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Is this 9/11 nonsense going to ever go away? ZERO eveidence but still pushing on!

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posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by jfj123


No Evidence.
I see a lot of People doing their Forensics from their Lounge Room watching a TV or
Watching YouTube. That's not Evidence of anything.

It maybe so, that the Material was sent to the scrapyard too quick.
But, If somebody is hit in the head with a Bullet, you don't need to examine the Body
to find out WHAT killed him. Likewise, a Jumbo Flies into the Building, Building go boom.
Do I really need to examine the Building as to what made it collapse. (this was before all
this Conspiracy Nonesense was started)

Having another Investigation won't reveal anything more, there's No Steel, No Concrete,
No piece of Paper with Bush's Okie Dokie on it. All you have as evidence is People's Memories of the Day. But I get the feeling that these Truthers just believe that somewhere in the Pentagon there's a Three-Lock Box with a Piece of Paper with Instructions on it, and they won't stop until they open that Three-Lock Box, Yarr.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 08:26 AM
Wow... your member name is L1U2C3I4F5E6R?

Look everybody, his name is L1U2C3I4F5E6R.

Hey, L1U2C3I4F5E6R, did you ever consider that by creating this post, you are perpetuating the "old news" that is 9/11?

And the rest of you...
You should be ashamed for responding to someone whose screen name is L1U2C3I4F5E6R.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 08:40 AM

My point is that "truthers" keep asking for a new investigation but they really don't want one nor can there ever be one that would satisfy the truthers. They already have decided what the truth is for them, so unless the investigation turns out to show exactly what every truthers believes (simply not possible), truthers will not believe any investigation. Have you noticed that none of the truthers will answer my questions about beginning a new investigation?
Who should run the investigation?
Who should be involved in the investigation?
Ultimately what if the new investigation shows what the first investigation showed?
They don't want to answer those questions because it would ruin their fantasy.

Therefore, because noone has responded to your questions then you just dismiss their concerns as fantasy?

The so called "truthers" are only asking for a totally honest and transparent investigation into the events of 9/11.

As to who should run the investigation, who normally runs criminal investigations?
Why is it up to people here on ATS to provide that answer?
Those that ran the previous one would be perfectly capable to re-investigate but maybe this time be a lot less hamstrung in the powers they have to question witnesses.
Your whole premise that they don't want to answer your questions for fear of ruining their fantasy is absurd.
Wanting another investigation is not reliant upon them answering your questions.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 08:57 AM

Here's what will Happen:

Dubya gets called to the Stand
ATS: Dubya, Did you or any member of the White House have any role in Events leading
up to the events of 9/11

Dubya: No

ATS: Dubya, Did you or any member of the White House allow the events of 9/11 to happen

Dubya: No

Well That settles it, he's guilty, he's obviously covering it up.
Let's string him up boys!

edit on 9/21/2010 by 12m8keall2c because: [edit: removed unnecessary quote of entire previous post] Quoting - Please review this link

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by skeptic_al
reply to post by jfj123


No Evidence.
I see a lot of People doing their Forensics from their Lounge Room watching a TV or
Watching YouTube. That's not Evidence of anything.

It maybe so, that the Material was sent to the scrapyard too quick.
But, If somebody is hit in the head with a Bullet, you don't need to examine the Body
to find out WHAT killed him. Likewise, a Jumbo Flies into the Building, Building go boom.
Do I really need to examine the Building as to what made it collapse. (this was before all
this Conspiracy Nonesense was started)

Having another Investigation won't reveal anything more, there's No Steel, No Concrete,
No piece of Paper with Bush's Okie Dokie on it. All you have as evidence is People's Memories of the Day. But I get the feeling that these Truthers just believe that somewhere in the Pentagon there's a Three-Lock Box with a Piece of Paper with Instructions on it, and they won't stop until they open that Three-Lock Box, Yarr.

