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Things that I was given and showen through my life.

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posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

Well, thanks for the feedback. I was barely able to get any info on them. I could only find some info on "blue" extraterrestrials in Hopi myth/folklore, but they describe them as shorter in stature.

The picture you provided looks pretty much like a blue Grey (save for the differentiating features you noted, such as the nose).

Anyways, I did a drawing of the one I met. It looked like this:

The curious thing is that one of its most distinguishing features (to me) was its fin-like hand with apparently no fingers, which at the same time gave me the feeling of them being somewhat aquatic in nature.

It doesn't seem we're talking about the same entities.
What do you think...?

edit on 14-11-2010 by RKallisti because: Additions.

edit on 14-11-2010 by RKallisti because: Corrections.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by RKallisti

Dear RKallisti

Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! now that is interesting you actually met the same being of the same race. However, as I was told the Blue Guys actually do occupy a planet with a water world, thus it is interesting that you met these beings they are indeed the aquatic race that occupies the planet. So I am really surprised as to the fact that you received a contact by them, the planet is both occupied by the guys you describe and the ones I described as well. They are both of the same race but one is located underwater for some odd reason which I can not fully put together. It could be due to the fact of the work they do maybe some sort of water research, which could explain a lot to the situation. Also the Blue ones I described are not of Grey variety due to the situation that is provided they have nothing connecting them to the Greys.

In the general case it is still quiet interesting that you had a contact with the actual underwater being of the race, I would feel honored hehehe they are quiet a interesting bunch these guys are and the understanding they can provide is simply amazing.

Anyway thank you for such interesting painting and now I understand why the energy you have feels so familiar.

Kind Regards


posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 07:28 PM
Very interesting thread guys. You both have given lots of information, and I want to know more. What more could you tell me about this Harvest? How did you come in touch with these extraterrestrials and how did you learn that you have a non-terran soul?

This is for the both of you. I appreciate your responses.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

So, two kinds of Blue extraterrestrials, you say? That somewhat reminds me of the "Tall Greys" and the "Short Greys".

I think it should be interesting for you to read this short article about "The Blues" from Hopi myth/folklore here:

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by Edgecrusher09

The Harvest? There's so much information out there about such an event, and great part of it is often misleading and confusing.

To keep it simple and to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, first of all, the Harvest has nothing to do with extraterrestrials (not directly anyways). Basically, The Harvest/Rapture/Ascension are just terms used and handed down by ancient civilizations to refer to the translation from one Dimension of Reality to another. The meaning is not to be taken literally, it is merely symbolical: every so many thousand years or there comes a time in which the fields (the Earth and its inhabitants) are ripe and ready to be harvested (mature and prepared to advance into the next stage of existence). In this case, we're referring to the translation of 3rd Dimension Human Souls to 4th. Contrary to popular belief, this does not happen at one specific time/date and in a collective/massive level, and/or a globally perceivable/recognizable level. I must emphasize that this is a transformation/process that occurs at a personal inner level, FIRST AND FOREMOST.
However, it is true that galactic and planetary events are taking place in conjunction in preparation for these upcoming changes. Everything is connected: Humanity, planet Earth, the Sun, etc.

The whole Harvest event is already happening. In fact, it started years ago, with many Souls becoming ripe (or in the process of so). Sure, there will probably be a peak (as we can see more and more as we approach it) in more and more Souls realizing this something is occurring and thus aligning themselves to it, to the changes, I mean; opening up their consciousness and raising their awareness and spiritual level.

But once again, I emphasize that is is a personal realization, not a global phenomena. It may seem like a collective event, but it is not. As each deals with the transformation individually, then each will realize they are all One with the rest. It's not about running around and preaching to as many as possible that the end of the world is at hand and that they need to "awake", for that would very likely drive you away from your purpose and your opportunity of Soul advancement. Focus on yourself, on knowing yourself, on listening to yourself, on understanding yourself, on recognizing yourself.


Now I shall proceed to answer your other questions...

edit on 15-11-2010 by RKallisti because: Spell-check corrections.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by Edgecrusher09

About the non-Terran Soul.

Well, this is a lot more complicated to explain than it is to experience (or come to the realization of it).

