramid' structure - with a philosophical 'noble' class at the top, and a lesser, primititive class, used to be exploited by the ruling clas (literally, as ferocious as the nature they worship). We see this in the indus valley civilizations, the caste systems of India, Thailand, China, Iran, the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe - all conducted themselves in this way. Also, elsewhere, in african and the more primitive cultures - they also have special families with an elevated status. So, this belief, and this conduct, is an extention of a metaphysical appreciation of the world we experience; nature. They see certain animals at the top, like the lion or eagle (a motif often appearing on noble crests), and so infer from that relationship a divine rule, or law, which cannot be betrayed. It is G-ds law, and indeed, if it werent a law it wouldnt exist in nature. Thus, all ancient peoples conducted themselves this way. This hasnt changed. The greeks, recieved this mantle from the babylonians and Egyptians, and they in turn imparted it to Rome.

Migrating families and certain aristocratic blood lines have preserved a particular power because of a special relationship these families have to the archetypal, spiritual powers which govern the metaphysical universe; and thus this universe (which causally, is the effect of the metaphysical worlds). This in turn has granted them a supernatural longevity and mission in this world. In Kabbalistic thought these are referred to as the '70' archetypal nations, which correspond to the 70 names of the Shemhamforesh. There are 72 names. The highest ones are called Satan and Mi'cha'el. This basically means, in archetypal sense, "the accuser" namely, the negative principle of reality, and "who i like G-d", the quality of good and wholeness. The former is the root of destruction, while the latter is the source of creation (hence not G-d, but an approximation of G-d, "who is like G-d"). Basically, their are key families united to an archetype which governs a 'people' or culture, and thus is its 'god' or archangel. These families essentially have a philosophy, which in essence is like Vedic and Gnostic philosophies which reflects the nature of reality. Mans mission in life becomes either to separate himself from this world, or to combine both parts of himself, completely. The animal in the spiritual and the spiritual in the animal. Both parts become integrated in the personality and this jungian psychology calls 'indivudation' and christianity calls "christ", or Islam refers to as "Al Khadir" or Hinduism "Krishna". There are also other states and other ideals which other strains pursue. The point, the leaders of the world have a ANTINOMIAN, that is, non legalistic view of reality. Dionysus, shiva in the East, also called Bacchus, and Liber at different times in western civilization, refered to a 'nature' which despised laws and boundaries. All its rites reflected the raw, liberal (hence liber) relinquishment of will to the power of dionysus (which means 'mind of god' in greek).

Conversely, Judaism has always, from its very beginnings, stood for something different. Im not jewish, but ive educated myself in their philosophy to understand how theyre different from the other religions. Infact, they are completely alone in this (this is reflected by the antisemitism in the world, and the particular contempt from gnostic and theosophical personalities of the 20th century who have expressed a strong and unusal dislike for Judaism and Rabbis - see Alice Bailey, CG Jung, Joseph Campbell, Samael Aun Weor, etc). Judaism also has made a claim that no other people alive have made. That G-d himself literally interacted with them in a fantastic and supernatural way 3500 years ago when he destroyed Egypt with 10 plagues and split the sea of reeds for 4 million plus people to pass through.. This is called the 'kuzari theory' but i think it has a definite legitimacy. Jews are the oldest longest lasting civilizaton on earth. Its customs literally go back 3500 years. Its book is the oldest one on earth and its religious beliefs have influenced the entire planet, despite being a group of only 40 million people (today). Jews have been mercilessly persecuted throughout history. Now, maybe what Judaism claims DID happen. And the elites of the other nations, being attached to archetypal powers and having their own particular, willfullness to disobey and fight G-d would prefer to sacrifice all of G-ds creations than submit to him.
They worship fantasy and in fact their entire culture is based on falsehood, on illusion and on a erroneous philosophy. In their world, which they have to convince themselves to believe, the god of the "Jews" is a false archon. Hes a power which believes it has control - a delusional force in creation (this is gnosticism actual belief) which believes its the creator, when in truth its only a part, and not the whole, and thus 'deluded'. The whole is a power whch is impersonal. The good, the personal, and the bad, the destructive and evil. you can thus understand why Christianity has so focused on a dualistic creation. G-d vs. the Devil. Judaism, however, sees G-d as everything, including evil, and still desiring for us to do good. Christianity is essentially Zoroastrianism, reinvented, wtith 'christ' standing as the physical man who has incarnated into his being the upper, primordial man. He therefore constitutes within himself a 'creator' and a god.

