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The Conspiracy against Sexual Energy

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posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:28 PM
That energy i think is the energy of the beginnings of the cell(s)of eachones body - so its really everybody's its own marker of the RNA of the father - not divisive energy

((sex = division))

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by LordBucket

...are you planning to design physical vessels for inhabitation by consciousness any time in the near future?

How does this question make your analogy, connecting Electrical Wiring and Chakras, true?

Remember, your previous post was asking about people having succesful relationships. One does not need to "install chakras" to accomplish this. One merely needs to pleasingly relate with someone.

Hey... YOU brought up the Chakras... I just want to to Enunciate what you mean.

Your non-comprehension fills me with joy. Here's a bunny.

Thanks for the Bunnies.....

Explain to me again how you know that Chakras are Real?

And how explaining about them will help someone in a relationship?

Why do you think that Masturbation is a Psychic or Spiritual "Drain Plug", and is this your opinion or Fact?

-Edrick (Chtulu says that *I'M* right... so you are going to have to take this up with *IT*)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:39 PM
// all there is is MAYA of time so those chakras are not really real in this ractalled universe of ever de-evolving path of mind - even more so tru & out of the harmonics of the immagined geometry of trusta of it -
the reallity is that your father is also as your mother - a ma-other (mauya - the former mother too is there) to you - RNA or RaNaI - the queen of them all is that one your celsl is formed by and tru-all

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by Edrick

How does this question make your analogy

Your ability to willfully misunderstand my meaning exceeds my desire to explain. I salute you for this and withdraw.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

do a search on ATS looking for threads on
Sex and you`ll hardly find any. Thats Odd.

Maybe, but do a search in any thread for intellectual masturbation, and you'll find plenty. Typing-based discussion probably simply isn't highly compatible with the sort of energies involved with sex. You probably won't find a lot of sex on the radio either.

Is limiting ones own porn-consumption to one video a day instead of ten imposing "artificial scarcity" or merely a matter of discipline so that energy can also be invested elsewhere?

I dislike calling debate points, but Straw man.

You went from suggesting that having a "refridgerator full of chocolate" would tend to make one not like chocolate as much to now talking about watching "ten porn videos a day." Personally, in my entire life I don't think I've ever known anyone to watch even one porn video a day let alone ten. I think these are both extremes somewhat beyond useful for our discussion. I understand the metaphor, but let's try to keep our metaphors in the context of the topic.

How much is "appropriate" is likely to vary. Personally I spend more time watching kitten videos on youtube than porn videos. But that's simply because I personally have more need to vent at the heart chakra than at the genitals, and I recognize that the basic motivation for me wacthing a video like this is essentially the same as the motivation for somebody else watching Debbie Does Dallas. There's a need to release energies into expression, and a lack of a convenient partner with whom to express them. The difference is simply the nature/level/frequency/chakra of those energies. If somebody else "needs" to watch ten porns a day, or masturbate ten times a day...I see no particular benefit from telling them they can't or shouldn't. I'm guessing probably most people don't, and yes, I think there's a lot of "push" for sexual outlet in our society that is unjustified, and yes I think that it's motivated by desire to drain people's energies so they have less available for higher chakra function. Odds are good that the more people are thinking about sex, the less they're thinking about love and intellectual pursuits.

But...perceiving sex as a "sacred" thing that must be conserved and honored and adored...I think is misunderstanding it. Sex is a valid means by which people may relate to each other. And if one has more sexual energy than one can comfortably accomodate, it's not unreasonable to "vent" it through means such as masturbation. And some people may need to do that more than others.

edit on 22-10-2010 by LordBucket because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by beebs
James DeMeo has extrapolated Reich's ideas in an interesting way, with his book Saharasia the idea is that this sexual suppression and male oppression is the reason for the desertification of northern Africa.

This is a strange and unique thought. If you can tell me more about it, Id be interested to hear....

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by March of the Fire Ants

Cool thread, I'm interested in the idea that sex without orgasm can boost the energy levels of your chakras faster than normal. Would merely thinking of sex or watching porn without masturbating do this also? (Mrs would not be impressed

Possibly. My subjective impression tends toward a "yes" on this.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by HUMBLEONE
Perhaps interdimensional beings use the energy released during the sex act as food? You know, those pesky fourth dimensional reptilians ala David Icke. Crazy? How do you know?

The idea shouldnt be discarded imo. Who knows...

The mediaval idea of Succubi alludes to this. Castaneda alluded to this once.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by LordBucket

Your write-up on Islam was a fascinating read.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by LordBucket

But...perceiving sex as a "sacred" thing that must be conserved and honored and adored...I think is misunderstanding it. Sex is a valid means by which people may relate to each other. And if one has more sexual energy than one can comfortably accomodate, it's not unreasonable to "vent" it through means such as masturbation. And some people may need to do that more than others.

Possibly. I by no means have a fixed stance on the whole thing.. Hence Discussion.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by Edrick

Explain to me again how you know that Chakras are Real?

You can feel it. Everytime you have an Emotion you are referring to one of the Chakra points.

And how explaining about them will help someone in a relationship?

Relationships are about Feelings and Emotions.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by LordBucket
If somebody else "needs" to watch ten porns a day, or masturbate ten times a day...I see no particular benefit from telling them they can't or shouldn't.

Education is not necessarily a "cant" or "shouldnt". I can tell people the possible consequences of something or what various philosophies think about a subject and leave it up to them how they act on it.

I ll tell a kid "Touch stove, very hot. Pain.".

