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Elves and dwarves - do they exist?

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posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by ChaosMagician
This planet is predominated by procreation of the human species. To me, that would be the reason that grey soul were born into human bodies if that is in fact, the case. Why would it make sense ...
... not as a matter of choice but as a matter of circumstance.

I'd like to know where you are getting this information from, if you don't mind.

As I said, I explain where this information comes from over in several of my own threads.. I hate repeating myself. But briefly, I went on a shaman journey after which I have been almost hardwired to the human racial unconscious.

Anyway the greys are very prone to that whole 'group think' phenomenon. They have a hive mind that doesn't really facilitate independent thought, and they very often fail to think of the long term consequences of what they are doing.

They essentially created the human race accidentally by raising us to sentience because they wanted to keep using their worker greys albeit in a human body. I don't believe it ever once crossed the hive mind that maybe their little worker spirits wouldn't want to come back to a grey body.

Prior to their mucking around though, the semi-sentient species they used to create us didn't have that soul sucking quality. It is *their* genetic work/manipulation that created the human body in it's present form, amped up soul catching quality included (to drag the reluctant little worker grey spirits off the side of the 'bliss' state and back in a usable form). They had no intention of hanging around. They figured they could 'fix' it (they're clever, but they don't have the diversity of spirit origin differences to draw on, like humanity does) and figured it would take them a couple thousand years maybe. No need to worry about the long term consequences was the consensus of the hive mind. That kind of failure has bit them in the rear more than once!

They figured without them helping us out, we would just die out, which obviously we didn't. That was the garden of eden thing. The test to see if you were a grey spirit or some other alien spirit was to tell them to not eat the apple or whatever, and if they did, it was an alien spirit. A grey spirit would never disobey. And if they failed the test, out they went; left to fend for themselves. And although none of those new humans knew about survival in a conscious way, their spirit from another origin did, and so they had a kind of instinctive 'knowingness' about how and what to do.

The greys created a soul holder, for those who wanted to reincarnate as a grey so getting sucked into a human body was optional for them, but none of the spirits could just hang around, stuck to the side of the bliss state anymore. And if they were out and away from the holding spheres, it was highly likely that they would end up in a human body before they could get back.

And the greys are pretty much all cloned. They pre-grow bodies so that if one of them gets too badly hurt or wears out, they just pop the spirit out of the old body into the new. We are the only species that doesn't remember past lives, so for the little grey, waking up in a new body, it was just like it had taken a nap or something. No trauma, no fuss.

But yes, on the highest level, any alien who ends up in a human body did so intentionally. See, we are the only species that will be able to make full enlightenment. We will be able to shift our physical form into a spirit/light form as well as be able to fully see and understand the spirit realm stuff. We are the ultimate 'creation' of the over arching sentience of the universe, which I see has orchestrated our creation and growth because we are the species it needs to help it create another universe aka reproduce.

edit on 25-11-2010 by DragonriderGal because: clarity

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 11:14 PM
ok, so by "shaman journey" you mean "your imagination which you hold to be unwavering fact"

I think this thread is just as imaginative as it needs to be without any further assistance from me.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by ChaosMagician
ok, so by "shaman journey" you mean "your imagination which you hold to be unwavering fact"

I think this thread is just as imaginative as it needs to be without any further assistance from me.

So you are dissing on the native american spiritual beliefs??? Wow, that's progressive of you!

It was an authentic shaman journey done with the help of a half native american woman who studied with one of the elder wise women of the Sioux for a number of years. She knew what she was doing and until the old Indian fellow told me all I had to do was ask, and they would answer, it was pretty much like any of the other shaman journeys I'd heard about in which they made it to the higher plane.

But of course, believe as you will. I know what I know, and more importantly, I have learned to recognize the difference between imagination and connection to the racial unconscious, which both reside in the right brain area. That is why it has been so easy for the NWO bunch to convince us that connection doesn't exist.

