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Witch Burning in Africa (Extremely Disturbing Video)

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posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by wayno

It's just yet another of a increasing number of poorly researched, emotioal venting threads that really offer nothing particuarly informative or factual, based on a video that doesn't substantiate any of the conclusions in a conclusive fact driven way.

Sorry, this is where I have to stop you

There appears to be a lot of humiliation, grief, pain and just downright wrongness in this video. I do agree with you on a lot of points. I posted this thread STRAIGHT after I watched this video and it did make me emotional so I wasn't thinking properly. EITHER WAY . If you saw this going on on your street what would you say? What would you do? What would you feel? If it was happening to YOU how would YOU feel?

And please remember, I acknowledged all three of your previous posts, I get what you mean and you are right in many ways. Regardless of whether or not anyone died, this is plain wrong. And any divine creator would not want humans doing anything like this to each other I'm sure. Regardless of whether or not anyone dies.

Thanks again for your input, but I feel now you have debunked everything there is to debunk in this thread then we should talk about the real issue at hand here. Because there is an issue.


Thanks for your input,


posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by TechUnique

Africa remains a terribly corrupt place, where local war lords, tribal leaders, and corrupt politicians frequently sell the vital resources of the people for their own gain.

Maintaining their political power which is tribal based is often based on eliminating and depopulating other tribes through violent means.

Vital resources like oil, gold, diamonds, ores and other precious stones and minerals often can only be gotten at by displacing a tribe that dwells on top of them by violently murdering them or running them off.

Shell Oil's murders and atrocities in Africa are so henious it led to me selling my car and buying a bicycle as I refuse to give any oil company a dime of my money to reward their murderous practices.

Politicians and corrupt corporations have a million reasons to hide the real motive for their murders and thuggery, and strong arm tactics, and manipulating superstitions and emotions to get duped people to then do their dirty work is often a preferred tactic to distance them as the real hand that pulled the trigger.

Green fuel like that will not burn hot enough or long enough to create a fire sufficient to kill a human being.

So it simply wasn't a premediated attempt to execute anyone for any reason.

Flash fires don't actually produce the kind of prolonged or sustained heat that does anything more than at best singe the skin.

Quick burning leaves are flash fires, and the green branches the leaves are attached to are to wet inside from tree sap to actually burn in any sustained way.

If you went to a magic store and purchased magicians flash paper and place a piece of that paper anywhere on your body (except the hair on your head) and lit it on fire it would burn identical to those leaves and not even cause any pain or damage and at best would singe body hair.

Or as some circus performers do, you could take a slighlty watered down version of Isopropyl Alcohol and put it in a mist bottle and spay it onto a person while setting it alight at the same time, and once again it would not burn the person or cause them pain. The fire itself would look impressive and potentially deadly, but delivered in those brief flashes it can't superheat the skin enough to cause damage.

Even if they had managed to get a real fire going, over that wide of an expanse to encompass four people they would have simply kept running out of it, and eventually would have ended up catching the clothes and hair of the people that kept pushing them back into it on fire.

One of the reasons that magicians like to work with fire is because of it's illusionary elements. Most people fear it and respect it, and aren't familiar with how it interacts with the body in various delivery systems.

There are even fetishists who play with flash fire delivery systems for sexual stimulation and erotic art entertainment, because of how scary it looks but how harmless it can actually be actually ending up just delivering something akin to a hot breeze on the skin.

Without a real context of what was really going on, I am doubtful about what was really going on, but no way did anyone die in that video, and in the hot African sun, that crowd would have tired of their voisterous antics long before they managed to produce an inferno capable of killing anyone that way.

Had I posted the thread I would have billed it as "Really lame and amatuer attempt to burn people (funny must see)"

Now for the real bad news, the management at the coloseum will not book any future acts promising human death by your performance troop!

There is talk of a law suit to recover sums you might have been paid in the staging of this production.

People do not come to the Coloseum for Comedy, please keep that in mind for the future.



edit on 26/10/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler because: spelling

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I almost agree with you fully. I like the theory about it being for something other that witchcraft and being more corporate gain. Also, thanks for shedding some light on the situation in Africa for me. You sound like somewhat of an "Expert" with fire. Although I have played with fire a LOT (Training my chi) and just out of interest as a kid and I have burn myself a lot. When a humans clothes are on fire, you are going to get burnt. When you are sitting on top of something that is burning for more than 3-4 seconds, you are going to get burnt.