This is a joke right? Autopsies are done regardless of whether a death may seem like an obvious bullet to the head.
If a plane flies into a building and the building collapses an investigation is done to determine why, else how will you know how to stop this from occuring again?
Wouldn't you want to know how it was done?
How would you know that this was the cause of the collapse?
If it was terrorists as claimed then it was crime scene and a proper, thorough investigation should have been done.
If your home was burnt down then it would be treated as a crime scene until it could be determined whether it was arson or purely accidental (electrical fault, deep fryer, cigarette etc).

The ad hominem that you suggest of the three-lock box is nonsense and no basis for a solid arguement on your part.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by skeptic_al
Here's what will Happen:

Dubya gets called to the Stand
ATS: Dubya, Did you or any member of the White House have any role in Events leading
up to the events of 9/11

Dubya: No

ATS: Dubya, Did you or any member of the White House allow the events of 9/11 to happen

Dubya: No

Well That settles it, he's guilty, he's obviously covering it up.
Let's string him up boys!

Ridiculous response. Please, at least argue intelligently.
This is just childish dribble.
I'm obviously wasting my time with you.

edit on 9/21/2010 by 12m8keall2c because: clipped quote to relevant portion - Quoting - Please review this link

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 09:24 AM
Perhaps its outside your realm of thought processing or do not have the background and experience to formulate a constructive argument. So instead you lash our with YOUR view and take on what others are saying.

I can only ponder why it seems to irk you so much so that you feel the need to negatively and without evidence of your own to counter the others that you felt the need to post.

Does not matter.. as with some.. the need to beat ones drums just for the sake of getting attention and giving off an impression that you have the answer is enough for others to follow you blindly.

I believe you met your objective.


posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by The Ghost Who Walks

I am being as serious as those saying "New and Improved Evidence"
Or could be as Redicules. Take your Pick.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 09:57 AM
To say "truthers" (a term I hate, btw), are afraid of the "truth" that America is vulnerable to attacks by a small band of mislead Islamic extremists is a valid point. People don't want to believe that the greatest power on Earth is able to fall victim to guys with cessna training and box cutters. It's a hard pill to swallow. You're right, that it is much easier to see the "conspiracy" of a grander scheme. Does that mean the "truthers" are wrong? Absolutely not, because the door swings both ways. Those who say the truthers are afraid of a small power attacking such in a powerhouse and succeeding, must also admit that they are not immune to fear, and have fears of their own. I for one think it's much less scary that a small band of would-be religious nut jobs attacked us on 9/11/01, than the idea that our own government designed and executed those attacks. However; I am more inclined to believe the latter. Why? Because there is more evidence of a Government conspiracy than there is of a terrorist attack. The only proof of "Terrorists" is pictures of guys that may or may not have been on the flights, and that may or may not have been involved. That's it. And we only know that because of hearsay. And even IF the planes were piloted by Islamic extremists, and that no bombs were used, does that mean that the Government wasn't involved?
So that leads us to the other end of the argument.... the question; what is the proof of the Government's supposed involvement?
Research "Operation Northwoods". After you've researched that 1962 declassified Department of Defense created contingency, add it to the personal vendetta that Bush openly had with the Middle East. Add that to the fact that in July (and this is no conspiracy or secret) a CIA operative met with Bin Laden. Days after this meeting, Bin Laden says to "expect something big".
(I.E. Bin Laden being involved does not equal No U.S. involvement. No bombs being used, and the buildings collapsing straight down does not equal No U.S. involvement.) I'm not saying they did either. I'm just saying if this were a trial in court, I'd be sweating bullets if I were the Government.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by The Ghost Who Walks

Not a Joke
You would rip the head apart to find the bullet to find out whom, but not
What. And this won't tell you why anyway.

Prevent it from happening again?, How often is a Plane going to Ram
a Building at Full Tilt?

The Why is Pretty Obvious for all those not living in the USA.
And for Every Crime there is always a Motive.
I can easily understand the Motives for the Terroists, that's a No Brainer.
I can not understand the Motive for Americans to put Explosives AND Thermite into a Building that was going to rammed by a Jumbo. Now If you can explain How all that makes any rational sense at all, then I'm with ya.