But every time you operate based on a 'hunch' or a 'gut feeling' or any such phenomenon, you are actually using information coming to you thru your connection to the racial unconscious, where your highest self works to help you to become your highest and best self in your current physical form.
edit on 26-11-2010 by DragonriderGal because: clarity

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 08:09 PM
There is a huge difference between not being progressive and being objective. I am both progressive and objective and being called "not objective" by some girl on the internet is not enough to phase me or steer my emotions in any way despite however playfully imaginative I can be (perhaps coming off as impressionable in childlike ways to see where others who think they know their psychology can steer me, while attempting to embrace my own humble potentially erroneous does the integrity good
)... or in regards to any spiritual fears that anyone including myself concerning the times to come from this point forward are having. What a superficial suggestion to think I would do any more than scoff at someone who insinuated a lack of spiritual integrity because of my suggestion that perhaps their imagination is more in control than their factual logical self. there is nothing wrong with imagination so long as you remember which shelf in the mind it belongs on and how it works when coupled with fact or in the absence thereof.

Furthermore... I consider myself progressive because I AM. If I wasn't, my fronts in light of personal fears would be much more obvious... or else I simply wouldn't care at all. If it boiled down to a wanting to be progressive because of my own fears of fate, you might be pretty surprised at what you would find within me... that is assuming this higher self of yours could allow you to see such a thing. You see, there is a lot to be said about the finer details of things and some of these details you present completely shut out not only a possibility that someone else may ALSO have a connection to their higher self whose opinion may differ from yours... but also evidence and reports of actual interludes that are back up by others and a much more logical explanation of the dealings between the greys and our society than what you have provided in what I see as a very generalized and blanket attempt to describe something that is probably much more complex than any person on a message forum has the ability to comprehend, not too mention a pretty pompous display of human supremacy as though we are the very deserving light of the whole universe. That's a pretty gross display of absence of unity, dear. A higher self is rumored (as you should know) to be more unified with the spiritual collective regardless of what form it takes.

Yeah... Don't waste your time trying to propose this "higher self" of yours to me.

If you believe that everything you think about the grey species is correct based on your alleged connection to your higher self and the aptitude of two other mere humans based on the fact that they are native american (no offense to native americans but our writer here of this racial propaganda taken to a whole new intergalactic level is now using native americans as a prop in her story because they carry the reputation of nobility and insight) in complete absence of actual evidence that some people have actually introduced... especailly how many people in the world give much better credientials than the likes of "a shaman journey" (not that I do not believe can provide insight but anyone delving into such things should be aware of spiritual illusions beyond what their mind can filter... anything else is self proclaimed omnipotence within a spiritual realm, you always have to consider that you don't know anything at all and you are merely a messenger of evidence, even in tangible factual world), then you are basically saying that anyone else whose opinions differs from yours, even if they have perceived more tangible evidence than you... you are saying those people are bereft of connection to their own higher selves and you present your ideas as though there is no question about it... bottom line... fact. Scientists aren't even supposed to do that... not even as fundamental as the law of gravity because everything we know can actually be completely different than we ever imagined. A good scientist would say "according to the law of gravity"... or "according to what we know". You aren't even scratching the surface of being objective and in my opinion, isn't indicative of being connected with your higher self in any way shape or form.

Here's what MY GUT tells me... you are projecting... and I don't propose that GUT as my "higher self" except in cynicism... I have the grace to admit what is a guess!...and yes, I'm WELL aware of the difference, Thank You.. Attempting to serve as an example of what not to do concerning searching for answers and making colorful guesses is not a very productive use of your time, my time or anyone else's time. Accept that guesses are made as well as errors and you're not above it!... nor am I but I never said I was. To me, this is an example of misappropriated pre-school psychology where even there it's use should only be on a last resort basis. Either that or you are trying to climb above others on a spiritual shelf so to speak for reasons i can't possibly imagine because they seem in vain.

These descriptions of yours... the over use of the term "the little greys"... and the way you describe things, not in play but in all seriousness... it makes me feel you are a special ed teacher and I'm not in the mood to play with you. You are presenting your claims, not as opinion, but as fact regardless of any other much more credible sources of information on the matter and right now, I'm beyond annoyed.

I'm pretty sure you know this as well, especially in light of my last post which included my insinuation that I have very little interest in what you have to say from here on out yet you reply to me again with the gall of questioning the basis of my spiritual integrity... not just questioning my information, not just questioning my mind... but the very basis of my spiritual direction. This gives me every reason to call bull# on everything you say.

I'm done talking to you. Seriously. I don't care how many times you try to reply.
What you say makes absolutely no difference to me and only furthers my negative opinion of the role you are attempting to fill and I don't intend to needlessly annoy myself. Go amuse yourself with an alt or something. I'm betting you've got plenty.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 08:27 PM
Wow , Way to try to answer the OPs thread, a bunch of Lord of the Rings references and arguments over Grays and someones shaman journey.......