Anyways the above was just to show that Judaism has a radically different, and much more optomistic philosophy than those other nations and traditions. The followers of other religions experience G-d according to their religion. So, im not saying any christian or muslim is evil. I am saying that the high ranking Caliphs and arab aristocrats and European Nobles are the orchestrators of an agenda to destroy Judaism, Israel and the Jewish people and whats going on today is truly divine, and literally the acting out of the predictions made in the holy writings of the Hebrew prophets. The Talmud for instance describes two Messiahs. The first is Moshiach ben Yosef, and the second is Moshiach ben David. In a biblical sense, Josseph was the first 'king' of the Jews, in that he was the prime minister of egypt, and the Hebrews were treated with especial respect. Whereas David was the first offical, G-dly ordained king. In a kabbalistic sense, this parallels the sefrahs of Yesod and Malkhut. Yesod in its simplest sense is the Ego, and Malkhut, the body. The ego must be prepared before it begins to overcome the physical body. Likewise, Israel needed Joseph, before David. So, moshiach ben Yosef is needed before Moshiach Ben David. The ego has to be 'gathered' and unified, in order to overcome the influence of the body. "Yosef" literally means "he will gather". In other words, Moshiach ben Yosef alludes to a process, which is the 'gathering in' of the Jewish people. This occured in 1948 with the founding of the state of Israel. The Jews have gathered and almost half of them have come to Israel. Hence "moshiach ben yosef". Moshiach ben David will be an actual person, who himself corresponds to the process of "Dawid", which means "beloved. Once the ingathering is complete, and were coming towards that time, the period of moshiach ben Dawid will commence. Its said that Moshiach ben Yosef will be killed, but than revived by Moshiach ben Dawid. Perhaps this means the state of Israel will be attacked by the international community, both physically and spiritually, to then be 'ignited' by a great leader - Moshiach ben Dawid, who will be G-ds actual anointed one, "Moshiach" , who will be the collective soul of all mankind. He will further the ingathering and eventually destory Israels enemies. Enemies, to be understood as spiritual opponents, with a different and impure philosophy (basically anything that contravenes the 7 laws of Noah). Those nations who submit to the will of G-d, which is the will that man discipline himself and serve G-d by working on themselves spiritually, and morally, which frankly is a world sought by many people, where those nations be left and allowed to come to Israel to offer prayers to G-d at the rebuilt Temple. Those other rebellious nations will than face the wrath of G-d, and his anointed one. This may infact materialize in a supernatural sense, or the supernatural cloaked in the natural (ie; military victories that statistically were impossible). . In the end, Moshiach will lead all mankind back to G-d, and the knwoeldge of g-d, and Torah will be spread throughout the world. Unlike other religions, Judaism does not seek the destruction of any religion. Only the negation of illicit behavior.

So, thats the true political reality of our times. Sounds strange, YES!. But its true, and one who has studied the inner wisdom of the Torah surely knows that. Hebrew is not like any other language. Its divine, and unbelievably meaningful in simply every possibile way. To understand that you need to get acquainted with many many occult ideas. You have to e faith that what happened at sinai 3500 years ago actually happened. And with that awe and faith, when you begin to study scripture, in Hebrew, you'll than understand the archetypal, mystical dimension, and than engross yourself further in the amazing world of Gematria, and other kabbalistic processes that reveal unbelievable order and meaning. Its simply true. The pagan leaders of the "world" are jealous of the Jewish people, of their 'chosenness' of G-d, but above, all, hate their mission in the world. They find it evil, and a corruption of nature. they loathe the world they seek, which is boring, and vapid and reptitive. They want the world theyve made - this world, with its Pagan values. They will seek this, even if it is in vain, rather than living in the world the creator desires for mankind, envisioned in the Torah. So, hence this crazy attitude. Look at the holocaust for christs sake. Only a inhumane hate, based on something very sophisticated and philosophical, could motivate a people as enlightened and intelligent as the Germans to want to kill off an entire race. Their leaders, in collusion with the rest of Europes Nobles set up a scenario to kill as many Jews as possible. They hate Judaism, they always have, they always will, and it wont end until everyone of these people are gone - plain and simple.

So thats the world in my view, and the view understood by many others, Rabbis, etc. Its a super complicayed subject given it necessitates the understanding of another language (Hebrew) and a host of othe prerequists, like a spiritual interest and a desire for truth. The desire itself is what allows you to approach the subject without prejudice. When you do so, and continue to learn, youll understand and discover the reality of what im saying.
edit on 27-11-2010 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

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