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Obama:Change to be afraid of.....

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posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:09 PM
Barack Obama is a socialist. He was raised and trained to "fundamentally transform" the United States into the next Socialist Utopia. Mr Obama knows exactly what he is doing. There are billions of dollars at stake and complete control of America and it's citizens. This plan has been in motion for decades and it means a total breakdown of our economy, social cohesion, and making our legislative and judicial branches of government obsolete.
Socialism is defined as:
1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
2. The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which collective ownership of the economy under the dictatorship of the proletariat has not yet been successfully achieved.

Let's explore Mr Obama's childhood and the people who influenced his views on Government.

Stanley Ann Dunham
From the book Dreams From My Father authored by Barack H Obama

"I think sometimes that had I known she would not survive her illness, I might have written a different book—less a meditation on the absent parent, more a celebration of the one who was the single constant in my life. In my daughters I see her every day, her joy, her capacity for wonder. I won't try to describe how deeply I mourn her passing still. I know that she was the kindest, most generous spirit I have ever known, and that what is best in me I owe to her."

And also:

"Obama described his mother in his autobiography Dreams From My Father as “the dominant figure in my formative years" and “The values she taught me continue to be my touchstone when it comes to how I go about the world of politics.”

In trying to understand Mr Obama and his policies I wanted to start with his mother. The Dunham family moved many times before Stanley Ann starting school at Mercer Island High School in Washington state at the age of 13.

According to The Obama File:
“ The Dunhams moved to Mercer Island, Washington in 1956, after living in an apartment for a year in a nearby Seattle. The lure was the high school that had just opened and the opportunity it offered for their daughter, who was then 13.”

From The Chicago Tribune we learn more about her high school.
“But consistent with the 1950s, there were undercurrents of turmoil. In 1955, the chairman of the Mercer Island school board, John Stenhouse, testified before the House Un-American Activities Subcommittee that he had been a member of the Communist Party.
At Mercer High School, two teachers -- Val Foubert and Jim Wichterman -- generated regular parental thunderstorms by teaching their students to challenge societal norms and question all manner of authority .”

We also learn what generated those thunderstorms.

“Foubert, who died recently, taught English. His texts were cutting edge: "Atlas Shrugged," "The Organization Man," "The Hidden Persuaders," "1984" and the acerbic writings of H.L. Mencken.
Wichterman taught philosophy. The hallway between the two classes was known as "anarchy alley," and students pondered the challenging notions of Wichterman's teachings, including such philosophers as Sartre and Kierkegaard. He also touched the societal third rail of the 1950s: He questioned the existence of God. And he didn't stop there.
"I had them read 'The Communist Manifesto,' and the parents went nuts," said Wichterman, adding that parents also didn't want any discussions about "anything to do with sex," religion and theology. The parental protests were known as "mothers' marches.

The Seattle Times
"One respite was found in a wing of Mercer Island High called "anarchy alley." Jim Wichterman taught a wide-open philosophy course that included Karl Marx. Next door, Val Foubert taught a rigorous dose of literature, including Margaret Mead's writings on homosexuality.”

Stanley’s school life and learnings were very progressive. So progressive that parents were
organizing marches against the school. By all accounts Stanley fit right in, and not only that, but she also made quit an impression on her teachers.

The Seattle Times
“Dunham thrived in the environment, Wichterman said.
"As much as a high-school student can, she'd question anything: What's so good about democracy? What's so good about capitalism? What's wrong with communism? What's good about communism?" Wichterman said. "She had what I call an inquiring mind.

From The Chicago Times
"She touted herself as an atheist, and it was something she'd read about and could argue," said Maxine Box, who was Dunham's best friend in high school.

The Dunhams attended East Shore Unitarian Church. At one time John Stenhouse, admitted communist and chairman of the schoolboard, had served as Church President.
The Chicago Tribune mentions a description of the Dunham's chosen church as "The Little Red Church on the Hill". According to it's own website, East Shore Unitarian Church got it's name because of "Well publicized debates and forums on such controversial subjects as the admission of "Red China" to the UN.

From John Stenhouse's Obituary
“Mr. Stenhouse was a member of the Washington State Democratic
Party, the American Civil Liberties Union and North Rose Hill Neighborhood Association.
He was past president of the Eastshore Unitarian Church and the Mercer Island
School Board and was an organizer for the Group Health Cooperative.
He enjoyed woodworking, gardening, watercolor and sketching. He was a
political activist and very involved in the peace movement.

“In Hawaii the family attended First Unitarian Church of Honolulu. Obama attended sunday school lessons there for a few years as a child.

The Tampa Tribune
Rev. Mike Young of the First Unitarian Church of Honolulu in a phone interview stated:
“When Obama was in elementary school in Honolulu, Young recounted in a telephone phone interview, either his grandmother or grandfather (there's confusion over which one) brought him to Sunday school there for several years.”
“When Young reminded Obama at the memorial service, "his eyes lit up, and he turned to Michelle and said, 'Hey, that's right. This is where I went to Sunday school.'"

Stanley Dunham
Obama says in the book Dreams From My Father about his Grandfather Stanley Dunham:
"In his only skirmish into organized religion, he would enroll the family in the local Unitarian Universalist congregation...."

