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corperate symbology

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posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 09:47 AM
just been on google and pulled this up

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 09:56 AM
i skimmed through most of those... it's quite funny how people can take just about any coporate logo and turn it into something evil or esoteric. nice find though!

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 10:17 AM
Been there, done that (ATS Search function rules all!), as to the site, it reeks of religious paranoia (vice the NWO paranoia of other similar sites). The thought that you are destined to the clutches of the Red Guy because you own an Apple computer is ludicrous (unless you're Bill Gates or Michael Dell).

Waiting for all those Mac users to show up!

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 11:19 AM
It intrigues me that when given examples of Luciferian influence in corporations, some people just brush it off with calls of paranoia. Many people are scared of the truth of our world because they lack the one thing that can give them strength against it, and so fool themselves with their own pride.

[edit on 27-6-2004 by Mountain Man]

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 11:24 AM
Yah, here's some more for all the Religiously Paranoid.
(Who Ironicly have done more to promote EVIL than any other organization ever by continuously looking everywhere for any and all possible signs of it, rather than searching for signs of the Glory of God like they should be doing. It really makes one wonder just who it is that they are really following!!)

New Hope Christian Church
Notice once again the use of THE SUN!! As well as the DOUBLE CROSS!! (One being the cross in the ground and the Second being the SHADOW CROSS!!)

Some other Christian Logo - Website not available
Notice how they changed the Cross in to a STAR, as in the Morning Star of Lucifer!! Also a BOOK representing KNOWLEDGE, which we all know is the sign of SATAN!! Then there is that symbol in the sky. Could that be another SUN? Or perhaps THE EYE OF HORUS?

Christian Church of the SouthWest - Deciples of Christ
Need I say more? Is that a FIERY SUN!!! How about that BLOOD RED CUP with what looks like a BROKEN CROSS floating in the Blood!!!
Are you starting to see a pattern yet people???

Pantano Christian Church
Ahhhh!!! Another EVIL SUN!!!! This time we have yet another SHADOW CROSS!! But instead of it being a double cross we have the SHADOW CROSS being made by A TRIDENT, or PITCH FORK, like the classic image of THE DEVIL is portraid as weilding as a weapon. They try and hide it as though it's a cactus, but by now the TRUE EVIL SYMBOLIC LANGUAGE should be obvious to see.

Greencastle Christian Church
Seems harmless doesn't it? Typical cross with a heart behind it. But wait. Turn it on it's side and let the TRUTH BE SEEN!!! Notice how the horizontal section of the Cross and the top rounded sections of the heart make the NUMBER 13!!!! We all know what that means by now, right???

Ok, well that is it for now, but I hope everyone is clear now in how to see the EVIL WAYS SATAN HIDES HIS LANGUAGE WHICH ONLY HIS DEVOTED CHILDREN USE AND UNDERSTAND!!!

Now, who is it again that is trying to decieve you with hidden language??

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 11:53 AM
Do you not think that there is much apostacy in Christian churches these days? A good indicator is the day many Christians go to church, sunday. Sunday is not the sabath. Christian who go to church on sundays are not looking very hard for the truth.

[edit on 27-6-2004 by Mountain Man]

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 11:53 AM
[edit on 27-6-2004 by Mountain Man]

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 12:06 PM
And look at the evil website where you got the information -- it's HOTT! That's a reference to Hell, the domain where Satan rules! And it's got a Hitler quote!!! And it's got the color RED on it!!! That web page is a Satanic Disniformation Page!!!!


posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 12:24 PM
Mountain Man, you sound a lot like Chris Lancaster(drmlanc) of the truth forum.

Do you seriously think GOD cares what day you set aside as a day to worship Him? Sunday, friday, saturday... to an eternal being, one day is much the same as any other...

Further, and to be more serious, an overreliance on the literal words of the bible is foolish, given that MEN wrote them down, inspired by god, to be sure, but men, subject to the vagaries and errors of the human condition.

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 02:00 PM
OK but you must agree it is a bit WERID how certain symbols and signs seem to pop up alot in corporate logos?? Like pyramid and the eye of horus?? Alot of them are similar??? And who has the most interest and enthusiasm towards a symbol??? Pure Occultists, because a symbol can convey many meanings , but it is only noticed by those who have been "enlightened" or "told about it by the stoned guy at the pub while drinking a draft!"

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 03:36 PM
What luck for you if men do not think---here on ATS.

I gotta tell you, you and your ideas are working overtime these days. Are we to assume you have an exclusive outlet to the truth, as you see it? And, you have decided to share your truth with us?