Please watch the video again, all the way through, closely on full screen and see if you still think these people are not enduring some kind of physical harm.

But I must say you are one of the much more saner people to post in here, actually talking about the video and ramifications instead of jumping on the religious band wagon!

Thanks a lot mate,


posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by TechUnique

There appears to be a lot of humiliation, grief, pain and just downright wrongness in this video

We don't know what's going on in this video, for all we know the people committed a real offense of some magnitude that warranted a mob, for all we know it was some cleansing or healing ritual actually being carried out by the village witch doctor.

These people might have voluntarily agreed to participate in a process to cleanse them of evil spirits or bad luck by fire, and then were reluctant to participate once faced with the drama of the event.

What is suspect is the man sitting calmly on the ground with his shirt partially on fire, and his legs covered partially by buring leaves.

He was the only person truly exposed to the fire for any prolonged period and he was serene and not screaming, and calm, and seemed content to be there in that fashion, neither protesting or attempting to flee.

So he was either incredibly resigned, incredibly stoned or drunk, or willingly going a long with the process for reasons not made evident in the video.

One of them was rolling around in the leaves almost looking like, excuse me isn't someone supposed to set these on fire, and for all we know the old lady was protesting that they were simply taking too long to carry out what ought to be a straight forward simple ritual.

It's not about God or the injustices of life, or the cruelty of humans towards other humans, chances are you can find all that on your own block and aren't going to do a darn thing about it.

I once saw a falsely acused rapist beat to death by a flash mob on Santa Monica Blvd in Hollywood California, I took a beating myself trying to get it to stop. It took less than five minutes by a group of strangers who jumped out of cars one by one and joined in with feet and fists, based on the false accusations of others for the mob to beat him to death.

Mobs have no discipline, they don't have the ability to prolong things because they are acting on immediate impulse and emotional reaction not plan.

By the time the police arrived on the scene the man was dead, and the mob scattered, the woman who had shouted out the accusation that led to the first man grabbing him as I was paces away, turned out to be his wife, who had shouted that he raped her, simply to try to get someone to stop him from leaving their home across the street to buy crack coc aine with their grocery money for the week!

A small group of men were engaged in a much larger group in this video and while the makings of the fire had all the impromptu markings of a hastily formed mob activity, the haphazzard manner and reserved manner which they went about it all suggest no it wasn't a mob.

Mobs rip you limb from limb pretty darn quick, it's a herd activity similiar to a stampede where everyone goes in motion except those in opposition.

I have no idea what we are seeing on this video, but it sure doesn't appear to be organized, with any purposeful or deadly intent, and with absolutely no planning that would have led to death in any sure way.

Which is why I would look at alternative theories, some kind of bizarre cleansing ritual, some type of punishment for a real crime, or some type of attempt to run these people out of the tribe, possibly scarring them in the process so they wouldn't come back.

Now no I wouldn't want to participate in such a thing, but that doesn't mean those people didn't volunteer to participate in such a thing.

The video itself doesn't make a case for anything and the only thing that might shed more light on it at this point is finding someone who speaks the language who can translate what the people are shouting about.

What I consider to be just as shameful and humiliating is all the posters who hopped on this video to decry everything under the sun and to promote everything under the sun as it pertains to their own agenda in life.

That's not empathy, that's opportunism!

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by Giovannetti44

Why wouldn't try to eliminate evil, SOMEONE HAS TO DO IT OR ELSE IT WILL CONTINUE FOR EVER!

ps: Don't wait for the anti-christ there already here and its been 2000 years, history someone? edit: oh yah I forget to say it's all controlled by Illuminati. Look at your money it's all theres it's written all over, 1 dollar bill even has their pyramids and the third eye on it! Take it this way, you're in a video game but they are ADMIN.
edit on 26-10-2010 by Fight4Cancer because: added something I forgot

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by TechUnique
Your right. BUT I do not agree with execution in any way shape or form. If someone has committed a dreadful crime then let them rot in solitary confinement thinking about it. That is more punishment than being executed humanely, although I'm sure the burning is worse
I'd rather be locked up the rest of my life to think about my actions so my soul can actually learn from what I've done wrong. If you are burnt to death then I'm sure there is not much thinking other than "HOLY COW I'M ON FIRE" and then I'm sure the soul will not have learnt and will just carry on being angry and committing bad acts.

