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2012 and the Great Confiscation of Your Wealth and Why You Should Worry.

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posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 10:38 AM
Whether or not you believe there will be some type of world changing event in 2012, you government definately does, so they're taking action (on their behalf, not yours) and you are writing the check.
Let me explain. In this post I won't debate the existence of underground bases and other facilities we know exist and are being employed on a large scale. I'll give a very brief overview, then focus on how they're paying for it, how they cover the expenditures and a few other things that should give you pause.
There are two leading theories about the events that may unfold around 2012. One concerns the fact that the earth will cross the galactic plane, encountering gravitational disturbances and the other around Nibiru, or Planet X. Planet X, despite NASA's denials, was named by.......NASA. Without beating a dead horse, it was detected in the late 70's (orbital perterbences of the outer planets) and NASA sent the IRAS satellites to investigate, then announced to the world in '83 they had found a body perhaps several times the size of Jupiter. Shortly thereafter, came denials. Saucer? What Saucer? It's a weather balloon. Actual Encounters with Planet X and it's orbit are mentioned by the Egyptians, Sumerians, Minoans, Hindu. Chinese, and virtually every other culture that has texts going back 3600 years. Tree ring and Ice core data suggest flooding and dramatically increased volcanic and geophysical activity in regular 3600 year intervals.
As for an encounter with the galactic plane, simple astronomical observations confirm this, and again, it's documented by every ancient culture. Why would we ignore their word, when they've been proven accurate about the rest of the contents of their historical texts?
Your government is responding by building a number of not so secretive underground bases, where we can logically deduce they'll run and hide when the conditions warrent.
Evidence? Let's focus now on how that's being paid for. You no doubt have fond memories of the tarp and stimulus bills, between which the governmnet allotted about 1.2 trillion dollars. Thats one-thousand two-hunderd, thousand million dollars. Again, one-thousand two-hunderd thousand million dollars. In other words, enough money to buy all American tax-payers a new car. By logic, if you took that amount of money and distributed it equally among tax paying Americans, those behind on their mortgage would have caught up with plenty to spare, those with credit card debt would have become debt free, and those with no debt could have bought a new car, or boat, or remodeled their house, obviously ending any hint of a recession in short order. There's no question that would have worked quite well, though it would have created the same amount of foreign debt and devaluation of the dollar.
Instead, the tarp was used to buy prefered stock in banks. That's right. They gave it to the banks (by force, as some didn't want it) so they could loan us our own money. But it wasn't loaned out, because nobody wants to add debt right now (except our government). Let me translate what you should be reading into this. Government prints money to give to banks, which they pay right back. The money then goes into a government account, with which they put on deposit with the fed, and then becomes untraceable. In other words, they created a giant slush fund for themselves.
As for the stimulus (or "infrastructure spending"). Less than ten percent went into infrastructure (roads, bridges, etc.), In fact, most of the money hasn't been spent and now rests in a government account (say goodbye).
Obviously, the question you should be asking is "Why"?
But wait, there's more. The war costs us about $120 billion per year, at least that's what they "appropriate" for it. That's for about 140,000 troops at any given time. Lets do some math. That's about $857,000 per troop.
How about this. I take a troop, fly him over not on a transport, but first class ($3000 or so), Then, instead of feeding him MRE's at a few bucks apeice, lets give him a steak at say....Applebees 3 times a day ($75). And instead of a barracks or tent, lets put him up in a four star at $200 per day. And just for added comfort, his own new Range Rover ($50K). He'll need weapons and gear. What about a new AR, vest, chrome-plate 45 and 2000 rounds (call it $3000). Uniforms. Nah, instead ten Brooks Brothers suits. ($12,000). In fact, lets add a 42-inch plasma, I-phone, gps, laptop and a digital camera to film it all ($3500). While we're at it.....Let's pay him a six-figure salary and give him a gym membership. $103,000. Now let's total up. That makes $274,875. I support our troops, and they really have nothing to do with this mess, but are you beginning to see a pattern?
I know, planes are expensive and so's the fuel. Bet we already had them, and if they weren't flying there, they'd be flying somewhere else, so it's a non factor.
So what are they planning to do with all that money?
Now, lets look at a few more interesting things. Let's look at the B-52. I'm 50, and many of the B-52's that fly over my head everyday are older than I am. They've been through more than a few wars and flown more days than not, and there are no plans to retire them. But the space shuttles, which we spent billions of dollars to develop and maintain, are due to retire this year? Huh?
The main argument is safety. Again, I refer you to the B-52. It's a given that strapping to a rocket booster and blasting out of the atmosphere is a bit more stressful on the hardware, but who believes we cant overhaul and refit as we do with 50-year old bombers that have been flown 180,000 times? It just isn't plausible.
If it's the potential loss of life, remember, we're the same country that sent out B-17's knowing most of the crews would be lost over the course of a tour. Our people are brave and not afraid of risk, and our government really isn't that concerned over the off chance of losing a few astronauts.
One thing retiring the flights does do is remove the "human" element from the equation. In other words, witnesses. Now consider the host of new "solar telescopes" being launched in rapid succession from a span of nations. These take twenty years to plan and implement. This decision wasn't made last week.
Space station? Does anyone really believe it's value goes beyond observation? The claim is that we conduct "experiments" aboard the space station. How practical and viable is that? Let me explain. I'm sure it is just plain fun for a scientist to mix chemicals and prod rats in a gravity-free environment, but what does it actually accomplish. There may be some mild benefits or new observations about things we can do in a gravity free environment, but simply put, here on earth.....where we live.....we have gravity. Should we discover a new manufacturing application for a gravity free environment, there remains the problem that we can't build a factory to implement it in space. In other words, it doesn't do us much good.
Is it also a coincidence that by executive order posse comatodus (excuse spelling, but don't have time to check) has been rendered moot, and plans exist to train and post 400,000 troops in our communities to combat "civil unrest."
I would submit to you that the stimules, the tarp and much of the spending that vaulted us to this "stellar" level of debt ( which there seems to be no concern about repaying) are and we're means to create funds for purposes being kept secret from the American people. I would suspect this garnering of resources had a purpose, because the economics behind it wouldn't make sense to a six-year old. I'd appreciate your efforts in pointing out other evidence of this. Is our government revealing anything via recent decisions and planning?
One last nagging question. Why did Kennedy insist we develop the capability of going to the moon in less than a decade?

