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My plea to ATS and the only prediction I will ever make.

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posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by Zagari

If something were to happen on November 14th I would probably say Web Bot is worth a second look. Considering Web Bot is the only "predictor" that has pin pointed this date. The Simpson's did not choose the 14th as a date for anything. The date selected on that thread is 11-6-2010. So if something were to happen on the 14th, I would say Web Bot is worth another look, but I wont hold my breathe. Nothing else Web Bot "predicted" has come true so their track record is very questionable.

Lets look at Web Bot shall we?

This is all from this web bot thread which is "quoting" web bot predictions from 2009. In it we see...

Earth Changes -- The cause is not yet clear, but predicted changes to the environment around us include a major increase in the number and strength of earthquakes; new lands being formed; and noteworthy "coastal events" over much of the planet. Sea level rise is thought to be a major part of this and may be a factor in a prediction that up to 200 million people in the US may eventually be forced to relocate.

Obviously it has not happened. but the poster was attempting to say Web Bot predicted the Gulf Oil Spill and the results of the oil spill back in 2009.

However this web bot prediction is very interpretive. Earth changes occur every year. We see it all the time. It has been happening for billions of years. This planet has seen earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, nuclear detonation, ice ages, comet/asteroid impacts, volcanic eruptions, land masses rising and falling so to say there will be earth changes is a bit of no brainer, wouldnt you say?

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by MakeSoap

haha that made my day thanks!!!

I completely agree w. the OP. The trend is scary. The flags, they mean nothing it's obvious, I even suspect some are starring their on own posts.
I personally refuse to be drawn to stupid and pointless polemics just because somebody is in desperate need of my attention. ATS has turned into a kindergarden over the past few days, and I have no time babysitting people, sorry

edit on 8-11-2010 by SeelenJaeger because: grammar

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by Peloquin
reply to post by MrWendal

Hell, sorry, but did you or any other person that critizises us who flagged that "Simpson"-thread watch the entire video in the OP (

It's not easy for me to explain what I think, becaue english isn't my first language. I'm from good ole Germany, and I can tell you, that history teached my people a lesson, that (hopefully) we won't ever forget. (What do you believe, of whom the Bush-regime and their agencies got their ideas from?)

Do you know what the most scarying thing really is?

That people laugh on other people who take a serious look on prophecies of any kind because of this really unsettling feeling deep inside of them. And that those laughing people in fact don't see, what's so obvious: That you don't need any prophecies to know, that this world is on it's express highway to hell...

Don't laugh on us. Because it may be, that finally we'll be the ones that will laugh. Though it may be a bitter laugh...

edit on 8/11/10 by Peloquin because: (no reason given)

edit on 8/11/10 by Peloquin because: (no reason given)

Well spoken! Better than some spellings on avatars lately! LOL Mods I tried to shorten his quote in places, sorry.
You, Mr brave soul, have said a mouth full! Everything's coming to a head, just slower than most virtual reality gamers and insta grads would like. But I would like to add the games our children and loved ones are playing. How about the one where Washington DC and other cities were nuked? There are so many scenarios like this in mainstream consciousness that it will spill back something - even if it isn't huge.
Oh and OP - most want not to be the "first" with the news because no one wants this scoop buddy. But how about the flip side of that? Didn't Penn and Teller come forward one day saying "if you had a prediction and didn't bother to stop what happened on that day then you are just as guilty." Prediction chasing is not going away because you don't have the stomach for it. But I'd be willing to star you if you personally write to the Fed Chair
Bernacke and tell him what you think about predictions. He does predictions every single day - with our money!

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by gaurdian2012

Please go back through this thread and highlight the portion where I suggested that these types of threads should be "banned".