The First (and only) Unitarian Church Of Honolulu has an interesting background. According The New York Times
"24 G.I. War Foes now in Sanctuary...staying at both the Church of the Crossroads and the Unitarian Church of Honolulu...."

And from the same article.

"One of the protesters, Seaman Arthur parker, 17, turned himself in to the authorities at Pearl Harbor yesterday after talking to an Army Chaplain.
"Seaman Parker denounced the protest as ‘a movement to overthrow the government.'"

This is quoted from The Hawaii Free Press' website.
“Contemporary accounts of the SDS Resistance use of First Unitarian and nearby Church of the Crossroads as part of the 1968-70 sanctuary for deserters movement shows why Obama would not have wanted this information exposed.
Starting in 1966 University of Hawaii students and professors began raising funds to donate directly to the Viet Cong. By 1968 UH Manoa leftist activists had morphed into a chapter of the so-called Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and began publishing a newspaper called "The Roach."

Which leads us to Bill Ayers and the SDS. It is doubtful the two met in Obama's childhood although Obama's mother was enrolled at The University of Hawaii. In an email sent to Atlas Shrugs Blog we can see the dates she attended. It is only speculation that Obama's mother was involved with SDS but it is a certainty that the family attended the church and Stanley Ann was enrolled at the time.

The University of Hawaii at Manoa is only able to provide the following information for Stanley Ann Dunham:

Dates of attendance:
Fall 1960 (First day of instruction 9/26/1960)
Spring 1963 - Summer 1966
Fall 1972 - Fall 1974
Summer 1976
Spring 1978
Fall 1984 - Summer 1992

Degrees awarded:
BA - Mathematics, Summer 1967 (August 6, 1967)
MA - Anthropology, Fall 1983 (December 18, 1983)
PhD - Anthropology, Summer 1992 (August 9, 1992)

Stuart Lau”

Stuart Lau
University Registrar
Office of Admissions and Records
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Ph: (808) 956-8010

Bill Ayers
From Wikipedia
“Ayers became involved in the New Left and the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). He rose to national prominence as an SDS leader in 1968 and 1969. As head of an SDS regional group, the "Jesse James Gang," Ayers made decisive contributions to the Weatherman orientation toward militancy.”

It is clear that the young Barack learned the socialist mindset as a child from his mother and grandparents. Let’s look at others who helped shape Mr Obama’s formative years. Barack Obama lived in Hawaii from the age of ten until he was an adult. He graduated from Punahou School in Honolulu, HI in 1979

Frank Marshall Davis
The Senate Internal Security Subcommittee (SISS) reprinted the 1953 and 1954 Reports of the Commission on Subversive Activities of the Territory of Hawaii, which refer to Davis as “an identified member of the Communist Party” who was affiliated with a number of Communist fronts and circulated “inflammatory racial propaganda.” Davis also wrote columns for the Honolulu Record, a Communist paper. These were described as “unrelenting and unmitigated complaints of racial discrimination in the United States.” Davis was labeled “a bitter opponent of capitalism” and “staunch defender” of communists and communist sympathizers.
William Rusher, who served as associate counsel to the SISS in 1956-1957, has written that, “It is hard for most people to imagine the influence that even a relatively small number of dedicated people can have, but the CPUSA exerted significant power in its heyday -- a heyday, be it remembered, in which the Soviet Union impressed many people as the wave of the future, destined to overwhelm a weak and fading West, including the United States.”

Quoted from The Telegraph.CO.UK.
At the age of 10 Mr Obama returned to Hawaii to live with his grandparents from Indonesia. According to an interview with Dawna Weatherly-Williams, Obama returned to Hawaii in the fall of 1970 to attend Punahou School. He first met Frank Marshall Davis after he took the entrance exams.
“Mr Davis moved to Honolulu from Chicago in 1948 with his second wife Helen Canfield, a white socialite, at the suggestion of his friend the actor Paul Robeson, who advised them that there would be more tolerance of a mixed race couple in Hawaii than on the American mainland.
A bohemian libertine who drank heavily and loved jazz, he became friends with Stanley Dunham, Mr Obama’s maternal grandfather in the 1960s. Mr Davis died in 1987 at the age of 81, five years before Mr Dunham.
“He knew Stan real well,” said Dawna Weatherly-Williams, a close friend of Mr Davis “They’d play Scrabble and drink and crack jokes and crack jokes and argue. Frank always won and he was always very braggadocio about it too. It was all jocular. They didn’t get polluted drunk. And Frank never really did drugs, though he and Stan would smoke pot together.”
While his mother was in Indonesia during part of his teenage years, Mr Obama lived with his white grandparents. Mrs Weatherly-Williams said that the poet was first introduced to the future Democratic presidential candidate in 1970 at the age of 10.
“Stan had been promising to bring Barry by because we all had that in common - Frank’s kids were half-white, Stan’s grandson was half-black and my son was half-black. We all had that in common and we all really enjoyed it. We got a real kick out of reality.”
Maya Soetoro-Ng, Obama's half-sister, told the Associated Press recently that her grandfather had seen Mr Davis was “a point of connection, a bridge if you will, to the larger African-American experience for my brother".
In his memoir, Mr Obama recounts how he visited Mr Davis on several occasions, apparently at junctures when he was grappling with racial issues, to seek his counsel. At one point in 1979 Mr Davis described university as “an advanced degree in compromise” that was designed to keep blacks in their place.
Mr Obama quoted him as saying: “Leaving your race at the door. Leaving your people behind. Understand something, boy. You’re not going to college to get educated. You’re going there to get trained.”
He added that “they’ll yank on your chain and let you know that you may be a well-trained, well-paid 'n-word', but you’re a 'n-word' just the same.”