In a just society, the purpose of execution is never to teach the criminal being put to death a lesson for their soul. It's to protect society from those who would violate the rights of their neighbors to such an extent that their execution is warranted. Having these criminals put to death serves a dual purpose. Most importantly, it serves as a deterrent to others who would consider committing the same crimes. This is why the concept of capital punishment being acceptable and useful as long as it is not "cruel and unusual" is contradictory. Execution of society's worst offenders is also positive because it takes these individuals off the streets without having the citizenry have to pay for their comforts and ongoing ammenities as they live out the rest of their years in a state prison. Again, the United States' justice system gets it wrong again because we allow inmates to stick around on death row for decades - often dying of natural causes before justice is served, having cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars.

If justice were enacted blindly, swiftly and cruelly, I wholeheartedly believe we would see a significant drop in violent crime in America.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by Replicator EYD

Actually all inmates in prison work by law and produce a profit for share holders in the system.

The tax payers only subsidize that as an industry to make it more profitible for the share holders.

You pay the basic expense, the corporations get the profit, and this is why we see more and more private prisons popping up.

Prison labor is a huge corporate growth industry.

Statistically what has been shown to significantly reduce violent crime is liberal use of force laws for citizens.

In Florida we have seen a significant drop in crime with the new "Stand Your Ground Law" that permits you to use armed deadly force in any place public or private you feel reasonably threatened even if you have a avenue of retreat.

With upwards of 30% of the population having concealed weapons permits in some areas, and a few widely publicized cases of criminals gunned down on the streets by their would be victims, many violent criminals now think twice in pursuing a violent crime.

Law enforcement is reactionary and the detterent value of punishment is negligible at best, no matter how harsh or lax it's never been a deterent to crime, as most people no matter how stupid imagine they are smart enough to get away with a crime, in relation to crimes of passion there is no deterent in the world for that except the victim being able to fight suitably back.

This is all evidenced by a growing penal population which in part is due to over 380,000 codes that carry possible criminal punishment that regulate far to many plain ordinary vices for the profit of the state and not the protection or betterment of society.

Swiftly killing people in such a law intensive atmosphere does not in fact make the nation safer but more dangerous.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
What police say ultimately has to be proven or disproven in a court of law.

Would that be Roman influenced western law or Kenyan tribal law?

By Dr. Sarah Kinyanjui (article in 'Tribal Law Journal', available online)
The author examines traditional applications of restorative justice values in pre-colonial times within Kenyan villages of Kamba, Kikuyu and Meru. Dr. Kinyanjui uses a genealogy framework, rather than simple historical accounts to analyze how restorative justice have been objectified and accepted in Kenyan communities to resolve criminal actions between offenders and victims. This methodology includes interviews from tribal elders and research of archived literature of each community. Dr. Kinyanjui analyzes the three unique justice systems within each village, their practices and responses to criminal offenders to achieve societal harmony and govern deviant conduct. In this article, restorative justice is offered as a response to crime by incorporating traditional values of penal practices to preserve group cohesiveness, rather than modern retributive criminal systems that single out individuals.

In 1987, the highest court in Kenya upheld Tribal law over western lifestyles.

Court Upholds Tribal Law Over Kenya Widow's Wish (LA Times)

May 17, 1987 - Associated Press NAIROBI, Kenya — Kenya's highest court has upheld tribal law over Western life styles and ordered that a prominent lawyer's body be buried by his brother and their clan over the objections of the lawyer's widow.

Judge J.O. Nyarangi on Friday ended the five-month legal battle over the remains of Sylvano M. Otieno by dismissing Virginia Wambui Otieno's arguments that she and her husband, who was a member of the Luo tribe, were Christians who lived a Western life style.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 04:01 PM
Jesus F**King Christ. They do this SH!T. Oh man they need help. Where is the love then huh?
Thank God I'm an American.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

After reading through your comments and watching the video I have to say that you have convinced me that there is just as much chance of this being with the peoples permission as there is it being non-consensual. You have also claimed a lot of interesting things which seem to be true after a quick google search.

So we have established that this video might not actually correlate with how the video is being described. (After 21 pages of religious spam..)

Seeing as we cannot use this video anymore, I dug out this article about Deadly hunt for 'witches' in Kenya.

In late May, news outlets in Kenya told the story of 15 people, mostly elderly women, who were murdered in a witch hunt near the town of Kisii. The killings shocked the nation. Villagers said more than 100 people gathered machetes and knives and stormed the village of Kegogi after midnight.

