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TO ALL HUMANS, the time has come to take back our world! FULL DISCLOSURE!

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posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 08:04 PM
I am back, and I must say wow, this defiantly brought a lot of people into this topic. Now there are some believers and non believers too, even some think it is a joke. This is great, I was not expecting such a huge response, but it did do exactly what I wanted, and that was to get all of you the skeptics and believers and even the Confused all in one place. I had to pick a topic which was going to get you all to come into one place. I must give Xiphias a big thank you, for keeping this thread alive, and keeping you people, trying to figure out just what is going on here. He of course does not know either, so no point in asking him, what is really going on.

Now first, No one has even questioned the FULL DISCLOSURE? If you have not read my signature, look at what it says, besides, believe what you want to believe because this is what will keep you strong, But I also added Question Everything? But yet No one has questioned the FULL DISCLOSURE? Why? I wrote it in capital letters? See one thing I have learned from everyone, is that people only see what they want to see. Within that whole story I used to get you in here, I did not even give you FULL DISCLOSURE. I gave you a story that nearly everyone of you had heard before. Now some of you picked up on this, but some of you did not. There was some truths behind what I was saying, and there was some false information. Now for those who did not pick up on this false information, This is not your fault, so do not think it is. You have merely conditioned yourself this way, as for those who picked out the false information, You have also conditioned your self this way to find the faults. Those who were confused, you are the smartest and wisest of all. Only because you new something was not quite right in what I was saying, And you picked out some things that were true and some that were not, which obviously left you confused.

Now let's move on to the FULL DISCLOSURE. First what is the consciousness? I will give you my answer what it is, in case you do not know. The consciousness is the awareness of being aware. When you notice yourself noticing something, this is when you have just experienced your consciousness. Now we have that understanding out the way I can move on.

Have you ever wondered in your life, that there is far more to life than what we just see in front of us and around us. Now this is where you need to become aware of what is around us and in front of us. And not to just look at what is in front of us and around us, but look behind of that. This is where you will become the ultimate observer. What we focus on the most in our lives is what the consciousness becomes aware of. So for example, if I were to focus on aliens, and aliens only, then I will start seeing aliens. But I do not focus on this of course, my focus is now on what is behind what I am focusing on. Of course this will take you some time to reach where I am, It just depends on how quickly you pick up on what I am saying. There are video's I have focused upon to help people see what I am talking about. The best two I can give you for now is The Secret, but when watching this, do not listen to the money aspect, I do not know why that was put in there, but I assure you I did not focus on that to be in it. But the rest I did. I even focused on another for the really smart people out there, to explain it in there terms, and not simple terms like the secret. this one is called What The Bleep Do We Know?
So if you are smart then this video would be best to watch as it has more to do with the physics of how this works, But the secret is there for every average person to understand.

Now what I will say next is going to be you choice on what you want to do. I have given clues mind you, in my other threads like Is this a dream or vision? Or even in my Intro page Keepingaopenmind. Now I have tried to put this on many of time, of what is really going on behind of what we are aware of, but every time I keep trying to do this, Either my internet crashes right at the time I go to send it, or I have even had my whole computer crash when going to post it also. And this has happened quite a few time's. So maybe I should do it the right way this time, And ask you people whether you want to hear what I have got to say or not? I will tel you though, for some of you it will come quite a shock, but some of you will already have a feeling of knowing this. So The only thing I can do is give you guys the option, I will leave this thread for 1 day, and tally up the yes or no's. This will determine on whether you want to know or not. See it's all about choices, Now I am leaving the choice up to you. I will be back in 24 hours, to see your responses.

Much love and peace to you all


posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by keepingaopenmind

hi ya
can you prove any of this ????
do you have any sources??
please dont say you just know

and when you say humans were here first....... what about the dinosaurs???
Were they not reptiles??

Heres an interesting thought.... what if the dinosaurs evolved into the reptilians.... its possible and that would explain thier advancement...
or mybe i took the super mario movie too seriously..

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 08:26 PM
Lizards have four legs!

