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posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 03:58 AM
This post, is really a sharing or what i am seeing at the moment. The conspiracy chicks thing, its hilarious, really funny, but, its a joke? it has to be. this whole site has become a highly paid advertising spot,
The tv shows, if you were not able to pick up on, are literally talkng the piss out of the people who take them seriously

Those programs are a farce. they are done in the style of a sattire, not taking anything seriously at all. Some people come here looking for awnsers, for information, not some piss take of the current events. the final stand is simply when the being will not cooperate

we will be herded, until someone actually stops,

so do something to change the world/?

or do you have no idea why we are in this state?

or how we can get out?

we are on a planet, a single race, we should be unified in learning, creating, and experiencing new frontiers.

but where we are instead is

most people work 5 days a week in a job they dont like, they pay rent pay pay, sleep, no thinking, slavery., death.

we are capable as a planet to sort this mess out. very capable. but it requires for everyone to want it.

regardless of conspiracies there is war on our planet, and this is A BUSINESS make no mistake. the entire mindset of the planet needs to change, to one where war would be an impossibility

we dont need to slave away for just food and a bed. we have more than enough technology to do it all for us, the only reason that we are still living in these conditiions is because they bind you. into slavery

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 05:47 AM
seriously. is anyone taking this website seriously any more? if you actually look at the last episode of conspiracy chicks that is just a joke. complete joke.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 06:07 AM
ye, conspiracy is the past. so much evidence is available to proove much of what was theory. to be honest, everyone knows the picture of the world. some people might.. ok a lot of people dont have a clue. but anyone who is switched on at all can see the picture.

and actually it begins when we stop killing each other. the planet will never grow and heal, if its in habitants are murdering each other, the energetic cycle we have on the earth right is so negative.

all it takes is for those with the money and power to, simply change their view points. and stop sending people to war, learn to communicate.. and yes as the Georgia guidestones say, which would likely be from a person of some financial background, indicates that the population is desired to decrease dramatically. However I dont think that those calculations where right, i dont think we need to stop breeding

or indeed i dont think at all that we need 2/3rds of the planets humans to die to regain the balance in nature, that is written, and should be adhered to. the balance,

all that is needed is the way that we are living, needs to be changed, and there are going to have to be some big balled mother #ers some where out there who basically stop doing what there doing.

the entire socio political economic infrastructure is based on mis communication fear and hostility,

the planet is a being

it is alive

and we are raping it

the time has come to start thinking what really is happening, because, our capacity as a race, is far beyond messing up a planet then leaving cos the atmosphere is too irradiated.

universe is quite old. but come on? how #ing retarded do people still have to be ?

you must all find the 1 once you have found true oneness, and you come back into separation, you will seee how bad things are, even if you are sitting in a nice house with a nice meal and a lot of money

once you breathe out and connect with the universe

you will see it is in pain

in this area, there is pain and suffering. and there is only worse pain and suffering or the end of it in its ABSOLUTE TOTALITY.

no other choice/ and this #ING CHOICE can be made today. but the men in power, are too weak . to say. thats right. lets sort this problem out

everybody makes mistakes, ive made an eternity. but the only Mistake you can actually make IS TO NOT LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES.

and if you learn from a mistake, its "a learning excercise" ^^

in seriousness, its time that we grouped together as a whole.all people together. in truth honesty and freedom from money. and its binds.

there are only two possible paths . one . you listen to what i said. two. teh pain and the suffering gets worse. and it will get worse and worse. until either the planet dies, or people find the internal sttrength and spirtiual force to say

i want to live in peace and harmony with this earth and nature, and MEAN IT. not go shooting du rounds, nukes, aspartame, chemtrails, all of this # which 100 percent is being added to OUR atmosphere, (please dont even bother debunking if you really ahve any intelligence at all u can see these things are goign on aggressively) but this our includes


its us

we have to stop looking at other humans with disrust
at all

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 06:31 AM
there are several stages, as an eternal universal collected consciousness knowning no form or time. you have absolute amazement. absolute, and a lot of power, unlitimitted, but then, it is only you.

and the most singular truth of the universe is eternal solitude, the saddest emotion of the universe

then universe wanted to make sure that it would never feel that lonely again, because to know eternal solitude is one of the ONE emotions that have got us to this state.

