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Plan To Send A Message To TPTB

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posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by SonOfTheLawOfOne

What I'm wondering, is why can't the same be done for other things? Why can't the people sign a petition in each state for laws that would prevent the banks from pillaging us? Why can't the people sign a petition that stops the Federal government from prosecuting people for marijuana? Isn't there a legal way to change laws without having to convince a single representative in your district to go to Washington and relay your concerns?

They can and have like in Oregon and CA etc. the problem is the State and Local LE will not protect the citizens from the Feds illegally enforcing federal law in the states. Like the medical marijuana growers who got permits from the state but the DEA still busted them and the state did nothing. The federal government has no lawful authority in the states but federal bribe money, ignorance, and cronysim keep the state and local LE from kicking the Feds out of the states and protecting thier citizens.

A few local Sheriffs have stood up to the feds in some counties across the country and won. Sheriff Mack won a landmark Supreme Court case cementing the local Sheriffs authority over the Feds and even the states. So there is means to combat this stuff but again not enough people will act and that is the major obstacle to any real change.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
reply to post by SonOfTheLawOfOne

You do know you are NOT fighting
a man don't you??

You are fighting a beast
and his name is Lucifer.

The only way to defeat Lucifer
is through divine intervention.

You are suggesting using mortal
means to combat a fallen angel.

Remember, who's the bigger badder snake?

Everything has a weakness and real strength has always been in numbers.

I don't care if it's Lucifer himself, a man, a beast or a snake boondock... we need to act. Talk has become cheap.

Again, I look at the marijuana vote this coming week. That had been talked about for a decade, and finally, one man, decided to work the system and that is exactly what he did, and somehow, it ended up on the ballot for a vote by the people.

Can't the same thing be done to protect us? Can't we come up with a simple idea that would either protect us or de-fang the elites and the corporatists? There HAS to be.

I remember a story about a pharaoh... he wanted a way to be able to tell apart the slaves from everyone else in his kingdom. He consulted one of his "wise men" about marking the slaves with something to identify them. The wise man told the pharaoh something along the lines of "Don't do that, because then the slaves would know how many they number and would quickly see that they could overpower us."

The pharaoh ditched the idea. Why can't WE do something similar without ditching the idea this time?


posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
reply to post by SonOfTheLawOfOne

You do know you are NOT fighting
a man don't you??

You are fighting a beast
and his name is Lucifer.

The only way to defeat Lucifer
is through divine intervention.

You are suggesting using mortal
means to combat a fallen angel.

Remember, who's the bigger badder snake?
edit on 10/29/2010 by boondock-saint because: added url

Lots of people say the Colonist won the American revolution through divine intervention, the point is the Colonist still had to act. As teh saying goes God helps those who help themselves. God does not do for man what man can do for himself. So if you want divine intervention you must do all you can too.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 03:22 PM
the only message TPTB will take head
of is a divine message from the creator.
They laugh at everything the sheeple
have to offer. These elite are there for
a reason. They have already made
their contract with Lucifer. Therefore
they do his bidding and get rich and
he gets their soul in return. I urge you
to keep a religious faith and pray for
God's wisdom and intervention. For
we all must suffer hardships on earth
so we can appreciate the bounty of Heaven.
This world is the closest thing to Heaven
these elite will ever see so they exploit
it to it's maximum potential.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by Stillalive
you do understand what we would choose to agree on, we need to make all other people do it too.
so that means a quickly done massive campaign,on facebook even (not that its hard,hell ill do it)
people from european cityes like hague are all about peoples rights so theyr bound to support
canadians and french and sweden/denmark too.

i propose we start with a massive BOYCOT/BAN of a certain brand.
we just choose a company that is really evil for us,and stop buying anything from it,and start to ridicule it on sites like facebook and everywhere. see? its not that hard to do

and i want to apply to nominate my self as a leader for such campaign, i have the public image and charisma XD to influence people to join
lets rock!

This is something you could get going straight away....why wait? Great idea. Sort of starting with one - we need something that people might be willing to support globally. One successful global action would be a fantastic achievement.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

And as Ghandi said - "Be the change you want to see in the world."

So how do you get 150+ million people (the "thinkers") to mobilize for a single idea?