From the book Dreams From My Father Obama writes:
“by the time I met Frank he must have been pushing eighty, with a big dewlapped face and an ill-kempt gray Afro that made him look like an old, shaggy-maned lion. He would read us his poetry whenever we stopped by his house, sharing whiskey with gramps out of an emptied jelly jar. As the night wore on, the two of them would solicit my help in composing dirty limericks. Eventually, the conservation would turn to laments about women.
“They’ll drive you to drink, boy,” Frank would tell me soberly. “And if you let ‘em, they’ll drive you into your grave.”
I was intrigued by the old Frank, with his books and whiskey breath and the hint of hard-earned knowledge behind the hooded eyes. The visits to his house always left me feeling vaguely uncomfortable, though, as if I were witnessing some complicated, unspoken transaction between the two men, a transaction I couldn’t fully understand….”

Mr Obama also wrote this poem about Frank Davis Marshall while attending collage. You can read it here.
It is obvious that the two are written about the same person and even though Obama only provided a first name in the book but his campaign later admitted that “Frank” was indeed Frank Marshall Davis.
“the Obama campaign’s attack on Corsi’s book and Corsi personally acknowledges on pages 9 and 10 of its report that the mysterious “Frank” in Obama’s 1995 book, Dreams From My Father, is in fact the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) member Frank Marshall Davis” the report goes on to say:
” Davis was a secret CPUSA member who became a member of an underground communist apparatus in Hawaii. As late as the 1970s, Davis was involved with a CPUSA front organization, the American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born, dedicated to keeping foreign communists such as labor leader Harry Bridges from being deported from the U.S. Davis, a friend of Bridges, a secret CPUSA member, became Obama’s mentor during the years 1975-1979."

So what did Frank Marshall Davis teach the child Barack and who did he connect him with after leaving Hawaii for collage?

Link to Davis’ FBI file
Davis was a card carrying communist and this file shows that Davis was a key high-level operative in a Soviet-sponsored network in Hawaii.. The FBI kept tabs on Mr Davis for 20 years. He was included in the FBI's security index marking him for immediate arrest should war break out between the US and the Soviet Union. Seems Mr Davis was more than just an old man Obama knew as a boy. i/
Communists controlled the ILWU, the ILWU controlled the Hawaii Democratic Party, and in 1954, union-based election campaigns launched the Hawaii Democrats into control of the legislature. Burns’ union-based 1962 capture of the governor’s office created a one-party state unbroken for four decades until the election of Republican Governor Linda Lingle in 2002. During those decades in some sessions sat as few as one Republican legislator.

And this

“Davis himself recalls that even before he left for Hawaii, (Communist Party member Paul) Robeson and (Communist Party member Harry) Bridges who was head of the ILWU and the CIO in the Pacific Region, suggested that I should get in touch with the Honolulu Record and see if I could do something for them.”

Paul Robeson
Paul Robeson's political philosophy and outspoken views, including sympathies expressed towards the Soviet Union, Lenin, Mao Zedong, Josip Broz Tito and Joseph Stalin were the subject of great controversy in the mass media and to the United States Government, during the Cold War. In particular, rumors of his membership in the American Communist Party which were widespread.

Harry Bridges
The story of Frank Marshall Davis, Obama’s Marxist mentor, is completely intertwined with the story of the Hawaii Democrats rise to power.
This is what Kosmix Finance website wrote about him:
“Australian-born U.S. labour leader. He arrived in the U.S. as a seaman in 1920, and he soon settled in San Francisco and became active in the local branch of the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA). In 1937 he led the Pacific Coast division out of the ILA and reconstituted it as the International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union (ILWU), affiliated with the CIO ( AFL-CIO). His aggressive labour tactics and Communist Party connections led the CIO to expel the ILWU in 1950 during a purge of allegedly communist-dominated unions, and opponents tried unsuccessfully to have Bridges deported. He retired as president of the ILWU in 1977.”

Harry was one of the first union bosses. Frank Marshall Davis was and Bridges were friends. Bridges retained power in the unions until 1977. Obama receives a lot of support from the unions. Take a look at this link to the SEIU

“Promising to "level the playing field" for workers, he [Obama] offered the most pro-union sentiments heard from a US president for many years.
"I do not view the labour movement as part of the problem. To me, it's part of the solution," said Mr Obama, who was accused of being a Socialist by the Republican Right during the election campaign.”
http: //

Obama opened up the White House to the Unions and reversed restrictions put in place by Bush 2" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">
The White House visitors' logs released Friday afternoon represent just those names about whom inquiries had been made at big winner in the latter group: labor leader Andy Stern of the Service Employees International Union, who visited the White House 19 times. Five of those visits were with President Obama.AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka visited seven times. Power-lobbyists Tony and Heather Podesta visited four times and three times, respectively, according to the records. Center for American Progress president John Podesta, who headed the Obama transition, visited at least 12 times.

