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Retired and Discharged members called up!

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posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by cccchunt

Originally posted by tiwoh
the people i know who signed up for the army were looking for college money, they never thought they'd be fighting a war for reasons they cant even figure out.

I don't want to get in a P*$$*(^ contest with you. I am also sad to hear your GF is having problems but the line about most of the people you know joining for the College money is a load of crap!!!
With everything that is happening in the world today, the odds are pretty good if you join the military you will be involved in at least one conflict.
You don't go to the ARMY recruiter for College Money, you go to a bank!! Do you think the military gives that money away for nothing??? I'm sure everyone was taught that nothing is free in this world we live in. I'm just sorry more people didn't believe it and have to find out the hard way.
I was a recuiter for the Navy for 4 years. Everyone says they want money for college but that line is pretty much a load of crap also. By the time a kid is 18-19 and through with High School he or she is pretty much fed up with going to school. The bottom line is that they are joining the military to get away from mom and dad and do some partying. Nobody wants to hear that - but it's the honest truth.
Again, I'm truly sorry for the troubles with your friends but they shouldl have known better than to sign up expecting to get a free ride through college......

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 03:50 AM
when i said most of the people i know who joined up did it for college money, that was a FACT, not a load of crap. but i would expect a comment like that from a recruiter. you guys are some of the sleeziest, most dishonest, and desperate people iv met. you guys will say the stupidest things to get a kid to sign thier life away. most 18-19 years olds arnt so sick of school, a lot of them go to college. oh, except the ones who grew up broke as hell. some of the families these poor kids come from arnt educated enough to tell thier kids to get a loan from the bank. and me personal, i cant afford to go to a cheap college, and i dont want to be in debt for years, so i bust my ass in the work force. that got me away from my parents when i was barely 17, i didnt have to join the military to escape. seriously, your points are so off.
my friends joined up over 3 years ago, before the bush admin started these bull# wars. had they seen it coming they wouldnt have done it. but it was recruiters like you who convinced them...and iv heard from 4 different recruiters, one of thier main points of persuasion is college money.

[edit on 6-7-2004 by tiwoh]

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by morven32
, if called would go. It's an honor thing that is not taught much anymore.

Before everyone starts calling me unpatriotic for my views please keep in mind that our military is for defending our homeland...that's why it is called Department of Defense..not department of we dont like how you're running your country so weez gonna invade you,take you outta power and instill our ways of government on you.You think it's honorable to go to another man's home in order to kill him...turn the tables and place yourself in his shoes...would you think him honorable if he was to come to your house and slaughter your children or other family members?Honor is fighting for your home,family,and country(in the event invaders try to take it from you)...I will not go to another man's homeland with the intent of killing another human being because some self-righteous dickhead that thinks god talks to him and tells him to take out people.Now if you come to the U.S. with the intent of killing Americans don't let yourself get into the crosshairs of my scope...fighting for your life,home,family,and freedom is honorable..killing for the rich to become richer is not...You want honor?fight to bring back the freedoms that we as Americans are not so slowly losing...As for the men and women in the armed forces past and present I applaud you for your sacrifices that you have made and will make yet again..all i ask is that you think about what it is you're fighting for..the Rich nothing more

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by Simon_Boudreaux
Before everyone starts calling me unpatriotic for my views please keep in mind that our military is for defending our homeland...that's why it is called Department of Defense..not department of we dont like how you're running your country so weez gonna invade you,take you outta power and instill our ways of government on you.You think it's honorable to go to another man's home in order to kill him...

I understand your concerns, and there's nothing unpatriotic about your opinion!
Defending the 50 States, D.C., Puerto Rico and the other four U.S. territories are the mission of the U.S. Armed Forces. But, defense isn't always that simple.

Take your analogy (which is a good one!). Why would a man, whose only purpose is to defend his home, family, and friends who come to visit, go to another man's house and take him out in defense? Well, the other man in question could be sitting inside his house, using a sniper rifle out a window to shoot him, his family, and his friends as they go check the mail, mow the lawn, etc. Or he could be throwing Molotov cocktails into his front yard, trying to catch his house on fire. "But, he didn't actually go to the man's house, or have any personal contact with his family and friends!" some might say. True... but this other guy is still trying to destroy this man's house and family. What should he do?

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by ThunderCloud

Take your analogy (which is a good one!). Why would a man, whose only purpose is to defend his home, family, and friends who come to visit, go to another man's house and take him out in defense?

Another analogy. Say you are sitting at home, and someone calls you and says the guy across the street is going to kill you, sometime in the future. You go across the street and kill the man, and then find out that the guy who called you was a liar. Now you have the dead man's family coming after you!

I agree that we have to go overseas sometimes, and maybe even do a pre-emptive surgical strike, but the so called 'Bush Doctrine' is killing Americans. Especially since he wanted to invade Iraq as soon as he was elected, using his 'doctrine' as a pretext. LINK

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 03:57 PM
The fact of the matter is: ignoring whether or not the reason is valid, or if this will be a one time thing or one of many fights - if there is going to be a fight, let the fight be on the other guy's property.

Destroy his stuff, his infrastructure, his education system, his health care system, his water and sewage systems, his manufaturing systems, etc.

Not yours.


posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 06:44 PM
very interesting last post. I certainly hope the draft isn't coming.
Wouldn't be surprised if it was, tho; the current administration
doesn't seem to be concerned about the American people - both civilians and military.

This recall is absurd. We haven't caught Bin Laden but thousands
more Americans should be sent off to "help" the Iraqis when they
toss bombs at us? Please. This country should be up in arms about this.
That there hasn't been a unified protest - on a mass scale, with both republicans and democrats participating - is rediculous.

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 06:17 AM
Thank you for your comments

I agree that if you have a real threat(one that can be verified anyway)then by all means strike first...just strike the one making the threat...If Saddam was a threat then we have special forces teams in every branch of the military(I'm not sure about the Airforce someone clue me in?)that could have takin just Saddam and his cronies out without all the mess..

But this thread is about a different subject so lets get back on that.I don't understand why if Iraq is now free and having it's own government we feel the need to send more troops there instead of working on bringing them home.Atleast bring them home for awhile until Bush sends them out on the next stop on his roadmap to peace.These men and women have lives,jobs,and families the Government should leave them be.

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by bushblows
This country should be up in arms about this.
That there hasn't been a unified protest - on a mass scale, with both republicans and democrats participating - is rediculous.

Have you seen what happens when we protest in this country anymore?Just take a look at the FTAA protest in Miami back in 2003

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 06:54 AM
we have to send more troops to iraq because things are getting worse there. this transition of power is all political, and these politics dont effect civilian much life in iraq. we have created an active volcano of terrorists in iraq. it will take an increasing amount of troops, as our enemy gains more followers. Whenever we drop a bomb that kills civilians, we make more enemies. its a vicious cycle, america should be the mature one and stop this stupid war on terror.
how do we win? we dont know who they are, and when we do, we cant find them, then if we do, we can hardly ever try them! have we really gained any ground here?
we should stop calling up troops now, cause no amount of u.s. troops can win "the war on terror". its endless.

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