Bring it back down to earth people, take off your Dungeons and Dragons gear, and see if we cant help the OP.

I know there are many legends throughout history, I often wondered this myself.. We all know that we werent the first race to walk on this earth, perhaps a time lost there were people of this sort.

The indians talk about coming from the ground, and also going into the ground. Perhaps these are the dwarves of old?

Elves im not sure? Thats a hard guess

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by ChaosMagician
There is a huge difference between not being progressive and...
*snip* bull# on everything you say.

I'm done talking to you. Seriously. I don't care how many times you try to reply.
What you say makes absolutely no difference to me and only furthers my negative opinion of the role you are attempting to fill and I don't intend to needlessly annoy myself. Go amuse yourself with an alt or something. I'm betting you've got plenty.

Wow, guess I hit a big ole' nerve there! What a reactive response! Me thinkst thou does protesth too much! And all that ranting was actually hard to make much sense of, all run together like that. And always, always, always, I am presenting my opinion, because that is all I can present, even as that is all you can present. Any information that is processed thru the human mind and regurgitated out again becomes only that person's opinion of said information, even if a lot of other people hold the same opinion.

I do have to say that it sounds like someone isn't too sure about their spiritual direction and when someone doesn't go along with what they believe, it just sends them willie-nillie into some kind of tail spin attempt to try to defend their position by getting all insulted and 'how dare you...' and so on. *shrug* Hey, whatever. Believe as you like and more power to ya!

The worker greys are very naive, childlike, and the leadership, while a bit more savvy isn't a whole lot better. I know the greys from my dragonrider days when my dragon and I and our pod fought for them, and I've dealt with them on the spirit realm level here in this life as well. They are a very gentle people who had to harden themselves to survive. The leadership of the greys actually do call their worker greys 'the children', plus they aren't even 5 foot tall, so calling them 'little' is an accurate descriptor, not any kind of value judgement, eh?

Too bad you don't understand that whole connection to the racial unconscious thing. If it really is your GUT telling you I'm projecting, fine. I would more suspect your frightened unconscious mind, but hey, your experience, your interpretation, and so, your opinion of where your information is coming from and whether or not it is accurate. You have to live with it, not me.

And being 1/4 native american myself, I was happy to connect to my native heritage and its spiritual beliefs as well. I didn't go on the shaman journey expecting anything... in fact I had no idea I was going to the higher plane, until my spirit guide, Horse, turned on to this cloud like trail and started up. I wasn't at all prepared, but it turned out that was part of how I got the connection. My request to come back when I had what I deemed a sufficiently suitable question is when the old indian fellow said, don't worry about coming back. All you have to do is ask, and we will answer.

And so they have, ever since then. Now if that doesn't fit into your world view, I'm sorry. But it doesn't make it any less real or accurate for me. I know what I know, and I know where I get the information. *shrug* Your limitations aren't mine, and I won't put the box back on my head just because it annoys you and a lot of other people when I won't go with the more comfortable familiar NWO spun versions of the spirit realm level stuff.

And I have NO idea what an 'alt' is. Sorry.

edit on 26-11-2010 by DragonriderGal because: clarity

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
Wow , Way to try to answer the OPs thread, a bunch of Lord of the Rings references and arguments over Grays and someones shaman journey.......

Bring it back down to earth people, take off your Dungeons and Dragons gear, and see if we cant help the OP.

I know there are many legends throughout history, I often wondered this myself.. We all know that we werent the first race to walk on this earth, perhaps a time lost there were people of this sort.

The indians talk about coming from the ground, and also going into the ground. Perhaps these are the dwarves of old?

Elves im not sure? Thats a hard guess

The shaman journeys start by going to the underworld, under the ground. The native american shamans were said to actually be able to physically travel in that realm. But I wouldn't expect to. I'm sure they had a lot more information and training on shaman stuff than I ever received. But yes, the dwarves did the mining and such for the elves. The elven folk love beautiful things and many of the metals and crystals are quite lovely.