Unions have bought and paid for Obama and other liberal progressive politicians. I will cover this more in depth later in another post.

Vernon Jarrett father in law of Valerie Jarret of the Obama Adminstration
Davis was involved in Chicago's South Side Community Art Center, "a meeting place for young African American writers and artists during the 1940s". An outgrowth of the New Deal Federal Art Project, the Art Center was a hangout for the "Culture Group," a circle of Communist Party members and sympathisers including Richard Wright, Margaret Burroughs, Marion Perkins and Arna Bontemps. Another center regular was a young journalist named Vernon Jarrett. Davis and Jarrett worked together on the black run newspaper, the Chicago Defender.”

In early 1948 Davis served on the publicity committee of the Packing House Workers Strike Committee with Vernon Jarrett. The committee was "organized to support the united packing-House workers of America C.I.O. now on strike"Officials of the committee included Oscar C. Brown (Treasurer) and Louise T. Patterson (Assistant Treasurer), Frank Marshall Davis and Vernon Jarrett.

General Motors and Big Business html

Davis did not like "big business" and the rapacious, "tentacled" rich men who ran it. "For instance," wrote Davis, "Alfred Sloan of General Motors announced that his gigantic company made a profit last year of $600,000,000, more than any other corporation in history. Over the years, General Motors has swallowed up or knocked out car manufacturer after car manufacturer so that today less than a handful of competitors remain. Free enterprise, eh?"
"Monopolies" like GM had to be controlled by the government, said Davis. If not, the likes of GM would control the government. "Obviously, a business that can show a profit ... of
$600,000,000 is in a position to control government," wrote Davis. "When we remember that the directors and major stockholders of one industry also shape the policies of banks and other huge corporations, it is easy to see that the tentacles of Big Business control just about everything they think they need to insure continued profits." Davis claimed that, "The control of our wealth and government by the giant corporations ... [was] accomplished fact."
"[T]he time draws nearer," advised Davis, "when we will have to decide to oust the monopolies and restore a competing system of free enterprise, or let the government own and operate our major industries."
Yes you did read that correctly GM! Coincidence or lack of imagination on Obama's part?

Honolulu Record and Koji" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">
“Biography Hawaii: Koji Ariyoshi” is part of Conybeare’s “Rice and Roses” PBS series.

Koji Ariyoshi joined the WW2-era Military Intelligence Service/OSS—predecessor to the CIA—and used his language skills to land himself a position as U.S. military liaison to Communist forces in China—working personally with Mao Zedong.
The Record employed the services of Frank Marshall Davis almost immediately upon his arrival in Hawaii. ILWU Chief Jack Hall and Honolulu Record editor Ariyoshi were among the Honolulu Seven defendants identified as key leaders of the Communist Party in Hawaii and convicted in 1953 of “conspiring to teach and advocate the overthrow of the government by force and violence.” Their convictions were reversed January 20, 1958 after the Supreme Court re-interpreted the Smith Act.

I am working on exposing Obama's Collage years next. Interesting reading... Remember this is only Elementary and High school.

edit on 28-9-2010 by ljtg123 because: To fix broken link

edit on 28-9-2010 by ljtg123 because: (no reason given)

+1 more 
posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:26 PM
Todays right winger Obama rant.
Gee thanks.
A long rant it is too, so long you must have worked on it for years! Let me fill you in!
The election was two years ago in 2008. All the stuff in your rant was circulated by "conservatives"!
But, Obama won the election! Yes, he won by a landslide!
You really need to get out more.
Now I'll leave it up to the usual Obama haters to post!

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:38 PM
You can read more about Obama's collage years at the link in my signature. It is still a work in progress.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:40 PM
Thanks for your research.

Quite the story, it's amazing what a little person can do and become in this world, isn't it?

Unfortunately, I still think he's a little person.

It was mighty small of Obama, to lie to us, then begin the campaigne to destroy America from the inside out.

Very small of him indeed...

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 04:47 PM
Fantastic work...

It is amazing that you could find all this stuff and piece it together...and no one in the Lame Stream Media would touch it....

Good job

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 04:58 PM
I was actually going to give this thread a read, but I had to stop at the very beginning.

Barack Obama is a socialist. He was raised and trained to "fundamentally transform" the United States into the next Socialist Utopia. Mr Obama knows exactly what he is doing. There are billions of dollars at stake and complete control of America and it's citizens. This plan has been in motion for decades and it means a total breakdown of our economy, social cohesion, and making our legislative and judicial branches of government obsolete.

If Obama is a Socialist than I am Jesus reincarnate. Look Obama is not a Socialist, I am a Socialist and I should know whether or not someone is a Socialist. Just as if a Christian should know whether or not someone else is a Christian too. As far-left as Obama could possibly go is Social Liberalism, which is barely center-left.

