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posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 09:22 PM


I've thought a lot about how our minds work and I've tried to come up with an explanation for why we do anything at all. What started my thoughts on this was just sitting and typing in a post right here on ATS.

I was thinking about my brain and how it is able to control anything at all. I sit here, typing, my mind sending and receiving signals all the way to my finger tips. Typing is second nature to me now. How did that happen? I thought to myself "how can I be thinking and typing at the same time?". I began to wonder about second nature and I realized that it is merely memorization and repetition. And then it hit me.

To do anything, anything at all, your mind needs to communicate with itself. It needs to teach itself. It needs to "speak" to itself. To perform any function, your mind needs to convince itself to do it. This includes conscious decisions and subconscious decisions. This is how all decisions are made. The mind convincing itself to perform.

If you think that another person has ever convinced you to do anything, you are wrong. Only you can convince yourself to do anything. A person can be persuasive, but persuasion is only the person giving you the information you need to convince yourself to do something.

The reason we breathe subconsciously say, when we sleep, is because our mind has convinced itself that this action sustains the life of this entity. It has also convinced itself that not breathing will lead to pain or death.

Typing on a keyboard is a conscious action. To me, typing is second nature and requires little thought to produce words with my fingers. My mind is convinced that it knows the pattern on the keyboard allowing me to memorize where each letter key is.

Your body has even convinced itself to continually beat its heart. Every action you perform is a result of your mind convincing itself to do it.

If you stop at a red light, you aren’t being told what to do by a red light. You stop at a red light because you have convinced yourself to do it.

This whole shpeal is pretty much just a thought of mine and completely open to speculation.

So, are you convinced?

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 10:44 PM
There is actually a layer of cells in the brain that monitor the other cells that do the thinking.

Basically, the cells that think about thinking.

I've been trying to find the name of these cells since the first time I read about it but cant seem to find it anywhere =(

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by Nick_X
I've been trying to find the name of these cells since the first time I read about it but cant seem to find it anywhere =(

I think they're called "NUMSKULLS"

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