I'm seeing how starting with smaller more localized movements would work, but one obstacle I see there is the cities. In small towns and counties, it would be easier to get people to pick a good-ol boy from the area who will stick up for them against the Fed and others. But the cities are much harder to win because of diversion of people and their perception of things. How could you take the same "posse" approach in the bigger cities where much larger portions of the voting public exist? You would need to convince them as well.


posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

I urge you to change your mindset from one of being conditioned to believe they are all powerful and we can do nothing, because it simply isn't true. This is a very negative message, my friend.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 03:25 PM
This may be a stupid idea, but why use U.S. dollars anyway. When the value of U.S.D. fell against other currencies and the Canadian dollar was near equal in value I considered only doing business in Canadian currency. Money is money, why use the Federal Reserve notes. Not being an economist, or having much financial smarts, it is probably an ineffective idea, but I thought I'd toss that one in the mix.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 03:32 PM
Oil and gas are also revenue. The French blockaded the gas supplies - it brought the country to its knees. That really hits the pockets of the elite.

I dunno, I have this vision of bring down the big corporations one by one - but how???!!!

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by wcitizen

Originally posted by Stillalive
you do understand what we would choose to agree on, we need to make all other people do it too.
so that means a quickly done massive campaign,on facebook even (not that its hard,hell ill do it)
people from european cityes like hague are all about peoples rights so theyr bound to support
canadians and french and sweden/denmark too.

i propose we start with a massive BOYCOT/BAN of a certain brand.
we just choose a company that is really evil for us,and stop buying anything from it,and start to ridicule it on sites like facebook and everywhere. see? its not that hard to do

and i want to apply to nominate my self as a leader for such campaign, i have the public image and charisma XD to influence people to join
lets rock!

This is something you could get going straight away....why wait? Great idea. Sort of starting with one - we need something that people might be willing to support globally. One successful global action would be a fantastic achievement.

Yes, but there is one small problem with this approach....

The elites are all about eliminating competition and they also have planned for the loss of a few "nodes" here and there. If you were to boycott one corporation, the business would just shift to another and that corporation would likely be owned by the same people. It would be like taking your wallet out of your left back pocket and putting it in the right... this is how TPTB have things structured.

Why do you think there is Nike and Reebok? McDonalds and Burger King? They get most of their products from the same exact suppliers, but as long as they create the illusion of choice, we consumers are happy. If there were just a McDonalds but no Burger King (or other burger place), what would people do when they think McDonalds sucks? The greedy corporatists can't just let that person go on their merry way, hell no, they HAVE to squeeze that money from them. This is why the same people who fund and create businesses do this, it's so it doesn't appear to be a monopoly but really, it is. For people who don't like BK, there is McD's, and vice versa. For people who don't like Nike, there is Reebok, and vice versa. The illusion of choice, when both are really the same thing... food, and shoes. It's the same thing with political parties... you THINK you can choose one if you don't like the other, but really, it's the same puppet on hands belonging to the same person. As long as they give you the illusion of choice, people will always feel like their ideologies are represented when really, both parties just care about the money and supporting the banks that keep it flowing. We need to do something to change this.

What would a ballot initiative look like that could protect the people from obscene greed?


posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 03:34 PM
Ok, I'm thinking on my feet here, and out loud too. But I just want to say that the fact that Sarkozi is now afraid to introduce his new bling presidential jet is a sign that though they appear all powerful, they really are still afraid of mass action by the people. We need to remember that and be encouraged by that.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 03:36 PM
thanks for being the one who sees what i write.
we just need a cause or a company to boycot and we can get started.

-> only problem is if i just make a group on facebook and spam and propaganda,all who join will have their names exposed (fellow ats members) i dont have a problem with my name, but others may.
we can start from facebook,because if the place of the masses and sheeple to influence.
and i have other forums who can spread the word.
but the cause must be good.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 03:39 PM
sonofthelawofone i dont know about that man,yea its true but, there are different brands,and there are good companies who actualy care to make a profit for being good.
some people just deserve a thumbs up,and some deserve to be ruined.
just choose a company,and leave the rest for me. but all other members of this topic must agree on one company,or a cause

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 03:44 PM
Here is a plan of attack by a financial adviser going by the name of Edmundo Braverman.