Secondly Socialism when implemented does not lead to complete control over the country and its citizens, that' a load of bull crap pushed by the Right-wing corporatist media who are deadset on destroying any credibility of Socialism at any cost necessary. And you have obviously fallen for it.

So now Socialism will make our government obselete, wow this is some really stupid propaganda.

Socialism is defined as:
1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
2. The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which collective ownership of the economy under the dictatorship of the proletariat has not yet been successfully achieved.

That is Socialism, but to say that one of the worlds top 5 freest economies is now suddenly a complete government and worker takeover is beyond stupid. That definition of Socialism is correct, but to skew that to mean something far beyond what is reality is insane. Any person who doesn't understand macroeconomics and is completely biased could think that is Socialism.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:36 PM
Why do you post that Frank Marshall Davis was Obama’s “mentor”? Because conservative firebrand Cliff Kincaid said so? "Dreams From My Father" belies that urban myth. It's a pity Americans are so easily hoodwinked by this right-wing disinformation, just like we were duped regarding the Iraqi threat. But even today, some Americans would rather believe fully discredited lies than admit they were duped. They don't have the courage to admit their mistakes. For everyone else: "Follow the evidence."

Although Obama's book indicates "Frank" was a family friend who offered him advice on racial issues, Obama wrote that Davis "fell short" and his views were "incurable." Obama's book proves that Obama did not consider Davis to be a "wise and trusted counselor," which is the standard definition of "mentor." By what creative definition can Davis be considered his "mentor"?

Further, according to "Dreams," Obama visited Davis only twice on his own after visiting with Gramps: once to discuss his grandmother's bus stop incident, and three years later before leaving for college. When did this alleged "communist" training occur?

By exaggerating evidence that Davis advised Obama, yet ignoring evidence from the same source that Obama did NOT Frank to be a wise and trusted advisor, those who spread the urban myth Davis was Obama's "mentor" are as dishonest as ex-D.A. Mike Nifong. The "Nifong Syndrome" is the stacking of evidence by ignoring evidence that does not fit one's agenda. By portraying Davis as Obama's mentor, despite conclusive evidence to the contrary, fraudulent "opposition research" by Cliff Kincaid and others permeates the blogosphere. Their travesty of journalistic ethics, like their "AIM Reports," demonstrates that they are unreliable sources of information on the Davis-Obama relationship. As the epitome of contemporary propaganda, Cliff Kincaid may be a worthy successor to Reich Minister Joseph Goebbels.

Such rhetorical deception was highlighted in the story of Alice's adventures in "Through The Looking-Glass,"

"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone. "It means just what I choose it to mean - neither more or less."
"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."
"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master - that's all."
- Lewis Carroll, English author & recreational mathematician (1832 - 1898)

Cliff Kincaid and his colleagues designed an elaborate scam. Instead of fake jewelry, they fake opposition research. They present false information about Frank Marshall Davis, like the Bush administration presented false information about the Iraqi threat. Both were the product of disinformation campaigns designed to frame their targets for imaginary offenses, because their actual behavior was insufficient. They combined fact with fabrication to create a tapestry of historical fiction, not unlike "The Da Vinci Code" or the persecution of Dr. Steven Hatfill during the anthrax scare.

Just as the Senate confirmed that the Bush administration misrepresented the Iraqi threat, so too does irrefutable evidence confirmed that Cliff Kincaid misrepresented Frank Marshall Davis. From the ranks of responsible journalism, Cliff Kincaid's perfidious performance deserves a dishonorable discharge -- Straussian rationalization notwithstanding.

Disinformation creates urban myths based on "secret knowledge" from anonymous sources. The Internet's viral nature lets myths emerge fully grown from propagandists, or they may perversely grow from a kernel of truth, nurtured by confirmation bias.

A disinformation campaign is like a house of cards, or an illusion fabricated over a framework of falsehoods. When enough support is withdrawn, the disinformation reveals its true colors. So it was with the Bush administration's Iraqi "threat" myth, which falsely claimed WMD stockpiles and mobile weapons labs largely based upon false reports from Iraqi source "Curveball." So it is with disinformation regarding the Davis-Obama relationship myth, largely based upon false reports from the conservative "Ministry of Truth" source, Cliff Kincaid's so-called "Accuracy In Media" (AIM). Their parallel functions belie any coincidence in their parallel names.

"Truth is generally the best vindication against slander."
- Abraham Lincoln

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:42 PM
It is indeed regrettable that so many honest people have been hoodwinked by Kincaid's ironically named "Accuracy In Media" (AIM). Fraudulent memes, unwittingly propagated by well-intentioned bloggers, have spread throughout the blogosphere, which proves the effectiveness of viral disinformation campaigns. Even the title of Kincaid's initial attack, "Obama's Communist Mentor," is itself a masterful deception. Through the "fallacy of equivocation*," it implies three enduring falsehoods:

- That Davis was an avowed or known communist who advocated collectivist principles. The evidence, however, indicates that Davis was a closet communist who never advocated communism.

- That Davis had a continuing mentorship with teenage Obama, "almost like a son." Evidence, however, indicates that Davis was an occasionally visited family friend whom Obama visited only once in the three years before Obama left for college.

