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Small Brown Aliens, anyone had a similar experience?

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posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 10:27 AM
I have had experience with a dark tannish alien with very wrinkled skin, like a sharpei, very black almond eyes and a grin that took up his entire face. He was seated in a large chair observing my examination and I assume egg extraction but I would estimate him being roughly 2 or 3 feet tall if he were standing. Very small, and smaller than the greys who were assisting the much taller whiter skinned greys that were the actual "dr's".

I seriously found him comical in looks and he had the longest toenails, these things on his feet that looked like sandals. Im sure if able I would have laughed if not terrified and completely unable to move except my head and my eyes,He was not really skinny tho, actually had a buddha belly so I nicknamed him Buddha. It is the only time out of many abductions I ever saw that race of being.

Had I not woken up, I would of thought he was definitely some silly dream but was very much awake. He was amused I had woken up too.Such an extreme air of superiority to him. He gestured to the smaller greys to put me back to sleep, I was in pain and welcomed the sleep.A smaller grey got right into my face and stared deep into my eyes. He smelled so bad and then I was out again.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 07:24 PM
The cause could be Little Brown Mushrooms (LBM's)...

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 05:06 AM
Lazarus Short,the mushroom experience doesnt add to or override the abduction experience,many abductees turn to alternative realities through substance abuse ,but truth be told you cant forget hardwired events,and really why would you want to?

These arent drug induced episodes,in fact we are fortunate to be able to read of others experiences ,twenty years ago none of us would have ever crossed paths,now we see how common our experiences are and how broad the spectrum of location and abductee type happens to be,we can even track these abductions by locale and identify patterns.

It seems that there is a correlation between the actual abductees,thousands of people with common dreams of specific events,and historical events going as far back as recorded history takes us.There is a common thread,and that is humanity.

These are people,related to us,green men are no less possible than white or red men.

Personally I havent seen a green human,but it seems likely that there could be green ones to me.

See my point,I wonder if all the Indigenous peoples from our recent past in north america were eating little brown mushrooms when they first saw white men?Or did they immediatly start eating them RIGHT AFTER they saw their first paleface.Probably right after,and we didnt go away for them either ,did we?I am not advocating mushroom consumption,just going with the flow.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 08:34 AM
To the OP and others who have seen brown E.T's There is a thread that has a picture of a creature-
Does it look like what you saw?

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by ActuallyActuary

Originally posted by kristobal
-weird low-pitched buzzing noise


-freaky feeling just before bed, visual sense of seeing shapes out of the corner of your eye
-sleep paralysis
-small creatures (aliens?), brown in color, big bug-like black eyes, three fingers, tiny limbs. Almost cat-like.

Honduran illegal aliens? Threefingerness is endemic for unskilled laborers entrusted with power tools.

DARN! You beat me to it!


posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 07:58 AM
I had a similar experience to the original poster about a month and half ago. I was not as rattled because I think that my experience was less intense. But I can't forget it. It just keeps coming back into my mind.

I'm a 24 year old man. Like him i was paralised on my back. Only able to move my eyes. And like him I had never had an experience of being paralised but awake before. I could feel the presence of something in the room before i saw what it was. It was standing on the floor near the corner of the room.

It looked to be about 70-80 cm (2.3 - 2.6 feet). It had brown skin with no hair and large black eyes. Also it appeared to have a long tail about 40cm long with a sharply pointed end (like an arrow). It appeared to be controlling its tail with surprising dexterity.

After that i feel back asleep. Since about that time i have been having constant pain and discomfort in my abdomen. I have also been suffering from chronic migraine for 5 years and have had non stop migraine and nausea for over 3 years now.

I'm still not sure if it was a real alien or not. I didn't even believe in aliens. It could have been just a dream and the pain could be unrelated. But since the story of the original poster had some similarities i thought that sharing my story could be of some use.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by of the Ether

You are telling the truth,nasty little pricks and their liquid eyes,they are like little dinosaur like ewoks,I was actually physically taken from my home by these little farts,they have a different phisiology than us in a few major ways,concerning their blood.They sometimes wear dirty looking little hooded robes,I am sorry for your event happening.

Humanity needs to activate its defences globally and we need to protect our women and our DNA,think about the consequences of someone stealing our DNA they could create entire worlds and enslave them,we need to protect our genetic material.

Dont discount that you might get a shot at the little DNA thief one day,some of us have long memories.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by kristobal

I think you might have had an aborted OBE. Nothing to worry about, you probably freaked instead of going with bit.the Universe seems to hand out a few freebees, to make us relise that another dimension exists then its up to you what you do with.

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by anonentity

They dont abort anything and if you mean out of body experience by OBE you better change it to out of bed experience because these are real events friend,and it is not ok,our government and military is supposed to be protecting us ,this is a crime.

Acceptance is a right we all are born with,the fact that people are not accepting this as reality is a crime against humanity as much as the abductions are.

Someone should sue the government ha ha ha ha ,see the point.but it is not ok or alright.

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 01:36 PM
Can anyone teach me how to have such experiences because I don't seem to get any and it looks too far from reality to believe it happens on other than dreams or hallucination

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 01:51 PM
I don't know what all the mystery is about concerning small brown aliens. You see them all the time, particularly in Nevada, New Mexico, California and Texas. They're permanently climbing over the fence from Mexico and crossing the desert there in droves.

posted on Feb, 13 2016 @ 10:05 PM
I've recently come across this thing myself but its not with night terrors. I wake up a lot at 5am to use the bathroom and its always standing there in the kitchen looking towards the cabinets, side facing me. Only get a glance but it terrifies me. It's wrinkly and a brown colour, like a tan mud, bout 4-5 foot tall and with bad posture hunched over. I have been having headaches the past month but I figured it was just the weather changing. I've always had that feeling tho with being watched and that's another story.. If anyone knows how to get the thing to go away it would be appreciated

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