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Information Overload

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posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 08:54 PM
We live in such a different world now. We have instant access to anything we want to learn about and many things we may not want to learn about. Could some people be experiencing an overload of information? What if we're not meant to learn some of the things we learn about? I think this abundance of information could be a good and bad thing. We now have access from an early age to videos of sex and rape, and violent and gruesome videos of death and destruction. Access to information that could make you doubt beliefs you've had all your life. All of this could be stressful on humans. I think we're living in a much more stressful world. What kind of effect is this having on people? Things aren't as simple as they once were. Everything's more open now and conflicting ideas and beliefs surround us even in our homes. Could we start seeing a rapid increase in people suffering from anxiety and other problems because of all of this? Is it healthy for the human race to advance?
edit on 19-11-2010 by ShnogTrip because: typos

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 09:07 PM
Information Overload? Nah...

Is it 'healthy' for each and every to realize, appreciate and understand that there's a whole 'nother world outside their own ... just waiting for them to consider and/or 'digest' the same ...

You betcha, imo.

While not always the most palatable menu or meal, consumption and/or consideration of the same would seem to effect broader horizons and overall 'scope' all the while. (?)

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 09:31 PM
...its basically the same world that its always been... many were simply fooled into believing it was a kinder world because they were sequestered from the harsh realities that the majority of the population deals with every day... imo, its better to know, so you dont end up aiding the bad guys by accident...

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by 12m8keall2c
Information Overload? Nah...

Is it 'healthy' for each and every to realize, appreciate and understand that there's a whole 'nother world outside their own ... just waiting for them to consider and/or 'digest' the same ...

You betcha, imo.

While not always the most palatable menu or meal, consumption and/or consideration of the same would seem to effect broader horizons and overall 'scope' all the while. (?)

I'm not saying people should stay close-minded and ignorant. I'm just asking if we might start to see that the bad outweighs the good when it comes to the advancement of humanity. Many children have instant access to anything they want on the net, including porn and gruesome videos. I think that this could have some kind of bad effect on people. As a child, is it healthy to be able to willingly watch a woman pretending or not pretending to be raped or to watch someone being violently attacked and killed? Out of boredom and curiosity when I was younger I secretly and easily watched several violent sex scenes and videos of people being murdered. I don't know if it's fair to blame my anxiety and depression on things like that or not but it really makes me wonder. Do you agree that we are living in a much more stressful time? How might that be effecting us? What about intelligent and conscious machines that we could invent in the future? I think that as we progress we might start going backwards. Our technology could be our downfall.

edit on 19-11-2010 by ShnogTrip because: typo

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by Wyn Hawks
...its basically the same world that its always been... many were simply fooled into believing it was a kinder world because they were sequestered from the harsh realities that the majority of the population deals with every day... imo, its better to know, so you dont end up aiding the bad guys by accident...

I understand that people are still the same and always will be but I'm wondering if our advancements might amplify the dark side of humanity and eventually cause our demise.
edit on 19-11-2010 by ShnogTrip because: typos

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 10:30 PM
Information is neutral. If you are dark, you will find much online darkness and likewise with the opposite.
So yeah if you look, you will seek, but I don't think it is overly harmful unless of course you are a child.
If your new info rattles your beliefs, that is good, they need to be questioned and answered, otherwise you are blindly following something. I have seen some truly disturbing things online and it was enough to curb my curiosities in those areas. I sometimes feel like I bit off too much info, but I just archive the data and reference them at another time.

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by ShnogTrip

It is really hard to prove anything either way, good vs bad as far as information exposure. But that is how its always been. Every generation has something or is exposed to something that the previous one did/was not. And people are find it appalling but then it just gets accepted and society moves forward. Easy examples are swear words, violence, moving ratings, etc. As for kids, its hard to say what is acceptable and what isnt, because no matter what you do personally, they will see what you dont want them to somewhere. It all depends on the values that are given to them and what belief system they develop later. I think what you might be referring to is the loss of naivete earlier. But thats not really new either because if you let your kids believe in nonsense, they will go to school and their peers will educate them, usually in the form of teasing. Also, kids get smarter with every generation, this is not an abstract belief, its fact. Thats why teaching standards, IQ test, and standardized tests are constantly being revised to include more complicated material. So although they have more information they have better faculties with which to understand, process, and apply whatever they see.

changes in IQ

changes in IQ 2

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 11:24 PM
I believe information overload is becoming very common these days due to advancement in technology and internet. Of course availability of information when required is good, but too much of it at same time and from random sources can cause stress, fatigue and indecisiveness.