The grand separartion

we are within the separation, but there was a mistake made in the fabric of the universe that means due to the 1 emotion which must be avoided to be experienced by anyone at all costs.. the eternal solitude. the universe separated its energies out so that it would be so difficult to enter a state where this memory can resurface. that you are god. you are all. you did this. so there is no one else.

BUT now. this emotion is so far removed because the separation is so strong

now the universe is diseased. if there is one bit of pain in the whole universe. the whole universe needs help

like in a computer program, one bad bit of code will corrupt the whole file.

we are now in a state that the ONE, the universe as a being

is so disconnected and fragmented

that it has reached creative stagnation and has been ever since the first suffering of any part.

any negative emotion in the entire universe, that is not born from free will. EG, torture pain, anything, that you dont wnat to feel that u have to feel? that negative emotion.

This is why we have the yin and yang

because actaully although it may seem like a lot has changed in the last 10000 years

or actually to put it in a real term For the last infinite period before the separation.

we are not growing creating or evolving as a universe at all

there is no freedom to create, because once having put so much energy into this and "time" it becomes clear that the best of intentions, to create a lovely planet for man, and so on, can turn into such horror.

creation can only reignite, if it is possible to eliminate all fear/pain/negativity from the entire universe


there is no other way.

the entire universe, must have systems, generated and stabilised to ensure free will,

and there are a magnitude of constructs that can work.however, where we are right now. is in the stagnant universe

these cycles have and will go on for infinity, until the negativity in relation to entities against there free will is reomved compeltely. we have not got anywhere for a long time. because we havent done anything. nothing hsa been created.

because after the orgiinal majesty of the creation? the separation

and the pain,

and this will be eternal as a universal entity until the larger/stronger/more powerfull consciousnesses/ fragments of the one. come together to try to rework the system we live in


when full creative capacity is reached and stabilised within the universe,

you will be able to stabilise your dreams as reality, if they are in an area where you have the highest consciousness density, and you dont inflict on any ones free willl.

the only thing to move forward, away from not being able to fly, teleport and from not having to wear a suit and tie ever,

is that negativity is removed from the universe.

A far larger topic , because we are already enshrined in human bodies, which currently have a stabilised inbuilt negativity system

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 06:44 AM
the problem we have now is that there is not enough energy in one place to change things

After the continued separation of universal energies, and creative energy, in such disconnected parts, eg, humans now.

that there is not one single force that can simply reverse things.

It takes more and more of all of us humans, to try to connect together as one. to move forward

to feel like you live on earth with fellow men. not just mates and people you see and etc.

that is a long distant memory. and it will remain it if we continue to shoot each other, or attack, or even insult others.

there is a massive density of negative energy around the earth atm, and the thing is, this is the universe, all tho i am a human i am speaking as one, we are all from the original source, the universe ONE. so this includes the negative energy and all the evil, it includes the totality, as that is one.

the eternity shall end. and we will have a new begining.

but this time with fundamental laws changed, to be wiser. wisdom only comes after many mistakes, and the universe was not born wise, one was not born wise.

ONE makes mistakes

it is time to learn from them now.

Im sure everyone can feel it in their spirit, that they are sick and tired of this s***

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 07:13 AM
creative responsibility

is harder than you might think.

to design systems where you, can be one, but not alone, as is now so firmly entrenched in the universal history of gender

but actaully that is the split, the universe is one and gender is the stabilisation of seperation. multiple seperations

you cant be eternally alone, but this was solved by the grand seperation. to have to parts

that are perfect match, but in half, the first law was that the "eternal solitude" emoiton

must be avoided at all costs.