With the changes here at ATS in the way threads gain attention, I think it is our responsibility to change the way we flag threads. Allow the cream to rise to the top and let the silliness fall to the wayside. That is a far cry from "banning" any type of post. So find where I call for banning prediction threads, but I wont be waiting for your evidence, simply because you won't find it.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by Peloquin

Yes I did watch the video in the OP of the the thread you question. You can find my reply HERE on page 8 of that thread.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by MrWendal

Exactly who are you to deem what’s silly exactly? Its people like you that try to influence what we can and cannot recommend that are far more dangerous to a site like this then some user posting his thoughts on a prediction.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by MrWendal

With the changes here at ATS in the way threads gain attention, I think it is our responsibility to change the way we flag threads. Allow the cream to rise to the top and let the silliness fall to the wayside. That is a far cry from "banning" any type of post. So find where I call for banning prediction threads, but I wont be waiting for your evidence, simply because you won't find it.

Ahh, now I see the proof of your OP.
This thread has risen to the top and I see no cream in it whatsoever, just a personal rant and a slight bout of flag envy.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07
Yes it gets tiring after a while but what can you do when people are out to get you? I am not being paranoid for the sake of being paranoid, its just the nature of the beast, is it not? You think the world is based on fairness, good deeds, living comfortable, nothing bad ever happening?? Haha thats naive even for people that never visit conspiracy sites let alone what the NWO has in place for us. Its not even an american conspiracy per say, its a worldwide conspiracy; doing a quick search with any decent search engine will yield many thousands of NWO threads from across the globe...many not even in english!

I cannot begin to list every single threat possed to humanity and nature. It would take me pages upon pages and still some people would laugh away as though my comments were meant to be funny, when clearly they were not. It takes time to understand because it takes time to do the necessary research. Most people that dish you out either don't have the time to do REAL RESEARCH or simply don't care enough to bother. Its all about them because they think the world revolves around them and their actions.

I rather have 100 failed predictions then braindead people believing whatever yahoo news tells them to believe.. If ATS is too much for you then your probably wasting your time and our time in having to respond to your poorly thought out comments. The status quo keeps pounding away on insanity as though it is a mental illness, when clearly its THE SYSTEM ITSELF that is sick. I bet this will go over your head because clearly if you have to start a thread to complain about predictions then clearly you lack the necessary background to understand how the world truely works.

PS: My comments are meant for the OP and people who think in a simillar fashion..........

Clearly, you didn't read everything here did you? My complaint is not with "prediction" thread per say, it is with the way that threads now garner attention here at the site since the new changes. As a result of those changes, I am suggesting we, as a community, change the way we flag threads. Previous to these changes flagging was not as important to have a thread go to the top of the boards. Participation and Activity of the thread was, not just flags. Clearly you lack the necessary background to understand how the written language works cause this is something I have stated numerous times in this thread.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by MrWendal

AHEM...Timewave Zero indicated November 14th 2010 FIRST, THAN the webbot...
Don't confuse the facts...
And people think Timewave Zero has to do with November 6...WRONG!

NOVEMBER 14TH is of Timewave, Webbot copied from it...That's it

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by Xterrain
You took the words out of my mouth...and in a much more thorough way than I would have put it, but thank you. This BS needs to stop and the FEAR MONGERING of ATS users by users is something the mods should be banning member for.

So basically you are saying that everything on ATS is BS and the site should be shut down?
Why are you people on this site if this site to you is BS? And yes I feel that is a very fair question!
This site is about ALTERNATIVE news and resources and not the general MSM stuff. If you want MSM why not go turn on your television and get off the site?
Since when is UFO's a FACT? Dreams? Anything a person of faith has to say - fact?
I think the OP misses the point of this site and anyone who stars/flags him does as well.
A site owner put it best when he said:

"2. Remember that this IS a discussion forum (not the House of Facts that are proven), act like a Grown Up and POLITELY offer your opinion of the video (if you don't have the PROOF it's a fake then all you DO have is your opinion which is no more fabulous than anyone else's) and then DROP IT or go FIND THE PROOF it's fake and alert me (or any Super Mod/ admin) so we can move it to the HOAX forum "

Posted with many stars here!

