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LEAKED EMAILS: Reveal Profits of Anti-Piracy Cash Scheme

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posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 06:23 AM
Weird, but good news. Honestly anyone who thinks that MPAA or RIAA or any multi-billion-dollar industry is fighting any noble cause [at any given time] must be under some severe hypnosis. One and only purpose, a law written in stone of any corporation is profit, legal or not - if it is profitable it is good. Besides, laws and regulations are only there to put a leash on small businesses and maintain the slave force aka working class.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 06:29 AM
aparently there's gonna be a collective attack:

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by serbsta
reply to post by freedomintruth

That's exactly the problem, it's not getting enough coverage, not enough people are aware that there is actually a war being fought right now. It has already started in France, with tens of thousands of IP addresses being reported daily. At this rate, a large majority of the nation will have suspended internet access. The scale of these operations which are being conducted is mind boggling, no wonder many people who are clearly innocent are being caught up in this farce.

Screw you ACS.

edit on 26/9/2010 by serbsta because: (no reason given)

Maybe this is a law being enforced in order to remove our internet access , to restrict our freedoms , in a move to suppress any truth the public try to find out about!.

Its another conspiracy theory , the powers that be are using this as a ruse in an attempt to restrict our freedoms to further their agenda

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by Alternative Thinker

That page has a list of prank calls made to Andrew Crossley!!!

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 07:09 AM

I kinda feel sorry for the likes of the

no I dont!

edit on 27-9-2010 by Nonchalant because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 07:56 AM
as I always say

piracy doesnt take money away for the business, it gives back as completely free advertising

simply because 99% of the people that download piracy, would never buy the retail and the digital copy doesnt cost the industry any money

but, by downloading the pirate product, they may buy the retail if they like it and provide free advertising in all social networks environments, all over the web, outside of the web ...

edit on 27/9/10 by Faiol because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by serbsta


posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 08:56 AM

Quite an insightful glance into some of mr Crossley's emails.

I'd hate to be in his shoes now.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 09:00 AM
Nothing surprising here... the creating of Law's to Fleece people of money. Not really a new concept. The fact that this one pertaining to Anti-Piracy seems to have started a small cyber war is comical.

"This money is divided between the law firm, the IP monitoring company and the copyright holders. "

I don't know ....but i think these doods & their Greed bit off more than they can chew. Andrew Crossley is probably having second thoughts ....with ever phone call he gets in the wee hours...

What they are doing is tantamount to waking a Hornets Nest with a stick ....
Personally I'd be scared #less if had a bunch of Hackers on my ass....

All thats gonna happen is P2P is gonna go deeper underground ....good clients already hide your I.P. from unscrupulous providers.... the sites with good content are all member ship required anyway.... ( who is still using the virus bay anyway ?)

most of the sites have moved to countrys that don't give 2 #s about America + Europe's Laws to begin with...
Just another way to TAX your ass...

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 09:02 AM
First of all if I'm not making any sales I should not be charged a fee to list any of the products.
Second even if I make sales they (the publishers) are to pay the copyright royalties.
Third: If I list one of your products and it is out dated don't tell me you're going to charge a fee to update your product as I will drop it from my list and let the company and or auther know of this.
Fourth: had I known about this, that I thought was just a scam to get money that I don't have and can't seem to get I would have been more than happy to have saved the e-mail and shared it with ATS.
Well that's me always dicovering things too late.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:36 AM
They are just trying to "Take" our Freedoms away.

From what I've been reading (from here and other sites) They No longer want us to be able to make copy's
of any Software, In which we Own.

Now this is definitely A problem.

They Are all Becoming "Dictators".

I will NOT let them Dictate my life.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by Alora
Deeply disturbing. Something I've noticed about us humans-- often when we claim to be doing something for good cause, there is frequently an underlying less-good reason beneath our noble surface. No wonder people root for the hackers/underdogs. Many times it seems that they are the only allies we've got.

Indeed. In a world ruled by banksters and corporate rule, which is only a newer version of the old mafia rule, the best people to follow are actually bandits with a cause. All the other "righteous" people turn out to be a bunch of corrupt little hypocrites who seek to gain always more power and privilege.

Chaos is liberty.

edit on 27/9/10 by Echtelion because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by mr-lizard

Thanks for that Mr Lizard - very insightful.

Seems that the first big news broadcaster to run with it is the BBC

Hopefully this will pick up momentum and find it's way to the rest of the news-sphere.

Again guys - let's not let this one slip - tell everyone you know about it because there is more at risk here than just movies and songs!


posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 12:06 PM

Very interesting, informative post you've put together there, sir; much to a pirates liking.

star + (pirate)flag

The entertainment-industry wants to make money, so it seems to me, the whole anti-piracy policy is all about to deploy a "alternative" system to get it and it seems to work.
someone said "content mafia"?...

PS Legal digital downloads (e.g.iTunes) are not so much for the artists either.


posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 12:25 PM
Whilst we are on piracy and copyright infringement topic, I just got this link from my brother about an internet blacklist. Dunno if this has already been discussed but I figure it goes hand in hand with this topic. I guess we can say they are attacking on all levels.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 01:07 PM
Since a large breaking news thread* I posted was removed by those who enjoy their civil liberties but can't condone their organisation for protection I thought I'd bump this thread. Funny if I'd sais it was an alien attack I'm sure it'd have been allowed.

The Beeb, as mentioned, is onto it now and the Guardian and a couple of reasonable tech mags too.

Hopefully this will catch fire by morning and we'll have a proper light of truth shone upon this and it not just being evil basement hackers!!


* The breaking news was large - not the thread.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 01:12 PM
Pity the Beeb are speaking all high and mighty and diverting the facts to make Crossley look like a victim, ass opposed to the hundreds of victims of his extortion and blackmailing.

But at least the info is leaking out.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 01:18 PM
lol, man these "infringement' quacks are so scandalous!

alot of these so called 'pirated' copies of movies, songs, and software are - most of them - PAID FOR via either ADVERTISING, or DATA MINING trojans built into the installer programs these software downloads come with - AKA InstallAware, Microsoft Installer, InstallShield, Wise, Innuos Installer, WinBatch, PackageAware, InstallFromTheWeb, PackageForTheWeb, InstallOnDemand, ILOK, Connexant, and others.

The movies and MP3 files have DATA MINING and TRACKING malware, cookies, and or Trojans built into them that enable the theft of data that is in turn used for profit...

What's really sad is that those that actually purchase many of these items are also subjected to this, having to incur a substantial amount of loss on top of having paid for it too!


They're serving FRESH HAY down in the lounge, get some now before it disappears! Trust me, it goes fast... REAL FAST....

How sad!

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by Heyyo_yoyo

My personal favorite part of your post is how you cite your sources for these claims.

no wait you didn't did you?

Ok, my personal favorite part of your post is how you didn't cite anything you claimed,


posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Alora
Deeply disturbing. Something I've noticed about us humans-- often when we claim to be doing something for good cause, there is frequently an underlying less-good reason beneath our noble surface. No wonder people root for the hackers/underdogs. Many times it seems that they are the only allies we've got.

I have been preaching this since god I can't remember now. I never trust a human being when it comes to kindness. They always have some agenda and it is mostly 'cash'. Money is the root of all evil and if you don't believe it then you need to get out more.

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