"They started banging on the doors, they broke into the house and then they killed our grandmother inside," says Justus Bosire. "The mob was screaming and we panicked. We ran away and they came to our house and burned it to the ground."

I don't believe this article says anything about burning a person (Only their house) but as you can see it talks about some very brutal acts on another persons body which lead to their death. All it seems without a fair right of trial and justice. This is apparently because the grandmother was a witch. Or maybe because of what you were saying earlier (Resources, land and such) so some corporation spread the witch baloney. But to me, this seems more likely a case of witch hunting. There is definitely something going on here regardless of whether or not it was actually about witches.

What do you have to say about this article Proto?



edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler
This is stupid the one guy was burning to death.
Maybe he was in shock, or was beat so bad he had given up.
JUst hold your finger above a match, you won't last a second.

ANd tnd those kids were not fake, why would they make the laws to protect the people if it was fake, talk about stupid people, I bet the ones walking around with their arm cut off are fake also.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by TechUnique

no you appear to be a drug addict, dabbling in delusion and eastern spiritualism. you should stop and find better things to do with your time before you go insane. im talking about real evil witches and sorcerers who use evil spirits to damage people. but since i've been warned already by a moderator who appears to be an occult and witch sympathizer i can't comment on what should be done to these people.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 04:58 PM
MMMMM tastes like chicken!!

Sorry...Just had to

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by TechUnique

Africa remains a terribly corrupt place, where local war lords, tribal leaders, and corrupt politicians frequently sell the vital resources of the people for their own gain.

Maintaining their political power which is tribal based is often based on eliminating and depopulating other tribes through violent means.

Vital resources like oil, gold, diamonds, ores and other precious stones and minerals often can only be gotten at by displacing a tribe that dwells on top of them by violently murdering them or running them off.

Shell Oil's murders and atrocities in Africa are so henious it led to me selling my car and buying a bicycle as I refuse to give any oil company a dime of my money to reward their murderous practices.

Politicians and corrupt corporations have a million reasons to hide the real motive for their murders and thuggery, and strong arm tactics, and manipulating superstitions and emotions to get duped people to then do their dirty work is often a preferred tactic to distance them as the real hand that pulled the trigger.

Green fuel like that will not burn hot enough or long enough to create a fire sufficient to kill a human being.

So it simply wasn't a premediated attempt to execute anyone for any reason.

Flash fires don't actually produce the kind of prolonged or sustained heat that does anything more than at best singe the skin.

Quick burning leaves are flash fires, and the green branches the leaves are attached to are to wet inside from tree sap to actually burn in any sustained way.

If you went to a magic store and purchased magicians flash paper and place a piece of that paper anywhere on your body (except the hair on your head) and lit it on fire it would burn identical to those leaves and not even cause any pain or damage and at best would singe body hair.

Or as some circus performers do, you could take a slighlty watered down version of Isopropyl Alcohol and put it in a mist bottle and spay it onto a person while setting it alight at the same time, and once again it would not burn the person or cause them pain. The fire itself would look impressive and potentially deadly, but delivered in those brief flashes it can't superheat the skin enough to cause damage.

Even if they had managed to get a real fire going, over that wide of an expanse to encompass four people they would have simply kept running out of it, and eventually would have ended up catching the clothes and hair of the people that kept pushing them back into it on fire.

One of the reasons that magicians like to work with fire is because of it's illusionary elements. Most people fear it and respect it, and aren't familiar with how it interacts with the body in various delivery systems.

There are even fetishists who play with flash fire delivery systems for sexual stimulation and erotic art entertainment, because of how scary it looks but how harmless it can actually be actually ending up just delivering something akin to a hot breeze on the skin.

Without a real context of what was really going on, I am doubtful about what was really going on, but no way did anyone die in that video, and in the hot African sun, that crowd would have tired of their voisterous antics long before they managed to produce an inferno capable of killing anyone that way.

Had I posted the thread I would have billed it as "Really lame and amatuer attempt to burn people (funny must see)"

Now for the real bad news, the management at the coloseum will not book any future acts promising human death by your performance troop!

There is talk of a law suit to recover sums you might have been paid in the staging of this production.

People do not come to the Coloseum for Comedy, please keep that in mind for the future.



edit on 26/10/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler because: spelling

You are a GRADE A MORON!