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 07:46 PM
Ludicrous thread on a conspiracy site, imagine if someone had told Nostradamus to stop coming out with predictions. We might as well close Above Top Secret altogether with this kind of attitude.

I don't read Alien threads or Reptilian threads, I'm not interested in them, but I'm more than happy for other people to discuss what they are interested in.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by Zagari
reply to post by MrWendal

AHEM...Timewave Zero indicated November 14th 2010 FIRST, THAN the webbot...
Don't confuse the facts...
And people think Timewave Zero has to do with November 6...WRONG!

NOVEMBER 14TH is of Timewave, Webbot copied from it...That's it

And which computer program predicted this date first is valid in what way? Talk about missing the whole point

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 07:51 PM
What bothers me most is that just days ago, I predicted someone might make a thread about this. I didn't need the Easter Bunny to tell me, but, I wonder, have there been other threads like this where someone was tired of all the predictions?

What this indicates is an insatiable need for there to be a looming death date. For some reason, all of humanity, in one form or another, seems to relish the impending doom of nothing more than a numbers game. This is not new, neither is selling books or videos that indicate the doom to come. Cleverer are the authors, as, I'm sure, they will include a "back door" statement that allows for there to be a change in the doom setting.

A good example would be something such as "All the world's volcanoes will erupt on this date UNLESS. . ." and if they never do erupt, then the "unless" obviously occurred.

Now I am bored with this response.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 08:01 PM
Has anyone ever fully explained how Web-Bot went from predicting trends in the stock market to predicting actual, physical happenings...what data from 1998-2005 that is all man-made could possibly formulate a glimpse of future events

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by MrWendal

Are we on November 15th already? Clearly not.
So, how can you debunk a date if it DIDN'T happened YET?

People that tell other people " Nothing --- is going --- to happen " are doing a prediction too.

And, anyway, you writing that Webbot is the only one program that has pin pointed November 14th clearly shows you don't know enough about Timewave Zero to debunk it.
You don't even know Timewave dates, how can you debunk them?

I think Timewave zero got the economic collapse of 2008 right to the precise hour...
There is a thread about it..." Just Listen: September 2008 " go search for it...
The prediction was totally right and made in July.

Now THAT was a hit.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by MrWendal

So you know what I'm talking about
, and, as far as I can read, you share my "astonishment" regarding the "Lone Gunmen"-episode. I wouldn't ever have heard about that, if that thread wouldn't have been flagged that much. And it was that episode, that lead me to the decision to flag that whole thread - to make other people aware of those "Lone Gunmen"-scenes contained in the OP's video, and further to express my believe, that now everything is possible - even that the makers of the "Simpsons" may know something about coming false flag operations and try to warn us.

By the way, of all the things that came from America to us, we find the "Simpsons" to be some of the more intelligent stuff. "The Simpsons" aren't stupid. Much more, they're a very intelligent reflection of our western world's Zeitgeist.

Second - did you know, that George H. W. Bush had some great dissent with the Simpsons?

Look at this:

I bet, in the old days of my nation, in the times of Hitler, Matt Groening would have been sent to a concentration camp because of his "Degenerate art". (

And I bet, George H. W. Bush would have done it like Hitler, if he'd been able to, but the times, they changed, didn't they?

History is a funny thing. It repeats itself, over and over again. And the even funnier thing is, that most people don't realize it...

Keep your eyes and ears open, and don't laugh upon a funny fat yellow guy in your TV, because he might be the only one to tell you the nasty truth...

edit on 8/11/10 by Peloquin because: (no reason given)

edit on 8/11/10 by Peloquin because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by MrWendal

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07
Yes it gets tiring after a while but what can you do when people are out to get you? I am not being paranoid for the sake of being paranoid, its just the nature of the beast, is it not? You think the world is based on fairness, good deeds, living comfortable, nothing bad ever happening?? Haha thats naive even for people that never visit conspiracy sites let alone what the NWO has in place for us. Its not even an american conspiracy per say, its a worldwide conspiracy; doing a quick search with any decent search engine will yield many thousands of NWO threads from across the globe...many not even in english!