Basically, it all breaks down to two factors: (1) a variety of different events through my life that, although when looked upon individually they don't seem to mean much, when drawn together they kind of tell me: hey, you better start considering the fact that you're not human (as in native to planet Earth I mean); and finally (2) the trusting of my intuition and gut feelings.

But let me elucidate a little bit on that for a better understanding. I'll try to keep it as short and simple as possible. First of all, let me mention that I have very few actual memories of my life as a child (other people have often told me, remember when you this or that or when we together would do this or that, and I honestly don't remember), and most of my memories are like short blurry mixed images/scenes.
But as far as I do remember (what I do clearly remember), as I child I would see and talk to white angels or "spirits" (both as my memory and my parent eye witnesses confirm). Since very little I was drawn to nature, animals, trees and insects. And I felt so connected that I felt as one with them. Since very little I questioned everything around me, specially human conduct and behaviour (I mean, going as far as to wondering why they smiled or why they had to kiss in the mouth, which back then I found repulsive). I wasn't very conscious of myself (I didn't care) until I begun to feel my body strange, uncomfortable. I looked at my hand and asked, why do I have to have 5 fingers? or, why do I have to have hair in my skin? So I would spend my time in the garden (in my tree house) and I had little to no interest in human contact (my parents would say my isolation was negative for my health and that I needed to socialize, but I was reluctant). Crowds of people scared me and I was overly shy and timid. I very rarely spoke in front of people. I was very attracted by storms/rain/lightnings and the stars, Moon and the night sky in general. I would look up and ask, why am I here? And I often dreamt with "being in the stars". At a very early age I became obsessed with "Aliens" and UFOs. Specially with... the so-called "Grays", which terrified me as much as they, for some strange reason, fascinated me. Many many nights I couldn't sleep because I imagined them coming into my room (which today makes me think that perhaps, just perhaps, I may have been also abducted or something). I once saw a shiny silver object moving rather strangely in a blue and cloudy day sky, I thought it was a UFO.

But life went on. People at school (high school) would call me strange because I was not, well, "normal", as they said. Add to that my shyness and insecurity, I was further isolated. Anyways, during my teenage years my life kind of took a different focus, and my interests from before (nature, animals, trees, insects, ETs, UFOs, etc, etc) disappeared. I just grew up as I struggled to find a place in this world. Or whatever.

Eventually, I started to see shadowy figures visiting me at night. First time, it was a bad dream. Second time, it was a nightmare. Third time, it was a recurrent nightmare. But by the time I realized these happenings were too strange, and I had to say, hey, these dreams are far too real to be dreams. So they kept happening, and the fear I felt was indescribable. Add to this that they started to visit my mother as well. So I couldn't be that crazy. BTW, I am not saying these are extraterrestrials, I may be considering them having a connection to ETs now, but back then I called them "demons". Anyways, eventually I learned how to deal with them and by force of will and psychic strength I overcame them and drove them away. Took me a couple of "sessions", but they never returned afterwards.

Life went on. I grew up, physically, mentally, spiritually. I was now highly confident about myself and I loved myself (narcissistically). Life was wonderful. I had all I wanted. I just didn't care about ETs anymore. I never came back to that subject.

Until recently... when a series of events begun to occur in my life, changing everything so rapidly that I couldn't dismiss the fact that I knew something was going on. I don't wanna make this too long (if you really want, I can redirect you to my Journal where everything is more detailed, although it's not necessary), but I started to feel more hectic, more energized. I literally felt I had been re-activated. It all was nostalgic and reawakened memories from my childhood. I felt the "presence" of beings around here, specially in my room at night. I felt I was being watched. My fears overcame me once again (and bear in mind, I considered I had overcome them, but now my pride had met its match). Somehow, for no apparent reason, my mind associated my fears with the Greys (I've no idea why). So many times I couldn't sleep because when I closed my eyes they would come back into my mind.