It would have been so much simpler to fill a couple of Vans with a few Tons of some Amonium Nitrate and a Koran of course and Bobs your uncle. And if your the CIA or FBI you could knock this off in an afternoon and be home in time Dinner.

Ah-Ha, then why didn't the Terrorists do that?
To answer that you have to think like them. You want the whole world to see it. You want the whole world to know who you are. You want it to be bigger than anything that has happened anywhere before. You want to show the whole world you are willing to give up your life for your cause, that's how seriuos they were. And Americans still don't get it or they
simply don't want to accept it was their fault.


posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 10:11 AM
You know what...I find it so intriguing that the whole ploy has worked a treat as i can see by the responses from non truthers....I find it amazing that people actually believe pilots that only had a few crappy hours on cessna training actually believe they were able to take box cutters jump into Sophisticated computerized 767/757 cockpits all of them got by security and flew theses jumbo jets into three targets,,,,and attempted the fourth....which by the way was wtc7 but that is too logical as that would explain why it had to be pulled.
but instead of believing that Larry Silverstein bought the towers(cause he felt compelled). off the chairman of the port Port Authority Lewis M. Eisenberg who was friends with Frank Lowy's Westfield America And the chairman Ronald Lauder(Billionaire Estée Lauder Cosmetics magnate) of Governor George Pataki's commission on privatization. Also got the former Stewart Air Force Base to become privatized. Oddly, the flight paths of flight 175 and flight 11 converged directly over this airport.
Never mind the fact that airport security from where all four planes were high jacked on 9/11 were Israeli-owned (ICTS International), and it's owner and operator, Menachem Atzmon, was convicted for money laundering for the Likud Party of Israel.
Oussama Ziade CEO PTECH A list of Ptech clients includes the FAA, N.A.T.O, United States Armed Forces, Congress, Dept. Of Energy, Dept. of Justice, FBI, Customs, the IRS, the Secret Service, and even the White House
Dov Zakheim Corporate VP1 at System Planning Corporation, a major player in the "Homeland Security" industry. One of the products that SysPlan sells is the Command Transmitter System, a remote control system for planes, boats, missiles and other vehicles2 . It's highly customable and configurable to interface with an almost limitless number of vehicle types.
The remote control theory of 9/11 looks a little better every day.

ALl zionists...and so much more in government positions with lots of know how and financial dont know about you...but i know what i would tend to believe.

want all the info

oh yes lets not forget Mr. Ezra Harel who is involved with ICTS the son of a founding member of guess who MOSSAD.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 10:18 AM

Thank you for that insight into truther thinking. Very informative.

edit on 9/21/2010 by 12m8keall2c because: removed unnecessary quote of entire previous post - Quoting - Please review this link

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by Mactire

Proof of Terrorists you say......

How about those Fake Phone calls from those Fake Planes, describing them as Arabs (Not Islamic)
Of couse can't forget those Fake Flight Schools they went to.
And then there's those Fake Appartments they supposedly rented and the supposed Neighbours thought
it was bit strange that they were home all day.
And then theres the Faked Plane Cabin recordings
And those Faked Pictures of Radio Controlled Planes going into a Building

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Kokatsi
Not too surprisingly, the OP's "arguments" sound very similar to those of irated high-school teachers in the Soviet system where I grew up. No development, no conclusion, the OS is absolutely right, you truthers are a ridiculous bunch in the face of all serious society (professors etc.), where is the evidence (ATS is full of meticuous evidence threads BTW)... and once a truther, you also believe annihilation by Mayans in 2012...

There are Hundreds of professors, teachers, pilots, poiticians etc who all agree that 9/11 was an inside job and have provided evidence to back up their arguements so your point is pretty weak. In addition just because I may believe that 9/11 was an inside job DOESN'T mean that I believe every other 'truthers' story. Why don't you think for yourself and do some research instead of just repeating what everyone else says???

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 11:12 AM

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by skeptic_al
reply to post by jfj123


No Evidence.
I see a lot of People doing their Forensics from their Lounge Room watching a TV or
Watching YouTube. That's not Evidence of anything.