edit on 27-9-2010 by astrogolf because: Added an interesting video.

edit on 27-9-2010 by astrogolf because: Added an interesting video.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 10:52 AM
Thank you for leting us all know this truth and reality of things to come, my concern is been question by many and exactly this is what I've been warning people about, but it goes more deeper than that and people have no Idea what they are facing in the up coming future.

This is one of my first video I did about a year and half ago, I new this was coming and every body thought I was crazy for thinking so, so who is crazy now? I guess people like to listen more to smart ass's than people who is really concerned about the future of our species on this planet.

Enjoy the old video.

Five star post and flags.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:08 AM
Geez... Like Nibiru slamming into us wasn't enough!


posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by astrogolf

WOW bro!!!No words to describe your post and the amount of truth that there is within it. It's just ridiculous that the American government won't do a thing to save its own people. Man, its terrible to know all this stuff but not be able to do a thing to change it. But, mind blowing post bro! S&F......and thanks for sharing



posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by ringht_n_wrong
reply to post by astrogolf

WOW bro!!!No words to describe your post and the amount of truth that there is within it. It's just ridiculous that the American government won't do a thing to save its own people. Man, its terrible to know all this stuff but not be able to do a thing to change it. But, mind blowing post bro! S&F......and thanks for sharing




edit on 27-9-2010 by BIONICLE ALEX because: Off topic. sorry

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by BIONICLE ALEX

One of the more interesting aspects of all of this is that the Egyptians, Sumerians, Greeks, Minoans, Mayans and virtually all other cultures tell the same story of "gods from the sky". They were very large by comparison, white, and technically advanced. Why do academia and government write this off as an old wives tale, when evidence suggests otherwise. Remember, the Sumerians new the correct orbit of the planets in our solar system shortly after we came out of the last ice age. Our academics weren't able to discover Pluto until 1930. And, indeed, the Nephylym you mentioned from the bible.
Strangely, the four thousand year-old pyramids line up with their appropriate constellations........In 10,500 B.C. (due to the procession of equinoxes.)
Hopefully we'll find out what they're really doing with the stimulus and tarp money sooner rather than later.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by astrogolf
reply to post by BIONICLE ALEX

