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People are harassed by reptilians in lower astral planes ?

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posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by rusethorcain

Thanks man great links and a good post, reptilian complex in our brain is a proof that there has been some manipulation done with humans, it seems like we should stop listening to our brains and start listening to ourselves.

edit on 24-11-2010 by vinay86 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by tonypazzohome
reply to post by vinay86

welllll... i think its like this: we all reptilian r-complex in our brain. its what makes us territorial and violent. reptilians are a metaphor, a symbol for this part of the human psyche which we are constantly at war with.

who do you think has inserted this reptilian r-complex in our brain that makes us violent is it god. Thanks for posting.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 01:33 AM
Don't try to do astral travelling unless you are fully prepared.

Would you go to war without a weapon?

It is the same thing - very few can do astral travelling without encountering horrors.

You have to be cloaked in light. And if you have evil thoughts or bad intentions, you are not. Even if you are uncertain, you are not ready.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by xiphias

I didn't posted the ending part of peggy's interview, she talks about the nature of the net in it, she says its like robert monroe faraday cage consisting of a third force based on fundamental thought apart from electricity and magnetism, well she also talks about ionised particles in chemtrails used for this and HAARP, she also says chemtrails are used for spraying biological organisms for seeding people.

Google Video Link

The way i see this net is this that it is as a curtain on our consciousness which doesn't let us see the other side, so even after we die, we remain in confusion of who we really are, how vast in nature we are, then these reptilian entities come posing as our guardian angels and filling us again with their deception and landing us safely on to earth again. Soul can't be trapped but it can be lied to.

Would you like to give your valued views on my new thread its about 2012, if you believe in it or otherwise it might give you a few laughs. Here is the link : Possibility of a Man Made "Polar Shift" ?

edit on 24-11-2010 by vinay86 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by johnthejedi24
I may be a believer in "some" of the Reptilian stuff, but these last two pages have been a hoot. Thanks for all the laughs guys!

Thanks for the post, if you want some more laughs you can get them here.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by jsettica

If there is one thing that I have learned is that we are all free will being, for anyone to be subjected to this stuff, you must agree to this prior to coming to this planet, and as to why you would subject your self to this.It is to experience and learn from the event and that is from your own choice you use your own free will to be involved in this stuff.

Thats how it work as far as I come to know.

Thanks for the post i respect your opinion. But i believe even after we die we remain confused about our nature because only when we are on earth we can know about it, so who takes us out of our this confusion is those reptilian beings posing as our guardian angels, they show you what you did wrong and not and bring you to a emotional state and than lure you to go back to earth again to toil. I don't see any free will there.
Please visit my new thread here and share your valued opinions there. Thanks again for visiting my thread.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by vinay86

Do you think reptilians have made the soul to shuffle between the lower astral and earth so that it won’t grow spiritually and making us suffer on every plane of existence. What is your opinion, will we ever get out and reach the ultimate god-mind.

First, I do not take it personally insulting when a person takes a stand on a subject, issue, fact, simple logic, or complicated theory. Some people do not understand a basic principle when it comes to communicating information. You have posed your information as being authoritative in nature. In fact you leave no room for debate or exchange of thoughts. Some here would be repelled by that, but not me. I find it refreshing to have something new to consider. The simple logic is there is no one else on this planet that is more a authority of your mind and your thought processes, than you!

Humans are multidimensional beings existing in many realities simultaneously some are physical and some are not
I would agree with this statement, except it is the spirit, not the human, that are multidimensional. Humans are the soulless creatures put here to give life a variety of experiences.

But to claim the reptilians created the spirit and then control it may be a overstatement. Have you taken the time to consider the DNA based mind of a reptile? Purely a instinctive mind set ruled by primeval instructions. I would even go as far as to say, simple minded. When I see the reptilians I see the true stone age cave men, who have been give information that made them appear to be more than what they really are.

I see the reptilians in a state of great fear from the "Spirit" because, they can not control it because it is not within them. Genetically speaking, we, spirited human beings, can look into their mindset because we ourselves contain the essence of the reptilian mind. But, the reverse is not true, because reptilians were not created from the mammal. The mammalian brain is an "Addition" to their brain.

For the reptilian to control "us", the human beings, they need a go between, a servant, a translator, a matrix if you will. The bible went as far as to call these go between's "Minions" or servants of Satan. These minions are the true controllers of our spirituality. Without these minions the reptilian would have no control over us what so ever!