Moving on: dreams. I begun to have dreams of stars, moving lights in the sky, UFOs, etc. And most of these dreams happening in my backyard when I was a child. Note that this was not the first time I had these dreams, I would have them before, but now they were much more vivid, detailed and recurrent (I also dreamt with flying, but that's also normal). It all just drew me to research more on UFOs and aliens, I felt compelled, attracted once again by it all. All the while, I begun to have more REAL astral projection/travel experiences. Now the "benevolent" influences around me felt more tangible, affecting me, inspiring me, working on me. I literally felt I was being taught and driven to remember something I had to know. And I wanted to know. So I put my Ego aside and I accepted the help. I was rapidly driven, day after day, to specif sources of information, answering my questions in my mind, as if I had to find and read specific things that would trigger something. When I was not in the computer I was outside, and I was constantly being bombarded with thoughts that further "awoke" me. I would wake up in the middle of the night (around 3 AM) feeling the pull to go outside and just "call out" to them. And day after day I begun to understand many more things that begun to make more and more of sense (at a personal level). Then I came across something that said something very specific that deeply affected me, in such a way that I felt a cold shiver run through my body, I felt a lump in my throat and my eyes became all watery (and I am not a lachrymogenic individual). That's the moment when it crossed my mind: either I have been abducted or/and I am an extraterretrial; which would explain soooo many things.

And well (this is a lot longer, I'm just summarizing), one night I knew something was going to happen. I didn't know what. But I was certain of it. The presence in my room felt even stronger, more palpable. But I didn't feel any threat from it, just... positive energy uplifting me. That was the night when I had the contact with the Blue extraterrestrial.

Well, that's it basically. But I know that explaining in with these words very much dilutes the true significance of the experience. One can only experience it to know how it truly feels. This is too simplified and the actual thing is pretty much beyond words.

But anyways, hope it serves of something.

edit on 15-11-2010 by RKallisti because: Spell-check corrections.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by Edgecrusher09
Very interesting thread guys. You both have given lots of information, and I want to know more. What more could you tell me about this Harvest? How did you come in touch with these extraterrestrials and how did you learn that you have a non-terran soul?

This is for the both of you. I appreciate your responses.

Dear Edgecrusher09

I appreciate the post and the number of questions that you have decided to ask about, I can merely share with you what I know and have personally experienced thus it can be different to others. So take my understanding also what I know with a small grain of salt for many know things and many know different things, thus one may know something the other does not and same can happen with the other.

Now back to the point I do not know about the so called Harvest for I did not come to Earth for that reason, so the information is unknown to me regarding that specific question also situation. But........ I do believe our dear friend RKellisti was informed regarding this information and could share more with you also me regarding the matter.

As of how to come in touch with the Non Earth beings is quiet merely simple as far as I understand, due to the fact that you have been in contact with them all your life. I know it is hard to understand at times as how but most people have experiences also contacts through dream state, astral state and out of body experiences. But......... you could set intentions of friendly contact if you wanted to however, this is very rare on occasions to have full physical contact with another beings due to the safety risks you would be put under. Which is why at times when people have physical contact it is a mere projection of that being, yes they do talk to you and can touch you in the contact but it is not really them. Just a mere energetic sequence pattern that is projected to you and anyone else, when I am talking about safety risks is the fact that non Earth beings produce an energy signature that results in an output of energy. This energy output can draw some very bad groups of people to you and your location which could result in abductions, night harassment and even strong monitoring. There have been cases where people have been hurt and this is why certain things take place.

How did I know I was not of Earth origin is merely experiences and other people things that lead to the understanding of the situation, which later resulted in searching for things and learning who I am. I felt beings around me at times even seen angels on peoples shoulders many things I guess made me wonder also seek.
But...... are we not all from Earth many upon many are far away home and so many still wish to go back, thus wonder who we truly are to our mutual understanding also seeking mind.

Anyway I did try to keep it simple and easy also not to give away too much information about my self.

If you have any other questions I would be happy to answer.

Kind Regards


edit on 15-11-2010 by The Magicians Apprentice because: additional information

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 02:11 AM
reply to post by RKallisti

Dear RKallisti

Firstly thank you for the site and the information that it had provided, further more indeed the Blues I know of would be the ones to offer peaceful teaching and help to any nation also race. Which does explain a lot about things that are taking place and thus does make us understand many reasons behind some of the ET agenda.