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 03:39 PM
Mojon... your childish sarcasm is way off the track... there`s nothing weird in these logos. I have seen on some religious logos of this kind, in the past, the sun used as symbolizing the light of God, or sunrise symbolizing a "new day" for Christians. Even the "elephant" sign on the Republican party`s official emblem is stranger than that! Not like the shining pyramid/Eye of Horus-like symbols on corporate logos! What would you say of a big corporation would use the Holy Cross as their logo??? You'd say that the board directors are religious fanatics and that they have a secret agenda to persecute the oooh so wise and instructed Freemasons, pagans and these screwballs gnostics!

Just because someone is concerned by big corporations using ancient religious symbols does not really mean that they are paranoid... they`re only preoccupied by what's really going on in their world, instead of swallowing everything that authorities and the dominant knowledge are telling them each day!

And this is AboveTopSecret, here... did'nt you forget? Not the place for positivist discussions about how the elite is working hard and straight each day for our own good of us all!

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 03:47 PM
All right, the guy on that site got a little bit too far in his examples... (Sun Micro`s logo having Luciferian symbolism... riiight!), but still I made my point.

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Echtelion
And this is AboveTopSecret, here... did'nt you forget? Not the place for positivist discussions about how the elite is working hard and straight each day for our own good of us all!


What does our old friend, the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition have to say?


1. Philosophy.
1. A doctrine contending that sense perceptions are the only admissible basis of human knowledge and precise thought.
2. The application of this doctrine in logic, epistemology, and ethics.
3. The system of Auguste Comte designed to supersede theology and metaphysics and depending on a hierarchy of the sciences, beginning with mathematics and culminating in sociology.
4. Any of several doctrines or viewpoints, often similar to Comte's, that stress attention to actual practice over consideration of what is ideal: �Positivism became the �scientific� base for authoritarian politics, especially in Mexico and Brazil� (Raymond Carr).
2. The state or quality of being positive.

I'm not clear on what you mean here.

P.S. I'd like to leave it at that, but I'm afraid you really beg the question of who or what these "elites" are... you sure seem to hate them, but I'd like to know who they are -- if you do.

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by theron dunn
Do you seriously think GOD cares what day you set aside as a day to worship Him?

The fourth commandment: Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Originally posted by theron dunn
an overreliance on the literal words of the bible is foolish, given that MEN wrote them down

Well in this case it was God who wrote the 10 commandments in stone, not a man.

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 01:00 AM
Mountain man, g-d wrote the ten commandments, to be sure, and the fourth does say to REMEMBER the sabbath and keep it holy. The commandment does NOT say:

Remember the sabbath on Friday and keep it holy. Whatever day is accepted as the day to honor g-d, one day per week is the day. Curently, it is Sunday for most of the Christian world. As I noted above, and you did not answer, do you really think GOD cares which day?

It is silly to base your life on the words of men interpreting the words of g-d. Base your life instead on what g-d has commanded us to do... love him with all our heart and all our soul, to have faith in Him and His plan.

The rest is religion. g-d wants faith and love, not religion. Religion is for controlling the masses. Faith and love is for making men good.

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 01:06 AM
Oh, and it should not surprise anyone that Masonic symbols end up in corporate logos. Masonry is INTEGRAL to Western culture, and western culture is steeped in Masonic prinicples and symbols. There was a point where 40% of the population of the United States were masons, so it should surprise no one that they used those symbols in designing logos.

Designers are steeped in symbols of our culture, and use them to convey a message. A logo, is, after all, advertising, and speaks to the consumer, so symbols are used that all understand. Again, it should not be surprising therefore that Masonic symbols, even unknowingly then, become a part of corporate culture.

To be on the level is a masonic expression, that has found its way into the comon vernacular. To be square is also a masonic expression that has been used as a negative for one that is "hopelessly" honest. The real macoy is a masonic expression, for the printer of the cipher rituals we use... is that a real Macoy (Macoy Press)...

This country was FOUNDED on Masonic principles, so it is not strange to see the corporations here, and around the world, using our symbols.

It is not nefarious, to be sure. It is simple symbology and culture.

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 02:53 AM
Mountain Man:

"And he said unto them, the sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath" Mark 2:27

"Christ our Passsover" 1 Cor 5:7. For Christians, Jesus' passion gives us a new day to celebrate. God rested on the seventh day. on the eighth, Jesus rose and went about his father's business . . .

"And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight." Acts 20:7 Clearly, the practice of Sunday worship was set in the early church . . .

"One man esteemeth one day above another; another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind." Romans 14:5

Not that you're wrong in worshiping on Saturday. Only that it's wrong to tell others that they are wrong or inferior for their own practices.