"Information overload" is a term popularized by Alvin Toffler that refers to the difficulty a person can have understanding an issue and making decisions that can be caused by the presence of too much information. The term and concept precede the Internet. Toffler's explanation of it in his bestselling book presents information overload as the Information Age's version of sensory overload, a term that had been introduced in the 1950s. Sensory overload was thought to cause disorientation and lack of responsiveness. Toffler posited information overload as having the same sorts of effects, but on the higher cognitive functions, writing: "When the individual is plunged into a fast and irregularly changing situation, or a novelty-loaded context ... his predictive accuracy plummets. He can no longer make the reasonably correct assessments on which rational behavior is dependent." As the world moves into a new era of globalization, an increasing number of people are connecting to the Internet to conduct their own research and are given the ability to produce as well as consume the data accessed on an increasing number of websites. Users are now classified as active users because more people in society are participating in the Digital and Information Age. More and more people are considered to be active writers and viewers because of their participation. This flow has created a new life where we are now in danger of becoming dependent on this method of access to information. Therefore we see an information overload from the access to so much information, almost instantaneously, without knowing the validity of the content and the risk of misinformation.

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by ShnogTrip
With all of the technology out there and seeing people on the phone constantly and is anyone listening?the one feature I like is(internet) you can talk to people from all over the world,
never thought I would ever see something like this in my lifetime,unfortunately everybody's talking and nobody's listening!

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 05:57 PM
There is way to much information being disseminated extremely to fast.

People are lost in their own little world with i-phones,mp3 players and such.

Young people are not really even looking around and observing their surroundings.

I have had this song stuck in my head for a while.

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 06:09 PM
I know I sometimes suffer from information overload in that I can get lost in a maze of endless clicking on link after link after link on the internet.

And the more I research the more there is to research and it seems there is no end to it.

I have to stop from time to time and ask myself, "What's the point? Why am I doing this??"

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by Mary Rose
I have to stop from time to time and ask myself, "What's the point? Why am I doing this??", yep... i did the same about cell phones... my (grown) kids talked me into getting one years ago cuz they were worried about poor old mom living alone... yeah, right... its not like i lived in the middle of nowhere and didnt go to the same job everyday... day, after an onslaught of people wasting my time with nothing important phone calls and some even daring to cost me money by sending me text messages at 10cents a pop, i chunked that phone and cancelled my service...

...i had a land line and had survived for many decades with that being plenty adequate... i didnt like (and still dont) this new mindset where folks think i should give them my time whenever they decide they want it... i'm not opposed to spoiling people but i aint gonna do it on demand, thats for sure, lol...

...but thats just me and i'm old, set in my ways and often cranky...

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 12:03 AM
You have to be careful of what you read and hear. Once it enters into your mind, it's too late to get it out. Some things are better left unlearned. King Solomon once said, "With much wisdom comes much sorrow." There comes a point where one enters Chapel Perilous. It's hard to unlearn something you just learned.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 04:25 AM
I can relate to a revolt about cell phones! I despise them. I have one in the glove compartment of my car for emergencies only. Aren't cell phones and cell phone towers part of the New World Order control grid? I believe so.

The information I think that is very important and that I'm grateful for, even though it is depressing, is 9/11 truth, the knowledge of the New World Order agenda of the globalists and how they're trying to accomplish it, using such things as Agenda 21, for one example, and all the other information that has come out from alternative history and science sources. I insist on knowing the truth about the things that are important. It's just that it's easy to get too absorbed in all the details and forget to do something about it and otherwise live life.

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