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Does the past exist yet? Evidence suggests your past Isn't set in stone!

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posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 03:44 PM
The future CAN rewrite the past (imho), through a radical, and eternal transformative act of forgiveness, resetting the future (and the clock) at each moment (clean slate), but WE in our own self, and in our body and mind, contain or possess what might be thought of as karma (an internal cause and effect), which is responsible for the felt experience of most if not all of us, that we are locked into an arrow of time pointed at death as "the end". The Baghivad Gita, which I just finished, and it's just WONDERFUL (imo), suggests that there exists within each living creature, and thus powerfully within the human being, a supersoul (Atman/Brahmin) or a self with a capital S, what the Bible refers to as "The Great I Am", who may be viewed, or I should say, experienced, in gnosis (felt experience aka knowing and thus, "knowledge") as that abiding knower, unmoved by the apparent dualities of life and it's pleasures and pain, who knows that whatever is to be known resides in the interplay between the knower and the field of knowing, and it's all within for the most part, whereby the absolute alone is transcendant. This fits perfectly with Goswami's conception of a Monistic Idealism, as the resolution to the quantum paradoxes. It is also very satisfying given that it is itself subject to felt experience, provided we are willing to leave self and selfish motives behind, to rest in the Lord who dwells within us all, and to shift focus from the self, to the eternal Self. Then, looking around, at each moment, we do start to get the sense, that life is not only newly created, or "fresh" at each moment, but some sort of evolutionary eternal recurrance which just keeps on getting better and better, from life to life everlasting ie: to the Godhead and the final realization of God in time and history. It's always the end of time, now, in other words, for those who seek, since God as the all knowing knower always begins with the end in mind ie: Himself,. or re-finding and re-discovering Himself, through us. The purpose of life then is to fall in love with the very part of us which is eternal, and in so doing enter eternity or a deathless, timeness moment of absolute peace.

I've had it from time to time, and I sure got a good dose from reading the Gita.

This idea about the end of time through an eternally unfolding and entirely OPEN present moment, whereby the slate is clean (in the Akashic Field-Akashic Record) if not in our own minds and bodies (karma), the idea of the flow of life being fresh, always and forever, brings to mind, for me, the idea that we ARE forgiven our sins (karma cleaned up, potentially, all the time), but that if we then do not forgive, we bring it back. This must then begin with and include, our own selves. We must forgive ourselves as we are forgiven by God (first/last cause), and to keep things clean (timeless) go about holding the same view towards friend and enemy alike, always ready to forgive, and always working or acting in selflessness, never doing only for the reward to be gained, since creativity and obligations (including security and caring for the body) are essential. We must become as little children to enter the kingdom of heaven wherein everything is fresh and new at each moment, and a joy to behold and to be a part of, and more, when we behold what resides within us all as our true nature.

I was once sitting somewhere and suddenly though to myself "I am the end of time" and then I became uncomfortable, since I would never want to be THE end, since I like life and the interplay. I think i've reconciled that now, and that moment was just a brief gnosis of who and what I really am at core. Perhaps this is my last incarnation in bodily form, but even then I would elect to keep on coming back as many times as are needed to not only realize God, but to do so WITH my fellow man, since no man is an island unto himself. Then again, it's always up to each one of us to realize first for ourselves, and then perhaps we can transmit something to others based on what we have, not merely on what we think we have or intuit from time to time. All I know is it's no fun to do it alone, we all need each other's help in this thing, and the Lord within will help us, anyone who makes the sincere effort they will find him, the unmoved mover, the eternal timeless, spaceless deathless YOU.
edit on 20-11-2010 by NewAgeMan because: typo

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