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posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 08:03 AM
ig-no-rance: The condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed.

Why are we here? Because there is something we have in common: the desire to find out hidden truths. To lift the veils cast upon certain events and take a peek at what they are hiding from us. To theorize and research about the conspiracies that exist in our world so we can expect the unexpected and be prepared for it.

Our task is not an easy one. A conspiracy is, by its very nature, born in secrecy. It's a plot, an agenda, made to decieve the masses in its attempt to reach its secret goal. Why does it have to be secret? Because, revealing the secret goal is preventing it from being achieved. Thus, lies and deceptions are the only way. Basically, it's to go from point A to point C, while making it look like going to point B.

The bigger the conspiracy, the more it affects the world and the more powerful are the conspirators involved. Unless the conspiracy is totally uncovered and proved to be true, we're left with the Conspiracy Theories.

The problem with the Conspiracy Theories is that we don't have all the pieces of the puzzle. And there are pieces that don't belong to the puzzle and are given to us by the infamous disinfo agents. We are left to our rational/logical/thinking process to put those pieces together as best as we can and try to see the bigger picture.

That means that Conspiracy Theories require a certain ammount of belief(or faith) since there is no final answer.

Summing it up, we have to do our own research, come up with as much evidence as we can and try to put them all together so they make sense, or at least so we can reach a conclusion in which we can believe to be true, or as close as possible to the truth.

Then comes the challenge:

The more pieces of the puzzle we have, the less speculation is needed to fill the gaps and the easier it is to process all that into something believable.
The less pieces of the puzzle we have, the more speculation is needed to fill the gaps and the harder it is to process all that into something believable.

I would advise people to try to find a balance.

It is ok to be skeptic. A skeptic wants to see more pieces of the puzzle than someonw who isn't skeptic. That is ok. It's not ok to be a blind skeptic. A blind skeptic IGNORES the pieces of the puzzle. He will only believe in it when the puzzle is complete.

It is ok to have faith. We need to be able to believe. How can a man be happy without believing in himself. To prove to yourself you can do something, first you have to try to do it. You won't be sure until you try it. Faith is essencial to any human being. Careful, though, with the blind faith. Blindly believing in anything is just as dangerous as being a blind skeptic. Use your critical mind. Sometimes new pieces of a puzzle can contradict our beliefs. A blind believer IGNORES those pieces of the puzzle.

Go easy on the wild theories. Some people want to make life a lot more grandious and mystical than it is. With almost no evidence at all, they just create this fantasy, this wild theory about the whole universe and stick to it like a prophet. Beware of false prophets. And in ATS, beware of the wannabe prophets. People who speak with authority about something that is only inside their head. Those wannabe prophets can't show you any pieces of the puzzle. All they have is faith and speculation.

Don't be a sheeple. Because of the very nature of conspiracies, we can't believe that the information being spoonfed to us are true, or the whole truth. After all, if there is a conspiracy, there is a hidden agenda. They will be lying to us and deceiving us in order to reach their goals. The sheeple are those who believe they are not being lied to. They are the ones who are satisfied with the official version of the events. If such an event is linked to a conspiracy, you can't trust the official story. A sheeple is capable of ignoring not only the pieces of the puzzle, but the whole puzzle, even after it is complete. All it takes is the MSM or any other authoritative figure to give an official version that denies the puzzle. And the sheeple will IGNORE the puzzle and follow the official story.

It is a hard thing, to find that balance. And that's why we are here, at ATS. People from all over the world, from many different backgrounds, are capable of helping each other to put the pieces of the puzzles together and try to make sense at it all so we can believe in ourselves, instead of believing in all the lies

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 08:48 AM
Great post... I would also advocate against 'researching a position'. The research itself must be objective... Don't go googling "9/11 was an inside job" and act suprised when all you get in response is what solution you were looking for. One must listen to both sides and attempt to determine the motives for each, if at all.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 08:18 PM
Conspiracies are kind of...
'd by the gov't. You can't go about saying "aliens R real bro!" without someone (usually the big crowds) doubting you. I've seen it happen.

Me: Did you know that aliens are real? (or something along those lines)
Idiots: NO WAY! You're LYING! *punches me*

85% of the world is the Idiot in that.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 09:36 PM
So "Deny Ignorance" means to deny the condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed?

Thanks! I never could figure out what that meant.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 03:29 PM
good, no great post.

it is sad that some people need to have it spelled out.
remember we are all like children when it comes to learning. the lesson needs to me beat into them over and over again before the child really gets it. ( no, not beat literally
well sometimes

edit on 11/21/2010 by -W1LL because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 06:30 PM
From this thread I've gathered that to deny ignorance, one must educate, inform, and make aware, the ignorant.
Many do not choose to do this, but I am glad to see many have come together on this site.
Super regards to you all!

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