so then the separation was seen as a way to be disconnected enough from each other so that you done know each other, you are separate. that separation, is what drives the same problem today

there must be reintegration, with the universe, not just people, but all, and all energies need to connect, to have teh next stage in creation

because otherwise it will never be stabilised

it is just a dream or a film . but to actuallly drive creation on and to evolve.into that which we have dreampt of, just not stabilised, we must learn to connect back to the universe

all the energy we have in our creative capacity is evident in dreams
if we use that together as one, we can create, what we want.. that doesnt mean 10 really rich ppl can control what we do or 700 people who own all our money, i mean that it means consciousness and the density.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 07:23 AM
together as one

but still seperate,

with lessons learned,

free to create eternally

with no more suffering

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 08:09 AM
Universal Consciousness. If we are to believe that we are creations of the universe, which quite literally - we are (Star stuff, remember?), then it is quite logical to look at other earth creatures of the past and rightly assume that we have no privileged status among them. We rank right alongside the "beasts of the field" as far as the cosmos is concerned. It's conscious progression will not end with us. We are nothing but another step on the ladder towards whatever goal the universe has in mind, and it seems that the universe has a different set of values than what we perceive as good and moral....unless our tiny minds are too feeble to see the bigger picture.

I'm certain that at times on earth there was much more harmony than we can imagine. When everyone only took what was needed, and pollution was unknown. I can only imagine how the air must have been thousands of years ago, or how it was to walk a beachline a million years in the past.

As for the "learning experiences" that someone mentioned....exactly WHO is doing the learning? And to what end? Any lessons learned by one individual are not carried over into another life. If it were so, the world would be improving but it's getting worse. If any benefit from lifetimes are being learned - they are not being applied here.

I apologize for having further went off on a tangent than normal.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by predisposed

The sad thing is, not that I watch it obviously, is that I think the Conspiracy Chicks program is actually serious.
I mean obviously It's not stuffy and boring... but I don't think It's satire... or a parody of the MSM.

And yes.... this site has become a lot less serious.... but when you're the youtube of the conspiracy sites, what do you expect?

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 04:04 PM
I dont even see the point of the show myself, but god forbid you mention something negative in the threads on ats. So we can be critical and discuss the cc show openly and honestly in bts, am I correct? It is only on ats where we must only post rainbows and sunshone regarding the show?

I am sure posting I do not see the point of the show would result in a dozen behind smoochers rushing in and chastising me, saying dont watch then, turn it off, do your own show if you think you can do better, shut up, etc. etc.

Kind of hard to do when they integrate the cgi looking images of the CCs right into the board itself.

And if I don't even understand why they developed the show to begin with, why would anyone want to do one themselves?

The last two times I listened to ats live I was disappointed at the way mostly one of the hosts had to behave, and interact on the show. The behqavior was juvenile offputting and insulting. The show two weeks ago discussed for about ten minutes sex related topics, again juvenile and mroe suited to ebaums world or glp, not ats.

The shows are supposed to be representative of the site, ar they not? Well if I owned a website and one of my show hosts represented my site the way this one did, I would not be pleased. But I was told to just get over it, my thoughts were unwanted and if I did not like it I could leave. Which I may well do, as in leave listening to the ats live show to the teenagers who enjoy juvenility.

Surprised this thread has not been closed yet!

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

perhaps you have no idea of what i mean, what i really start to refer to, is somewhat more substantial than just the cc episode.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

i misinterpretted what you wrote

ye i understand what you say and i do agree in truth. fair comment,

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 09:51 PM
Earth to Everyone:

Sex sells.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by predisposed

No one ever changed the world by posting on an internet forum just like no one ever changed the world with a harsh telephone call or a strongly worded letter, it's just a modern form of communication mixed with mass entertainment.

If you want to change something either become a politician or an activist or some kind of cultural icon who can rally the public around them, or failing that I guess Gorilla warfare is an option, none of those things can be achieved through ATS

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
I dont even see the point of the show myself, but god forbid you mention something negative in the threads on ats. So we can be critical and discuss the cc show openly and honestly in bts, am I correct? It is only on ats where we must only post rainbows and sunshone regarding the show?

I am sure posting I do not see the point of the show would result in a dozen behind smoochers rushing in and chastising me, saying dont watch then, turn it off, do your own show if you think you can do better, shut up, etc. etc.

Kind of hard to do when they integrate the cgi looking images of the CCs right into the board itself.

And if I don't even understand why they developed the show to begin with, why would anyone want to do one themselves?