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by randomname

I am not going to have to be very careful in my response as not to violate the T&C, but I feel I must explain myself after your comment (Which Is quite frankly, wrong). If I violate any T&C my apologies to the staff. I am not condoning drugs or trying to convince people to take them, I am merely addressing slander against my person in a non hostile manner. If I am still violating T&C I apologise and ask for some lenience, as in please give me a verbal warning and I shall delete the post myself.

Originally posted by randomname
reply to post by TechUnique

no you appear to be a drug addict, dabbling in delusion and eastern spiritualism. you should stop and find better things to do with your time before you go insane. im talking about real evil witches and sorcerers who use evil spirits to damage people. but since i've been warned already by a moderator who appears to be an occult and witch sympathizer i can't comment on what should be done to these people.

no you appear to be a drug addict

This is far from the truth, I used to be a drug addict and I completely turned my life around with the use of certain mind altering substances. Please visit this link if you believe that I am making up the fact that '___' has been PROVEN to treat addictions such as chronic alcoholism.
'___' is not considered an addictive drug.
Personally I don't class '___' in the same class as other drugs as it is a productive drug which expands your consciousness and brain power. It is well know that '___' enhances brain power. Please read here. (This link also provides evidence that '___' is very effective in treating depression) The effects of '___' on me are constructive and not de-constructive like most other drugs.

dabbling in delusion and eastern spiritualism.

It may be your personal opinion (And probably a LOT of others) that the things I believe are delusional. But then again that is YOUR opinion which you are entitled to, although it does not mean that you are correct, nor I for the matter. My point is, you cannot form a decent opinion on my spiritual beliefs as they are personal to me, I have not even dabbled in the slightest about my beliefs in this thread.

you should stop and find better things to do with your time before you go insane.

I make music (Check my signature) and I run a website (Which I cannot disclose due to violation of T&C although I asked permission to post a link to my music). Plus the use of '___' has actually BETTERED my mental health and psyche and continues to better it with each use. '___' is even better. Please check the links I posted above about '___'. I am also interested in becoming a youth worker as I have had a lot of experience in gang culture and the like. (Believe it or not, not all kids in gangs are stupid

I am not trying to provoke you or throw fuel on the fire and I am not even slightly angry about your comments. Its just that when someone makes a judgement on your character based on a tiny bit of information on a forum, I feel you have the right to explain yourself. I appreciate how you may have come to your conclusions but I assure you that you know almost nothing about me and therefore your analysis of my psyche is completely void.


edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by Romantic_Rebel
It's sad to see this happening today. This is what Christian Churches teach people. Puff the Religion of Peace my but!

For starters, you misspelled "butt". Secondly, this isn't what Christian churches teach people. This is what African Christian churches teach people. As we all know, Africa has a wide variety of beliefs which not only are rather absurd, but down right dangerous. Like having sex with a child to get rid of aids... Same thing here, they're overly superstitious.

I lived in the Philippines for a while, people believed in witches there too, they were also Catholics. Yet, witch burning doesn't happen there now does it? Nor does it happen in the U.S.A, Europe or anywhere else today.

And just for arguments sake, if this was about Islamic Jihadists and people mocking Islam, I bet you'd be in an uproar wouldn't you?

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 05:56 PM
Although I don't know why they are being burned, I don't think this is fake, it isn't a rite of passage, usually rites of passage are done during puberty.

Like I said they have Witch smellers, and it has been a tribal practice forever.

witch smeller's of the Zulu nation =en&ei=RVnHTJ2ZH4uXnwfZhN2bAQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=8&ved=0CCwQ6AEwBw#v=onepage&q=african%20Witch%20smellers&f=false

Scroll down to the end of page 254, the Gusii and the psychological aspects of witchcraft.

There is no doubt witchcraft and sorcery are still practiced in this area, the NA shaman was revered and feared,

These ancient tribal rituals should not be confused with new age shamanism and paganism.
edit on 063131p://bTuesday2010 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by ImAnAlienOnMyOwnPlanet
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

Why is money green? "go"? You need to speak up like a big boy now! Judaism to me is truth. Not a Sunday morning ride to Church or a typical lunch at McDonalds.

Money is green because the jews pick it up before its ripe... so of course you wish you got paid

Dont need to act all superior with me... I prolly have spent a lot more years studying this phenomenon you call "religion" than you will ever spend. So... take it easy.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by Romantic_Rebel
It's sad to see this happening today. This is what Christian Churches teach people. Puff the Religion of Peace my but!

