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Is this the real reason for the 'enhanced' security measures??

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posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 01:15 PM
I was wondering if the violation/body scanners/touchy feely stuff is to get us to stop flying? Obamas trying hard to get this High Speed Rail thing to be accepted and many states are refusing the idea despite the promise of millions of dollars. By causing this huge inconvenience in order to fly wouldnt it make the HSR system seem like a great idea, having all states comply out of necessity?? It actually makes a lot of sense to me.


posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by Demetre

An interesting theory I like it. I think as well airlines have been complaining about the security measures quite alot recently too. Couple all this with the supposed massive carbon emissions via flying compared to an energy efficient high speed rail, and you're definitely on to something!

Maybe he's in direct competition with the Chinese in this regard too? The last Cold War had the 'Space Race' maybe the new one will have the 'Train Chase.'

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by Demetre

Very interesting. "Quo bono?"
In economics terms the new TSA scanners and security check procedures amount to a barrier in accessibility. This should translate into some drop in demand, but it won't. Because flights are an inelastic service. People WILL however, be more accepting of a competing option.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 02:09 PM
That is certainly an interesting theory. My question is wouldn't the security be about the same for the light rail system? Obviously a train is much more restricted in regards to where it can go if hi-jacked, but you would have to assume that the security measures would still be pretty intrusive nonetheless. I think the reason for the new body scanner/sexual assault security measures are to push us even closer to a totalitarian police state. Adults will certainly fight it but as time goes on the children of today will grow up in this environment and be accustomed to such gross violations of their civil rights and it will be normal to them. Besides, schools no longer teach about rights and the constitution so the adults of tomorrow will have no idea that their rights are even being violated.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by Demetre

That does make sense, although I am not so sure I would connect Obama's like for a HSR system and the increase in security measures, as these measures started in Bush's term. Personally I would like this HSR idea to happen as it seems like much more of a sustainable and ecologically safe way to travel. Not to mention it would also exponentially decrease our dependency for oil. Unfortunately it will only happen when it is economically profitable.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by OptimusSubprime

Yes, I agree. Security on a rail system will still be invasion. However, planes are hardly ever highjacked anymore, the terrorist aren't trying to get somewhere, they want to blow stuff up. (911 excluded)

It would be just as easy to terrorize rail riders as airline flyers. We have seen subway bombs.

I honestly don't know why this new, invasive sercurity system is being used. It hasn't bumped security up, according to the experts. (TV talking heads) But, I don't think they are doing these things to protect us! They've got something up their sleeve.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 02:24 PM
Security would be the same for the rail.

The only thing this is getting us ready for is more genital fondling and nude photography.

It has to stop now. And when they try to reintroduce it again either in its same form or some more palatable "lite" form we have to stop it again. Cant ever stop pushing this crap away because they'll never stop pushing it on us.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 03:05 PM
"""I was wondering if the violation/body scanners/touchy feely stuff is to get us to stop flying? """

They came out with the plan to keep zapping us with Radiation so the Federal Government can save a whole bunch of money.

If they can kill people by the time they reach 60....the Federal Government NEVER has to pay out Social Security.
Thus it has been a National Security Policy to radiate and poison you. For the good of the country ya know?

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by Pervius
They came out with the plan to keep zapping us with Radiation so the Federal Government can save a whole bunch of money.

If they can kill people by the time they reach 60....the Federal Government NEVER has to pay out Social Security.
Thus it has been a National Security Policy to radiate and poison you. For the good of the country ya know?

But the people they will be taking out are the same people paying taxes. Wrong demo graph don't you think?.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 11:00 PM
It's an interesting theory, but I think the actual truth is a lot more transparent, sick, perverted, and unacceptable.

The government demands that we remove any and all expectation of privacy rights. They are advancing towards a goal in the US and the whole world in which nothing we do, say, or even think is off limits from their scrutiny, They selected the airline industry as a starting point because, unfortunately, it made sense. In several years, when United States federal operatives hijack a few Greyhound buses, run them into a busy metropolis, and explode a dirty nuke or detonate a Carnival cruise ship as it passes under the Golden Gate Bridge during rush hour, these "enhanced security measures & devices" will suddenly become commonplace at ALL mass transportation boarding centers. Then, right on cue, attacks will occur inside public buildings, stadiums, or on the street corner and we will suddenly be frisked on command. We will go from "by buying a tciket you have given up many rights" to "by being inside America's borders, you have given up many rights."

On that day, America will have breathed it's last and our government will have officially pissed on the honor of every soldier who ever died protecting Freedom. Their unzipping their fly right now, but we've proven more than enough times that we collectively won't do anything but grumble about it as we bend over yet again to grab our ankles.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 12:34 AM

On that day, America will have breathed it's last and our government will have officially pissed on the honor of every soldier who ever died protecting Freedom. Their unzipping their fly right now, but we've proven more than enough times that we collectively won't do anything but grumble about it as we bend over yet again to grab our ankles.

Amen brother.


posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 06:55 AM
Maybe they're trying to phase out flying for us? 1st it becomes too much of a violation to fly so we boycott. Boycotting puts the airlines in a financial mess so they will only have very limited flights and very expensive fees. Few ppl will be able to afford the cost so they turn to HSR system for intercontinental travel. Since few will be able to afford it it may make leaving the country almost impossible if shtf?? Does that make sense?

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by Demetre

They may very well be trying to get us away from wanting to / being able to fly at all.

Even though it is majorly invasive at those checkpoints, it won't stop ME from flying! I am planning 2 trips (one to PA and one to Denver) as we speak!

Bring on the pat-downs!

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