Are we harassed endlessly by the reptilians? Yes and no. It appears to be more of a team effort to keep us demoralized. The other day it came to me, "Frustration is when the spirit does not get what it wants, depression is when the spirit does not get what it needs". Frustration and depression are the "harassment" you speak of, to me. I am personally frustrated and depressed that I can not visit mars or any of the other planets in our solar system. I am frustrated and depressed that I can not visit all the locations on this planet, if for no other reason than to admire the divine creators, creations. The average person is frustrated and depressed they can not provide the basics of life to their families. Are you frustrated and depressed that you can not get your message to more people?

Yes, we can ultimately visit the God mindset, its really rather easy, imagination is one method. But if you mean to go back and rejoin the God mind, well then I would ask you, why are you here in the human body? Why? Why do you want to go backwards in your evolution? The Divine joined you to your body, not the primitive reptile! Its the reptile that wants your spirit to leave, go away, and leave the reptile to its physical, material world. The spirit is a terror to the reptile simply because the spirit was given freedom of choice that the reptile does not.

What is your opinion, will we ever get out and reach the ultimate god-mind.
Will we? If it is your choice, but again ask yourself why you inhabit a physical body rather than flutter around in a astral body like the white light orb. You can go back to the God mind simply by committing suicide and forfeiting your physical body. That would make the reptile very happy!

Again, all of this is my opinion by way of imagination, and critical thinking, and I am the sole authority of my thought processes, as you are of yours

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by TheMindWar
This is pretty darn acurate, yes we are harrased during the early stages of sleep. They feed off the fear emotion I believe, much in the same way a dog will chase a rabbit for the adrenelin.

Chases a rabbit for the adrenaline?
1st time Ive heard is a predator by nature...this he chases the rabit, cat because he is 'hunting' to speak. They dont play catch and release with a cat or rabit...they kill them when they catch them.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by vinay86
Humans are multidimensional beings existing in many realities simultaneously some are physical and some are not. But in every reality soul is present, Astral planes are based on thoughts and emotions and are similar to physical planes of existences but they are more denser i.e. there is more negativity of thought and people are more attached to the physicality of being and hardly even know about the spiritual aspects. There is immense negativity ( i.e. everything bad you can imagine) in lower astral planes as compared to this reality we are living in and it is said that there are 7 astral levels which are separated by just a little bit of frequency difference, the highest plane is the seat of collective or universal consciousness or God.
The astral realm is consists of two kind of people one who have passed away from the earth and the others are the astral counterparts of those who are living on earth so we exist simultaneously on both planes. Now i dont know why we go to the lower astral planes after we die, maybe to learn more lessons about love and compassion, evaluate and assess ourselves or perhaps to prepare for another life on earth and then die again on earth and return back to the lower astral planes, and just remain trapped in this endless cycle I.E. WE NEVER GET OUT.
According to peggy kane the reptilians have established an invisible net around the earth where our spirit bodies gets trapped after we die and all of our essence that is memories, emotions are being ingested by these reptilians, this is one of their food source, the other being RAW HUMAN MEAT which they eat from the people living in lower astral plane after after raping them, so as to consume the emotions of fear as well. Life in these lower astral planes is more hellish than earth, people make there living by gambling and stealing and are always involved in sexual activities due to all that negative thought and in the background reptilians keep feeding on their souls. Reptilians use different tactics in different realities to control humanity, why ? because we are there whole life, they play with us, manipulate us, and eat us both physically and spiritually. Here is the amazing interview of peggy kane :

Google Video Link

Do you think reptilians have made the soul to shuffle between the lower astral and earth so that it won’t grow spiritually and making us suffer on every plane of existence. What if they have hijacked many astral planes and are ruling all of those, just imagine how much our soul will be suffering then. What is your opinion, will we ever get out and reach the ultimate god-mind.