I cannot begin to list every single threat possed to humanity and nature. It would take me pages upon pages and still some people would laugh away as though my comments were meant to be funny, when clearly they were not. It takes time to understand because it takes time to do the necessary research. Most people that dish you out either don't have the time to do REAL RESEARCH or simply don't care enough to bother. Its all about them because they think the world revolves around them and their actions.

I rather have 100 failed predictions then braindead people believing whatever yahoo news tells them to believe.. If ATS is too much for you then your probably wasting your time and our time in having to respond to your poorly thought out comments. The status quo keeps pounding away on insanity as though it is a mental illness, when clearly its THE SYSTEM ITSELF that is sick. I bet this will go over your head because clearly if you have to start a thread to complain about predictions then clearly you lack the necessary background to understand how the world truely works.

PS: My comments are meant for the OP and people who think in a simillar fashion..........

Clearly, you didn't read everything here did you? My complaint is not with "prediction" thread per say, it is with the way that threads now garner attention here at the site since the new changes. As a result of those changes, I am suggesting we, as a community, change the way we flag threads. Previous to these changes flagging was not as important to have a thread go to the top of the boards. Participation and Activity of the thread was, not just flags. Clearly you lack the necessary background to understand how the written language works cause this is something I have stated numerous times in this thread.

Right so I have to read all nine pages just to reply to your thread? You gotta be kidding me....

And since you bring up the flagging system I will say I see nothing wrong with it. People have a tendency of blaming irrellevant things when they want to obscure certain topics from reaching the lime-light. Maybe this in itself is a conspiracy?

Funny you should mention this cause YouTube has a way of limiting popularity to anything that has the potential of threatening the status-quo. People who have been here a while know EXACTLY what I talking about and have seen it with their own two eyes. So what were you saying?....maybe your a spook?

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by MrWendal

My answer. to MrWendal and its a good prediction.

I agree, I hope we all learned a lesson when it comes to flagging. One day something big is going to happen and were all just going to blow it off, because after Elvis, nothing comes close. On a serious note: What he said makes since. We should stop and reflect. ok we did that! Get serious people, how are we going to Collabarate on all these topics and try and solve some of these strange and wierd things if were all getting hyper over little things such as the earth coming to and end because of some dumb false flag scenerio
You rock! Say hi to Elvis and tell him michael wants to Play too.
That is called sarcasm I think?

The point is:
He is right even if i make fun of it. I am on here to learn and solve. It is crazy to flag when you can just subscripe and enjoy all the smart people that are on ATS. I learn something in every thread I read, and come away wondering even more and looking for answers every where. Be more Positive and less annoying like I was and lets see how much we can learn and solve. GOOD JOB MRWENDAL.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

your microencephalitic avatar is disturbing. about timewave zero...

There is a large amount of misinformation on the web concerning Timewave Zero. This CD-ROM is the primary and most complete source for accurate and reliable information on this subject. Any claim made on any website about Timewave Zero which is not supported by what is on this CD-ROM is probably not true.

does anyone own this software, or want to point me in the direction of a thread wherein someone has actually used this software?

I've heard the theory and looked into it..the guy sounds pretty smart but psychotropic drugs can play havoc on even the strongest mind.

McKenna discusses the repercussions of our collective approach to Timewave Zero and how psychedelics can be used to condition ourselves for our upcoming move into of the body of eternity and out of three-dimensional time and space.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by Asherah

Take a break and come back perhaps. It's threads like these that remind me of when my parents used to tell me "you're not really seeing spirits", "you're not really hearing them", "stop talking about this!". So eventually I did.
No one should shut down just because someone doesn't believe in you or like what you say. That goes for both sides. Everyone has something to offer.

Long live the prophecy forum!

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