- That Davis taught communism to young Obama. The evidence, however, supports nothing of the sort. "Dreams" indicates that although Davis offered advice on racial issues, Obama did not even trust that advice.

(*The "fallacy of equivocation" is the misleading use of a term with more than one meaning or sense, by glossing over which meaning is intended at a particular time. It occurs when an equivocal word or phrase makes an unsound argument appear sound. It deceives through ambiguity.)

This misrepresentation of Frank as Obama's mentor was only the first deceptive step in building a house of cards against Obama. Their scam misrepresented Frank as a virtual Dr. Frank-enstein who created a Marxist Obama. In doing so, opponents may have thought they had a silver bullet. After all, who would bother to defend an obscure dead black poet? The Dead Poets Society? Not likely, so the scam developed. Slander ensued.

Through innuendo, half-truths** and outright fabrication, Obama’s opponents deliberately misrepresented a casual family friendship as political indoctrination sessions, or worse. In their rush to malign Obama, their scam transformed the legacy of a relatively obscure leftist poet into a “Stalinist agent” who corrupted Obama’s values. Slander and libel were their tools of their trade, because truth was irrelevant. Their perverted ethics find nothing wrong with such lies. Destroying Davis’s reputation was collateral damage. Cliff Kincaid may rationalize his deceit as a Leo Straussian "noble lie," but in reality it is a dishonorable attack.

(**A half-truth comes in several forms, and is a deceptive statement that includes some element of truth. The purpose and or consequence of a half-truth is to make something that is really only a belief appear to be knowledge, or a truthful statement to represent the whole truth, or possibly lead to a false conclusion.)

For example, one piece in AIM's web of lies is the post "Obama's Red Mentor Praised Red Army" (see This is a double deception because it contains a half-truth built on the falsehood of mentorship. It is a half-truth because Cliff Kincaid neglects to mention that although Davis did praise the Red Army during WWII, many Americans, including President Roosevelt, praised the Red Army. The Soviet Union was our ALLY (see &ei=ilksSpvUN5ayMJ2_5dsJ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=6).
The whole truth is that praising your allies is NORMAL for leaders during wartime! By only telling half the truth, AIM ignored the context of his praise. Through their scam, opponents created the illusion of Davis praising a hostile Red Army rather than an allied Red Army. They even accused Davis of being a Stalinist without evidence.

The AIM disinformation campaign consisted of a series of small lies fabricated to support the big lie that "His values, passed on to Obama, were those of a communist agent who pledged allegiance to Stalin" (see

A painstakingly documented analysis of Kincaid's falsehoods is posted as "specific misrepresentation" at I invite any person of integrity to refute my evidence against his body of lies. If he had authentic evidence of Davis's radical influence, he would not need to fabricate such evidence.

While originators' culpability is irrefutable, they cause unwitting people to spread such disinformation throughout the blogosphere. Such recycling may be attributed to "confirmation bias," wherein people are predisposed to believing falsehoods that reinforce an existing bias (e.g., "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"). When unwitting people spread such lies, disinformation becomes simple misinformation. Although their motivation may differ, the result is just as rancid. Unfortunately, such myths may be exaggerated with each retelling, in an expanding spiral of viral disinformation.

Although “I'm hardly interested in proving my research to Kincaid or any of those whose work is a travesty to scholarship," University of Kansas Professor Edgar Tidwell, whom AIM's Cliff Kincaid cites as "an expert on the life and writings of Davis," dismisses misrepresentation of Davis's influence in one simple paragraph:

"Although my research indicates that Davis joined the CPUSA as a "closet member" during World War II, there is no evidence that he was a Stalinist, or even a Party member before WWII. Further, to those attempting to make the specious stand for the concrete, there is no evidence that he instructed Barack Obama in communist ideology. Frank Marshall Davis did NOT believe in overthrowing the USA. He was committed to what the nation professed to be. For him, communism was primarily an intellectual vehicle to achieve a political end-a possible tool for gaining the constitutional freedoms of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for ALL Americans" (see ).

"Have patience awhile; slanders are not long-lived. Truth is the child of time; erelong she shall appear to vindicate thee." - Immanuel Kant

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:46 PM
Here we go again

The tea bag partiers slamming the democrats and further dividing the country rather than help fix our issues.

Let's further divide a great country so we can all slip into a third world economy, push a fellow down rather than help him up. And whatbof the republicans 21 page plan to turn things around? Oh yeah, it was a bit¥h list with no substance. And by the way, all of the newspapers you cited we right wing rags.

Open your eyes sheeple!


posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by Kaleokualoha

Your house of cards seems to be missing a few. Misinformation about Iraq? Wasn't the esteemed Sen. Clinton one of the first to say that the information was what her husbands administration had as well? I'd think that giving the unions control over the auto industries fits into the socialist model. Or the ignoring of contractual obligations by the current administration? I personally think that Obama is more socialist lite or better yet does what he deems is necessary for his goals. Hence why on one hand he does something for one of his special interests, then turns around and puts them on the spot. IE the teachers and their bail-out, then proposing to increase the school year later.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 06:04 PM
This statement is also unsubstantiated (i.e., hogwash): "Mr Obama also wrote this poem about Frank Davis Marshall while attending collage. You can read it here. "

If you actually read the poem, you will find that the writer pulls a mirror, which he had been saving, from under his chair. Unless you believe Obama kept a mirror underneath a chair at Frank's studio apartment, it seems clear that this did not occur at Frank's.

