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Finally a candidate I can feel good about voting for!

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posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 09:31 PM
Here's the guy I want to win this year, I give him my unreserved support and endorsement!

Imagine if everybody in the country wised up and voted for him. Think of the changes THAT would make for this country.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 10:10 PM
This whole "vote for nobody" thing has been around probably as long as there have been elections. Quite frankly I think it's a terrible idea that would solve nothing at all for us.

By refusing to exercise our Constitutional rights we are simply playing into their hands even more. Staying at home and being the complacent slobs they already think we are just confirms to them how ignorant we really are.

You want to make a difference? Do some research and cast an intelligent informed vote rather than voting on party lines or something else.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by nyk537
You want to make a difference? Do some research and cast an intelligent informed vote rather than voting on party lines or something else.

I've done the research for a lot of the candidates in the upcoming election. Most races have only two choices, either the D or the R, both of which make me sick.

It is seldom that a third party candidate appears on the ballot and if I see one that reflects my values, I do vote for them. Most of the rest of the time, I end up holding my nose and voting for the guy who seems less evil than the other guy.

Maybe voting for "nobody" will finally get the message through to the two party establishment that the losers they put forward every election don't reflect the values of the voters.

It could also encourage real 3rd party candidates to step forward and throw their hats on the ring against the establishment parties if they think they have a little more than a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 10:25 PM

Maybe voting for "nobody" will finally get the message through to the two party establishment that the losers they put forward every election don't reflect the values of the voters.

Perhaps. Or perhaps voting for nobody will confirm to them that we don't even deserve the right to vote anymore. Sitting at home and playing dumb reinforces their views that we are too ignorant to act on our own.

It could also encourage real 3rd party candidates to step forward and throw their hats on the ring against the establishment parties if they think they have a little more than a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected.

These people should be running whether they think they can win or not. Any there are always third party candidates running in virtually every election. Problem is, the majority of people in the country just aren't that interested in them. No matter what many of us may think, the average American can align themselves pretty closely with either one of the major party platforms. Third party ideas and values can, and often do find their way into mainstream discussion, but they just aren't as relevant as many would like to think.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 10:25 PM
Disclaimer: OL is extraordinarily Emo at the moment. Please consider that when reading his post OK!

Explanation: This thread made me cry [OL is still crying as he types this
] ...

For The LOVE OF WHATEVER... please ... Please VOTE 1 YOU!

You ARE your own taskmaster... your own boss-cop etc!

Being good is being good when there is no one around to see it and reward it, as who is REALLY in charge then and there???

Personal Disclosure: OL is seriously tired of wiping up after immature kids! GROW UP!


[OL runs away screaming gibberish and tearing his hair out! FML!

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 10:38 PM
As long as people keep insisting their rights must be framed by the constraints of "Constitutional", or "civil", or "legal" rights, then be rest assured those rights will be regulated to the point of diminishing returns. As long as people remain convinced that the only way to affect change is through the mechanism of government, then be rest assured that everything will remain the same, with the sole exception that what does change is that everything continues to get worse, while a desperate attempt is made to keep everything the same.

All closed systems tend towards entropy. Entropy is useless energy. The best way to avoid finding ourselves in a system headed towards uselessness, is to maintain systems that are opened, and not closed. The federal government of the United States of America is not an open system, it is a closed system well on its way towards entropy, if not all ready there. It is a closed system because we the people have closed it. We have closed it by granting that system more power than any system can reasonably contain. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

We the people have tolerated more usurpation's and abuses than should have ever been tolerated. We have foolishly acquiesced to authority that cannot exist without our acquiescence. As long as people keep insisting that the only possible way to gain freedom is by grant of government, those people will never be free. We do not need politicians in order to exercise our right to speak freely. We do not need politicians in order to exercise our right to publish, or broadcast freely. We do not need politicians in order to exercise our right to worship in whatever religious or irreligious manner we choose. We do not need politicians to peaceably assemble. We do not need politicians to keep and bear arms.

Conversely, in order to have our freedom of speech heavily regulated, we need politicians to do this. In order to have our freedom to publish or broadcast heavily regulated, we need politicians to do this. In order to have our freedom to worship heavily regulated, we need politicians to do this. In order to have our right to peaceably assemble heavily regulated, we need politicians to do this. In order to have our right to keep and bear arms heavily regulated, we need politicians to do this. It should be noted, that in this context, the term politician can be easily exchanged for tyrant.

As long as we keep waiting for government to give us permission to be free, we will keep waiting.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by OmegaLogos

Isn't going to the voting booth and, when you find no candidates suitable to your liking, writing in "nobody" still voting?

I think that when we play their games and vote for someone who makes us sick just because we believe the other guy may be worse is playing into their game just as much as staying home and not voting.

At least by writing in "nobody", I'm showing the establishment that I take the time to go to the voting booth on election day but, that I refuse to vote for someone who I find repellent if that is my only option.

A bad guy may win the election if I vote for "nobody" but, at least I can say with a clear conscience that I didn't vote for that guy and I didn't vote for for his evil opponent either but, I DID vote. I can say that at least I sent a message to both parties that neither of their candidates was suitable in my eyes to represent the people of this state.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 11:08 PM
i got to jump in here and chime in on this subject...........................

but the current state of todays politics isnt about the individual anymore while it should be its not......

as we have all seen in the last election and the massive bills that have been passed the congressman in washington dc neither have the will or desire to stand up to the party in power............

every vote cast is for the parties power not to the content of whats being debated or signed on

so with respect i vote agianst the party once you know what the end goal of a party is to me thats all i need to know

politicians are politicians there are no good men left in america caviat the only good men/women left in america are the one who do not seek power..........politicans seek power and that itself is destructive.

edit on 9-10-2010 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 11:31 PM
I think that if Ron Paul does run he will possibly win this time around. I hope for the whole sake of the nation anyway. If you just listen to him, I think you will find that if nothing else at all, he TRULY cares about the people. I think the man is as honest as they come, and that is hard to say when it comes to politicians. He says he will only run if he is asked to by the people. That in it self is different. Most of the ones running are power hungry greedy crooks. Ron, says he will do it but it is not going to be an easy road. I don’t care how hard it is I have faith that he will do the right things to get us back on track. He cares. He is the only hope we have. If he does not win in 2012 I think it will be all over, done, kaput, end of story, for us all. I think that if does not win, my family and I will be leaving.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem

Explanation: St*r for you! [btw now I have found a calm moment I reread and I flagged!

Humans who worship [a] God ... have no need for a leader beyond that!

To do otherwise would be blasphemy, as it would directly contradict ones own foresworn loyalty!

Personal Disclosure: As you are not a secularist... whats your agenda here please???

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 11:44 PM
But I am a human who worships no god

Am I marked for elimination?

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by BubbaJoe

Explanation: You are your own God! You "Thunk! and therefor you were!" yes?

Personal Disclosure: Everything gets recycled.. in the end! That end is as far away as you want it to be and as far away as your wanting it to be, can be made so!

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 01:01 AM
I have long felt that anyone who desires a position of power does not deserve merely because of that ambition. I think it would be great if people actually wrote in candidates that they felt would get the job done, even if it is Mary the hairdresser down the street.

Contrary to some folks opinions, I feel quite satisfied in NOT voting. By not participating, we send a signal to the crooks that we reject all of the candidates. If enough people don't turn out, then the vote might be questioned. At the very least, it would prove to the world that we as Americans think very little of the people who have been picked to represent us.

I have never been one to be ok with "good enough for now". Do it right or don't do it at all!

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