And I've never played dungeons and dragons.. wouldn't know where to begin with that. I just came here on the back of my dragon, Pythos and when I died as a dragonrider, I got sucked into a human body and have been human ever since. Pythos did try to get me back but human babies are too fragile for a dragon to manage, and I just ended up dying on him, so he finally gave up. So I know dragons very well. And because we fought for the greys, I know them too.

And those are just my own memories of past lives, not anything to do with the racial unconscious other than that is where my memories of my past lives are stored, even as every other human's are.

And this is an elven world. They created it as a vacation spot (the northern European forests and the western USA coasts with the sequoia were the areas they loved the most), so yah, there were other species/civilizations before us.. a lot of other aliens came to vacation on elven worlds as well. Paid top dollar (or whatever passed as currency for the various folks) because the elven vacation worlds were always beautiful and easy to access with the energy paths of which the stargates are a part.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by 19872012

I had to post it. My brother always said, "Look. 5% of the poplulation believes in gnomes. If that is true, anything is possible." Never really sure what it meant but I always thought it was funny. Gnomes.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by ColoradoJens
reply to post by 19872012

I had to post it. My brother always said, "Look. 5% of the poplulation believes in gnomes. If that is true, anything is possible." Never really sure what it meant but I always thought it was funny. Gnomes.

It isn't a coincidence that you often find gnomes as gardeners.. that is the function they served for the Elves. They could create the most beautiful settings in the woods and gardens; places where the Elven folk would love to wander and sit, reading or flirting or just enjoying the quiet and solitude and beauty.

It is just another way people, accessing the racial unconscious, make the leap from 'myth' to actuality, because, well they really aren't myths. Most of the stuff we are told are 'myths' were actually real; the true memories of humanity which are being suppressed because that awareness make us too hard to control, So, the gnomes were real, but most of them left with the majority of the elves back at the shift from B.C. to A.D. when the rescue ship from the elven home world arrived.
edit on 26-11-2010 by DragonriderGal because: clarity

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 11:03 PM
the line between ET and magical creatures like the fay, elves, and gnomes is extremely blurry. People in medieval times often reported being abducted by fairies. Many drawings and artwork of the magical creatures often look similar to ets and greys. all of these creatures, including ets, are interdimensional/transdimensional and do not require bodies as we know them. they live in more dimensions than we consciously do. remember how there are at least 11 dimensions? also, remember how time is an illusion? also, remember how there are countless parallel universes? the earthbound guardian spirits have occupied this planet for more time than we have. they love this planet very much. apparently, all of us do not share this love. we have too many fears to enjoy such simplicity. if you're looking for proof of these creatures, we may never find it in our lifetime, because they are pure conscious energy. and mainstream 'scientists' have already made up their minds. (classic earth is flat ignorance)

there are ways to make contact with the elves, gnomes etc. hang out around plants, in nature, any significant natural place (where 2 or more bodies of water meet, aquifers, places of beauty, places that have never been touched by too many men) and do a little meditation there. turn off your minds chatter and preconceived notions. talk to them. build trust with them. if you feel compelled to go on a sort of mission or adventure, by all means do it. they have much to teach and much knowledge to offer if you want to listen. some people will get visual confirmation, some auditory, some tactile, etc. just give it a chance. be all in for just a second if you can.
no one is going to laugh at you.

Brian Fraud's book fairies is written as if he actually encountered these fantastical beings in the english countryside and beyond. who is to say he was not chosen and/or hardwired in the noggin to actually be able to communicate with them. an open mind will get you very far in this magical world of ours, i assure you it is not delusion. you cant just hold up your emf detectors and dismiss the ethereal realm. just because you cannot see the invisible world, does not mean you cannot make contact with it. theres a lot more science to it than anybody is probably willing to admit also. the science of consciousness is not nearly as studied as it has been in times past. the ancients were very aware of what is just beyond the veil. are we so arrogant to think that our western 'might makes right' attitude towards science will reveal all truths to us?

the fairies, elves, sprites, pixies, gnomes, etc are there! dont let anyone on here tell you otherwise. weve only had these 'advanced' scientific, infallible, electronic, gadgets for what 100 years? youre going to trust them before you trust your own senses? this is one case where science is still playing catch up.