They will need all of them when there getting shafted from behind by MAN, stay hiding in that hole you don't want none of this,

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 09:00 PM
I just looked out my window and could see hundreds of lizards walking down the road, and all are carrying suitcases. They must have got the message and are heading back to where they came from. Don't believe me? Call NASA and try booking a flight on the next shuttle. You will be told all seats are reserved for reptiles only. Wow!...This incredible!...I looked out again and just seen Mr. Anole and his family walk by, followed by a certain Geko with his family also. There's even Sammy Snake from the Garden of Eden!

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by xiphias

Originally posted by rusethorcain
There are only really 2 natures of human on the planet.

Yes, your body has a mind of its own, and can even operate without your assistance.

Hi xiphias,

Would you mind expanding your thoughts on this matter? What specific operations of the body-mind are you referring to?

Thank you!


posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by redoubt
One of the best posts I`ve read in a while. I`ve wanted discloser for a long time but lately the thought of it sends a chill down my spine. I believe that trueth really is stranger than fiction. Once you let the cat outa`the hat there`s no turnin`back.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by keepingaopenmind

Ok OP, I'm waiting for your incredible story.
Let's c what you got.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 09:42 PM
Right. I have type O- blood. According to some this either makes me a Reptilian, A General Alien, or conversely - of some "royal and mystic" bloodline.

OK. My only question is: how do I get in on "the goodies"?

Is there paperwork to fill out?

I'm thinking that either a UFO is supposed to come get me or I'm destined to be among "The Illuminati" or something.


How do we get this process started? Is there a form to fill out or something?

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by windwaker
The title of Lil' Wayne's new album is "I Am Not A Human Being"

Isn't he Illuminati also?

Everyone knows Lil Wayne is a martian.

Jay-Z, Kanye West, and Jack Black are the Illuminati, remember?

Originally posted by Whiffer Nippets
Is there paperwork to fill out?

Yes. It takes about 30 minutes to fill out.

Originally posted by Whiffer Nippets
I'm thinking that either a UFO is supposed to come get me or I'm destined to be among "The Illuminati" or something.

Whatever you do, don't drink the Kool Aid.

Originally posted by Whiffer Nippets
How do we get this process started? Is there a form to fill out or something?

Aum. Zzz.
edit on 8-11-2010 by xiphias because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 10:12 PM
I am very keen for you to explain the big picture to me and the intricacies involved, as then i can truly know the truth of all, then i can decide what i want to truly value and in which direction i should head! so you have a YES from me!!!

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 10:15 PM
I honestly have to say, i think your nuts dude, no offence at all. BUt seriously think about that for one minute, have you been watching too many alien movies on drugs?

Seriously i just wasted my time reading this, and i honestly want my time back, repiltians dont exist, but you know what does? MENTAL DISORDERS!!! I bet you are calling me a disinfo agent or a reptlie, really man like come on.

I bet you see conspiracies everywhere you go, and you hear voices im guessing, or do you just shift in personality? (no alien pun intended) ATS is littered with this type of magical thinking.

You know where magical thinking takes us? believeing one of us is aliens and just go on a rampage, i bet you are hoping your ats buddies come running in your apartment, saying "lets start the revolution" I seriously dont know why i waste my time on this site anymore, it is pointless and full of crazies, real intellgence is hard to find these days apperntly.

Anyway all i am saying is, talk to a doctor, you only know what your brain is telling you, and if there is a chemical imbalance you,yourself will not know of it, and act accordingly. also your heart isnt that big, get over yourself "human" refering yourself as if you werent one, thats how i know you are unstable one way or another.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by keepingaopenmind
I must give Xiphias a big thank you, for keeping this thread alive, and keeping you people, trying to figure out just what is going on here. He of course does not know either, so no point in asking him, what is really going on.

Well, you said full disclosure.

Just thought this thread should live up to its title.

(Kidding, of course.)

(Or am I?)


edit on 8-11-2010 by xiphias because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by rusethorcain
reply to post by keepingaopenmind

I feel ya Ricky.

People will say "You lost me at reptiles." You didn't lose me.

There are only really 2 natures of human on the planet.

Forget about gender, race, religion, geographical location on the earth, age, era lived or ideology.
You can get along with and trust a person regardless of what any of these differences are.