Propagandists continue to misrepresent this poem as suggesting a perverted relationship with Frank, just as they have misrepresented other aspects of the Davis-Obama relationship, in their efforts to smear the President in their disinformation campaign.

"The way to combat noxious ideas is with other ideas. The way to combat falsehoods is with truth." - William O. Douglas

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by hangedman13
reply to post by Kaleokualoha

Your house of cards seems to be missing a few. Misinformation about Iraq? Wasn't the esteemed Sen. Clinton one of the first to say that the information was what her husbands administration had as well? I'd think that giving the unions control over the auto industries fits into the socialist model. Or the ignoring of contractual obligations by the current administration? I personally think that Obama is more socialist lite or better yet does what he deems is necessary for his goals. Hence why on one hand he does something for one of his special interests, then turns around and puts them on the spot. IE the teachers and their bail-out, then proposing to increase the school year later.

Actually it was DISinformation about Iraq, not just MISinformation. Although the conclusions of the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) regarding Iraqi WMD stockpiles were later debunked, the Bush administration made claims about the Iraqi threat that EXCEEDED intelligence reports. The Senate Intelligence Committee found that the Bush administration MISREPRESENTED available intelligence in justifying the invasion (see

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 06:17 PM
Just as Chicken Little started a "sky is falling" hysteria based on a falling acorn, so too are various critics pushing a "Socialist Obama" hysteria based on healthcare reform and government bailouts of American industry. Not only do they conveniently forget that the 2008 bailout was initiated by the Bush administration, but they also seem to have forgotten some basics from Econ 101. They could easily avoid such non sequitur nonsense by following the evidence instead of jumping to conclusions.

According to, socialism is "a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole. In Marxist theory, it is the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles."

Please note that it is the stage FOLLOWING capitalism. Marxist socialism and capitalism are mutually exclusive. Capitalism has many forms in a mixed economy, with public (collective) ownership of various enterprises based upon economic conditions. Limited public ownership does not comprise Marxist socialism, which requires complete public ownership.

Every advocate of greater government economic control might be called a "socialist," but none are true socialists unless they advocate the complete elimination of private enterprise, which means the replacement of capitalism with collectivism. True (laissez-faire) capitalism means zero government control of private enterprise, which is economic anarchy. Neither of these extremes works in the long run. Every successful economy is a mixed economy, existing somewhere on a spectrum between both extremes. Every successful economy is part capitalist and part socialist. They all contain a mix of private and public ownership, and they all have some government control of private enterprise. The only relevant question is "WHERE on this spectrum can we achieve the greatest success?"

Both laissez faire capitalism and true communism are artificial constructs, as impossible to sustain as cold fusion. Every successful society requires private enterprise regulated by public policy, regardless of Ayn Rand's fantasies. Extremists on either fringe are equally delusional. In some ways regulation is a necessary evil like body fat: too much or too little are both lethal. The normal tendency is to add layers with age. The challenge is to find the level that will produce the optimum outcome, all things considered.

Unless someone advocates the complete replacement of capitalism with collectivism, they do not truly advocate socialism or communism. To accuse them of either, when they have not explicitly advocated as much themselves, suggests either unfamiliarity with mixed economies or intellectual dishonesty. Even George W. Bush and John McCain were accused of advocating socialism based upon their support of 2008 bailout legislation.

The bottom line is simple. If you consider any variation of a mixed economy, including ANY public ownership or regulation of industry to be "socialism," then the United States and ALL other economies are "socialist." The debate is over, because by that definition we have been "socialist" since the 18th century. If you only consider complete collectivism to be "socialism," according to Marxist theory, then no successful economy is actually "socialist." The closest to a Marxist socialist economy is the economic basket case, North Korea. If you consider socialism to occur at some other point on the spectrum between unregulated capitalism and Marxist socialism, then any such point would be arbitrary.

To accuse a mixed economy advocate of being a socialist, or communist suggests that you believe that ANY degree of government regulation qualifies as "socialism," or you believe that any regulation beyond an indefinite "trigger point" qualifies as "socialism,", and that YOU get to set the trigger point. The "trigger point" explanation reminds me of the egocentric explorer who says that anyone who explores farther into dangerous territory is a fool, but anyone who doesn’t explore as far as he does is a coward. His arrogance presumes that his own boundaries are common standards.

Marxist "socialism," in contrast to European "democratic socialism," requires collective ownership of the means of production in lieu of capitalism. That is the death of private enterprise. We may or may not be on a path to collectivism, just as a dating couple may or may not be on a path to pregnancy. Traveling on a path in any direction does not imply any specific goal. For example, traveling on Interstate 10 does not imply that either coast is the goal.

"Direction" is one thing. "Goal" is another. All mixed economies exist at some point in the spectrum between the fatal terminuses of unregulated capitalism and true socialism. In history, socialism/communism was reversed and capitalism reappeared as people recognized the lethal consequences of such extremes. Russia, China and other communist nations now recognize the virtue of mixed economies. They learned the hard way.