love and light. im not here to debate anyone. just keep an open mind and youll be surprised what you can contact. im telling you this for your own good, im not here to ridicule anyone here. i just want people to expand their mental boundaries.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by ToHoldaPigeon
the line between ET and magical creatures like the fay, elves, and gnomes is extremely blurry. People in medieval times often reported being abducted by fairies. Many drawings and artwork of the magical creatures often look similar to ets and greys. all of these creatures, including ets, are interdimensional/transdimensional and do not require bodies as we know them. they live in more dimensions than we consciously do. remember how there are at least 11 dimensions? also, remember how time is an illusion? also, remember how there are countless parallel universes? the earthbound guardian spirits have occupied this planet for more time than we have. they love this planet very much. apparently, all of us do not share this love. we have too many fears to enjoy such simplicity. if you're looking for proof of these creatures, we may never find it in our lifetime, because they are pure conscious energy. and mainstream 'scientists' have already made up their minds. (classic earth is flat ignorance)

there are ways to make contact with the elves, gnomes etc. hang out around plants, in nature, any significant natural place (where 2 or more bodies of water meet, aquifers, places of beauty, places that have never been touched by too many men) and do a little meditation there. turn off your minds chatter and preconceived notions. talk to them. build trust with them. if you feel compelled to go on a sort of mission or adventure, by all means do it. they have much to teach and much knowledge to offer if you want to listen. some people will get visual confirmation, some auditory, some tactile, etc. just give it a chance. be all in for just a second if you can.
no one is going to laugh at you.

Brian Fraud's book fairies is written as if he actually encountered these fantastical beings in the english countryside and beyond. who is to say he was not chosen and/or hardwired in the noggin to actually be able to communicate with them. an open mind will get you very far in this magical world of ours, i assure you it is not delusion. you cant just hold up your emf detectors and dismiss the ethereal realm. just because you cannot see the invisible world, does not mean you cannot make contact with it. theres a lot more science to it than anybody is probably willing to admit also. the science of consciousness is not nearly as studied as it has been in times past. the ancients were very aware of what is just beyond the veil. are we so arrogant to think that our western 'might makes right' attitude towards science will reveal all truths to us?

the fairies, elves, sprites, pixies, gnomes, etc are there! dont let anyone on here tell you otherwise. weve only had these 'advanced' scientific, infallible, electronic, gadgets for what 100 years? youre going to trust them before you trust your own senses? this is one case where science is still playing catch up.

love and light. im not here to debate anyone. just keep an open mind and youll be surprised what you can contact. im telling you this for your own good, im not here to ridicule anyone here. i just want people to expand their mental boundaries.

Nice post! I agree with you... and actually all those 'magical folk' are in fact aliens. They are 'magical' because, unlike humanity, they can work with raw energy and make things happen with their will. We could except the greys, in the process of trying to figure out why they were going extinct and storing their little grey spirits in human bodies in the meantime, found that the other aliens they sucked into the human bodies were going around doing stuff energetically, mucking with their experiments and such, so they genetically blocked the human body's ability to work with raw energy to stop these human's interference. It made us much safer to be around and have around.

And yes, they will be happy to talk to you.. one caution though---make sure you ask your higher self and/or the overarching sentience aka the 'god' energy for protection from those who don't have your or humanity's best interests at heart. There are plenty of alien entities who would gladly lead you astray and not for your own good.
edit on 26-11-2010 by DragonriderGal because: clarity

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 11:23 PM
im not sure the word alien is appropriate, even for ets. why do we call them aliens? because they arent stuck on this sphere with us, bound by our gravity? its all relative. the whole universe is our home, not just this planet. as our timeline goes forward, this will become increasingly apparent. i believe that the faye, etc can come and go as they please, and be at more than one place at the same time. yogi masters know how to do this too. (autobiography of a yogi = great book) sometimes acting in our universes best interests comes before humanity's.

and yes, make sure to contact a higher power before making contact, make sure you are well protected on your journey. even the buddha carried a sword with him through the jungle.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by ToHoldaPigeon
im not sure the word alien is appropriate, even for ets. why do we call them aliens? because they arent stuck on this sphere with us, bound by our gravity? its all relative. the whole universe is our home, not just this planet. as our timeline goes forward, this will become increasingly apparent. i believe that the faye, etc can come and go as they please, and be at more than one place at the same time. yogi masters know how to do this too. (autobiography of a yogi = great book) sometimes acting in our universes best interests comes before humanity's.

and yes, make sure to contact a higher power before making contact, make sure you are well protected on your journey. even the buddha carried a sword with him through the jungle.