With Sex, unfortunately, not much is known about it, not even to Easterners many of which no longer read their own scriptures.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by LordBucket
reply to post by Edrick

How does this question make your analogy

Your ability to willfully misunderstand my meaning exceeds my desire to explain. I salute you for this and withdraw.

I was just wondering man... No offense was intended.


posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by Wang Tang
By an immature expression of passion, I don't necessarily mean you go out and sexually assault the first attractive woman you find. You can express sexual passion in a non-sexual way, for example through writing or music or dancing. In today's culture, I'm sure you have noticed as I have an increasingly sexualized view of society. According to Nietzsche, this is not necessarily bad, as eventually our society should evolve into one with a more mature spiritual energy.

When you feel your sensuality within every cell of your body and channel that energy up to the pineal's called spiritual intimacy. There is a difference. I think the suppression of our sensuality over hundreds of years has created the porn industry and probably the dark ages too. Those that can experience a full orgasm don't need a partner, but it's rare, because it involves reaching a high state of consciousness. This kind of experience is acheived through compassion and brings to mind the painting "The Ecstacy of St. Theresa". Although, I think her experience was more extreme than those that do experience an orgasmic state without the pain.

Caroline Babcock speaks of Bernini's melding of sensual and spiritual pleasure in the "orgiastic" grouping as both intentional and influential on artists and writers of the day. [8] Irving Lavin said "the transverberation becomes a point of contact between earth and heaven, between matter and spirit".[9] Given the sexualized imagery of St. Teresa's written account of the experience,[10] some critics have seen in the statue a depiction of physical orgasm; in particular, the body posture and facial expression of St. Teresa have caused some to assign her experience as one of climactic moment.[11]Jacques Lacan, for example, whilst discussing the female orgasm, said that "you only have to go and look at Bernini's statue in Rome to understand immediately that she's coming, there is no doubt about it." ("Encore," Sem. XX: 70-71)

These experiences seem to coincide with a person's inner feelings of himself, but it's without lust. It's pure compassion and sensual energy.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:24 PM
Thanks for the replies Skyfloating and Lordbucket.

Lordbucket, why would the energy collect in the base chakra and not make its way up to the others? Is it simply a matter of knowing how to move it? It doesn't make sense to me that it would be stuck in one place depending on the type of stimuli that generated it.

How do you differentiate between activities which generate energy and activities which expend it?

Either way, Kung Fu classes are a calling

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by LordBucket

Ok. But the electricity you use in the light bulbs in your house can be tranferred to be used by your computer. Does it make sense to think of that electricity as "light bulb electricity?"

But why not just think of it as electricity being used in different ways?
C'mon. Picture a sexy exotic dancer and tell me that's not sexual energy.

Not to say sometimes they're not faking it. lol.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by Onboard2
When you feel your sensuality within every cell of your body and channel that energy up to the pineal's called spiritual intimacy. There is a difference. I think the suppression of our sensuality over hundreds of years has created the porn industry and probably the dark ages too. Those that can experience a full orgasm don't need a partner, but it's rare, because it involves reaching a high state of consciousness. This kind of experience is acheived through compassion and brings to mind the painting "The Ecstacy of St. Theresa". Although, I think her experience was more extreme than those that do experience an orgasmic state without the pain.

I must say, Im impressed by some of the unique writing here...

Its interesting to consider whether the Suppression of Sex by the extra-pious brought up its distorted opposite - Porn. Its something to ponder.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by ladyinwaiting
I blame Sigmund Freud. lol.

Things were unhealthy enough until he came along with all his neurasthenias and anxious disorders, which he associated all-- and more-- with sex. People believed all his sexual theories for a very long time.

The significance of sex was given a paramount role in our very character, our very essence, as though the course of our very souls depended on it, rather than being designated as the simple normal human drive which it is; the significance of which is blown way out of context to what it actually is.

Freud certainly overdid it - but at least there was now someone openly talking about Sex

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by March of the Fire Ants

why would the energy collect in the base chakra and not make its way up to the others?

Where one looks, one tends to go.

By deliberately cultivating sex without climax, one is directing energy to not leave the lower chakras. I mean...that's specifically what you're doing by deliberately having sex without climax, isn't it? Should it come as any surprise if you succeed?

Not to say that it couldn't be done. For example, one could probably very effectively use sex without climax to encourage energy to flow from muladhara to swadhisthana by focusing on dominating your partner and using her without allowing her the benefit of receiving you. That would be an upward flow of energy, though it would tend to create blockage higher up the chain.

How do you differentiate between activities which
generate energy and activities which expend it?

Me personally? By feel, mostly.

But in my experience, one does not "generate" energy. One induces it. Think of a garden hose. If you want to get water through the hose to water your lawn, you don't go where you want the water and try to "generate" water there, and you don't try to "push" water through the hose. You turn on the water. But mechanically, what does turning a faucet do? It removes an obstruction that allows water through. The water leading up to the hose is already pressurized, and simply removing the blockage allows it to go through.

The human energy system is much like this. It's not usually a matter of "causing" or "generating" energy so much as facilitating an easy path. You make it easy for energy to flow, and then let it flow.

Kung Fu

And sometimes you make it easy for water to flow not by removing obstructions, but by sucking on the hose. Which is, if you think about it...also removing obstructions.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 04:58 PM
"Sexual break"?? Tell it like it is brother. Was this your desicion OR are you just married? Old lady done shut my man off! No booty, no how, no way. Cause married is what you are! She caught your ass, scaled you, got you filleted, wrapped up and in the freezer. I am down with that brother. Been there, am there, what's a brother to do?reply to post by Skyfloating

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