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Introduction with a personal belief

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posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:22 AM
Hey there ATS members! I'm really looking forward to being part of this fantastic and unique community. Ever since I was a young teenager, I began to observe things and formulate questions on everything observed, trying to fully understand why something was that way. For example: I kept on watching and re-watching the footage of the Twin Towers on 9/11, looking at little details. It ultimately led me to question the report that 2 planes were the only things that brought down the Twin Towers. In this way I find all conspiracy theories and alternate viewpoints extremely interesting and engaging.

I have a personal philosophy on the religious view and scientific view of creation that I would like to share. It has, no doubt, been brought up and thought of, but I feel it's important I share this with you.

My belief is as goes:

We usually take each phase of creation (From "Let there be light" to "And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done") as a literal day. (Most of us were taught "and on the second day, God created...") Obviously this goes against the scientific viewpoint that it took billions of years for the Earth to form and support life. However I believe that one cannot measure the length of time that each phase of creation was. One day at a time may be the easiest way for us to put this process of creation into a rational perspective, but we really don't know. One day may be millions of years, maybe only thousands or hundreds. It is in this position that I believe both religious and scientific viewpoints can exist without conflict.

Thank you for taking time to read my introduction and one of my many personal beliefs. I can't wait to see what you all think of my perspective. I hope to discuss and debate more interesting topics with you all. Until we meet again!

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:29 AM
This is an awesome site, you will like it. try to stay clear of the hoaxes though

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:29 AM
Interesting belief....

Welcome to ATS

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by awisellama

Welcome to your new home ... I like you already and I totally agree with your comments about religion and science (along with conventional history) ... I believe it's the only way we can find the seeds of reality and fact ... otherwise it's just chinese whispers

You might be interested in my link too when you get a minute (there won't be many now you're a member here)

Really looking forward to seeing you on the boards and reading more of your ideas.

Well Met My Friend. Woody

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