I do not like religion but I do understand it serves as a guide for people. I disagree that religion makes people do things, but people do things and use religion as a shield. People who would otherwise do these horrible anyway, with religion or no religion. That's all.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by TechUnique
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

After reading through your comments and watching the video I have to say that you have convinced me that there is just as much chance of this being with the peoples permission as there is it being non-consensual. You have also claimed a lot of interesting things which seem to be true after a quick google search.

So we have established that this video might not actually correlate with how the video is being described. (After 21 pages of religious spam..)

Seeing as we cannot use this video anymore, I dug out this article about Deadly hunt for 'witches' in Kenya.

In late May, news outlets in Kenya told the story of 15 people, mostly elderly women, who were murdered in a witch hunt near the town of Kisii. The killings shocked the nation. Villagers said more than 100 people gathered machetes and knives and stormed the village of Kegogi after midnight.

"They started banging on the doors, they broke into the house and then they killed our grandmother inside," says Justus Bosire. "The mob was screaming and we panicked. We ran away and they came to our house and burned it to the ground."

I don't believe this article says anything about burning a person (Only their house) but as you can see it talks about some very brutal acts on another persons body which lead to their death. All it seems without a fair right of trial and justice. This is apparently because the grandmother was a witch. Or maybe because of what you were saying earlier (Resources, land and such) so some corporation spread the witch baloney. But to me, this seems more likely a case of witch hunting. There is definitely something going on here regardless of whether or not it was actually about witches.

What do you have to say about this article Proto?



edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

Hard to say about that article, and that part of the world. Yet I think we can discern from our own Salem Witch Trials who was accused was as much about local politics as anything else.

Understanding it fully then requires understanding the possible motives of the person who originally levelled the accusation and we don't know that.

For instance in early Boston a young woman who had been taken in by a convent of Nuns was given a reprieve from her time in the convent to ascess whether she wanted to fully commit to a life as a bride of Christ.

During that time she wrote a fictional book about the convent and the nuns saying that they kidnapped local single Boston women and forced them to become Nuns by holding them against their will and beating them.

It was really more or less just the musings of an adolescent girl.

Yet when the Protestants of Boston got hold of the book, they believed it to be a real account and a plea for help.

The women gathered together and basically approached the town fathers and said something like "If you don't do something about this we aren't cooking dinner tonight".

They went and burned the Convent down and the neighboring Catholic Church.

Later it was discovered it was all just an adolescent girls hoax, but you really have to know who made the accusation.

From there it becomes easier to understand why they made the accusation.

Even many city dwellers in the Western World remain terribly superstitious, my estranged wife for instance won't even light a candle in doors for fear it will attract evil spirits.

This is just a supersititon she grew up being taught in a rural part of Mexico.

So why the mob acts (superstition) versus why the original accuser makes the accusation are sometimes and most often two very different things.

When you compare tribal justice dispatching 15 alleged witches versus the 600,000 some odd people killed in tribal violence in Darfur, not to mention the people who survived after having limbs hacked off and being repeditively raped, what we see is a culture steeped in violence vying for control over limited resources, in part because the wealth of most of those countries is raped by European and Western powers leaving the people literally scraps to fight over.

Project 2,000 the report on the state of the world commissioned by Jimmy Carter and headed by Cyrus Vance pegged most of Africa's population as "Worthless Eaters" meaning excess humanity it was better let to starve and kill each other off, and leave to their own devices, and that is pretty much what we are doing.

The San Francisco man who compiled most of the study for the Carter Whitehouse was so depressed by it's conclusions and his investigations he actually took his own life a few years later.

Amazingly Africa is rich in resources but they were more or less bought out and stolen by Europeans and corporations early on, with the only changes in status when a violent coup or revolution brings another corrupt politician to power who then turns around and resells them to the Europeans!

Pockets the profit and tries to keep from being deposed while squandering away millions and billions.

According to the United Nations Report on integrating the World, some African nations are owned, literally owned out right by corporations, and their governments are basically just a sham to manage the population and keep them out of the way of the mining and drilling operations that make them lucrative investments.

Africa is a real mess.

But according to the Powers that Be the vast bulk of them are worthless eaters and they are absolutely not going to spend a dime or invest any money to save or protect them from one another.

This is why Somalia after nearly two decades has no government at all, with no resources it's literally not worth touching and is simply used as an offshore toxic dumping ground for highly toxic chemical and nuclear waste.

Being accused of being a Witch in Africa is probably one of the luckiest things that could happen to you all things considered.

Sad but true.

edit on 26/10/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler because: spelling

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