One of the more interesting aspects of all of this is that the Egyptians, Sumerians, Greeks, Minoans, Mayans and virtually all other cultures tell the same story of "gods from the sky". They were very large by comparison, white, and technically advanced. Why do academia and government write this off as an old wives tale, when evidence suggests otherwise. Remember, the Sumerians new the correct orbit of the planets in our solar system shortly after we came out of the last ice age. Our academics weren't able to discover Pluto until 1930. And, indeed, the Nephylym you mentioned from the bible.
Strangely, the four thousand year-old pyramids line up with their appropriate constellations........In 10,500 B.C. (due to the procession of equinoxes.)
Hopefully we'll find out what they're really doing with the stimulus and tarp money sooner rather than later.

I agree with you, is all true. Obviously you been doing your homework but because your accuracy you will be bombarded by these other guy's misleading like they have done on my post.

But what is important is that not every body is falling for this intervention and many more are awakening and noticing this change and as they go along with their research, most are realizing that this is all truth.

Thanks again.

edit on 27-9-2010 by BIONICLE ALEX because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by ringht_n_wrong

I want to add something. Without giving too much information, based on my line of work, I have a great understanding of how financial markets work. That being said. Let me give a brief example of how your government creates a false chrisis to create off the books funds.
Lets say I have a bank. We'll call it Joe's Bank and Trust. I'm a community bank. I have ten investors who put of $1 million per. I make 100 home loans at 100k per. All 10-year mortgages. Now. Lets make two assumptions. First, during the course of the next ten years, all 100 go into foreclosure. Not 1 percent not 5 percent, but 100 percent in foreclosure spread equally over ten years. Next, I assume that due to a poor housing market, I the bank recover only 70 cents on the dollar for the sale of the homes. Thats an average of 5 years payment of $1100 pre taxes and insurance. That's $66,000 per loan. Now, upon discounted sale of the homes I recover 70 percent of their value. $70,000 per home. That's $136,000 per loan on 100 loans for $13.6 million on a ten-million dollar investment. Banks do this on an incredible scale. That's a 36 percent return minus expenses. Not bad. But wait, the government wants to force a loan on me. I don't really need the money, so I take it and pay it back. Now it goes into a government account and disappears into the fed. Now the government has all the money it loaned to the banks. Here's a hint, it won't be returned to the taxpayer, but they will make use of it. To build their underground bases, hoard resources ( there won't be much $ around after the fact) and be in a better position than the Chinese and Russians when the smoke clears.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by astrogolf

From the financial reform bill

§ 5201. Purposes
(1) to immediately provide authority and facilities that the Secretary of the Treasury can use to restore liquidity and stability to the financial system of the United States; and
(2) to ensure that such authority and such facilities are used in a manner that—
(A) protects home values, college funds, retirement accounts, and life savings;
(B) preserves homeownership and promotes jobs and economic growth;
(C) maximizes overall returns to the taxpayers of the United States; and
(D) provides public accountability for the exercise of such authority.

Do you understand what the above means folks? This pretty much allows them to do ANYTHING to implement A-D.

So tell me, what are the limitations to the above? Anything goes?

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 01:37 PM
Terrific OP man! It's hard to argue with logic put out like that. At the very least, you may not show proof of what exactly they are using the money for, though I believe the reason you infer is the truth, you certainly show that they are stealing money hand over fist for something!