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by Echtelion
Mojon... your childish sarcasm is way off the track... there`s nothing weird in these logos.

Oh Really?!?!? How am I 'way off track' and yet I am pointing the same 'symbols' as did the other page??? I am using the EXACT SAME method they are and EXACT SAME SYMBOLS. They use the 'SUN' so did I. They showed the alleged '13' in the 'Arby's' logo & I showed the same '13' in the Greencastle 'Christian Church', in fact my '13' is a much better example too!! So if mine are invalid then so are theirs. But if theirs are valid then mine must be too. Just because you cannot admit that fact, since doing so requires you to question your own belief structure, doesn't mean it's not true. It just means you refuse to it, based of hypocritical reasoning no less.

Also, calling my examples 'Childish' isn't going to help your flawed argument seem any more believable either. As it would only take a child to see what is obvious when it's right in front of them. Perhaps you should find one and have them explain to you, what you seem to be having trouble seeing on your own or coming to terms with.

I have seen on some religious logos of this kind, in the past, the sun used as symbolizing the light of God, or sunrise symbolizing a "new day" for Christians. Even the "elephant" sign on the Republican party`s official emblem is stranger than that! Not like the shining pyramid/Eye of Horus-like symbols on corporate logos!


BTW, I have more examples (see below) that have Triangles or 'Pyramids' as well, so be sure to check those out too before you continue to Rationalize the truth away and discredit my examples as being any different than the others.

Sometimes they don't even use Symbols at all like their example of 'Sun Microsystems'. Their reasoning is based on the fact that it's called 'Sun'. So I guess that makes 'Sun-day' just as bad??

What would you say of a big corporation would use the Holy Cross as their logo??? You'd say that the board directors are religious fanatics and that they have a secret agenda to persecute the oooh so wise and instructed Freemasons, pagans and these screwballs gnostics!

Well, if it was in fact 'A Big Corporation' that used 'The Holy Cross as the Logo'. Well, I'd say that would be OBVIOUSLY, A CHURCH!! Actually, I've seen just such a place many times in fact, exactly the way you've described it too!! It's called a church and it does have Religious Fanatics as the Board of Directors as a matter of fact! Not surprisingly they do have a secret agenda also and not only do they persecute those group ls you mentioned, but everything & everyone else besides themselves as well!! You described it so well, you must be familiar with their Business.

Just because someone is concerned by big corporations using ancient religious symbols does not really mean that they are paranoid... they`re only preoccupied by what's really going on in their world, instead of swallowing everything that authorities and the dominant knowledge are telling them each day!

Hey, I am totally in agreement with you there!! I'm not trying to discredit the idea that 'Big Organizations use Ancient Symbols' as a means of manipulation, mind control, magick, secret language, occult meanings, etc. I'm simply filling in the blank spots that the first page missed. They seemed to somehow skip right over The Primary Sources where those Ancient Symbols come from and went to showing only the Modern Day Corporations. I was just doing my part to help round out the list. I thought I was making that fairly clear, especially since I was using THE SAME SYMBOLS AND METHODS THEY DID.

And this is AboveTopSecret, here... didn't you forget? Not the place for positivist discussions about how the elite is working hard and straight each day for our own good of us all!

I didn't forget this was ATS or the idea behind being and posting at ATS either. You are obviously missing the point of what I posted. I especially would never take the side of the 'elite' or ever try and convince anyone that they do anything for 'Our own good' or for anyone's good for that matter, except maybe their own, I'm just making sure that a thorough job is done at exposing them all.

And now for some more examples...
(I won't use ONLY Christian Logo's this time either.)

Charis Christian Church
Well here we have our 'ol friend the 'PYRAMID'. It looks as though their is something in the center of it too. SYMBOLIC of 'The Eye of Horus', but perhaps just 'The Sun' again. Either way we all know what EVIL those symbols represent.

Lakeview Baptist Church College
Well, this to looks like......yep, you got it. A PYRAMID. In fact with the Cross making a third edge it's even more like a Tetrahedron than just the average Triangle!! BTW, the Tetrahedron is the first of the Platonic Solids representing FIRE as well.

Holy Trinity, Catholic Church
Do I even need to explain this yet again??

Here is another idea that comes to mind other than just the 'Pyramid'.

Fort McMurray Catholic School
Ok, this is the last one for now. How about another '13' to end this round.

[edit on 29-6-2004 by mOjOm]

[edit on 29-6-2004 by mOjOm]

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 10:23 AM
(web page off the mormon thread) just had a look, this part of it has some corperate and religous symbology on it

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