I use the term 'alien' because their home world is elsewhere. On their homeworld, we'd be aliens. And us gaining full enlightenment is the highest goal of the overarching sentience of the universe right now. We will be the only species to do this, and it is a critical part of how the universal sentience can create new universes, aka reproduce.

And yes, the quantum physics people have been able to do that one photon in two places at the exact same time thing, so probably on some energy level we humans can do it to. It is all in our ability to control and work with energy on a mental level. But since the energy is rising as we move into this area of space, doing that sort of thing will get easier and easier, from what I see. That is why NOW is different than all the other times people said the world was going to 'end'. This time is for real. Life as we know it will be ending, and a lot better stuff is coming our way, but there will be a bit of a rough patch before we get to it. So, fasten your seat belts, put your seat in the full upright position and hang on (and keep out of the way as the Elven folk come back and kick the NWO bunch off the planet after 2012). We won't have to wonder about the elves for much longer, at least from what I see in the various 'futures' in the racial unconscious.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by DragonriderGal

Originally posted by ChaosMagician
There is a huge difference between not being progressive and...
*snip* bull# on everything you say.

I'm done talking to you. Seriously. I don't care how many times you try to reply.
What you say makes absolutely no difference to me and only furthers my negative opinion of the role you are attempting to fill and I don't intend to needlessly annoy myself. Go amuse yourself with an alt or something. I'm betting you've got plenty.

Wow, guess I hit a big ole' nerve there! What a reactive response! Me thinkst thou does protesth too much! And all that ranting was actually hard to make much sense of, all run together like that. And always, always, always, I am presenting my opinion, because that is all I can present, even as that is all you can present. Any information that is processed thru the human mind and regurgitated out again becomes only that person's opinion of said information, even if a lot of other people hold the same opinion.

I do have to say that it sounds like someone isn't too sure about their spiritual direction and when someone doesn't go along with what they believe, it just sends them willie-nillie into some kind of tail spin attempt to try to defend their position by getting all insulted and 'how dare you...' and so on. *shrug* Hey, whatever. Believe as you like and more power to ya!

The worker greys are very naive, childlike, and the leadership, while a bit more savvy isn't a whole lot better. I know the greys from my dragonrider days when my dragon and I and our pod fought for them, and I've dealt with them on the spirit realm level here in this life as well. They are a very gentle people who had to harden themselves to survive. The leadership of the greys actually do call their worker greys 'the children', plus they aren't even 5 foot tall, so calling them 'little' is an accurate descriptor, not any kind of value judgement, eh?

Too bad you don't understand that whole connection to the racial unconscious thing. If it really is your GUT telling you I'm projecting, fine. I would more suspect your frightened unconscious mind, but hey, your experience, your interpretation, and so, your opinion of where your information is coming from and whether or not it is accurate. You have to live with it, not me.

And being 1/4 native american myself, I was happy to connect to my native heritage and its spiritual beliefs as well. I didn't go on the shaman journey expecting anything... in fact I had no idea I was going to the higher plane, until my spirit guide, Horse, turned on to this cloud like trail and started up. I wasn't at all prepared, but it turned out that was part of how I got the connection. My request to come back when I had what I deemed a sufficiently suitable question is when the old indian fellow said, don't worry about coming back. All you have to do is ask, and we will answer.

And so they have, ever since then. Now if that doesn't fit into your world view, I'm sorry. But it doesn't make it any less real or accurate for me. I know what I know, and I know where I get the information. *shrug* Your limitations aren't mine, and I won't put the box back on my head just because it annoys you and a lot of other people when I won't go with the more comfortable familiar NWO spun versions of the spirit realm level stuff.

And I have NO idea what an 'alt' is. Sorry.

edit on 26-11-2010 by DragonriderGal because: clarity

Just because you backtrack and say this is "always my opinion" doesn't mean you are not pompous and arrogant when you insist it. You don't have open minded conversations. Should I have to remind you that when having a conversation, you shouldn't present your opinions as one sided fact without an open ear to what the other people are saying, then walk off because you believe you can learn nothing from others and learn from only what's in your mind.

If you think I'm unsure about my own spiritual integrity and can't see what I have written as healthy objectiveness concerning spiritual matters, then you did not follow my easy to comprehend post or you, again, are just looking for a way to sound like you know stuff.