Anyway thank you once again and if you have any more questions I would be happy to answer them.

For now I am working on a post that would better explain infinity and the many links we have to it.

Kind Regards


posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

Well, thank you for your contribution as well.

Just to be clear, I am NOT sure that the extraterrestrial I met is the same as the ones you refer to and/or the ones that the Hopis mention, aside from the obvious similarities (such as, well, being blue, and being "positive"). But would you say with absolute certainty that these are all the same species/race?

Oh, and just one more things, if you may (no pressure), could you elaborate some more about what kind of ET's you have interacted with?

I don't want to get too personal, as it is the knowledge I'm after, not the satisfaction of a mere curiosity; so it is in your right (for whatever reasons it may be) to keep to yourself anything that may compromise your identity. I'd perfectly understand, as it is also somewhat my case.

And I'll be waiting for your writings.

edit on 15-11-2010 by RKallisti because: Minor corrections.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 03:17 AM
Hello, this is my first post, but I have been browsing the forum for a couple of years. I did eventually register, but have just found out that you need 20 posts to send a private message. I am however extremely interested in corresponding with you in relation to both of your experiences (The Magicians Apprentice and RKallisti). If you are willing to correspond with me I would like you to send me a private message. I may not be able to correspond with you via private message at the moment, but I can correspond with you via Email. I am interested in hearing your experiences and what you have learnt. I will explain more at a later time as I don't have the time at the moment.
edit on 15-11-2010 by J.J.Stuart because: Spelling correction.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by J.J.Stuart

Just sent you a U2U.

In the meantime, you could also introduce yourself here.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by The Magicians Apprentice
reply to post by RKallisti

Dear Rkallisti

The beings I am referring to are very tall have blue skin kinda black eyes, they are very spiritually advanced and also very aware of things. Some call them to be the first race ever created as far as I was told and much of things too. The blue bodies they use are travel suits as far as I was told by them their true form is beautiful and is hard to explain fully.

Also regarding the familiar energy feel is not because of that this is something far more interesting I would say we met not too long ago. A meeting maybe or in a training experience some time not so long ago, but there is definitely something interesting in your signature pattern. Hmm........ some asking around will occur today or some time tomorrow ^_^

However, the beings that I referred to are very advanced bunch they were the developers of Earth and several other races, planets, universes and other things too. Thus it is interesting if you know who I am talking about and regarding the what looked like small bit of information was actually quiet a vast amount of flooding data that you have provided. So I believe you should know who I am and what this whole thing I am talking about is

Hope to hear from you soon.

Kind Regards.


Hi M,

I would like to inform you that i have witnessed these beings outwith their blue suits. I dreamt of them and their genetic experiments. A lot of "visions" have come to me recently, as has ideas, thoughts etc that i never imagined i would have. It all seems very familiar to me, almost like i know what i'm being shown. The dream was like this...

I was inside a glass box. I was a very young featus that was self aware. There were 2 beautiful beings outisde the box, one was holding it. The other was walking. There was no audible communication. It was all through the mind. The glass box was being filled with a clear water like liquid that was rising up and up. I was scared in the box because i thought i was going to drown. I was then somehow reassured that it will be ok. I then let the water come up and over my head and fill the box, i then realised i could breathe in the water.

I then became another of these beings and the box of young humans was given to me, i was told telepathically that it was "time" to deliver them. At this point we all walked into an immense light, all the while the young humans were swimming about in the water looking at me.

I have had a very large amount of dreams reagding life and all associated aspects of it and i'm trying to make sense of it all...

Any advice would help

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by jrmcleod

Very interesting dream. Perhaps you're one of them...
What a coincidence it would be...

Anyways, could you describe some of your other dreams?
Could you describe these blue beings with your own words?

Thank you.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by RKallisti
reply to post by jrmcleod

Very interesting dream. Perhaps you're one of them...
What a coincidence it would be...

Anyways, could you describe some of your other dreams?
Could you describe these blue beings with your own words?

Thank you.

Ok well where do i start? I guess i should maybe just list the most astounding dreams i've had that have some kind of importance to them.