The pertinent information
regarding the person standing in front of you
at any given moment is

or Cold blooded?

All of us have creatures we tend to emulate, bring to mind, characterize...
because they are in our nature. The lion, the wolf, the rabbit. The lizard.
Here's what I like to call the old family photos/ nana and gramps, before they split up.

All of us embody certain elements of all the creatures that we were before we made the leap to humans. Some refused to release aspects of unique gene codes. No I can't back this up with scientific evidence but I think one day we will be able to.
Affinities is the only way I can describe what must have happened in our evolution. Some animal and reptile affinities stuck while others were shed among individuals.
Others say we are genetically modified earth creatures and if so I think a degree of reptilian gene was allowed to remain in some hybrid humans, perhaps for some deliberate purpose... like weatherizing!

Many religions, pre-history, Sumerian texts etc try and describe these "two sorts" of human as two very different brothers of the same father-God. Almost every story plays two diametrically opposed rivals against each other.
Are you Seth or are you Cain?

One is more a mix with

Or perhaps a

or even a

Other people are more of a mix with something like


Sure a lion can and will eat you but they are able to learn new ways.
They are still warm blooded.

Conversely, You will never catch anyone snuggling with a gator. Never.

Some people hide it well but, the shark or the gator... is their inner nature.

If all humans were compassionate, loving and cared for their young as mammals do we would live in a very different world. It is the nature of reptiles living here, to abandon their young, push their own children out or leave them, beat them, have no real feeling or care for anyone other than themselves. They are the liars, bullies, the predators among us - touting their domination and taking pride in body counts alone.
They employ addiction and misfortune as a tool and rely on human frailty, suffering, heartbreak to make a buck. They live most of their lives engaged in no pursuits to improve human kind They only kill, mate and eat.

I see them all the time. Everywhere.
Ask just a few questions and you can tell if someone is cold blooded or warm.
The warm bloods are usually so naive, unsuspecting they walk right into the open mouths of reptiles.
We are unceremoniously "lunch" for the coldblooded.
There was the outcry over the word "empathy" recently.
That news event outed a whole pod of them. Very negative energies.

Believe it or not.

edit on 8-11-2010 by rusethorcain because: (no reason given)

Hi rusethorcain,

Facinating idea you've got going here! You get an A+ for artistic creativity and logic and presentation, etc.
Please consider starting your own thread on this topic.

How about we add one more "nature" to humans on Planet Earth?

1) Warm-blooded 2) Cold-blooded and 3) Exceptions ???

Some animals do not fall neatly into the categories of being warm or cold-blooded. Bats, for example, are mammals who cannot maintain a constant body temperature and cool off when they are not active. Echidnas maintain a range of body temperatures which usually lies between 77 and 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit and have difficulty cooling down. Mole Rats are another group of mammals who are unable to regulate their body temperature, however, since they live underground, the temperature of their environment does not change much. Some warm-blooded animals, such as bears, groundhogs, gophers and bats hibernate during the cold winter. During hibernation these animals live off of stored body fat and can drop their body temperatures by as much as 50 degrees Fahrenheit. The Hawk Moth is an insect which can raise its body temperature well above the temperature of its surroundings when it is flying because of its huge wing muscles which generate heat when in use. Bees are another example of insects that can raise their body temperatures above that of their environment by moving their wings rapidly to generate heat.

Warm and Cold-Blooded

As far as how who got what way I'd say that, sure, if souls are able to incarnate or reincarnate as animals as well as Humans and Reptilians (if said Reptilian has received a soul matrix?) then common sense follows that I could contain remnants of a lion-soul. That is very possible. Then there's hybridization through breeding, which I believe would be a result of Bestiality.

Then there's, of course, abduction by Grays, etc. Funny, I've heard that they have a serious fetish and preoccupation with the Human sex organs. Hmmm. I wonder why. Either they're using organisms to keep the time or maybe just maybe they're uhm... breeding hybrids like uhm Human-Reptilians?

Anyway I doubt a Reptilian is going to just walk up to someone and say, "Hi my name is Rex. What's yours? I am a cold-blooded Human-Reptilian. What are you? Here's my proof (points to a red button on his utility belt). Where's your proof? Do you need to go to a doctor and get checked? Can I have access to your medical records. please?"