Dragon rider days?
Me thinks you ate too much peyote during your shaman journey.
...and I share the common belief that greys are little... I made it clear which is why it IS belittling to keep repeating it.
Get it? "Belittling"... not clear on vocabulary are we?... and you "fought for them" and have clear memory of this? Then why in the world, if you are so lofty in your spiritual integrity are you arguing with people online incessantly and stating opinion as fact? if you are so knowledgeable, then why aren't you out trying to help the people of the world understand all these things? Seems to me that despite all this greatness, you have dropped the ball.

And FYI... I can live with myself just fine, dear. It's pretentious people like you I can't stand... and still you persist in grappling that attention despite me telling you I don't believe your stories now and don't care to see you yet again insist on replying to me. What are doing this for then? Ego? Can you admit that? I supposed you are too spiritually evolved to admit that, right?

If you think knowing your limitations is equal to putting a box on your head... this is just a projection of what you think of anyone who doesn't agree with you is doing. It is your mind trying to belittle the adversity for YOUR fear of being wrong. A person would be wise to understand their limitations. One who understands their limitations stands a much better chance of working around them than the fool who completely ignores them and dives headlong.

Ah, but no need to worry, right? unicorns will catch you, right?

... and you know all these things but have no idea what an "alt" is?

You think just because you tell a lie it makes everything else you say believable?
What kind of psychology is that???
... but at least now I can see the ways in which your character flaws manifested themselves. Someone here likes to make believe... how cute.

If you want to keep on... you just keep on, because despite how annoying you are- I'm starting to get some good laughs out of you.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by 19872012
I know this sounds like a stupid question - but do they? Ive heard reports of skeletons of tiny adult humans being found before.

If they do, what are they? Extraterrestrials? Inter-dimensionals? Maybe a hominid that evolved in a totally different way?

I am not going to go into details but the aliens for some reason are using those fairy tale names in a NWO fashion of knowing each other and telling who's who.But you didnt hear it from me.

harp =harpys
elf= elf communication.

they dont use weopens they use there mind
edit on 27-11-2010 by Immortalgemini527 because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-11-2010 by Immortalgemini527 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 12:08 AM
I have just read that supposedly the human race so destined for greatness is also the one easily genetically altered to prevent them from tapping into their own abilities. It's great to be on both ends of the totem pole at the same time.

and all you have to do is ask and they will talk to you despite the fact that i'm sure there are plenty of people in this world that they don't care to talk to... hence the reason why they don't talk to many people.

I'm going to go click on a little orange X and certain people better not start following me around.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by ChaosMagician
I have just read that supposedly the human race so destined for greatness is also the one easily genetically altered to prevent them from tapping into their own abilities.

Greatest secret ever told.Nov 27th 2010.

The great wonders was built as one big intrument around the world,a intrument that blocks the frequencie to immortality.
A time in which great wonders was solely built by mass telekineses and telepathy.
A time in which every one in the world only spoke through the mind and lifted the heaviest things together by grouped telekinses.
but then,the tree of knowlege was eaten from,and they tricked you humans to talk,and write and draw.
Its funny because writtin and language is classified as a great wonder,well
> I wonder when all this took place?
Language is thought to have originated when early hominids first started cooperating, adapting earlier systems of communication based on expressive signs to include a theory of other minds and shared intentionality.

With syria close to the birth place of the triangle race of aliens, 'Iraq'.It was easy to use egpypt for the great many pyramids it took to block the tune.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by ChaosMagician

Just because you backtrack and say this is "always my opinion" doesn't mean you are not pompous and arrogant when you insist it. You don't have...
*Snip*... you just keep on, because despite how annoying you are- I'm starting to get some good laughs out of you.

Hum... so where's all this 'I'm never gonna respond to you again no matter what you say' stuff from last post??? Me thinks that would indicate some lying on someone else's part, for sure.

I would never ever say I do 'facts', because everything is someone's opinion of data, never a fact, my own included. But I just know what I know, and I speak with the certainty I feel. Now if you mistake that for me saying I have the 'facts', that is hardly my fault. That is your misinterpretation. And drugs have never been an option. I've done an occasional margarita and some ibuprofen on very rare occasions, but with the rising energy that earth is moving into right now, nothing like peyote is required to make the shaman journey successfully.