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by ringht_n_wrong

You can do something. Take a que from the government. Not their words, but their actions, which differ trememdously. Get 3 years water, food, batteries, hygeine products, medical products, etc. Extra lumber, firewood, lots of neosporin, and most of all, weapons and ammo. Get to know your neighbors, especially the ones who have enough sense to know something is amiss. Once panic sets in, the shelves will be bare and won't be resupplied. But hurry. Assuming you live at a decent sea level, you may be ok. Oh, and may I recommend a metal roof and as many solar panels as you can find. Also, the reason the government will help you pay for solar panels via a tax credit is that they don't want to waste money on an infrastructure that will be wiped out regardless in a few years.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by astrogolf

Hey buddy thx for the reply....that much I know already
...but what I'm really lookign for are what signs should I be watching for, like not only if the stock market crashes(which it might any time soon) but how do I know when people that know something starts to take action in the stock market? Get it?......
...anyways thanks for the input, really appreciate it!



posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 03:48 PM
im sorry but dont take offense to what i am about to say

i have never been one to beleive in the major conspiracy theorys of today. never beleived in the underground bases for one moment...but im starting to what this government has made no sense whatsoever from any common sense stand point.

it is a fact that this government is spending trillions and trillions of dollars and what do we really have to show for it?nothing that the average american can see but if those bases and supplying them and all that goes with it can and does explain where the money has gone.

2012 end of the world i guess we will find out when we get there what i do know for a fact that i will never see one and the majority of americans will never see one.

plan,prepare and plan and prepare some for the end may be nigh and my fellow americans if you want to see tomorrow forget that government take your own destiny into your own hands and insure that there is a tomorrow for you and yours.

god speed

edit on 27-9-2010 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 04:13 PM
Add on to this the trillions that Rumsfeld couldn't account for just before the 9/11 attack.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 04:27 PM
Thanks for the post. I really find it fascinating that I am born to experience this "said" harvest, I can imagine every and any possible scenario transpiring. I can imagine the month of december 2012 to be very exciting indeed...

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by keldas

Good point! It's interesting how quickly everyone forgot about the what was it, 1.2 TRILLION DOLLARS that Rumsfeld reported lost from the Department of Defense like 2 days before 9/11. Yeah convenient timing there. I don't think that the missing money was ever mentioned again!

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 09:17 PM
This is an excellent post! Simple logic and plausible situations definitely separate your scenario from most other "doomsday fear mongers". I'm young guy myself, only 19 years old. Been trying to find a job for the past 4 or 5 months without much luck. Gotta pay back loans from family members who helped fund my college experience. I've known something like this was gonna go down for quite some time now. I can honestly say I saw the signs earlier than most other people my age. Some of my friends also know, and we are preparing best we can, networking with people who would be useful in survival and what not.

My question is, how could a person like me make it through these upcoming times? Go into the mountains? Or do you think there isn't enough time for me to realistically make it? I appreciate honesty.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by prepared4truth

This is a good post you are right on with your take. It is logical and just makes sense. It's a pity more people aren't interested in it.

As for you running for the hills, my opinion, which is only that, is that you still have time. I wouldn't head for the hills just yet. And I'm not. lol. But I think it is a good idea to keep your eyes open and at the first hint of trouble, get outta Dodge! I say do your best to be prepared but if you go now, you may end up coming back before anything happens and then being stuck here at the wrong time!

Again just my opinion..

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:15 PM
get out of Dodge? the whole planet is Dodge so it seems.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:46 PM
thanks for the "heads up" OP!

It has been said that, "Not believing does not mean not being prepared"
This world has changed 200% since I was a child, its impossible to not perceive clearly that we are riding this straight into oblivion, things are not changing for the better, every little "good" "useful" thing comes to us at greater prices, taking it all.

The environment, regardless of global warming or cooling, or Nibiru and its host of meteorites of doom, is in fact changing, you do not need proof, you do not need "official sources" to really tell you the obvious, regardless of the event, even if it isn't on the eve of 2012, you need to get ready, starting by loosing the fear.

What is really the worst case scenario for any of us?

Id rather focus on the now, willing everything I've got into changing my immediate reality, focusing of leaving the large CITIES, saving, then selling then stocking and building, its not really hard, and even if nothing did happen, the overcrowding and insanity of large cities will make them eventually implode, again you do not need to be a "rocket surgeon" to know this, look at the things around, look at them for what they are really worth, they mean nothing compared to your freedom and consciousness.

And even if we did own the most valuable thing on planet earth, it would mean nothing when the ones that value it are dead and forgotten.
Embodied matter has to die, crumble and renew.

get ready people, you will remember the ones that told you this, and they will remember you as well.

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