The last two times I listened to ats live I was disappointed at the way mostly one of the hosts had to behave, and interact on the show. The behqavior was juvenile offputting and insulting. The show two weeks ago discussed for about ten minutes sex related topics, again juvenile and mroe suited to ebaums world or glp, not ats.

The shows are supposed to be representative of the site, ar they not? Well if I owned a website and one of my show hosts represented my site the way this one did, I would not be pleased. But I was told to just get over it, my thoughts were unwanted and if I did not like it I could leave. Which I may well do, as in leave listening to the ats live show to the teenagers who enjoy juvenility.

Surprised this thread has not been closed yet!

The ATSLive show is suppose to be lighthearted and fun. Obviously it is not for everyone and neither are the CC vids. The show is its own identity and we discuss topics that memers post on ATS. Sorry you do not like it and can not see the fun and humour in it and actually "get" the show. It is not meant to be serious 100% of the time. We laugh and have fun. Too bad more of the world can not do that.

We can not please everyone, that is for sure. But there are a lot of members who enjoy it.

If you have any issue with the show, the panel, the members who call in and the member topics we discuss - feel free to file a formal complaint using the ATS Complaint/Suggestion Form located in the Member Center and get the full attention of the entire Staff.

edit on October 5th 2010 by greeneyedleo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

I dont have an issue with the show, I had an opinion about it. My sense of humor does not include the type of lowbrow humor that I encountered the past couple of shows. I will more than likely pass on the show, no big loss and not a big deal or issue to me.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
IThe last two times I listened to ats live I was disappointed at the way mostly one of the hosts had to behave, and interact on the show. The behqavior was juvenile offputting and insulting. The show two weeks ago discussed for about ten minutes sex related topics, again juvenile and mroe suited to ebaums world or glp, not ats.

The shows are supposed to be representative of the site, ar they not? Well if I owned a website and one of my show hosts represented my site the way this one did, I would not be pleased. But I was told to just get over it, my thoughts were unwanted and if I did not like it I could leave. Which I may well do, as in leave listening to the ats live show to the teenagers who enjoy juvenility.

Surprised this thread has not been closed yet!

Thank you for your opinion and comments.

If I may, I will offer some information regarding the show in return;

ATS Live is an ATS themed show, run by a crew of volunteers who do not get paid for what they do, and who actually incur an expense in terms of time and money in order to put the show on for the members. The broadcasting software and server costs are paid for by Semperfortis and myself, as a technology proving testbed that may be further expanded on in the future.We seek to promote ATS and - in return - ATS allows us to advertise the shows through the site, and we seek to try and represent ATS and its members as best as we can.

The subjects covered on the show are indicative of those covered on ATS in both the "serious" side of the board dealing with conspiracies etc, and the "off topic" side of the board, in order to reflect the interests of the membership as a whole, and not just a "niche" group.

Entertainment programmes - and ATS Live is most certainly intended as one - cannot be overtly serious all the time. ATS Live is intended to be off the cuff, unscripted "light" entertainment. Yes we do get serious quite a lot of the time (its a 70/30 mix on average between serious and offtopic) but the general tone of the show is meant to be fun.

A live conversation on radio - any live conversation for that matter - is never going to follow the same rules as a written one, because live speech develops spontaneously in real time, as opposed to written conversation on a message board that requires physical dexterity, continued thought, effort and time, in terms of typing, punctuating and reviewing in order to convey a message.

If the show was scriped and 100% serious all of the time, it would have fallen flat on its backside many moons ago. It would not be a show, it would be a text reader.

And, as GEL mentioned above, sadly we can't please all of the people all of the time.

We are, however, seeking to continually try and improve the show, and take on board comments and suggestions, so thank you for your thoughts, and I do hope you will change your mind and continue to listen to the show in future.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by neformore

I appreciate your expanded reply, Nef.

I do want to say I completely understand humour and anting the atmosphere to be jovial or light not all serious, I get that. What I heard was not funny, or humour and with the details you added in your response, I am even more certain I will probably continue to pass on this show.

I know it doesn't matter to anyone, and I won't have much to say about the subject anymore either.


Just for the record, Nef I happened to like your style as host, and only wish all of them were as professional as you are.
edit on 6-10-2010 by hotbakedtater because: (no reason given)

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