Like OK. :p

Stay Tuned,


posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by Antoniastar

How about we add one more "nature" to humans on Planet Earth?

1) Warm-blooded 2) Cold-blooded and 3) Exceptions ???

3) Chlorophyll-blooded
4) Warm-blooded with cold-blooded cognition
5) Warm-blooded with chlorophyll-blooded cognition?

edit on 8-11-2010 by xiphias because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by keepingaopenmind

Hi Ricky,

The topic of Reptilians (not reptiles) is a complex one. None the less I find it compelling and continue to look for answers in connections with these elusive creatures.

Being cold-blooded is OK for animals but for genetically-challenged Humans, (Reptilians that appear Human on the outside) it can be a big problem. When we start mixing species there are a new set of scientific as well as spiritual answers that need questions.

Therefore I feel that this is where a major clash arises: Warm-blooded Humans vs. Cold-blooded Humans. But where do the Exceptions fit into the picture? Depends.

I believe that entities that are not from Planet Earth are the ones that hybridized some Humans on Earth and still, to this day, run the show behind the curtain, so to speak. So that's where mind-control comes in and then there's shape shifting ability and soul matrix'. So on and so on.

Being able to spot a Reptilian, I think, is also, to an extent, dependent on the observer/interpretor. Some are simply more sensitive and/or knowledgeable to their surroundings, to cues and to human nature than others.

Yes, I agree, spirit has much to do with deciphering the difference between Human and Reptilian. I think here is where honest-to-goodness Reptilian Finders could learn to discern one from the other, but first I think it important to clearly define what "spirit" means and what "soul" means, etc.

Anyway I think that Humans as they are originally designed to be are in danger of extinction. And Reptilians, Human-reptilians, Reptilian-Humans, Grays, Anunniki and Humans can be cold-blooded, either lterally or figuratvely and some have an agenda to replace full-blooded Human Beings with their own version of Human. There won't be any true Humans left if it keeps up at the present pace.

I have questions. How many true Humans are left to care about saving themselves for the sake of the race as a whole? And who's counting?

Things are not always as they seem,


edit on 8-11-2010 by Antoniastar because: I boo-boo-ed.

edit on 8-11-2010 by Antoniastar because: I forgot something important.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 10:28 PM
Love &Piece huh? unless god himself comes down, and smites the oppressors who have owned this planet for over 6000 years op, there will never be this utopian world you speak about, freedom comes from the minds of men and women in standing up against oppresion, kinda like the vietnamese, or the United States founding fathers back in 1775 when it took bloodshed. So if your asking me to just wait for this utopian world you might as well get your self a prozac, as the people in charge love to hear your passive words, and to me its just one more ghandi approach that can never be reached, which always is succeeded with a bullet in the back of the head

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by xiphias

Originally posted by Antoniastar

How about we add one more "nature" to humans on Planet Earth?

1) Warm-blooded 2) Cold-blooded and 3) Exceptions ???

3) Chlorophyll-blooded
4) Warm-blooded with cold-blooded cognition
5) Warm-blooded with chlorophyll-blooded cognition?

edit on 8-11-2010 by xiphias because: (no reason given)

Thank you very much xiphias! Very kool. Do you by any chance work in a lab? I'm really not sure what cognition has to doo with blood but I am open to suggestions.

edit on 8-11-2010 by Antoniastar because: too many emoticons.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by keepingaopenmind

Selurians are back? we need the Doctor!

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

I logged in just to say thank you for that.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by allprowolfy

Hi allprowolfy,

Yes we must take a stand, even unto death. Nothing can kill the Human Spirit. We come back and sometimes we come back stronger than before. Death is a doorway, it is not the end.

But a Spirit without love for a long enough time will die. Forever. Love is vital to the Human Spirit.

Want to know the power of love? Check this out! Water has memory. "The structure of water is much more important than the chemical composition of water." The structure of water is like a nervous system.

We don't have to go quietly into the night. Love is not just some woo-woo concept.

Love is a Super Power and peace is the result.


edit on 8-11-2010 by Antoniastar because: I spaced capping 'Spirit'.

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