Dream 1

I was in a room filled with benches, i was sat there with other people i had never met before, i didnt look at anyone as i didnt need to but i knew they were there. A lady walked into the room and said "who's the one writing a book?". I thought for a moment, well i am but i havent done it for a while. I replied to her saying "I am", she said, "Its a very good thing". (my book is more an autobiography about my childhood, such as foster care, abuse etc). At this point i was sitting on the stairs, at the top of them, there was a man standing a few steps down from me, i was crying, he looked at me, he took a peice of paper i was holding in my hand, he held it to his nose and smelled it, as soon as he smelt it, he quickly turned to me, he lifted his hand but without touching me he could levitate me. I was floating in the air by his thought. He used his other hand to pull things out of me but never touching me, i can only describe this as being evil entities, thats what it felt like as the mans actions felt very benevolent. I was crying as he did this, he was turning my upside down etc, all different ways. Everytime he pulled something out of me, i felt myself get lighter. He stopped and said, "I counted 12, i cant pull anymore out yet". He laid me on the floor at which point i was still upset. He performed the same action again and said, "right thats 20 and thats definately all i can do". I stopped being upset. Another man walked into the room. He was very tall, pale skin, dark clothes on and blonde hair that was ruffled. He told me to lay on the floor on my back which i did, he said put your arms out across the floor, which i also did. He then started to chant/sing, i couldnt make out the words he was saying but then i could hear him. He was standing over me from the bottom of my feet and the words he sang were as follows.

"I'm putting a Hex on you, i'm giving you the power of divination". He did this with his hands to the air and then i started to cry again.

I then stood up and the original man in my dream said to me..."they will try to get back into you but they wont manage anymore, you might feel them trying to get in you, it'll feel like your being pushed but be strong because your covered in light now". He then finished by saying, i'll take the rest out later.

At which point i woke up feeling extremely calm, i only felt very tired, almost like i had been through that ordeal in real life.

It might also be worth knowing that i have never ever heard of the word divination before until i googled it after i woke up. I also didnt recognise anyone in my dream although they felt good and familiar

Dream 2

I was running through a forest which turned into a clearing, it was a grey dull day, ahead of me was a fast flowing river that had a rope tightly strung across it to hold onto and wade throgh the river to get to the otherside. I held onto the rope and began to go across, as soon as i put my legs into the water, i could feel the force, it was immense. Everytime i felt like i was giong to get swept away, i would be given a hand somehow. The dream then cut abruptly to a battlefield type setting. I was confronted by someone who was with a group of others who all looked physically identical, even down to their clothes. i asked who they were, they said "will you fight with us?", i said "yes but i dont have a sword", I then asked again, "who are you?", he then replied saying we are the 12, "will you fight with us?". I then started crying in my dream, they said "dont worry about them, you cant die". At that point i looked ahead of us and there was an immense army of some type of beings, they werent frightning to me, i began to run at them with the others whilst i still had tears running down my face, the angel i spoke to looked at me and smiled. I then woke up.

The beings in my dream were all identical. They looked slightly chinese but were the most beautiful people i had ever seen and seemed to emit a gentleness that i have never witnessed before. They comforted me without speaking and i somehow felt safe even though there were only a small group of us.

Dream 3

My vision was me standing looking east across the North Sea from my home town at coordinates 56°57'54"N and 2°12'55"W. The planets Mercury and Jupiter were visible at the same time. Mercury lay staright ahead at an elevation of approximately 45o above sea level and Jupiter was approximately 80o diagonally up and to my right. Both planets were in my field of vision looking East from those coordinates. Two other key points are that there was a full moon at the same time as this plantery alignment and there were no other planets in my field of vision. This vision happened just before an attack of some sort.

I will post some more dreams later that are more "alien" orientated and my description of the beings....i dont really have time at the moment to finish this post!!

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by RKallisti

Dear Rkallisti

I am pretty sure that they are of the same species due to the fact that they both occupy the same planet and are very similar at the same time. But....... I am merely a man and I do not hold all the answers thus there could be a bigger picture to the situation.

Beings that I have met are a very big range and take a lot of time to list so I will just put them down into small descriptions, also a bit about them what they are like.