I await empirical evidence, instead of specious speculation, that Obama wants to eliminate capitalism by moving to that extreme. To say Obama advocates the goal of socialism, based upon his movement on the spectrum instead of being based on his explicit advocacy, is to create a straw man. It is intellectually dishonest and unworthy of serious debate.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 06:38 PM
so·cial·ism (ssh-lzm)
1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
2. The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which collective ownership of the economy under the dictatorship of the proletariat has not yet been successfully achieved

.socialism [ˈsəʊʃəˌlɪzəm]
1. (Economics) an economic theory or system in which the means of production, distribution, and exchange are owned by the community collectively, usually through the state. It is characterized by production for use rather than profit, by equality of individual wealth, by the absence of competitive economic activity, and, usually, by government determination of investment, prices, and production levels Compare capitalism
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) any of various social or political theories or movements in which the common welfare is to be achieved through the establishment of a socialist economic system
3. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (in Leninist theory) a transitional stage after the proletarian revolution in the development of a society from capitalism to communism: characterized by the distribution of income according to work rather than need.

1. a theory or system of social organization advocating placing the ownership and control of capital, land, and means of production in the community as a whole. Cf. utopian socialism.
2. the procedures and practices based upon this theory.
3. Marxist theory. the first stage in the transition from capitalism to communism, marked by imperfect realizations of collectivist principles. — socialist, n., adj. — socialistic, adj.

tomatoe----------toMATtoe if it looks like a duck if it quacks like a duck its a duck

from the fed, the consumer protection agency, unions,taxes,regulation, state controlled media,film,education,obama care to the massive entitlement system in america

all forms of redistributive change all under the guise of socialism or not it leads to the same place you broke and enslaved living under the governments dime and under its foot.

edit on 28-9-2010 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by OldDragger

I have heard it said that long reads can challenge the intellect....

If you could produce a Reuters or Associated Press Link.... heck any news source .... that Gathers together all this info and presents it in a well documented format such as presented by LJTG123... i would gladly like to see it

your comment is rude and obnoxious... and i know you intended it to be such... so i expect no remorse for such rash comments...

There is plenty i've read here that i never heard before.... even on the News station that loved to bash Obama, most of this was never covered...

Did the OP strike a nerve.... were you a supporter that now has "buyers remorse", perhaps you did hear this stuff before...and you chalked it up to Right-wing you see it was for the most part true?

May i see a post that you've put together that is as in depth about a topic as this OP has been presented?

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by neo96


And Obama has the sweetest little Quack, too bad it going to cause sooooo much damage before he done....

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 06:56 PM
Have no fear of Obama, fear those who enabled him, and made it possible for him to be elected, fear the same people who also enabled Bush to win two terms as your commander and chief.

There are powers far greater than the white house and congress working endlessly behind the scenes to influence and control government, the outcome of elections and the passage of agendas, wars, laws taxes bailouts ...on and on and on....

You can't stop them, you can't vote them out, and they will get their hand picked candidates into the offices they seek to control in the next round of elections.

Have a nice day!

By the way, wake the eff up!

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by Kaleokualoha were there and can testify under oath....he never had a mirror????

What is your point?

perhaps the mirror is symbolic.... last time i heard some writer will do that in know mix literal with Symbolic?

but unless anyone was an eyewitness....why would you gain say it.... because your a supporter... feel a need to defend him??? just what is your motivation, unless you have proof to the contrary?

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by tspark
reply to post by Kaleokualoha were there and can testify under oath....he never had a mirror????

What is your point?

perhaps the mirror is symbolic.... last time i heard some writer will do that in know mix literal with Symbolic?

but unless anyone was an eyewitness....why would you gain say it.... because your a supporter... feel a need to defend him??? just what is your motivation, unless you have proof to the contrary?

Sorry, but I failed to make my point. There is no empirical evidence that Davis is the subject of this poem. There is evidence, however, that Davis's apartment is NOT the location at which this happened. As they say on C.S.I.: "Follow the evidence!"

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 08:24 PM
Jumping to conclusions seems to be quite common in the fantasyland of the right-wing blogosphere. When asked to substantiate their conclusions, we may encounter bluster, red herrings, and ad hominem attacks more often than rational, focused answers. Military Intelligence students are quickly disabused of such behavior, and learn the value of supporting every conclusion they proffer.

Researchers at the Rand Corporation and other highly regarded research institutions often come from such rigorous backgrounds, where conclusions are based on empirical evidence, rather than wishful thinking. It's a pity that blogosphere researchers and commentators are not held to similar high standards of accuracy.

BTW: As a retired Air Force Intelligence Officer with specific training in Deception Analysis by the C.I.A. in 1989, I am familiar with political disinformation. I am familiar with disinformation campaigns, including Pope Gregory's misrepresentation of Mary Magdalene, Russian and German misrepresentation of Judaism, Operation Fortitude protecting the D-Day invasion, Operation Left Hook protecting the coalition drive into Kuwait, and the misrepresentation of the Iraqi threat this century.

edit on 28-9-2010 by Kaleokualoha because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-9-2010 by Kaleokualoha because: Add background

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