It maybe so, that the Material was sent to the scrapyard too quick.
But, If somebody is hit in the head with a Bullet, you don't need to examine the Body
to find out WHAT killed him. Likewise, a Jumbo Flies into the Building, Building go boom.
Do I really need to examine the Building as to what made it collapse. (this was before all
this Conspiracy Nonesense was started)

Having another Investigation won't reveal anything more, there's No Steel, No Concrete,
No piece of Paper with Bush's Okie Dokie on it. All you have as evidence is People's Memories of the Day. But I get the feeling that these Truthers just believe that somewhere in the Pentagon there's a Three-Lock Box with a Piece of Paper with Instructions on it, and they won't stop until they open that Three-Lock Box, Yarr.

Hey jerkoff, the evidence has been floated off on a barge to china. You're wrong wrong wrong in regards to your autopsy analogy. A dead man can't refuse an autopsy. In addition coroners perform autopsies on EVERYONE regardless of the manner of death provided their body isn't a grease spot. The insurance companies bank on drugs or other foreign stuff we're not supposed to have in our bodies to disqualify payment. Police investigators rely on a proper autopsy to rule out foul play. I can't believe the ignorance of you mofos. Money truly does sway judgement for the worse. 911 is evidence of that. People like you are evidence of that. Too bad the likes of you people weren't in those towers. Man I'm gona get banned but IDGAF anymore. I'm tired of being cordial and havin to suck ass to these stupid people, I'm a free man GODDAMNIT!!! I'm angry as hell!

edit on 21-9-2010 by NOTHING 4 NO ONE because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by skeptic_al

Do you only half read posts, and then comment. Let's make a list of things you thought I said, but didn't:
I NEVER said>
-The planes were radio controlled
-that the pictures were faked
-that "Arabs" (which is further nonsense that I won't get into here) never took over planes, or that they were
living here and taking Cessna training courses.
-That phone calls were faked by loved ones calling home.

Those are all things YOU claim I said. I only said that the planes were piloted into buildings, but that IS NOT proof of a FOREIGN terrorist attack. I only said that the "Middle Eastern" hijackers was hearsay. That any plan executed by Osama Bin Laden is/was more than likely an act of coordination between the CIA and himself, based on the written/documented evidence. That the agenda of the hijackers is weaker than that of the Right Wing and Bush's (he was quoted saying this) "New Crusade in the holy land".

Anyone who thinks the government even tells 10% of the truth about anything in so naive that they're brains can't comprehend the inhumanity that is inherent in those in power. How do you think they got into those positions of power. The term killer instinct comes to mind. That's why most of us will never be millionaires or billionaires. We lack the cold heartedness to do what is necessary to achieve that kind of wealth and power. You probably think Skull and Bones and Bohemian Grove are all lies too.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 11:36 AM
the mass murder complicit sayanim are out in full force, its sad to be so emotionally crippled and politically and historically confused that you would do anything for the primacy and domination on israel even aid the mass murder of innocent office workers

israel and the pentagon did the 911 mass murder event, so digest that and move on!

"what did you do in the war against humanity daddy?" why thats simple little one" i helped various intelligence agencys of psychotic criminal nations commit mass murder upon office workers and start endless wars in the middle east for the simple purpose of demonizing muslims and promoting fascism and police state conditions in the formerly sane nations of the west"
and ifd do it adain , because im an insane zealot , and a' zombie', as Fela Kuti would say

the educated world knows that 911 was a psyop done jointly by the psychotic state of israel , with concurrent false flags from the united state military,and the nsa, themselves no strangers to paranoia and pyschotic acts of murder

israels stock is in the toilet on this one boys and girls, and no amount of disinfo crap fromyou glassy eyed supporters of isreal will ever make that go away

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 11:50 AM
I bet they woudn't have looked for explosives back in 93 had a large plane smashed into the bommed tower neither,the planes were the troyans so to speak the second time

edit on 21-9-2010 by SL55T0T0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 11:56 AM
Perhaps the term 'truther' could be interpereted as being a tad presumptous..I'd call myself pro-investigation - I mean a REAL investigation - somewhere at least on par with Pres. Clintons sexual naughties.

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