Angels ---- they are more of very advanced souls rather then the term we use for them Angel is a human based term, thus at times confusion may occur to both them and us when we are really explained things. They are usually very aware of so many things going on and it is known that some are currently on Earth.

The Blues type 1 and type 2 of the race as I have said before they are very highly advanced both technologically also spiritually. Type 1 Blues were known to play the major role in human vessel development also the construction of Atlantis and other technological situations in the Universe. Type 2 Blues are known as the Water Scientists they work in laboratories on the same planet as the Type 1 Blues do but they are valued highly due to the things they help with. That is why I said it would be an honor to meet a Type 2 Blue so you are very very lucky.

The Greys type 1, type 2 and type 3 regarding the encounters the ones I have seen were actually quiet friendly so I believe there are two sides that act on the story. Type 1 Grey is your standard Grey which is usually seen through abductions they are known to be the scientists of their race. Type 2 Grey is a very small height Grey which is more of a scout type of personality they are usually sent by the higher leaders of the group. To usually investigate different people that are very aware and put off a large amount of energy or signal. Now..... Type 3 Grey are the very very tall ones they are known to be the Commanders and Elders of the race.

The Nordics are quiet an interesting bunch of individuals which do consist of many groups but I will not go too far into that information, due to the fact that it would take a long long long time to construct a list of each group. But..... also that I have had contact with some of them and I do not want to put out too much personal information regarding them. Thus I am sorry on that part so I will describe some of the general things that would be ok to share about them. They are very athletic and genetically constructed usually you see them with blond hair and perfect skin, the race it self is very very friendly and have a large amount of interests in helping humanity out. So I believe they are quiet an interesting bunch of beings they are usually known to be a general contact of ETs that people have experience with. It is not surprising their friendly nature and loving also caring understanding is a very amazing thing.

I met other races that I do not know the names off just mere descriptions and general information that I gathered from them, I will try to describe some of them to my best extent of the situations that I have encountered and maybe so did some other people. It would be quiet good to know if others had the same contact with these beings which could be quiet interesting to hear about, also make at least some of what sense to the situation regarding these contacts.

Ok a Jungle being that I encountered about 2-3 months ago I think this was during astral travel or lucid dream state, anyway it does not matter all I know is that I woke up in a dense forest this was a very interesting place due to the situation that. The planet it self was actually populated by dinosaur like animals but more of a friendlier kind thus the situation was quiet astonishing. Now..... back to the being as I was waking up I heard a giggle and I saw on a branch a very interesting being I believe she was a female. The being it self had greenish skin not scales just green and looked very human besides the skin color and a tail. The height of the being was roughly 2 and a half meters it looked very athletic, the tail was long thin and very pointy I believe it was there for some reason. She had red black hair the face structure was almost human the eyes were actually quiet interesting to see, they were sort of like a standard ET eyes but...... there was a slight difference they looked almost human but too perfect. I believe they were sort of like those cute cartoon eyes that look so realistic that it is amazing to see them. The personality of the being was very friendly and interesting to talk to as I learned this was more of a chat type of experience a great deal of things was learned.

A Yellow friend this took place some time around 1 month ago I was having an experience of somethings shown and explained when i saw a very interesting yellow glow shooting by behind a building, you know how we all are curious and eager to investigate something like that.

So without any notice I rushed behind the building to see what is what and I stumbled on a very interesting situation there was a yellow being facing a gate of some sort. I started talking to it and said hi as it turned around it looked like it was the height of a 14-16 year old kid it just turned around then smiled. Quiet an interesting fellow he was he had a very bright yellow skin it was very amazing like very soothing and calming, the eyes were sort of black yet looked like jet black. Again I do not know how he stumbled into this experience but it was quiet an interesting situation and resulted in a lot of talk, we just sat down on a bench next to the gate and started talking about stuff. Still I was quiet amazed how he stumbled into this situation and what he was doing there which remained a mystery even after trying to ask him.