The idea would be to go after one bank in order to send a message to the rest. I'm not sure these guerrilla tactics would have any long term effects. Banks could just refuse to let you have your money...thereby making a lot of folks angry but succeeding at nothing more than revealing how powerful the financial industry is. People will back off because what is in that checking account is more important then sending a message. I could be wrong.

And as for the bank run in Europe on Dec. 7th why would any bank open up for business on that day. TPTB count on this type of uprising so they can pass additional laws that protect them.

I believe that refusal to pay interest on anything you purchase is the better solution as it forces permanent change within the system and society....and I believe this is underway already. If you don't borrow you can't be leveraged and then tossed into the commodities pile. Non-violent Non-cooperation.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by SonOfTheLawOfOne
reply to post by hawkiye

And as Ghandi said - "Be the change you want to see in the world."

So how do you get 150+ million people (the "thinkers") to mobilize for a single idea?

I'm seeing how starting with smaller more localized movements would work, but one obstacle I see there is the cities. In small towns and counties, it would be easier to get people to pick a good-ol boy from the area who will stick up for them against the Fed and others. But the cities are much harder to win because of diversion of people and their perception of things. How could you take the same "posse" approach in the bigger cities where much larger portions of the voting public exist? You would need to convince them as well.


Well as I have said you have to set an example. If you knew of a place where this was working would you consider moving there? The hard part is getting it started and working. Once that happens then people will flock to it to be free. The cities will come along later as they see the success of the smaller communities. This is why I have said it will not happen over night or all at once. Someone has to create a working model first and that is a monumental task. It seems impossible and that is why all you hear is why it won't work from all the nay sayers.

That is why I say it could take a hundred years to fully implement. But someone or group has to initiate it and stay focused on it come hell or high water, and it could take more then on lifetime to fully realize its completion.
edit on 29-10-2010 by hawkiye because: corrections

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by wcitizen

This is the same question I'm asking here in this thread.

These massively huge corporations don't donate money to local charities to support their communities, they do it for tax breaks. They don't hire people to feed the economy, they do it to increase their bottom line and profits through production - more people means you can produce more. The people who run these corporations aren't doing any of the "work", they are simple decision makers. I have sat with MANY CEO's from across the spectrum and I can tell you that most of them are just glorified managers who usually found themselves in a seat of power thanks to people they knew, not what they have accomplished or know how to do. In my opinion, the CEO of a company should be able to do just about every single person's job within the organization, or at least have a much smaller learning curve than someone coming off the street. Good luck finding that guy! Most don't have a clue and if you dropped them into any position below them, they wouldn't know what to do. They are good at two things - looking at people as numbers and finding ways to put more money in the pockets of the people who immediately surround them. Don't get me wrong, there are a few good guys out there, but they are declining in numbers quickly.

A CEO comes up with a plan to save a company millions of dollars, increasing profits and providing money to shareholders. How? By laying off a few hundred or thousand people. What does that do for the local economy? Why has it become acceptable that you can cut a job, possibly destroy a family and local economy before CEO's take a cut in the obscene pay that they give themselves? We allow this thinking that the guys that get paid more are better at running the business when that is furthest from the truth. These guys are out playing golf, having $500 lunches, driving free cars, taking free trips, all expensed by the company and being taken from the pool of money that could be given to employees or removed from the cost of the final products.

I digress....


posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by Stillalive
but all other members of this topic must agree on one company,


posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by wcitizen
Ok, I'm thinking on my feet here, and out loud too. But I just want to say that the fact that Sarkozi is now afraid to introduce his new bling presidential jet is a sign that though they appear all powerful, they really are still afraid of mass action by the people. We need to remember that and be encouraged by that.

He should be reminded of the French Revolution....

If people want to find the men responsible and bring them to justice, they will and history has shown us that with people being dragged through the streets. Sarkozy is probably realizing that he could be "that guy" in the next revolution if it were to take place in his time.

If I were him, I'd be afraid to even show up in public with how much he's pissed people off over there. I don't think we're far behind here in this country either.


posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by Stillalive
but all other members of this topic must agree on one company,



If there is ever one company that should be destroyed, it would be Monsanto and DuPont.

I believe just Monsanto alone would be a death blow to TPTB.


posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 03:54 PM
I believe there is a flaw if ur design.
U r going around ur elbow to get
to ur fingertip. The corrupt fractional
system lies within monetary institutions.
The corporations just play within
the designed boundaries of the
monetary system.

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