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Times Square bomber sentenced to life in prison

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posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

I'd have thought it would be self evident how relevent it is- You truthers are accusing everyone from the gov't, the Jews, the Masons, secret cults of Satan worshipping numerologists, etc etc etc of being behind the 9/11 attack that to you, the only ones completely innocent are Bin Laden and Al Qaida.

What a grandstanding generalization. Is that what us truthers think? All of us?

Well, here's a real life breathing Muslim terrorist who openly admits he supports Bin Laden and openly admits the only reason he came to this country was to commit a terrorist act, so Islamic fundamentalism cannot be trivialized. If THIS guy was a legitimate terrorist then it stands to reason that the 9/11 HIJACKERS were legitimate terrorists as well.

It stands to reason? It sure would if everything the OS made sense and was true.
Somehow the passport for one of the alleged hijackers on a plane that hit the WTC was found on top of the rubble, all dusty at Ground Zero. Somehow it survived an explosion, immense fires and a free fall only to be found fully in tact, unscathed. If that passport was the passport for one of the hijackers that was on that plane, as the OS tells us; how did it get to where it was found? Wouldnt it stand to reason that the guy wasnt in fact on the plane, since his ID wasnt either....and it would have been needed to board the plane?
Lets talk about 'standing to reason'.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by DIDtm

You're making just as big of a generalization in your ASSUMPTION (it's a word, look it up) that nothing else survived the plane impacts, and your ASSUMPTIONS about when the passport was found, etc. etc.

Assumptions make great story starters. Like how I assume that since a man holding a wand is pointing at a man having a heart attack, the man must be killing him with magic, right? Or perhaps he just pointed his wand when he noticed the man grabbing his arm?

The problem with truthers is that they assume too much, really. This Time Square bomber was a self-proclaimed terrorist on wheels. Some crazy guy by himself got enough explosive material together to cause some serious havoc and very luckily was not able to fire it off. What Dave was pointing out is that if one guy can do THAT under everyone's nose, then it isn't too hard to believe that a bunch of them got together and planned an attack on 9/11, when security on airlines was much less pervasive. (though honestly, TSA isn't saving anyone with their searches. If you want to sneak something past them, it's just a matter of ingenuity).

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