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The Interent is a "bubble" waiting to burst.... do not trust... how much longer will it last?

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posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 04:41 AM
The Interent is a "bubble" waiting to burst.... do not trust... how much longer will it last?

I wonder how many people have opened businesses in the "interent boom days" (2000-2007) made money? and now... everyone give your comments... Is ANYONE making money on start up businesses on the internet? If so, how much do you invest? what is being sold?

I have heard that Internet businesses and purchases are down for many (not all) items.

IMHO... the Interent is a needed form of communicaton/entertainment/banking... sadly, this too, will be a "bubble" that will pop or be raided by the government....There is a KILL switch you know......

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by bluestar.ranch

The internet bubble already burst. There were a lot of big startups back in the day like Google, but like 99 percent of new sites never make money. Most people putting up new sites just do it for fun or for a hobby and the good thing about the net is that it's cheap enough to run a server or two or get hosting for just a hobby if you want.

It's like $15 a month and my friend sells hosting and I get it at a discount from him for $5 a month. So even though it doesn't make any money, oh well, it's only $5 a month to run a site on your own domain, why not? So you're still going to be seeing new sites/blogs on the net all the time.

Some think maybe they'll make just a little bit of income from ad revenue or someone will buy them out, but if they don't, oh well no big deal.

Very rarely are there new startups that go big like Facebook, but even big sites like Facebook and Twitter aren't really making money. Like right now BIG sites like Youtube, Twitter, and Reddit are all in the red actually I think. Losing money as we speak. But it's cheap just to get started so even if most fail, someone else is going to keep trying.

If you have to start buying more servers then that's usually when your site is getting lots of users, so if it's getting popular you can usually sell enough ad revenue off those new users to at least pay for the servers/hosting. You may still not be making money, but oh well, at least it's still going.

If you start to get a LOT of users some other media company will probably get interested and buy it from you and try to turn a profit on it. While most don't make a profit, a few do, and so some companies are still buying smaller sites thinking this might be the one! And sometimes it is. There are still people/companies making a lot of money off the net. Even if that's the exception and not the rule it's still a pretty large financial sector once you add up all the profit that is being made cause it's so cheap to start.

But since it's so easy to pop up a site and say, well maybe this will be the one! You'll still see new crap popping up all the time and the Internet won't die, it just won't necessarily turn a profit. Now regular businesses, if they don't turn a profit they get shut down, but that's usually not the case for an internet business. You can keep an internet business going pretty much indefinitely in the red if you have to and want to. So the nets not really dead, it's just harder to get big now, but you don't really have to get big to keep it going.

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