Almost human beings this was an odd experience which I am still try to depict today, after going to sleep I awoke in a bed inside a home well more of a room. There was no roof and all you could see was stars which is quiet a great thing to stare at, anyway back to the point I suddenly saw a futuristic looking craft like almost a jet fighter but far more complex also advanced. As I saw it I had a sudden urge to turn around and hell I knew that they were standing there, it is kinda freaky how you know they are there at times it feels as if they were trying to be funny. So as I turned around I saw 2 females and a male the 3 of them were wearing what looked like golden armor or space suits, they were accompanied by 4 guards they were coats and dark hoods they refereed to them as Troopers which was quiet interesting. The beings were too perfect the skin, bodies, hair and facial structures were of human like feature but much too perfect, the guards were interesting some of them had blond hair and some had black they were well built. I mean honestly they looked like you could get a 2 by 4 and whale on them that they would not feel a thing, honestly that is how tough they looked and they did have a very strong sense of protection. The group said that they were from the outside which still interest me and questions a lot of things from my contacts, this was the only group that looked like they came from the beyond of this universe or something like it.

RKellisti this is just some information and there is more but I believe it would take a long long time to go through the list. Thus making it simple and short this is just some of the stuff, I do hope I did not disappoint you regarding it and that it was interesting for you to read it.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Kind Regards


posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by jrmcleod

Dear Jrmcleod

That is a quiet interesting situations and has a lot of interesting things, but...... I am quiet interested in the 12 they are known to be an Angelic group as far as it goes. I am quiet interested in the situations that you speak of and also you do have a sword many people do which is normal thing. So do not worry about that there is always something there to protect you may it be a sword or an Angel or a loving family from way up high.

I do understand now that you are more of dream traveler also out of body too and there is a strong sense of energy regarding it, I think it would be advised that you should take walks in the park, meditation and water meditation which is a quiet interesting thing to see what you could get. But....... hey it is up to you and you must your way because we all do it our own way also things work differently for each person.

Anyway it is quiet amazing experiences that you have and a very interesting points of the situations that you been into.If you have any questions or want any help just ask we are all here to help I believe and that we could all share things that can help one another. Also regarding alien oriented things the dreams you describe are and the funny thing people do not realize they had alien contact all their life. But.... hey we can not complain there is just something amazing about it all.

Kind Regards

edit on 15-11-2010 by The Magicians Apprentice because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by The Magicians Apprentice
reply to post by jrmcleod

Dear Jrmcleod

That is a quiet interesting situations and has a lot of interesting things, but...... I am quiet interested in the 12 they are known to be an Angelic group as far as it goes. I am quiet interested in the situations that you speak of and also you do have a sword many people do which is normal thing. So do not worry about that there is always something there to protect you may it be a sword or an Angel or a loving family from way up high.

I do understand now that you are more of dream traveler also out of body too and there is a strong sense of energy regarding it, I think it would be advised that you should take walks in the park, meditation and water meditation which is a quiet interesting thing to see what you could get. But....... hey it is up to you and you must your way because we all do it our own way also things work differently for each person.

Anyway it is quiet amazing experiences that you have and a very interesting points of the situations that you been into.If you have any questions or want any help just ask we are all here to help I believe and that we could all share things that can help one another. Also regarding alien oriented things the dreams you describe are and the funny thing people do not realize they had alien contact all their life. But.... hey we can not complain there is just something amazing about it all.

Kind Regards

edit on 15-11-2010 by The Magicians Apprentice because: (no reason given)

Yes it was 12 angels...thats exactly what it was. I was with them for some reason, there were masses upon masses of "evil" type beins on the horizon against us. They were so strangely beautiful and they had a prescence that i had never felt before...

I will come back to you with more!!!

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 10:12 AM
I saw them, thayr real body is lightbody, thay meditate, and make owl sounds.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

Alright, thank you for the feedback. If you don't take it the wrong way, I needed to probe you a little bit. That's why I asked for such information. Once again, don't take it the wrong way.
I just needed to get a little bit more of background, that's all.

I've been seeing, and I have been visited by, what I would term "angels" and "demons", but now I am rethinking these classifications, as they may have been something else.

But anyways, my greatest experience yet has been with the blue entity. And that's all that matters to me at the moment.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

it would be so much easier for me if you would just type everything so it could be read

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