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Why not drug tests for those on welfare and in high offices?

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posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 10:54 AM
During these economic hardships it seems that every penny must be accounted for. Of course there are corrupt officials and people all over this planet. I do not know if its mandatory, however, do those elected officials get drug tested? ...If so, by whom? ..I'm sure they would fake the results anyway...
Which brings me to my next point, what about those who are receiving free benefits on behalf of other hardworking Americans? ...Those on welfare and so on...these people should be tested once a month at your local clinic and if they do not make the appointment, deduct some of their pay unless they have a great reason..
I am sure there are lots of logistics into this, but as a base, if you are spending your free benefits on drugs, you should not receive anything at all...

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 11:23 AM
Yea, you should test anyone who recieves Gov't assistance. While we're at it , we should make them keep their reciepts and we can check and see what kind of food they buy. We can also do accounting to see if everything adds up. Oh yea that would mean new Gov't jobs and more money. But thats ok we take from the poor and give to the better off all the time, nothing new here. Also what drugs would you like to test for and again to test everyone it would take even more money. So we can stop welfare cases from getting all their assistance and take even more Gov't money to create all these new Big Brother jobs. How do you figure this will save you any money and what happened to caring about your fellow human beings. Anyway, I'm assuming your from the U.S., so this attitude doesn't surprise me. In Canada we mostly take it as some people need help and it's not up to us to help police the money we give these people. Did anyone give the Banks any drug tests when you Americans bailed out the Banks. Hey , your giving them money and I'd bet you don't actually know what that was spent on. I would say most Canadians pay taxes to help pay for things like this because we know someday it could be us that needs help.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 11:30 AM
I don't think its right to drug test anyone without just cause! Drug testing to get a job is just an invasion of privacy - and no I don't take drugs. A person that perhaps smokes MJ will come out positive while an alcoholic will test negative - so the drinkers get the jobs - something very not right about this IMO.

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