You my friend has taken “The 4th Kind” story line to a whole new level.
Where are your scientifically backed up sources and facts?
And please don’t tell me it is your Youtube video of some crackpot lady named Peggy
Epic Fail

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by GerhardSA

Well my friend this is Skunk works forum in which we post what we thought about reality and not what is being proven by science and all that. If you have something to say that comes from your heart feel free to post here.

edit on 26-11-2010 by vinay86 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 11:08 AM
Thanks for posting you have made some very good points, I agree that i made this thread in a authoritative nature and i commend you for your valuable criticism, i wrote this thread in more of a emotional state of mind, because some of peggy's EVP recordings really touched me a lot inside. Some of them she plays in this interview:

I agree with you on the fact that reptilians fear us because they find it difficult to control our soul, and i know nothing can trap a soul but it can be always be lied to believe something that isn't there and hence manipulated and controlled. Yes we contain essence of reptilian mind, it is clearly visible in human fetus infact human fetus develops like a reptilian, only during the gestation period mammalian features are added, clearly showing the evidence of genetic manipulation by reptilians.
Yes i am frustrated with the reality but not depressed, but i don't know why you asked; "Why do you want to go backwards in your evolution?". I don't think we are evolving here towards something, i believe we already are what we want to become, we just have to get past of all the lies and deception. Thanks again for posting.

Here is a Link if someone is interested in reptilians astral war: Youtube -Astral War

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by vinay86

"Why do you want to go backwards in your evolution?"
It was meant for those that are trying to push the new age idea that we need to evolve to a newer, higher life form based in the spirit. If you do not feel this way, I stand corrected

It is what I saw when I jumped out of the box. The only way to understand anything, anything, is to get outside of what ever it is. Your in a room, deep inside of a building. You are born there, live your life there, and your reality consists of everything inside of that room and maybe a few others. That's life to you, that is your reality. But in all honesty how can you even begin to imagine that there is more to life when your not allowed to find the edges and boarders and doors of your containment?

Get out of your house, get out of your neighborhood, state, country, world, your profession, your job, your car, your club, your religion, and in some if not all cases, your mind. Look back at what makes you who you are and what you are really doing in life. Look at your accomplishments and your failures, look at the taxes you pay and what they are really used for.

For once you get out of the "Box" and look at everyone else who is still in, you scream, WAKE UP! Look at, (as you said Vinay86) all the lies and half truths your reality is created with. Look at the value of the dollar that you would give your life for, is it not worth more than that?

Instead you sit there, frighten of anything new and rationalize, its all to complicated for me so Ill just sit here and do what everyone else does, or you wait for a savior. Well I say, you were given one savior already, don't wait for another any longer. Get out of the box and start saving yourself, from all the lies!

Vinay86, thanks for the platform.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 05:08 AM
I think in 2012, the extremely rich elites that owns 97% of the world that known as Illuminati will feeds the rest of Human Race to the Reptilian Gods(known as Anunnaki or Jinn) that they worships?

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by masonicon

Thanks for posting, I am pretty sure, If anything catastrophic in nature happens worldwide in the next five years, it would have to be a totally staged event by the Illuminati and the reptilians. They do this to humanity from time to time to keep their control over humanity tightened.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 06:43 AM
So after I die, my soul is trapped in an invisible net, where reptiles will butt slam me? Now I really am afraid of dying. Thanks for the visual. Im getting buried in a chastity belt.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by sbc650mike
So after I die, my soul is trapped in an invisible net, where reptiles will butt slam me? Now I really am afraid of dying. Thanks for the visual. Im getting buried in a chastity belt.

as you dies, that reptiles eats your body with Nanotechnology when your body rests in your graves

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 01:44 PM
Reptilians in lower astral planes?

OMG, There are snakes on a plane!!

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by firepilot
Reptilians in lower astral planes?

OMG, There are snakes on a plane!!

This thread is have nothing to do with Snakes on a Plane movie, the word plane are Metaphysical word instead name for aircraft

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by masonicon

Originally posted by firepilot
Reptilians in lower astral planes?

OMG, There are snakes on a plane!!

This thread is have nothing to do with Snakes on a Plane movie, the word plane are Metaphysical word instead name for aircraft

Yes, thank you Capt Obvious

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by GerhardSA
You my friend has taken “The 4th Kind” story line to a whole new level.
Where are your scientifically backed up sources and facts?
And please don’t tell me it is your Youtube video of some crackpot lady named Peggy
Epic Fail

Well you don't believe in youtube vid's, but you surely believe in movies judging from your reply. If so please watch the movie called Surveillance (2008), you will see how these entities take pleasure from fear emanating from a human soul, because mere killing doesn't satisfies them.

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