I also know all this 'mysterious' spiritual stuff is heavily touted aka NWO spun as being soooo vague and 'unknowable' that NO ONE should be able to speak with any kind of certainty at all. Just as the NWO bunch intended. But really if more of us were aware of how basic and simple this spiritual stuff actually is and were able to acknowledge the awareness that we all feel on the unconscious level that the NWO spun version of stuff is really just a bunch of manipulative crap with tiny bits of 'truth' thrown in to make it taste kind of 'true', they'd so lose what little control over us they now have.

They invest a LOT of time, money and manpower in corrupting any spiritual thought form that could free our thinking and awareness and really let us connect to the 'god' energy. They do their darnest to turn it into one of their spun manipulative 'religions', which are never ever about finding the god energy, but more about de-fanging and de-clawing us so we won't rip them to shreds when they manipulate and use and abuse us, as they have been doing over the millinia they've been here trying to own us. That is why all the religious 'thought forms' are always about 'love' and never lifting a finger to harm another even if it means your life.

Now, honestly, what dictator wouldn't love a populace so weak and emotionally disabled?? Sure, trick all the slaves into believing that the evil dictator, for being so abusive, will get his punishment in "Hell" (although it doesn't exist) while the weak unwilling to fight slaves will get their reward in "Heaven" (which doesn't exist either) Wow, the ultimate scam, and sadly way too many people falling for it. Guilt and shame... the go-to emotions for keeping humanity weak and scared. The NWO bunch aren't that bright, but even they can figure stuff out if given enough time, eh?

And reaction formation says what we fear in ourselves is what we hate most in others, Mr. 'pointing a finger at me but has the other 3 pointing back at him'. So guess who else is quite likely an annoying smug whatever else you think I am. *shrug* Great learning opportunity here for you. If you don't like it in me, then you can start working on that very problem in you, eh?

And frankly, I have no idea what the term 'alt' means to you. I personally don't have a meaning for it other than it is a key on my keyboard which comes in handy when I do the sequence to pull up the task manager.

And yeah, the unicorns are real, but they don't have any role with any of the alien societies. They don't do 'protection'. They don't really get involved in any other species stuff. They are simply some of the most beautiful creatures ever to walk the face of this or any other world. The Elves adore them and many of the most beautiful flowers and butterflies and birds were brought here as a lure to get the unicorns to come grace this world with their presence.

And if you can't connect to the racial unconscious or even acknowledge it's influence in your life, you are cut off from a huge source of information. It is like you are walking around with a box on your head, relying solely on what the limited and limiting version NWO bunch tells you is 'real', even as I remember being before I was lucky enough to get the box off my head. But you probably have a sky and grass and what not painted on the inside of it so you think you are actually seeing outside. The NWO bunch have gone to a lot of effort to try to keep you from wondering if there is something more. So much propaganda all designed to keep you from looking too closely and from wondering too much. And you, sadly, aren't alone in your belief that the prettily painted insides of that box are all that exists. *shrug*

Once the elves start digging the NWO bunch out, and we humans start making full enlightenment though, it's not going to be possible to live with that NWO spun version of reality over your head anymore. The box will come off, and you'll have to deal with the shock of not only seeing what is the actual reality, but also with the dismay that you were so easily fooled and led around by the nose. But hey, don't say I didn't warn you.

And if it doesn't happen, well then, I'll reevaluate what I've been shown and figure out if and how I was being led astray. I will certainly acknowledge that awareness as well. But I am pretty darn sure I am getting stuff right out of our human racial unconscious; protected and guided by the overarching sentience of humanity. If that doesn't seem possible to you, well, sorry about that. Boxes can be quite limiting, from my experience.
edit on 27-11-2010 by DragonriderGal because: spelling

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by Artorius
reply to post by 19872012 mo_floresiensis.html

Scientists have found skeletons of a hobbit-like species of human that grew no larger than a three-year-old modern child (See pictures). The tiny humans, who had skulls about the size of grapefruits, lived with pygmy elephants and Komodo dragons on a remote island in Indonesia 18,000 years ago.

Thats just one find theres probably many more...

Why is there probably more? Wouldn't we have probably found more evidence if that were the case?
I'm not saying they don't exist by any means. I'd just like to better understand your "theory of probability," in this case.


posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 05:05 AM
Yeah, just buy a copy of World of Warcraft

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